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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57416823 No.57416823 [Reply] [Original]

What were you thinking right there?

>> No.57416845

"Phew, finally I can breathe a little"

>> No.57416877

"i will buy 1k worth of btc a week until we cross 20k". And then i did.

>> No.57416899

bear fags during that moment:
"3k is programmed bobros"
it's the same with what they're doing right now calling for 12k

>> No.57416900

"its over"
*chugs liquor*

>> No.57416912

"almost at my 12k target"

>> No.57416955

i bought

>> No.57416960

I wish I had more money to buy

>> No.57416997 [DELETED] 

"btc is a pure shit of scam, run" . i fucked up lmao.

that one guy in beoble and twitter said that next is 32k and 19k again for btc. So, its time for me to buy (i think). lol

>> No.57417012

I mean I was pretty disoriented.
the coin I was waiting to buy fell below my target purchase price by like 15% lower, and I remember telling my wife, I can't tell whether I should FOMO everything in right now, just lump half and load up again in a little bit.
unfortunately for me I lumped twice, but basically ended up with an average purchase price around 40% higher then the absolute bottom.
which is pretty good anyways.
now my buddy only made a bunch of bad trades and I told him about the coin I like.
he got butthurt and insists he can buy it 40% lower then I bought it. the absolute bottom.
but it's just his insecurity, because he thinks he's smarter then me, he's upset he can't a better price then I did.
which is even sadder because he thinks he should be making more then me, but my base is bigger then his and my wife actually works and makes more then both of us.
so unfortunately I'm gonna lose a friend when it really takes off.

>> No.57417023

such a poor faggots.

>dumbass nigger
>fuck urself
>btc dump

>> No.57417029

well everyone was calling for sub 10k, my main concern was about having broken the last cycle top for the first time ever (in the previous cycles, it never ever went under the previous cycle's top, not even with the pandemic crash, instead this time we went to 15-16k vs a 20k top). So yeah, fear was strong and i dca'd normally instead of buying way more

>> No.57417032

that its gonna go lower

>> No.57417053

sentiment was that it was going to 3k lul.

I bought btc around there, and waited with a boatload of cash, bought a bit more at 20k.
Sold now at 44k, and I am sidelined lul

>> No.57417075

i was in the hospital after being in a coma for a month. if i hadn't been, i would have told everyone to buy

>> No.57417095

Everyone was calling for 12k

Obvious bottom.

>> No.57417115

"fuck, run".
>i know im a stupid nigger

If btc touch 25k , im gonna buy it. well, all socials like twitter and beoble said that btc will go to 32k and 19k (worst case). so lets just wait and see now.

>> No.57417157

only redditors. every single person on this board said anything under $22k is a good purchase price back then.
neverending posts about 'this is your last chance to get the best price' etc.
seriously stop reading reddit.
just makes you gay and retarded.

>> No.57417175
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>> No.57417189
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the same thing i was thinking through all the downturn:

"we are fucked, we ded, i will never financially recover"

>> No.57417208

but only because I knew after being here for years the best time to buy was deep bear market, but I threw that out the window and didn't buy.

>> No.57417227

about jews

>> No.57417232

I was maxing out my credit card to buy a protocol

>> No.57417258

I was so close to slurping 1 whole BTC at $16,800 but i decided not to and i hate myself

>> No.57417266

I was starting to get worried about the possibility of my longs getting liquidated.

>> No.57417311

i was in ben cowens TG at that time and retards were selling 16k to buy at 10k

>> No.57417535

This, kek

>> No.57417584

it gongo up

>> No.57417610

i felt like i was throwing money away daily for months by buying in depression

>> No.57419716


>> No.57419747

>time to buy

>> No.57419753

I bought 0.5 BTC right there. And was later mad at myself for not buying more.

>> No.57419762
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bro you are so right it's time to buy that token that's a good bet let's go boys to the moon we go and all that other stuff they say too anyway i am totally going to invest in this but first you gotta invest in my nft collection it's called cumcoins and i promise it will make you rich and my huge cock is definitely going to pump it

>> No.57419880

I can totally buy a shitcoin like PEPE and 300x my stack before I buy Bitcoin before the halvening.

>> No.57420111
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We are not gonna make it

>> No.57420272

The difference between getting in now and getting in at 30k is taht if you get in at 30k you dont need an ATH to 2x your money.
If you get in now you need a retarded ATH

Fuck this shit. It needs to go to 30k.

>> No.57420316

All in

>> No.57420327

I feel the same way, and I wish I had money right now, especially with my fave altcoins at a discounted price on my Tap Fintech account. XTP, SAND, and LRC look like good buys.

>> No.57420382

>quit my job when btc was 69k
>entire portfolio is down 90%

"supercycle was a meme, i got psyop'd again. it's over"

>> No.57420408

>finally we get cheapies but price is too damn high
>2018 was way worse so there is certainly lower lows ahead but I'll start DCA now into BTC and wait for new narratives on alts
>I get to watch all the current cycle alts die and baggies be born
>who will be the new NEO, the new digimarines?
>Why is it going back up so soon?

>> No.57420986
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Waiting for new narratives? Account abstraction is one worth exploring, anon. Brillion has caught my interest, leveraging NexeraID tech to enhance greater privacy and security.

>> No.57421094

> Banks going bankrupt
> Exchanges going bust
> Mining unprofitable
>Price unchanged for weeks
>People killing themselves
>Homelessness skyrocketing
I went all in. Anyone who didn't is a retard that missed their opportunity waiting for 12k. Now I'm waiting cozy while all the leveraged fags are getting wrecked trying to get in

>> No.57421132

same thing i was thinking in summer 2021

>> No.57421246

What will happen when riots start happening when people cannot pay their mortgages due high interest rates catching up with real economy and businesses?

>> No.57421693

i was buying all the LINK i could
they preformed fairly evenly from that point so im happy.
now im unemployed and hoping to get a job so i don't have to dip into said LINK

>> No.57421882

Go back to pol, chuddie.

>> No.57421898

There are sentiment indicators that when they spike, they mark bottoms.
Why the fuck don't people just look at those indicators and buy when they spike. Seriously.

>> No.57421924

>"Wow I'm really enjoying this Persona 5 game."
Then I transitioned and one month later bought XRP.

>> No.57421933

I buyed just like i buyed the wole bear market up to that point. I had already been coping for 6 months at least telling myself "soon it will go back up again". Turns out I was right. Feels good being a slurpCHAD, even though I felt poor as fuck in 2022 desu.

>> No.57421953

I need some eth for fees then I'll send back


>> No.57421969

Can't use binance and I need it ASAP. Pls og bizbrahs

>> No.57421976

>Shit, if only it bottomed out when I was getting paid. I don't have any money to slurp

>> No.57421978

Fuck off jeet

>> No.57422017

Fuck off Rajesh

>> No.57422138

I wasn't paying attention at all. I only checked the price around November because I think I heard something about the ETFs
Kinda sucks being a midwit, barely one step above literal NPCs

>> No.57422147
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as for my humongous cock you can't even handle it

>> No.57423899

Felt like the bottom, or very close to it. My panic price was 13k, as I felt that going below 13k introduced the possibility of kissing 10k and, psychologically, Bitcoin below 10k is so close to 0.

t. bought at 16k and continued buying up to 21k

>> No.57425006

>Wow we just got rid of a massive piece of shit who was holding down the entire industry. Hyperbullish.

Then I went in BTC with all the size I could muster.

>> No.57425047
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>> No.57425051
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I had a buy order at $15,000 since 2020 and it never triggered. I thought I was being conservative with a $15,000 order because i thought it would go to $9,000 or something

>> No.57425179

I stopped looking at anything finance related whatsoever for almost 2 years until I returned at the beginning of december
somehow didnt even notice the rally between october and december until it was to late

>> No.57425192

i shouldnt have bought back at 22.5k, its going lower.

>> No.57425211
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>anon dec 2022, colorized

>> No.57425368

>I'll buy next week if this holds

>> No.57426807

finally i own more gold than bitcoin

>> No.57426825

I was thinking the bobos on this board were retarded.

>> No.57426859

"10k or no buy, I am not risking my large load for pennies"

>> No.57428883
File: 194 KB, 1024x700, tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I was crying like a pussy at this point. Capitulated in July, down 70%.

I was thinking, "Oh God, I swear I will follow my plan next time, please God please." Hopefully I learned my lesson, now in (Used) Porche profit.

>> No.57430069

I waited for 14k. Damn I wanted to buy that price at 50%. Nonetheless went all in when hit back 20k. Things happens.