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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57416519 No.57416519 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do to make it within the next two cycles? I don’t think I have enough to make it this cycle without too much risk

>> No.57416533

Shutup retard
But 0KN, ETH, TAO, and BTC

>> No.57416551

I'm thinking of buying 1 BTC, then the rest to ETH and some new cycle shitcoins

>> No.57416554


>> No.57416560


>> No.57416573

I'm already a whale in it, but I have almost everything in cash

>> No.57416619

there wont be 2 cycles. the next one will be the last big one

>> No.57416633

what would you recommend to make the most of this cycle then?

>> No.57416668

Unironically BSV.
CSW can't lose the court case in the UK, as he is literally a British intelligence asset.
When he wins, BSV will rise.

>> No.57416713

Just copy virtual bacon 2024 portfolio

>> No.57416725

Buy AVAX, FET, and maybe some LINU.

Could probably do a low stress 10X on just AVAX and FET

>> No.57416747


not sure if enough to make it with 100k tho. They'll all see new ath, but it may be something lame like a x5-8. The bottom is months behind us sadly.

>> No.57416770

I remember in 2018 people on here said it was over forever and there would be no more bull runs

>> No.57416792
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Isn't this way too diversified?
don't you think these pumped too much already?
do you think BTC/ETH/LINK/LIDO is a good stack to potentially hit a 10x?

>> No.57416856

no x10 sounds way too much if you mean buying at current price, unless you are talking about 2029 instead of 2025
depending on how you split the total between them (you could go for a higher % in safer coins like btc and eth, but with less return if one alt moons), i'd say we are talking about a 6-7x (somewhere before 2026)

>> No.57417541

Hmm what do you think just using the $100k to buy ETH and then creating a few metamask wallets and distributing eth to all of them to flip shitcoins? Seems like the only way I could realistically 10x what I have

>> No.57417832

The only thing I've been stacking this year is sats, and while 100k probably isn't a make-it stack after hodling through just one cycle, it almost certainly will be after two or three. As far as crypto goes BTC is the best ROI in terms of having room to grow vs possibility of going to 0. With shitcoins and alts you have to get lucky with timing or it can all be gone. This is not financial advice.

>> No.57417849


S&P 500

>> No.57417875


SPDR went up 20% just from last year.
You can throw all of it into the top 7 Mcap stocks and easily make a 30k profit within a year

>> No.57417890

How much more risk do you think it is to hold ETH compared to BTC? I'm thinking my best shot at making it is just keeping most of my money in ETH and buying extremely early at some promising shitcoins and then rotating back to ETH. It seems most of the anons who made it did the same thing as this. Not only that but I could earn staking rewards and possible massive airdrops like with Eigenlayer

>> No.57417907
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bro honestly btc has been so slow lately eth is way more risky and exciting if you want to make the big bucks you have to buy shitcoins early and then rotate back into eth eth has potential to skyrocket too staking rewards are a nice bonus as well it's like you said that's how the anons who made it really made it

>> No.57417972

I have a similar amount of cash.
essentially I'm banking on the dot ecosystem to moon this cycle, dot alone should do a 10x from here at the very least. if you just wanna play with btc and eth your returns will be lower.

>> No.57418027

Thank you. Would you recommend doing anything else? Is there any distribution you recommend sticking with from eth to shitcoins?

Definitely will at least distribute the eth to various wallets so I don't get completely justed if one gets hacked and get multiple airdrops if it does drop
wish you luck anon. What stops you just from doing the eth + new shitcoins strategy? Seems it's lower risk, but still gives you a chance to win big from moonshots

>> No.57418153

>What stops you just from doing the eth + new shitcoins strategy?
eth shitcoins seem like higher risk to me desu. the projects I put out are legitimate and established, yet new. dot should absolutely kill it desu and I expect this bullrun in particular to be massive in terms of growth for its ecosystem. it was all too new to pump last bull and now they can ride hype with the benefit of being around for awhile and not being totally new, as in they have an actual market structure to work with and you won't just get fucking dumped on.

eth specifically is lower risk, yeah but that's why I'm trying to stay away from it, though I rode it last cycle for some very nice gains. my strategy isn't exactly low risk, it's more like calculated risk.

>> No.57418521
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I'm in a similar position and am looking at:
1) High Caps:

2) High performing Mid Caps:

3) Low Caps when I want to add more risk;

>> No.57418534

KNS for low cap

>> No.57419054

But that was before COVID and 2030 you will own nothing

>> No.57419074

>way too diversified
It's 50% BTC and ETH.

>> No.57419086

we are talking about making it

>> No.57419151
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And then 1% in 20 other things

>> No.57419306
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This is my 3rd cycle and I'll be honest, the less I seek /biz/ for advice the better I performed. So let me give you some actual advice.

This is not the ideal time to buy in, that was a year ago, but we're on a decent dip so here is what I'd do. Focus on one niche, and imo with 100k I'd focus on establishing a Cosmos portfolio due to the high potential for airdrops.

Split your 100k between the following assets and stake them.

-Injective protocol, stake some, set some liquid aside to put into the INJ/DOJO LP on Dojoswap. Grab a Injective Quants NFT for the upcoming Mito finance QUNT launchpad.

-Celestia, stake some, liquid stake 1/4th of whatever you stake as milkTIA on MilkywayDapp

-Kujira, stake it on BLUE and forget about it.

-SEI, stake a small amount, pick up some SEIYAN and a SEYIAN nft. You can LP seiyan/sei on Kryptonite.

-Stake like 120 ATOM and forget about it. Atom sucks but it can net you some airdrops. Don't need to go too heavy into this.

Aside from that you can fuck around with SUI yield farming and DCA into SUI after you established your airdrop bags.

>> No.57419360

If you want a 10x you better be heavily diversified in 10x candidates or have a helluva conviction in a few coins. I don't have that conviction so I am also diversified. Helps when your losses are diversified too. During this doomp my folio held up well because some coins didn't give a shit or dumped when others were up.

>> No.57419426
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This is good advice but don't Yolo your whole 100k at it. Keep a lot of it in BTC, ETH and chainlink. I make fun of the link baggies too but it's actually a blue chip project and a good buy because the price is so shit currently. Expect to feel like an XRP baggie as it crabs for 12 months but when ETH moons it will too and is a high conviction 10x candidate. Do not stake link. You will not get air drops and the APY is shit. Let the retarded stay staked while we dump on them at the top.

>> No.57419538
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Youre not going to make it off of BTC or ETH with 100k. It is a lot easier to make gains off of solid midcaps than it is to pick a winning shitcoin or lowcap. Don't listen to /biz/ link marines or avaxbaggies. Your only chance is buying coins with fresh hype for this cycle, not last cycle's bags (despite that some of them will do well, but for people that bought in at $1 last cycle and round tripped their gains and want to sell on you). Make respectable midcap gains now, buy BTC at the next cycle bottom when its back to 40k one year after the peak.

>> No.57419736

All in Wif

>> No.57419782

Nobody will remember these shitcoins in 3 months from now. They will be replaced by other shitcoins and their price will slowly decline to zero. Imagine falling for the "staking" meme on shitcoins.

>> No.57419874

True but op is risk adverse. In another thread he didn't want to be too diversified.

>> No.57419922
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Thank you. Do you think just making as many wallets staking this stuff with $100k would be good? Maybe enough to hit a 10x? Or would you simply stick with cosmos? I'm just not sure how many wallets I'd need to make and whether I need to run vms and proxies to bypass sybil detection
the only other thing I can think is 80-90% ETH 10-20% in a few new lowcap shitcoins and taking profits after every 10x
how well do you think this will do if someone puts in $100k and waits until mid next year? - >>57419151
What makes you so bullish on Wif? Honestly wouldn't doubt it goes beyond a 10x and there's plenty of liquidity in it
yeah seems most anons that made it recommend not diversifying beyond a few coins and staying out of btc/eth if under 7 figures

>> No.57420180
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The best approach is to invest in low-cap altcoins with a working product, much like XTP, where Tap is already operational in over 40 countries. The upcoming US expansion shows a great opportunity for all.

>> No.57420248

That's very high risk. Have a portion of your portfolio for high risk low caps but don't go all in unless it's a 3 fig portfolio. For me it's KEX for the modular blockchain narrative.

>> No.57420285

>how well do you think this will do if someone puts in $100k and waits until mid next year?
Very well if we get a a new ATH next year over 100k BTC. I have my alt portfolio modeled after his and this one https://youtu.be/openhM5Gurs?si=TdSp7ZJWshV_jGKb
I also have 1 bitcorn in cold storage

>> No.57420554
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Do you think this strat is better than the airdrop one? - assuming I create something like 9 wallets to potentially get all the airdrops x9. A part of me just feels it's a waste going into btc and I'd only want eth for potential airdrops and flipping on uniswap

>> No.57420682

Anon both youtubers are staking their TIA for air drops. You don't go all in on one thing. I want more TIA, INJ and SEI but i bought half of what I want to spend on those coins earlier in the year at a higher price than what I wanted just so I could stake that portion and earn air drops. I also have some money in ATOM which I don't want just because I can stake and farm airdropa with it. What I am saying is that I took a portion of the coins off my coinbase that I have as part of my 2024 portfolio so I could stake them and farm airdrops. I don't go all in on staking for airdrops. I just do that with a portion of my coins that make the risk worth the reward. And yes their is risk of claiming on a fraudulent site airdrop claiming day and signing a contract thar drains your wallet. Do the steaking for airdrops thing alongside your 2024 alt portfolio building.
Watch these fags for airdrop content

>> No.57420691

can't wait for Klaus' cyber plandemic to wipe out all your goy coinbase accounts...fuukin plebs. get your seed and keep it safe, or you will never pass along your seed to any female and get wiped off the gene-pool.

>> No.57420713

It's funny that people with $1000 are pretty sure to make it in this cycle and OP with $100K that could simply buy high caps for a comfy 5-10x guaranteed at the end of the next bull run.

>> No.57420716

Also don't use coinbase wallet. I went to recover my wallet with my seed when I switched phones and it generated a new address with no transactions. I was able to send them from my old phone to a metamask to make the device switch but that was a scare. The goybase CEX is fine but avoid their wallet app.

>> No.57420733
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that's rough bro i think you are way better off with hardware wallet coinbase wallet doesn't really seem very secure you are right to warn op he should know better than to use an app wallet a hardware wallet is going to give you way more security and peace of mind that your funds are safe plus there are a lot of great hardware wallets out there now so you have a lot of choices personally i prefer trezor because of the security and ease of use

>> No.57420803

Try investing in DUA, anon. It recently listed on MEXC, and V1 is already launched. Projects with a working product tend to thrive in the long run. Mine has already been x3 since my initial purchase.

>> No.57420806

My one btc is on a hardware wallet but my alt portfolio is on coinbase and metamask since I am still building it. Also a bit on keplr to stake to farm.

>> No.57420876

If you bought bitcoin at 16k you would already be halfway to making it.

>> No.57420888

>don't you think these pumped too much already?
No clue about FET but AVAX is a shitcoin factory, so it has room to run. All L1s are a good pick, /biz/ doesn't seem to be aware, but people buy these pieces of garbage so they can lose all their money on AvaxINU or whatever shitcoin of the week they're pushing like subhuman mongoloids.

>> No.57420900
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that is definitely true but if you had purchased bitcoin at $16k you'd already be a millionaire that's a great return on investment it's not a bad idea to buy some now and sit on it also my cock is massive

>> No.57420925

Don't buy stupid staking scams. That is all

>> No.57420953

yeah, I was close to buying avax at $15 but kept waiting for a dip that never happened. I'm debating just going all into it and flipping smaller caps within the ecosystem back into avax. That or focusing on eth since it hasn't really pumped, along with arb, op, ldo and link

Which ones would you consider staking scams?

>> No.57420995

AVAX looks like it bounced off the support at 26/27 when Bitcoin dumps, but if Bitcoin decides to dump again it'll probably go back to 19/20. I don't think we're in the parabolic stages of the bullrun yet, this is like that period in 2020 where bitcoin was kind of pumping but not much, then the march dump happened and was slurped. It's a long road upwards.

Eth is a question of how much they can keep fees under control, since that's a major hiccup in the buying and selling of shitcoins. ETH should run first and is a guaranteed run probably somewhere between 8-12k.

>> No.57421065

thanks anon. I'll just wait for btc to dip to 35k and focus on eth coins and a chunk to new shitcoins. Seems the most likely way to hit at least $500k by next year

>> No.57421084


>> No.57421170

Unironically ICP.

>> No.57421533


>> No.57421580


>> No.57421616

>this guy is trying to sell you the idea that a bitcoin will be worth 200k by the end of 2025 and you guys are biting

>> No.57422295
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>> No.57422312

wagmi. I bought INJ at 1.30 though, so i've swapped most of it for AIOZ now.

>> No.57422361

no crypto whatsoever. Wait for the crash.

>> No.57422682

Nations are stacking Bitcoin, not Eth, not doge, not yo-yo coins. Bitcoin.

>> No.57422752

They will continue promoting crypto until they role out CBDCs in the West.
Crypto is useful in getting normies used to digital money and providing free real world experience in the technology and adoption.
I doubt there will be a full scale use of CBDCs until about 2035.
They tried them in Nigeria and it was a total failure. They're experimenting in Ethiopia but that will take a few years. The only other places are minor states such as somewhere in the Carribbean.
Also they'll have to develop wholesale CBCDs first which is 95% of money transactions before they'll introduce ones for the retail market.
So we'll get a bull cycle in 2028 amd 2032 and maybe even 2036

>> No.57422770

>Crypto is useful in getting normies used to digital money
Yeah because normies are totally unaware of debit cards.
Oh and the new ETFs will allow fund insiders to short bitcoin. Man will you enjoy that hot poker up your ass.

>> No.57422778
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>By nations I mean El Salvador and North Korea

>> No.57423179
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>imagine not being all in link lmao

>> No.57423185

also, fully staked

>> No.57423210

Yes you 2020 newfag retard. You STINK of newfaggotry. We can smell you a mile away
>t.2016 bizraeli

>> No.57423556

This is my bag

ETH (mETH restaked on Eigenlayer)
penis is kenis

Looking to get into Eigenlayer and more BRC20, AI, and RWA

>> No.57424855

Get your money into low caps and some new tokens. XAI, PYTH, SUPRA (tge soon).

>> No.57424866

got RSTK and PYTH. thinking of adding some other oracle based tokens

>> No.57425180

>shorting Bitcoin
Sounds like a great opportunity to bankrupt hedgies

>> No.57425233

1btc and link + icp

>> No.57426685
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Wait for Supra Oracles TGE and listing this Q1 then buy the suicide stack and hodl. You are welcome.

>> No.57426686

Def but at least 1 btc. learn the cycle peaks and try to dca out around summer/fall of 2025. buy back in during the crypto winter of 2026 to 2027.

>> No.57428751

Playing with FAT will earn you reward points at the same rate as playing with USDT! FAT is listed at 0.02, a mere 1/50th of USDT, making it 50x more cost-effective to earn those valuable reward points by playing in FAT. Hit me up when you make your first gain.

>> No.57428770
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Yngmi, Just emptied my all for FAT on Uniswap, gem is making waves in the Ethereum ecosystem. Keep an eye out for the seamless integration with BRC20 and Solana, unlocking opportunities in the gaming revolution. Invest wisely for maximum returns

>> No.57428804
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Wow dude...very impressive. AIOZ has the potential to really explode.

>> No.57428940

Sell it off and begin a new life with the transformation of the diamond and commodity industry of KIMBER, as it provides stability and removes monetary and geographical barriers.

>> No.57429007

Dump those cash for RIPCHM, Solana Memecoins are currently showing positive signs of a parabolic move

>> No.57429120

What's a good strategy for making money off Solana? Find low caps on the chain and flip back to Sol after every 10x or so?

>> No.57429132

Here's the game-changer! The Next Frontier of Gaming with Project Lambo, a Free-to-Play Gaming Experience Incorporating AI, AR, and NFT Sharing for Immersive, Cutting-Edge Gameplay.

>> No.57429553

Awww... I'll check this out

>> No.57429560

cope, keep on falling for scamfluencers on youtube

>> No.57429597

You're gonna get rekt doing that.

>> No.57429611

Go back to r/normalfaggot you sidelined retard.

>> No.57429656

if you honestly believe that btc will almost reach x4 its highest value ever in a couple years (t-this time for real!!!) the only person you can call a retard is yourself

>> No.57429705

>t. 2021 newfag
If you haven't been through at least 2 cycles then lower your tone when speaking to me.
>t. 2013 watcher

>> No.57429719
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Is it that tough?

>> No.57429753

they said that in 2015

>> No.57430261

>How much more risk do you think it is to hold ETH compared to BTC?

Pension funds and government retirement funds haven't even started to buy the BTC ETF's, nor corporations which have to announce all buys beforehand.
Then there are 100s of nation states as well.

They aren't going to buy a POS coin.. It's not going to happen ever.

>> No.57430594

>I don’t think I have enough to make it this cycle without too much risk
bruh you just need 3 10xs

>> No.57430641

Solana Memecoin is top notch, hope to see BONK come back to life

>> No.57430666

GameFi, p2e, NFT and metaverse... Narratives I'll love to see with gains during the bullrun

>> No.57432159

>already 2 billion market cap.
>358 USD per coin.
ehhh... thanks, but i dont think so.

>> No.57432341

Buy 2 BTC and wait for it to hit 500k this cycle. It's just that easy. Don't gamble on any other coins.