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57413981 No.57413981 [Reply] [Original]

I got yelled at today at work because they found out I’m the one who drinks almost all the tea in the office (it’s supposed to be shared by everybody) and HR keeps having to buy more tea packets every week

Could I be fired for this?

>> No.57413993

I drink about 10-14 cups of tea per day so it does seem to add up

>> No.57414013

it's too much brah you might end up with some slight but annoying health complications long term

>> No.57414031

It’s Green tea that’s about 25mg of caffeine per cup. So it doesn’t seem to be that much compared to energy drinks. I am a recovering energy drinkaholic so I decided to get into tea. That is until this whole ordeal.

>> No.57414268

Yeah you're finished. They won't fire you for that but they'll find something more official. You're under a microscope now

>> No.57414280

the caffeine is probably not a concern but drink water retard your kidneys must be screaming

>> No.57414419
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Tea and caffeine don't dehydrate you. As for the caffeine, 1 cup of coffee has 100mg - 120mg of caffeine. The average black tea has 40mg. OP is essentially drinking 4 cups of coffee a day.

>> No.57414445

Op is using retard math
By his logic 10 cups of tea is one energy drink

>> No.57414453

All caffeine dehydrated you including t. Vasoconstriction less blood flow less hydration. Obv way healthier than coffee or energy drink but you can over do it. I try to balance my tea with no caffeine tea like the lemon one

>> No.57414629

Chad move would be to steal the rest i
of the tea to show dominance. They're probably going to fire you anyways

>> No.57414687
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Jewish poster detected. I've drank a gallon of coffee daily for 7 years with no down side
You may not like it but this is what peak chamber operator looks like

>> No.57414721

12-14 tea bags a day lmao you should probably start bringing your own tea

>> No.57414765

You're fired

>> No.57414793

Start drinking all the tea. Assert your dominance

>> No.57414965


>> No.57414979

You're the jew. Yess goyim wake your body up through damaging cups of coffee so you can slave for shekelstein then die early so steinbergodstein can keep your 401k that you forgot to designate

>> No.57414984

This, if anonbdidn't take the tea someone else would

>> No.57415029

Kek, your youthfulness is showing.
I did the same and was riddled with kidney stones by 35. Drink your fucking water, anon.

>> No.57415478

Tea isnt healthy aswell
You should only drink water when your body wants it, and thats no more then 1 liter per day in winter.
Fruit juice and raw milk are for hydrating

>> No.57415504

It depends on what you are drinking. If it's milk tea then you are fine. The milk is hydrating enough. I live in a country that consumes chai like water and no one I know ever suffers kidney stones. We also export most if not all of the black tea around the world.

>> No.57415521

You can unironically get kidney stones. One of the most painful ailments you can think of

>> No.57415525

More jewish posters. Kidney stones aren't an issue if you have foreskin. Watch the jew posters sperg out over this

>> No.57415568

What kind of luxurious tea are you drinking lmao. Proper white tea or too grade matcha?
Anyway my office had a nespresso machine for maybe a month. You use some sort of saucers instead of consumer cups so nespresso can charge businesses more. Turns out people drink a lot of coffee and it was costing them thousands lel.
Changed back to beans which is better coffee vs nespresso marketing bullshit.

>> No.57415609

Why do you drink tea, are you gay or something?

>> No.57415620

just go buy some it's cheap, try Bengal spice, it's caffeine free and tastes like heaven

>> No.57415641
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I drank my offices' Coke Zero and got made fun of for it

>> No.57416723

Based tea enjoyer

>> No.57416778

>Fruit juice and raw milk are for hydrating
lmao where do you retards get this information from

>> No.57416826

Remember to wipe your ass. Wait no wipe the street too you poo poo

>> No.57416850

tell them you have a condition called IBS and you were afraid to tell everyone about it and now that they pressured you into coming out about your Crippling Bowel Condtion, you feel that the office has undermined your sense of self and you need paid time off work. Take it up with HR, cry about how embarassed you are to be around your coworkers now and that you feel bullied.


>> No.57416863

Tell HR that you shit your pants yesterday because you didnt drink the tea after being pressured by your coworkers

>> No.57417001

>no more THEN 1 liter water per day
Are you raw meat eater anon who also doesn't washes his hands after shitting?

>> No.57417513

Would OP technically qualify as a nigger since he took so much gibs?

>> No.57417531
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Fuck your shit I'm drinking like 6 liters of water/tea a day.