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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57411644 No.57411644 [Reply] [Original]

we got a bridge medium but no bridge kek

>> No.57411731

Yea, because, you know, audit and all. Oh, you thought it would've been released with the medium? kek. It's ok kid. You can go ahead and let this thread archive. We'll pretend it never happened. Just don't do it again

>> No.57411737
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after something gets sent to be audited, it has to be audited

>> No.57412296

All eth money went to Solana memecoins, kek
Avi devs are probably getting a big fat bag of $woosh rn

>> No.57412526

they never fucking spend any money what are you on about? if only they'd actually use the damn marketing budget to market

>> No.57412540

Marketing without the product first huh? Seems like a way to burn your cash.

>> No.57412562

Everyone knows this is a scam. I feel bad for anyone who STILL hasn't sold it all. Sell immediately.

>> No.57412901

Imagine thinking Coinbase isn't gonna promote the new Skybridge which is orders of magnitude faster and cheaper than any other bridging platform to their Bass chain

>> No.57412924

How does the avi coin function with the bridge?

>> No.57412933

You can bridge AVI to base for much lower fees so it can be used like a token for the games in the arcade instead of paying $15 a transaction like on eth.

>> No.57412995

Holy shit

>> No.57413008

Check their website/medium. This is actually a huge upside play despite what these /biz/lets have been saying. The bridge is more bullish than the arcade imo, but both together is amazing. If they actually get them released that is kek. No risk no reward.

>> No.57413054

>The bridge is more bullish than the arcade
How does that help me if I own the avi token?

>> No.57413067

I'm still not getting this. What is the advantage over using the token over just using cash?

>> No.57413119

It will be required for the arcade.

>> No.57413128

There's a reward structure planned for using the bridge and a big part of the reward calculation is based on your AVI holdings. Big users of the bridge will want to hold as much AVI as possible. Basically you get a cut of the fees by using the bridge and holding AVI.
Mainly for optimism based tokens, it cuts the bridge time from 7 days through the official optimism bridge to 20 minutes. Obviously if you have cash and just want to buy something that's probably better. But that is usually not the case is it? You're going from crypto to crypto far more than crypto to cash.

>> No.57413473

What’s your bag amigo

>> No.57413480

according the medium - aviator will be able to be fast bridged out of the box. i am assuming the team is going to set up a liquidity pool on base so anyone that wants to move tokens from base to eth quickly will be buying aviator

still no bridge tho

>> No.57413741

>Basically you get a cut of the fees by using the bridge and holding AVI.
Okay, so I get a cut of everything bridged, scaled according to my stack. I can buy into that.

>> No.57413770

Thanks, just sold 40 million

>> No.57413803

Nobody cares about shitty games. Not trying to be mean, but browser games are dead. It's such a waste of time. You got one life a d want to waste it spending games? Lmao even

>> No.57413810

Dumb take

>> No.57414080

The bridge friend. The bridge.
5mil should do nicely. IF (and that is IF) this bridge delivers I don't think 1bil mcap is crazy at all. Sky's (heh) the limit if it really is as good as it sounds on paper, and if the arcade is decent that's all the more. There's crazy upside here. Just stick it in a mcap calculator and see what I mean, and put in what you're willing. Cause if the bridge is shit this is going to 0.

>> No.57414214
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i remember these guys from early shib
i bought about 50m avi
that is all

>> No.57414381
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I have 10m

>> No.57414571

It is so obvious that AVI will moon. It has been programmed.

Btw does anyone have screenshots of AVI FUD on /biz/ I need to accumulate those to laugh at this board when the inevitable happens

>> No.57414681

Yeah but why is this needed?

>> No.57414805
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the bridge will help us get more money if the arcade is good then it will go to the moon why isn't the bridge needed if it doesn't work then it will go to 0

>> No.57415136

sui and make it stacks?

>> No.57415168

If you don't own at least 1 mill, you'll want to kill yourself when this pops off without you. I have some serious cash in this project because of the bridge being the first for Base that doesn't suck ass

>> No.57415400
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Easiest fucking play this bullrun.
Peak comfy at my current 100% profit.
First 10x will come soon.

>> No.57415633


It's crazy isn't it? If you look at all the information on this token, it is inevitable that it will pump. This isn't some new tech that no one cares about or some meme, this team knows exactly what they are doing with a very precise long term strategy.

Yet, this coin gets forgotten about or fudded on /biz/ and people sell for crap that rugs over and over. You can lead a horse to water etc etc

>> No.57415730

Gaming, AI, and privacy have been all the hype in the last few years. The gaming side of it has been getting shat on because devs and companies rushed in to try and capitalize on it rather than focus on the things that would make it great. All the different companies out there have taken a very corporate-like approach to this and all have failed to think outside the box.

What gives AVI the advantage here is that they aren’t the first adopters to web3 gaming, so they’re able to see what’s worked and what hasn’t up to this point. They’re approaching this project in a way that benefits everyone and not just their pockets, and everything so far feels calculated and well thought out. This isn’t some side hustle that a couple randos decided to work on.

>> No.57416302

Well put. Full trust.
We get the bob ama tomorrow and hopefully news on audit next week. Before end of february we'll be mile high already.

>> No.57416318

1M sui
10M make it

>> No.57417522
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I've been accumulating :)

>> No.57417922
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The hero we need.

>> No.57418454

Both are pumping, though.

>> No.57418577

That's fine. I don't hate toadies, I'm only perplexed by the period in which they positioned themselves as enemies of AVI and kept insulting it.

>> No.57418662

Just another nonsense rivalry forced by a few autists. I'm holding both.

>> No.57419159

Aviator will fly

>> No.57419187

Biz sleeps I slurp

>> No.57419818
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>> No.57420092

Bumping AVI thread. /biz/ introduced me to it, so it's my moral obligation to save as many others as I can

>> No.57420293

Glad I bought some. Will I make it?
>6.5m avi
>550b linu
>200b toad
>5b shib

>> No.57420697
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>he fell for the linu meme

>> No.57421033

I got a bag. If this makes some serious moves, I’m aping into avi. If not, oh well. I’m desensitized to this shit anyways. I’m still in the green so we’ll see what happens

>> No.57421072
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You mean is blessed

>> No.57421844

Nigga please! Cause you keep dumping avi for linu for over a week now. I wanna punch you staight to the face when i meet you

>> No.57421891

I haven’t sold any avi my friend I don’t swing