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57406808 No.57406808 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to work

>> No.57406820
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you're fired

>> No.57406831

No problem fren. Move to Germany. They will give you everything for free.

>> No.57407122

I want to work but nobody will hire me because I only have highschool education and I have a disability(thalassemia)

>> No.57407189

People with hereditary disease need sex bots real quick.

>> No.57407201

night shift security. Get a guard card. Shit is easy

>> No.57407217

>want to work
>every job that isn't suicide fuel requires 4+ years of experience working a related job that is in fact, suicide fuel
How am I supposed to spend my entire time getting into your specific fucking industry learning your specific fucking systems in advance of employment while getting paid fucking peanuts to do it so I can't save and have no free time in the hopes that someday I can maybe possibly get a FUCKING CHANCE at landing a job with a reasonable income?

I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.57407323
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yo bro i'm literally in the same boat but i've found a way out and it's called slothbucks it's this new cryptocurrency that's going to change the whole game the main reason you're having problems with work is because you're chasing the wrong goal bro

>> No.57407501

Go kill yourself in Calcutta saarr

>> No.57407840


>> No.57407864

https://birdeye.so/token/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq?chain=solana&tab=recentTrades Imagine being so poor you can’t afford a risk free bag in a token who just locked its whole liquidity for a year at the all time low.

>> No.57407882
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>> No.57407916
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I really don't mind working, it's the companies and management that are hellbent on making work as unpleasant and inefficient as possible. Just let me be productive on my own terms, I shouldn't have to be a slave just to fulfil some cunt's power fantasy.

>> No.57409044

>it's the companies and management that are hellbent on making work as unpleasant and inefficient as possible.
I'm ready to go postal on these sociopath worthless fucktard managers. Dirty looks, dumbshit comments, overall shitty attitude, nepo-baby assholes, all of them. And the cock sucking circle between all of these old narcissists is truly unreal. Bump stocks were made for people like this.

>> No.57409103

you have to be a retard to actually want to work, especially for jew-owned companies

>> No.57409125


>> No.57409148


>> No.57410400

Me either, every job i ever worked at my coworkers talked shit and we're bad people.

>> No.57410426

Dooon’t take me hoomee
Please don’t take me home
I don’t want to go to work
I wanna stay here, drink all your beer
Please don’t, please don’t take me hoomee

>> No.57410752

It’s even worse when you get the best job ever and then lose it. I’m in my 20s and got a government job working with honey bees with no experience, getting payed a $80,000 salary. Work was chill, I had my own car, and I got to 4WD firetrails that guys only dream of every day. I only had the job for 4 months then got redundant. It’s hard to know without a doubt that it will never be that good again.

>> No.57410812

how the fuck do I get a job like that
I recently found out I have inattentive ADHD, so I don't want to get in the office cage

>> No.57410858

Check government job listings every day. They were in a Biosecurity emergency and desperately needed workers

>> No.57411021

Just a funny little anecdote from before I got blackpilled on the cuckery of the wagie life, I got my first job at 19 and was really excited. I went in for the interview and was being all sincere and shit. I found out from a buddy that the interview roastie thought I was retarded because I only expected to be working like 10 hours a week (part time position). I ended up getting 40 hours every week for 3 months, and it unironically made me a sociopath in that time. Imagine a kid just being vantablackpilled on life in that span of time.

If I make it this bull run, I’m thinking I’ll actually try to go back in though, so I can hit on the hot young girls, of which there are a lot of.

>> No.57411028

>Shit is easy
Until it's not, retard.

>> No.57411303

I just had a 'culture connect' interactive session that both my team leader and me attended at the same time. We were supposed to talk about the great things about my company. This is after one day earlier I was arguing with him about my wages being the exact same for two years in a row. I hate it here

>> No.57411344

I found a cool way of creating reports today and am kinda excited about all the automated reports I can make which will really impress managers. I’ll look like a wizard with very little work. Kinda excited for the future and I am a cuck

>> No.57411362

what if I told you your new job was as an astronaut, would you want to work then?

>> No.57411380

What job

>> No.57412022

I worked summers from 15 at a local mall and then gas station part time while i studied.
It wasnt easy but i kinda made it i guess, all them hardships do shape you up

>> No.57412236

You don't want to to not work, you just want to be happy.

>> No.57412310
File: 2 KB, 190x190, plebbit npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a make it stack of plebbit
>what is it?
in an age of censorship there is demand for purely p2p social media protocols with no https endpoints and no need for ssl which instead use crypto domains like ENS, gossipsub, libp2p, and the IPFS.
plebbit is completely opensource and is free to use allowing ownership over your own social communities in a reddit or 4chan front end format.
>working product
plebbit is a decentralized pure p2p social media protocol that has 2 clients based on reddit and 4chan.
>regular commits
plebbit is updated regularly for over 2+ years
dev says he self funds. 3+ other devs having been working on plebbit for 1+ years.
>low market cap
plebbit is a <3m market cap
>fair distribution
100% airdroppped on avax 2 years ago and then did a chainswap to eth.

>> No.57412697

work is fun

>> No.57412709

get yourself a 4 day work week job (there's plenty out there)

my off day is thursday actually. i washed my and my wife's car :)

>> No.57412956

I would kill for a 4 day, 10hr days job.

How did you swing that? I tried a job like that before and it was heaven. Working 4 days per week is life changing

>> No.57413824

I wouldn't mind working a little but 65 hrs a week while going to school is aging me rapidly. I'd rather work like 20 hrs a week and be able to take more classes / in person. If I make any big gains off my paltry savings this bullrun I think I will pay for school in cash and work half as much

>> No.57413838

I can't gamble on crypto from space

>> No.57413842

im addicted to using pto to just fucking skip fridays fuck im wasting it all AAAAH im gonna do it again tomorrow too lolol

>> No.57413980

how do i get monies then

>> No.57414363
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I used to really enjoy my old job. Had a great supervisor who I got along with great, and working together on projects with him was a lot of fun. But then we both got shuffled under some higher-up manager who wasn't even in our department and had no idea what the culture was like in our building, and the job immediately turned to shit. Fuck middle management.