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57405754 No.57405754 [Reply] [Original]

I’m honestly the biggest idiot ever. i knew something was too good to be true yet i still went forward. long story short got my wallet drained for $40k. i still have $220k left on other wallets but it really hurts to know that i could’ve spent that $40k on virtually anything (holidays for my family etc) - instead it’s going to some random scammer. realistically i should just move on but i thought i’d rant. now i feel like just leaving crypto altogether desu.

>> No.57405776

if that's how you feel, then you don't deserve to make it

>> No.57405799

What happened anon so we dont fall for the same trick

>> No.57405840 [DELETED] 

anon give details so people can avoid the same trap you fell thru

>> No.57405931

Things that never happened for $800, Alex.

>> No.57405950

It sounds like an expensive lesson to learn, but it could have been much worse. Sorry.

>> No.57405952

That's what you deserve for using eth

>> No.57405997

Good work in keeping your wealth separated between multiple wallets.

>> No.57406074

Yup, if the story is true at least he isn't a complete retard. There's hope.

>> No.57406129
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I lost $425k (more than half my crypto) a few years ago due to a metamask bug and forgetting to disconnect from a swap site. It hurts. Move on despite the extreme self-hate you will feel.

>> No.57406131

this is a fake fud thread

>> No.57406166

Why the fuck wouldn’t you use a ledger so you literally can only get drained if you sign the transaction or get your seed phrase stolen, which shouldn’t be possible since you should write it on paper and put it in a safe. Your seed phrase should never touch an electronic device. I mean I am borderline retarded and even I can’t understand how these niggas be gettin hacked n sheit

>> No.57406178

how do i honestly recover? i hate myself so much rn. i’ll always have it in the back of my mind now

>> No.57406201

>i’ll always have it in the back of my mind now
sounds like you learned something then

>> No.57406284

welcome to the club, now you're a real trader kek. I have one rule and that is - don't touch youre money/investments when you're not sober -
Once and only once did i touch my investments when i was drunk and connected to a shady link which gave the scamming cunts acces to my wallet. 40k down the drain kek. lost 8 ETH and a lot of decent coins but hey. Thats crypto for ya. Took me about a year too shake it off and get back inito trading again. it happens to the best of us.

>> No.57406310

You find another way to make money. Use it as fuel for your next success. And when you do have money, make sure it's safe as fuck. Learn from my failure.

>> No.57406320

Big losses are just a part of this game sometimes anon. Anyone who’s been here for a few years has a story. Whether it’s a hack, scam, liquidation, etc. loosing large amounts of money happens. We make large amounts of money too. Easy come easy go. It stings, but you can come back from it

>> No.57406348

>forgetting to disconnect from a swap site
what does this mean? ive literally never 'disconnected from a swap site' and have never heard of anyone doing this

>> No.57406364

did you play in "defi" or airdrops or try to buy meme scam tokens?

tell us what happened. tell us how you were so greedy that you lost 40k

>> No.57406366

He most probably got phished
As in he connected to a fake Dex
Like Un.iswap or some shit and didn't realise the discrepancy

>> No.57406378


>Imagine keeping anything over $100 a hundred dollars connected to the internet or in a hot wallet


>> No.57406394

I lost $7k recently because I was retarded and sent BEP USDT to an ERC USDT address on Coinbase so that I could put it into other coins. It's not as much as some people have lost, but it really pained me. I got so used to recklessly throwing crypto around between addresses like it was play money, that I never stopped to be more careful about these sort of sums. It really made me stop and consider what I could have used that 7k for:

-2 months worth of mortgage payments
-70 high quality meals at a restaurant
-1-2 luxury watches
-23 sessions with high class escorts

I try to tell myself it's better to have learned this lesson now. Maybe I'd have ended up losing even more money in the future otherwise.

>> No.57406398

what id if i say you that we can recover it in max two months?

>> No.57406413

>$10 for a high quality meal in a restaurant

>> No.57406423

Crypto is not safe. The odds of being scammed or conned are high. Not worth the risk imo. Move your money into index funds and enjoy the steady long-term gains (with no risk of theft).

>> No.57406608
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>> No.57406634
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i lost my whole wallet of 10k bro i know your feels. just let it go and start building it up again. i am sorry for your loss.

>> No.57406654

just because your private key is stored on a usb stick doesnt mean you cant get phished. you stop yourself getting fucked like that by having 2 wallets, 1 for trading and one for storage

>> No.57406818

This is the advice of a man who lives his life in fear of an unknown catastrophe, which he refers to as "the beast in the jungle". He spends his entire life waiting for this event, ignoring opportunities for love and happiness in the process. In the end, he realizes that the catastrophe he feared was the wasted potential of his own life, having spent it in anticipation of a disaster that never came.

>> No.57406918

LMAO shitcoiners get fucked you chose this
dont be a baby if you choose to gamble with shit like a retard

>> No.57406986

Never heard of it either. I only use private mode anyways, so everything gets memory holed as soon as I exit the browser. Hard to get fucked over that way

>> No.57406996

he blew it on some scam and making it sound like he was a just a passive actor who dindu nuffin when really he went out of his way to give permissions to a scam site or give out his private keys.
All the excuses are the same, it's never the fault of the user but this "hacker" who somehow has the ability to control everything

>> No.57407013

How do you use private mode?

>> No.57407045
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yeah you know i'm the ultimate slothbucks chad my cock is so long i need a wheelbarrow to carry it around and i have such strong fundamentals i can make your girl cry with a single word this crypto game isn't for the boys

>> No.57407059

Most, if not all, browsers come with it

>> No.57407095

please don't put any money in crypto you will lose it, just get etfs when they are available this world is not for you.

>> No.57407234

It makes all your Ethereum tx invisible, like using Monero

>> No.57407308

but HOW you fucking retard? i use brave, can this shit do it or nah?

>> No.57407346
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>(holidays for my family
what a fucking stupid normie thing to waste money on
>muh holiday
>muh traveling
if you crave those stupid things that means you're living like a slave thirsty for a burst of freedom

>> No.57407390

Travelling & staying in a resort with your loved ones would still be infinitely more valuable than my money being drained for 0 reason outside of my own stupidity. I don’t care for holidays - was using it as an example.

>> No.57407429

It’s not all that bad. Road trips are the only thing worth doing.

>> No.57407478
File: 311 KB, 439x500, OverlookingCitylights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a profound Pepe pic. Thank you.

>> No.57407543
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listen anon you can keep living in your mothers basement and doing whatever it is you do but i'm out here with my big dick my lambo and my slothbucks tokens you should really consider coming out on a road trip with me sometime i could show you a thing or two about crypto the ladies and life in general

>> No.57407554

hey, just saying one thing, and this is good for everyone doing crypto, stocks, options, whatever: the money you hold in those stocks, options, crypto and all of that is never realized UNTIL the moment you CASH IT OUT. until you do that, they are still playing chips in the casino.
if you've made any significant amount of money, take out what you need and leave yourself a small amount to continue your accumulation. only leave a "playing amount" and not your whole winnings, because shit like this happens.
so say you put 1k on the table, turn it into 15k, my suggestion is move 12k off the table and cash it out. now you have 3k left to continue playing with, so technically you're still 3 times over the initial investment and the 12k has been secured in your bank account, 12k that you can then pull out of the bank in hard cash money. you have to remember the money is never yours until it PHYSICALLY REACHES YOUR HANDS. you may have diamonds hands, but if they are empty, they aint worth shit!

>> No.57407577

many such cases

>> No.57408371

way to out yourself as an impoverished pissypants NPC cuck

>> No.57411491

If there was any Defi exploit, it would have made the news already; OP probably got greedy and got rekt in the process. Defi know better to only interact with smart contracts that have been audited over and over again; some even get a 2FA by interacting with aggregators only so their risks get diversified.

>> No.57411667

Eth is one of thre safest ecosystems out there. Take that to the bank.

>> No.57411885

being connected is not enough.
you signed something, unless you had some trojan where someone could remotely use your computer.

or they got your seed, or you signed token approvals.

>> No.57411938

>some even get a 2FA by interacting with aggregators only so their risks get diversified.
Wym by this niggur? Wallet 2fa or what?

>> No.57412894

Hi there. It was a swap site that at the time was considered safe. I put my USDC into the pool and was collecting interest, and later removed the USDC. I did not revoke access to the contract. That's all I did. I hope it doesn't happen to you.

>> No.57412936


letting you know about this early, what you choose to do with it is your decision.


>> No.57412958
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I had the same thing happen twice, anon. You might feel like an idiot, but these scams are so common and sophisticated it's bound to happen at least once. My buddy fell for a Metamask phishing scam and lost over $300,000.

The way I see it, it's better you lose the money now, as opposed to deep in the bull market. Next time you'll be more cautious when connecting your wallet.

>> No.57412996

You can pay a company to get it back for you, it will probably cost you 15-25k to do it, but half ain't bad.

>> No.57413101

No way they can recover it anon. What the fuck are they gonna do, reverse the transaction on the blockchain? It's gone.

>> No.57413113

lol retard Silicon Valley commie

>> No.57413143

>but these scams are so common and sophisticated it's bound to happen at least once
How avoid for newbie?

>> No.57413328

Just become extremely untrusting. Don't connect your wallet to shit until you've verified it. Be especially careful when claiming an airdrop. And any sort of "YOU NEED TO DO THIS TIME IS RUNNING OUT" aspect of crypto should make you pause, because that's how they get you.

Also post your seed phrase here and I'll install software in your wallet that protects you from phishing scams.

>> No.57413353
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Okay. Not sure I even got any airdrops anyway and not certain what they are, are they just random people sending NFTs? I think I saw one or two random unexplained transactions in my history where it said some shit about an NFT but my cluelessness has kept me safe. I'll be extra careful this bull run.

>> No.57413435

Basically, if you use up-and-coming crypto projects and show you are a regular user, they will sometimes give you their tokens for free when they launch. Look at what Arbitrum did.

But if you have random crypto in your wallet that appears to be worth a lot of money, Do Not Touch It. You'll always have to manually claim airdrops on the project's website, but scammers will make fake airdrop claiming websites too. So be careful.

And don't actually post your seed phrase here, or anywhere.

>> No.57413434

>bog standard phishing link
the absolute state of zoomers. just don't click the link lmao

>> No.57413446

Not an example of a sophisticated phishing link, but an example of just how many there are out there. It's gotten to the point where 60 percent of my Twitter ads are FREE AIRDROP CLAIM NOW links. The ones posted directly under the tweets by actual projects look very legit sometimes. Crypto newbies don't stand a chance.

>> No.57413765

So let's say I decide to stake on Defi, if I opt for an aggregator like SpoolFi, for example, I have the advantage of interacting with properly audited smart contracts by the best firms around and their risk management framework also helps my assets remain intact in the best possible way in case of any unfortunate events affecting any of the risk strategies linked with the vaults I'm leveraging on. Doesn't it sound like 2FA to you now?

>> No.57413814


>> No.57413891

Metamask app is safe. Just use that, not the browser version

>> No.57413903

I was drained 100 OP so no biggie, but I felt dumb too. I coped by saying I'll learn from it.

>> No.57414001

What about the yields? Hope they're at least better than what's obtainable everywhere else? At least to make the journey worthwhile

>> No.57414012

I've lost 300k to a scammer once. My advice is to write down some non-financial goals in your life and focus on those for a few months. You'll be ok.

>> No.57414026

>i knew something was too good to be true yet i still went forward. long story short got my wallet drained for $40k. i still have $220k left on other wallets but

>> No.57414060
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>> No.57414340

Don't think of it as just 40k. After basic crypto gains it's really at least 200k or if you get a 10x coin more like 400k you lost. You can earn it back if you use what you have left to trade meme coins with leverage. It's the only way

>> No.57414557

There's a StakingRewards pool for srETH with an APR of around 42% rn. The competition for better yields amongst yield generators will definitely keep the APRs up.

>> No.57415747

Why won't you tell us how you lost it?

>> No.57416089

this. lost half my stack leverage trading (200k) in 2021. now my bags are worth 1.1mm. dont give up

>> No.57416227

interested in joining the presale for my project?
Invest 5k max and make your 50k back in the first week

>> No.57416286

> realistically i should just move on

I swear to God if people like OP are what constitutes these 6 figure and even 7 figure retards then I'm becoming a phiser scammer and never looking behind my back ever again. And here I thought you retards would chase me to the ends of the world if I scammed you for a measly 1k , let alone 40k , you fucking retard.

No right the fuck now we are starting a movement on Twitter #911Casinos. That's right, whenever you lose money at the Casino you call #911 and say there's a terrorist attack. you SWAT the Casino, you hear me? You SWAT the motherfucking casinos. You even SWAT the goddamn lottery, you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME? CALL AND SOUND THE ALARM, WE'VE BEEN ROBBED.

>> No.57416333
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Advertisement for ANY shitcoin ETF

Thank your clever JEW

>> No.57416392

>waste money on impossible revenge

>> No.57416425
File: 426 KB, 600x406, hoping to get your attention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope somebody in this brain sees this message and remembers it:
Advanced AI (possibly assisted by quantum computing) is highly likely to drain or wipe out EVERYONE'S CRPYTO before this decade is out.
Not just crypto either, everyone's bank account, brokerage ect. is going to be vulnerable.
boomer rock enthusiasts will inherent the earth

>> No.57416469

Shut up ESL jeet and gtfo of this board, that has nothing to do with 2FA.

>> No.57416474

You’re not going to tell us what happened? It’s okay if it’s dumb. May as well cap off your blog.

>> No.57416509
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Happened to me too last month fren, 35K left .. literally half of all my net worth. I know its my fault but FUCK metamask, one click on confirm on a message that tells you absolutely nothing and everything is gone. Pic related is what scammed me, because of all retarded cookies you are continued to press confirm on anything

>> No.57416538


>> No.57416561

how, dude? I even filed a police report and they followed up with me but even though its the crypto-cybercrime division that is handling it, they are pretty clueless and can't do much if its outside the borders anyway.

The scammer will withdraw the money to starknet and monero and then its not traceable anymore, so watcha gonna do smartass?

>> No.57416699

coinbase has the private key so they could retrieve it normally. why dont they make this service for a fee?

>> No.57416901

Thank you for your donation

>> No.57417134

whos got the stripped version? this chick has a bangin bod

>> No.57417831

Remember Lucario coin or spongy coin? 2021 era. They scammed me.

>> No.57418362

utterly shameless kek

>> No.57418385

kek, money doesnt care about stupid emotions, shoulda know that already, while you contribute nothing, i gave him an option to try recoup his losses

>> No.57418402
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kek i totally agree that money doesn't care about stupid emotions and he should have known it already while he contributes nothing it's a sound investment you suggested and i have an enormous penis

>> No.57418433

>i have an enormous penis
i dont believe you. send proof email to support@dextop.io

>> No.57418607

You guys are really retarded. There's no way hacking crypto is that easy, right? You are literally falling for phishing scams, they are not uber haxxoring your computer. Unless I'm missing something.
Is is true that most crypto scammers are jeets? They probably don't have the intelligence to pull it off, besides, isn't crypto banned in India?

>> No.57419536

I saw a video with the CEO of MicroStrategy saying that if you sent him 10 ETH he would send back 30, but he didn't.

>> No.57419648
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yeah bro, incognito mode hides everything. Especially your crypto tx.

this guy gets it


>> No.57419668

Retard alert

>> No.57419694

I live in third world I could retire with 40k

>> No.57419710

I know what you're feeling, I got drained on Dec. 24th, and lost about $40,000 too. It was the stupidest thing ever; I thought I was doing a token migration, didn't realize that the telegram channel was a scam, connected my wallet... then to make it worse, I approved the spending limit for OP and then approved another shitcoin for the ARB chain.

I mean, I was a complete retard. I've avoided all scams, fake airdrops, fake sites until then... I should have realized after the OP approval that it was making me approve each coin one by one, starting from the highest value. I wasn't thinking and by the time it asked for approval for my 3rd coin, I rejected... but the message kept popping up and I kept rejecting it. I had to close my metamask, then my computer froze a bit, I opened MM again, it had automatically logged me out, logged in, and bam, lost all my OP and the other arb shitcoin.

I was actually breaking out in cold sweat and I could feel the blood drain from my face when I realized what was going on. I lost about 5000 OP... it was all airdropped to me cause i used OP alot and never moved/sold it so I kept getting more... and lost it all. At peak, that was $20K ish. My other shitcoin was around $20K too.

I still think about it from time to time, and I always take a 2nd look when I connect/approve/ transact now. It still hurts and bothers me... in the back of mind :(

I was going to make a post about it on biz, but was too demoralized and embarrassed. It's ok OP, we'll recover from it!

>> No.57419711

>spending time with your family at exotic destinations is... LE BAD!

>> No.57419748

>He most probably got phished
As in he connected to a fake Dex
Like Un.iswap or some shit and didn't realise the discrepancy
Where do the phishing attacks come from? I use brave and if I type uniswap into the search the real one always pops up. I assume it’s the same on google. Is it thru an email or something?

>> No.57419780

a lot of these happen when fake crypto twitter accounts which mimic real crypto accounts are made by scammers. it works best when a genuine dapp/protocol is giving away an airdrop in the near future. The twitter page gets cloned and the scam account posts a link to the airdrop which a bunch of other scam accounts repost so it makes your feed. the website the libnk takes you to looks legit and so you connect your metamask, sign a contract and get drained. you have to be ultra vigilant when clicking anything from twitter, discord, telegram.

>> No.57419810

imagine if you had just stacked bitcoin and a few other assets on a KYCED CEX ha-ha imagine you didn't lose that 40k

>> No.57420870

I sent 1k BUSD to an exchange account for USDT. It could be recovered for $50 fee but I was too lazy for it.