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File: 350 KB, 1024x1024, _c8a5d490-d0ad-4f8d-9a2c-d84284904444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57404108 No.57404108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Title: LINU whitepill thread

> 4M mcap
> no devs
> 100/100 contract
> 25% of the supply burnt
> great narrative (flip LUNC)
> cute dog coin
> homie certified
> holders increasing every day
> weekend incoming
>tiktok titan shill incoming

What’s your stack anon? Post it NOW to be homie certified.

>> No.57404121

any homie with half a brain cell can see the foundation being laid here
100B homie checking in

>> No.57404153

Just dont be retarded and take profits

>t. 2 ETH profit, left 400B just in case

>> No.57404181

My homie is a little homie, didn’t put the title in the correct section, but he’s a good homie.

>> No.57404196

Get rid of the LUNC shit, we're our own thing now.
500b homie checking in

>> No.57404203

>Title: LINU whitepill thread
Retarded newfag. Also, 550b, currently down $3k

>t. Retarded gambler

>> No.57404204

Gmi homies
Remember that TikTok homie is about to shill to millions
>t. 1.1T homie

>> No.57404211

Zero billion homie
LINU trash

>> No.57404212

The Homie meme is where its at, we need to lean into that for the normies

>> No.57404225
File: 1008 KB, 1080x1376, 1000001160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5T checking in

jeets will not divide us

>> No.57404227

Buy a bag or gtfo homie

>> No.57404239

baggie thread

>> No.57404250

Fuck you homie
TikTok homie about to shill hard homie

>> No.57404254
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>> No.57404262
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Nice title

What's the top coin trending on Coinbase?

What's the top coin trending on Coinbase?

What's the top coin trending on Coinbase?

>> No.57404268

based thread.
>tikltok titan shill

>> No.57404275

15B stacklet here, let's see if this can make me some pocket change or not.

>> No.57404280

Search RxPotes on TikTok. He’s a LINU homie. He’s the viral guy that makes the jar rolls on the stairs. He’s a titan.

>> No.57404281

baggies gonna rope monday

>> No.57404289
File: 298 KB, 1024x1024, _81426ca2-3e9f-4a34-99dc-80204e514fd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who's going to make a tiktok video has I think 500k followers? Someone who has the link to the video/profile could tell you more accurately.

>> No.57404296

im demoralized but gonna hold anyway

>> No.57404328

Also homie, we are on Coinbase wallet trending page.

>> No.57404384

Is 1T enough to make it?

>> No.57404385


>> No.57404397
File: 115 KB, 1920x925, luna_scam1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, no recovery, right on schedule. Trend continues. No support, catch a falling knife. Classic pump and dump. This shit is dead lol
We have been telling you Luna Inu faggots for weeks that this was going to happen. This was an artificial pump by a group of coordinated and organized shills who bought in much earlier than you
The plan was non stop shlling on biz. Biz retards bought in with the muh next hot meme coin promo and fake artificial community
The people who warned you were ignored with the cope "legit criticism is actually bullish, gives me early link vibes, next shib, always do the opposite of what biz says"
The scammers who shilled you this are not your friends. Now you are in this maladaptive cope that it is all fud when anons point out that you were duped
This project has been long since abandoned by the original group of shills, they haven't tweeted since last April >>/biz/thread/57376630#p57377831
btw being charitable with the chart, this shit is going to zero
Good luck being dumped on you retarded brain dead faggot homies, hope you learn your lesson, probably won't LMAO.

>> No.57404406

this copy pasta.... dont forget to post the second one you always post to fud with.

>> No.57404409

rent free
don't care not selling LOL

>> No.57404415

Is 5 million making it to you?

>> No.57404423

Greg: I'm good, anyway, cuz, uh, my, so, I was just talkin' to my mom, and she said, apparently, he'll leave me five million anyway, so I'm golden, baby.

Connor: You can't do anything with five, Greg. Five's a nightmare.

Greg: Is it?

Connor: Oh, yeah. Can't retire. Not worth it to work. Oh, yes, five will drive you un poco loco, my fine feathered friend.

Tom: The poorest rich person in America. The world's tallest dwarf.

Connor: The weakest strong man at the circus.

>> No.57404428

Shibs first goal was to kill doge. An easy price focused goal is a good thing imo.

>> No.57404455


1.6T checking in. Buy and hold anons, those with patience WILL be rewarded

>> No.57404522

Nice little pump. Let’s see if we can break and hold over 4m

>> No.57404542


It’s better to not watch every little price action that occurs. It’s still so fucking early. Hold your position and let time do what it’s supposed to.

>> No.57404700

TikTok shill anon will have millions of view. Beware. Even if 0.1% decides to buy the token, we will have 1000 new holders.

>> No.57404728


With or without the shill, this is a fucking gem. It will do well. Everything in time.

>> No.57404761

Fr homie. But Come on, what were the odds that a fellow bizraelis happens to have a big ass viral TikTok account & that’s willing to shill this stuff for free?

>> No.57404779


Of course more eyes on this is exactly what’s needed, but until that happens I have no thoughts about it. Let’s see what happens.

>> No.57404787


>> No.57404893
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Trust the plan

>> No.57404914
File: 141 KB, 1080x847, 065029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4M mcap
>> no devs
>> 100/100 contract
>> 25% of the supply burnt
>> great narrative (flip LUNC)
>> cute dog coin
>> homie certified
>> holders increasing every day
>> weekend incoming
Muh weekend. CEXs are the real hype.
>>tiktok titan shill incoming
Let me fix this for you


>> No.57404928

Oh pasta retard again. Hey do you have anything real to say retard?
>Jan 22
Today is the 25th, how is this "weeks"?
>Dead twitter account
>"it posted after the pump! This is proof!"
No that makes sense.

Are you retarded? The whole point to to resurrect LINU. We're still in week one retard. Link some actual proof, because so far you've posted nothing but "Trust me bro" and links to your own post 3days ago.

Look i can pasta too.

>> No.57404935

Suck dick pajeet. It’s clear nearly every post in here is inorganic paid pajeetry.
>thinking people are buying another dog coin scam
get bent faggit

>> No.57404965

>thinking people are buying another dog coin scam
No need to think about it. The transactions seem to support that statement

>> No.57404974

113B sui stack here homies. Love the pajeet FUD campaign. No I will not buy your SOL shitcoins saar.

>> No.57405312


>> No.57405468

I bought more. I’m a believer now. I looked around DEXTools and everything that either sketchy af or higher mc. The floor has been holding pretty well, number of holders increasing (although holding in small amounts), and now it’s trending on coinbase wallet. I was watching to see what this would do, but I’m pretty confident now it’s only a matter of time before this has another large pump. I think when that happens, this has the potential to go beyond biz. Thanks for reading my blog. Also, don’t help the bots, set your slippage to absolute minimum so that they don’t arbitrage your buys. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.57405488

God damnit, I didn’t mean to write that twice but I’m chugging coffee and my brain is going a million miles per hour.

>> No.57405544

I wasn't gonna buy more as I was sitting on a sizeable SUI stack but the fud campaign is pretty obvious at this point so I started pinching in more buys

>> No.57405549

This post convinced me to sell. Hopefully I made the right decision

>> No.57405552


>> No.57405575

Triple 8s. Are those the dates? Let’s tempt our fates. For the LINU moon is upon us. As long as kek wills it, I will shill whitepills.

>> No.57405637

Ayyyy dis nigga finna drop an album on dey asses. Ayo waddup homie?!

>> No.57405654
File: 2.33 MB, 1179x1885, 1706157648569979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if we bought LINU ad space on 4chins...

>> No.57405677

>What’s your stack anon?
I don't have anything right now. Should I rope?
I'm a retard and don't into crypto. If some faggot in here explains this shit to me like I'm a literal retard (cause I am), I'll throw down about $650 into it. I'm serious too.
Thanks, love and peace.

>> No.57405720

anon you set up coinbase and coinbase wallet, you buy eth for 650 buckaroos and you swap it for LINU. if you want to have LINU

>> No.57405751

Needs a face picture.
No. I ain't got a smart phone and not that I'd do it if I did.
Any other platforms that don't use that retarded shit?

>> No.57405757
File: 9 KB, 598x174, Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 15.56.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if this is bait cause jannies are nuking threads
but in case its legit

>Download UNISWAP app
>Create a wallet (ezpz - instructions on screen)
>Tap the card icon - buy eth (it'll lead you to moonbase)
>It'll send to your wallet
>Tap the swap button on the bottom
>Find LINU

Its that easy and 650$ probably don't even need verification like pic of ID

>> No.57405803

Looks like I need a smart phone to scam the QR code.
Is there literally *ANY* of these platforms that don't need a smart phone?

>> No.57405805

>no smart phone
>all crypto use smart phone in some way
I dont think this is for you anon. and with that said I mean the world.

>> No.57405806

Won't it be easier for laymen to use Coinbase Wallet?

>> No.57405816
File: 60 KB, 675x499, 1705909910250691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If some faggot in here explains this shit to me like I'm a literal retard (cause I am), I'll throw down about $650 into it. I'm serious too.
>pic rel.

Basically the idea is to help boost the adoption rate, get more ppl holding, and get it on the exchanges. Then we really moon.

It's a 1to1 clone of another popular memecoin (SHIB), it meets all the requirements to hit exchanges, it just needs more holders.

As far as explaining how to get in see:
We can't get super detailed because jannies keep deleting threads that explain how.

>> No.57405829

>Is there literally *ANY* of these platforms that don't need a smart phone?
You can try a PC, go to coinbase website, contact customer support, try finishing up your account through them.

>> No.57405866
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen up uniswap is super easy you just need to connect your wallet to the platform by scanning a qr code what's so difficult about that you must be a low iq retard to not figure that out but listen up i have a solution for you

>> No.57405868

I'm entertaining the thought. Wouldn't it be better to buy ads on other platforms now? Or do you mean adds on boards other than biz?

>> No.57405889

Another thread nuked

>> No.57405896
File: 1.47 MB, 2580x2838, IMG_4056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought it at 300k im not selling until we’re at 1 Billy

>> No.57405902

Based, 200bil stack and also aiming for 1bil MC

>> No.57405927
File: 1.79 MB, 1102x1109, FR_FR_NO_CAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyyo, album just dropped.
Captcha: H0m13

>> No.57405930

Thanks for the info.
>try finishing up your account through them.
Nope. They've declined.
>I'm entertaining the thought.
I'd be up for putting money up for it if others are willing to.

>> No.57405946

Tru homie. Zoomers will eat that shit up as long as it’s “aesthetic” or whatever the fuck they like to say. Also plenty of oldfags and genx normies will love throwback vibes.

>> No.57405947

When would be a good point to start taking profits? I was thinking I’ll take a small percent (7%) off the top at big enough mc so I’ll still have 10s of k even if it doesn’t giga pump
>t. 750b homie

>> No.57405954

*homie thread

>> No.57405978

All the green user ids...
I feel it homies

>> No.57405979


Counting your eggs before they hatch. We’re just getting started and already you’re thinking of your exit. The plan is simple. Buy and hold, slurp the dips and sell when the market cap reaches a number that solidifies your entry into make it kingdom.

>> No.57406001

How's the weather in Calcutta baggies?

>> No.57406008

Yeah, it’s just that you need to have a deal of pragmatism about things. I’m gonna hodl as much as I can since people who give up early just when things are starting to look bad are ngmi no matter what, but I’m like giga new to this crypto thing so I don’t really know how to do shit or when to do shit, I’m basically retarded

>> No.57406010

I will sell 5% of my stack at each 1bn interval but keep 25% in case it hits +10bn MC

>> No.57406017

> idk if this is bait
It is. I’ve never seen as many “how do I buy crypto” posts outside of Linu threads. It’s probably the same retard who pretended to have come here from twitter but forgot to change his ID from the fud posts he was making.

>> No.57406023

>I'd be up for putting money up for it if others are willing to.
You don't need to hold trillions imo. I had $250 in, which is now about $570.
>General rule of crypto thumb: Don't put in more than you're willing to lose.
$250 wasn't going to hurt me.
$570 isn't going to change my life.
I'm holding for the exchanges. WAGMI money only comes at the CEXs. Don't expect to be a millionaire overnight, I'd give it a few months. I know in previous threads mentioned a new exchange looking at LINU, and a small shitcoin exchange considering it. We just need hold rate.

>> No.57406037

>I’m like giga new to this crypto thing
Same here. But, I'll never put into it what I can't afford. When I buy, I'm holding and no FUDder is going to make me sell. I'll only sell when I think it's made me enough money (whatever the hell that means).

>> No.57406050
File: 1.98 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's good my guy i'm the ultimate slothbucks chad with a fat juicy hog if you're asking about my investing strategy it's real simple i buy the top and sell the bottom you just gotta have a big dick and be in the right place at the right time

>> No.57406057

>I'm holding and no FUDder is going to make me sel
yeah we can tell you're new to crypto
dont marry your bags

>> No.57406069

Is Linu still trending on Coinbase? I don't use Coinbase Wallet so I can't check.

>> No.57406080

>Linu still trending on Coinbase
Still the number one trending.

>> No.57406086

I know what you mean - I'm basically retarded too but like other anons said. What I put in was literally gambling money I would've probably lost at the dog track anyways.

Check back in year when this starts crowing the 1bn MC and that money is now a downpayment or even an entire house. Thats when you start considering your options to sell or hold to never wage slave again

>> No.57406087
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>> No.57406093
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Linu bros WAGMI

>> No.57406106

Is there a way to check what's trending on CB wallet without having to use CB wallet?

>> No.57406113

>dont marry your bags
I will but I'll divorce it when the bag becomes too fat.

>> No.57406116
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>> No.57406119
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Soon my nigga

>> No.57406135
File: 208 KB, 982x830, 1706196989954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a way to check what's trending on CB wallet without having to use CB wallet?
I'm not sure. You could always just ask here, some autist will always reply.

>72% BUY

>> No.57406139

Why do you keep posting sloth pictures what are you shilli g subtly? Sloth on bnb? I don't see sloth on eth

>> No.57406155


>> No.57406182

These Linu memes are very nice and have that same autist energy as early Shib did, but most anons on biz are already aware of it. Shouldn't all these Linu memes be shilled to Reddit and Twitter as well?

>> No.57406203
File: 529 KB, 736x1361, 1706155115297568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s clear nearly every post in here is inorganic paid pajeetry.

>> No.57406216
File: 559 KB, 2048x2048, photo-output.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re working on it but a lot of people here are lazy
We started with like 5 people and now there’s dozens working on it, more and more people we get to buy, hold, and shill will keep increasing it.
Its fucking amazing what we’ve done in less than 2 weeks, increased holders by what 2000? It was in the 3000 before we started.

>> No.57406223
File: 997 KB, 898x695, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright well as a certified slothbucks chad i can confidently say that no there isn't an effective way to track trending cb wallet transactions outside cb wallet also the whitepill thread is for shilling coins that you are bagholding and lgdxfkxj is obviously shilling the soon-to-die shitcoin we know as linu as a slothbucks chad with the biggest cock i don't have time to waste with these losers

>> No.57406237
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1024, homie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406240

I’m one of the whitest people browsing this board fudfaggot go wish you weren’t dipped in shit at birth elsewhere, /adv/ will hear your plea

>> No.57406241

300 Billion Stacklet reporting in.

Just checking to see if I have been unbanned yet.

>> No.57406255

>We’re working on it but a lot of people here are lazy
Homie I'm not lazy i just have a full time job AND i have to work this weekend. I've been spreading the word when i can. :(

>> No.57406260
File: 1.72 MB, 1024x1024, homie1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406270

It’s okay same here, I also have a 9 month old baby I’m raising so we will do our best. God speed.

>> No.57406280

Based, i just had my 1st kid too. Trying to WAGMI for our children's future!

>> No.57406292
File: 1.57 MB, 1024x1024, homie4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406295
File: 88 KB, 444x562, niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based take this rare linu meme

>> No.57406346
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x1024, greenlinu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406389
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>> No.57406391
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x1024, greenlinu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406397
File: 1.76 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps my cock is bigger than your moms so don't even try bro

>> No.57406431
File: 1.82 MB, 1024x1024, linufrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406445

>LINU is the family man's coin choice

>> No.57406465
File: 307 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_7228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406473
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x1024, linu6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406491

>LINU is the family man's coin choice
Now I understand the fud campaigns

>> No.57406512

Based. Just came home from the playground with my toddler. Little guy deserves a crypto millionaire dad desu

>> No.57406519

Volume is plummeting :(

>> No.57406527
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x1024, linu9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406534
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x1024, linu8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406547

I really really really like this image, can I have it?

>> No.57406562

go crazy homie, its for the community

>> No.57406589
File: 201 KB, 960x540, 1705953123198298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no dev.

I like this style.

Interesting to see how many of us bought in for our families. Very wholesome vibes. Very homie certified.

>Volume is plummeting :(
Doesn't matter. We're still just in week 1. We have to spread the memes anon. The goal is the exchanges.

>> No.57406603

Some pretty nice pics in here

>> No.57406605
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1706151509864056.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy, Hold, wait for the CEXs, you win.

>> No.57406609

Could you turn the moon doggo is looking at into the earth?
Also, any chance of making this image with an aspect ratio of 16:9?
I'd like it as a wall paper.

>> No.57406649



>> No.57406668
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, linu10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406681
File: 1.41 MB, 1024x1024, linurocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57406693

Reminder that homieposters are literally fudding a 4m mc project
Makes you think what they have to gain

>> No.57406715

Are you using AI to make these? These look solid, much better than anything I could get the ai stuff to do. Keep up the good work homie.

>> No.57406734

its all in the prompts anon
midjourney btw

>> No.57406740

very cute doggos. I'll be able to get a cute inu and call it luna if I make it.

>> No.57406801


They have a lot to gain, this project clearly has legs and they want more cheapies.

>> No.57406804
File: 1.88 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slothbucks chad with the huge cock here midjourney is an awesome ai tool bro you got that right it took me a while to get it to understand the sloth language but now i've got it completely dialed in thanks bro

>> No.57406807

What tiktok hoe? Can you give me a name? I want to look them up

>> No.57406825

Sub 5 million mcap is dirt cheap.

>> No.57406848
File: 170 KB, 1179x1450, IMG_6119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Compare the volume of something like KNS

>> No.57406851

>Shill for free
Homie if he owns any Linu himself than it is an investment in his best interests too. I would shill for free too if I had a big following

>> No.57406860

A anon that's not a poorfag like me should get som adspace on 4chin... >>57405654
^see this

>> No.57406862
File: 5 KB, 458x105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do you think would be a good time to buy in? Can't really justify buying after this kind of pump though

>> No.57406863
File: 183 KB, 1179x1455, IMG_6120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The volume is doing just fine for its market cap

>> No.57406871

People praise KNS, I’m a Samuari as well, but don’t say shit about its crap volume. Volume isn’t the end all be all for coins.

>these sloth niggers

>> No.57406873

I’m a 33yo kissless virgin. LFG

>> No.57406894
File: 1.53 MB, 1101x1105, FITTIN_BE_BUSSIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You be doin' Gods work playboi!!! Fr fr no cap. I'm deadass vibing rn ngl. LINU flex mad rizz sis, stay up fambalam!!! We finna be da GOATed poggers. No cap. On gawd. Picrel

>> No.57406900

It’s 4 million Mc. That’s nothing. If you truly think this will go to even say 10m here soon you profit. You’re gonna rope if you chose not to buy and this explodes past 25m in the coming weeks. Timing a buy in is dumb if you believe in the project, if you don’t care and are only here for a quick profit then you do whatever you want.

>> No.57406909


I’m not saying shit. I’m simply making a comparison to say the volume of LINU is fine. I used KNS as the example in this case for obvious reasons.

>> No.57406923

Oh meant to reply to the anon you replied to homie

>> No.57406926

Makes sense. Do you think there's any liquidity issues if I buy $10k worth?

>> No.57406932

There's like 700k liquidity locked a 10k buy won't do much.

>> No.57406938

>I’m a 33yo kissless virgin
Well when Linu hits the exchanges maybe you can marry up a foreign qt poor girl & change her life too. You'll make it homie.

>> No.57406940

Shouldn’t be I didn’t everything through Coinbase and was fine but I know a lot of anons hate it. Good luck future 2T whale.

>> No.57406943

For now, but a the rate at which the volume is dropping, it won't be far off from that in a week or so.

>> No.57406951


Space your buys out. That would be a better option in my opinion. Little here, little here.

>> No.57406962

Did everything* phone posting is so gay but tranny dog shit cleaners leave me no choice

Doubt. This project only died when it was abandoned in the past by the devs, now it’s homie central.

>> No.57406963


Look at the market cap. Do you need things to be explained like you’re a 5 year old?

>> No.57406964

It's around now man. Look at the recent charts, it's regaining support now.

>> No.57406976

What does it take to grease the wheels to the exchanges? Should be doubling down on that shit. Also, have to appropriate somebody like George Lopez, or the guy from La Bamba.

>> No.57406990

That's assuming the current floor of 3-4 million holds over the next week.

>> No.57406993
File: 51 KB, 1380x279, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the Coinbase way work? It looks like most people buy through Uniswap v3?
Good point anon. Prob 1 ETH at a time is good and I'll go another 1 ETH if we dip

>> No.57407001

Use cowswap, it's the best dex aggregator with mev protection.

>> No.57407002
File: 1.83 MB, 1024x1024, diefudjeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57407012


Worrying about tomorrows problems destroys todays peace. Cross that bridge when the time comes.

>> No.57407017


0.10 rupees have been deposited into your account.

>> No.57407022

Ok, but just yesterday the volume was holding steady at 1.5-1.7 million, now it's less than half of that.

>> No.57407029

Thanks, but I genuinely hate people and can’t stand to be around them. I’ll probably stay single till I die.

>> No.57407037
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to stop talking and start listening because you don't know what it takes to be a slothbucks chad the only woman i will ever need is slothbucks but i'm sure her and i will be more than happy to buy out any women who you happen to woo in your feeble attempts at being a chad because slothbucks are a chad's currency slothbucks are a currency for the man the myth the legend the stud the gentleman the genius the sloth the chad

>> No.57407044


So sell if you have little faith in the future.

>> No.57407062
File: 50 KB, 592x585, 118564846413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on a nice 320B stack
Pretty tapped put right now, but I'm good at playing the waiting game

>> No.57407138
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x1024, linuposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57407145
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x1024, linuposter2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57407156
File: 1.70 MB, 1024x1024, poster3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57407171
File: 1.67 MB, 1024x1024, poster4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57407190

1.2 T homie. Love the meme, comfy dog wizard soothes me

>> No.57407265
File: 1.75 MB, 1024x1024, poster5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57407293

These memes are like old money. More like Medici Family money. Italian renessaince bank mafia. Striking a good resonance in the soul

>> No.57407329

The meme energy is so strong, I haven't seen this ever since the early Chainlink days.

>> No.57407385

I'd do more like $500-$1000 here and there. The mev bot do be a massive faggot and jeets with 20-30b love paper handing on the slightest green.

>> No.57407386
File: 1.79 MB, 1107x1108, LINU_HOMIE_NO_CAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts. Pull up! We Bussin, old dogs bout to get flexed on.

>> No.57407421

Everyone should use cowswap, it has built-in mev protection.

>> No.57407439

forgetting rubic?

>> No.57407448

Not even comparable.

>> No.57407472

how does it prevent it? spoonfeed a faggot to lazy to do his own research

>> No.57407497

These are really good. Peaceful. Hopeful. Nostalgic. Reminiscent of a time when belief still existed.

>> No.57407498

No clue lmao, it's a dex aggregator, I don't know why anyone still uses uniswap.

>> No.57407500

Being that this token has been resurrected from the dead. It would be interesting to see how many wallets are even active. There are top 200 wallets that look like they haven’t been touched in a while. This thing could moon and some poor retards would probably miss out