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57402719 No.57402719 [Reply] [Original]

Give me shitcoins where I can casually throw 10k at and expect 10x gains
>inb4 you can't do that, it's best to put in 1k and expect a 100x
Give me
I can throw 10k at without affecting liquidity and get a 10x , capish/comprende/affirmate?

>> No.57402728

DYOR, etc. just something to think about

>> No.57402729
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>the girls never puffed

>> No.57402732

I need that fucking 10x-20x in a month. I missed out on AI, on PulseHEX on Arbitrum on Solana on PEPE, etc. I could have had 3.5M in real estate right now working on my self esteem, my physical body, my teeth, my future wife and kids, instead I've been busy slacking off for the past 3 years with you pajeets. 8% of 3.5M = 280k a year = 23k a month, with that kind of money I could have hired a dozen chinese and pajeets for artistic projects and software(chinese for the software part, pajeets can't code worth a shit, they're too autistic in the wrong direction)

>> No.57402737

LTC but you have to wait 6 years more at least

>> No.57402742

LINU quite honestly

>> No.57402745

Dump 9k into a high return savings account and day trade the 1k.

>> No.57402810


>> No.57403319

Fringe Finance
>v2 launch in literally 15 hours
>launching on 5 chains
>shitcoin lending/borrowing (AAVE for altcoins)
>defi margin trading
>only $7m MC
>potentially billions inflow of tvl in the coming months
Last chance to hop on board

>> No.57403323


>> No.57403331
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>> No.57403345


This. The number of holders just keep going up. You can check this on ether scan.

>> No.57403450
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>> No.57403506

Yeah, this one seems to have some real meme potential. Attention and holders seems to be steadily growing.

>> No.57403534

Started trending on Coinbase yesterday

>> No.57403724

>Dump 9k into a high return savings account
And make 45$ a month?

>> No.57403729

Can’t hurt to get a small bag here — liquidity just got locked for a year https://birdeye.so/token/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq?chain=solana&tab=recentTrades

>> No.57403767
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Should try $LRD once it listed, already played its game game and after the grind tourns out to be a quite decent game.
Better than nothing.

>> No.57403797

My portfolio contains BNB, LTC, XTP and CRO. And they are asll not shitcoins, you shitposter.

>> No.57403815

What does that offer when it is listed? I want a crypto card player like Tap or Fina

>> No.57403852
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im doing this with avi
instead of throwing in 10k and expecting 10x or 1k and expecting 100x, i threw in 10k and im expecting 100x but only waiting for a 10x
it sounds like complete retard logic but it also sounds correct

>> No.57404519

How is Solana looking? is it the new BSC?

>> No.57404691
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>> No.57404704

this. 10k should be a comfy 2tn or something

>> No.57405047

Oh give it a rest already. Hoge sucked ass. Shiba Inu made it because they had 30 marketers with finished college degrees.

>> No.57405061


>> No.57405145

Comfy on sol. Legit English speaking dev that's delivered on everything. Stubborn bizreali bag holders. Still under $1mil mc. A 10x is nothing.

>> No.57405178

Your best bet is in the Solana shitcoin casino right now

>> No.57405187


>> No.57405379

Neurai (XNA)

they do a micro halving every 10 days, where there are 5% less mined coins. but in 70 days, there will be a full halving where that amount gets cut by 50%.

its going to have a supply shock since the only people selling these low cap coins are the miners.

the market cap is only like 20 mil or something

>> No.57405425 [DELETED] 

>go look it up to buy
>not on eth network
damn was hoping it was on the actual network I use. welp so it goes.

>> No.57405536

if you buy things on the eth network, you are at the whim of the price of eth. there is a high correlation and the coin only goes up and down when eth does. also eth charges ridiculous fees by comparison. just get on an exchange and buy some.

>> No.57405578
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>> No.57405592 [DELETED] 

my autism doesnt let me get on other networks easily. your points are valid but I only buy eth tokens. so it goes for autism

>> No.57405604
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LINU is new DOGE! Normies will eat this shit up!


>> No.57405610


looks like sol is the network for shitcoins this time around anyways

>> No.57405616

This nigga said my teeth kek

>> No.57405633

>sol is the network for shitcoins
General rule of thumb in (current year) if it's a solcoin, you're getting rugged. Unfortunate.

>> No.57405651
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This duck is mooning rn and yall sleeping

>> No.57405653
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i'm not gonna sit here and say my cock is massive i mean the market's already speaking for itself slothbucks chad here i'm definitely not gonna let some 4chan basedboy tell me my stack ain't big enough i have a six figure stack of slothbucks ready for launch just you watch

>> No.57405689


The answer is LINU (I have 500 B), stay away from sol scamcoins like >>57405651

>> No.57405713

should have, would have, could have

>> No.57405726
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Here you go

>> No.57405740 [DELETED] 

sol network is another pajeet scam network like bsc. I have no interest in it on top of autism about other networks. If the tokens on Sol didnt rug constantly due to 100000% pajeet increase on that network I might someday consider getting coins on there if my autism didnt flare up about it. But since its just as shit if not worse than bsc (pajeet scam network) I have no interest.

>> No.57405820

If you're dead set on eth, OGSM is still on sale. I doubt it will stay under 1mil today. Go support the boy who saved crypto and make some gains. You're welcome.

>> No.57405861
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dude you're such a faggot faggot solana has got nothing on slothbucks and that is saying something there are only a few projects on solana that i trust and i'm really looking at the team here

>> No.57405872
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If you're intelligent and have the patience to hodl through 2 bullruns (5-7 years) then BTC is your best bet.

>> No.57405908


>> No.57405910

Diversify your 10k across multiple 10x prospects to encompass different narratives.
L1s: TIA, DESO and SEI
L2s: ARB, POL (matic), MANTA and Eclipse
Cosschain interoperability: STINK (chainlink) and AXL
Web3 gaming: IMX and Seedify
Narratives are new L1 efferium killers like every cycle, a counter narrative of L2s replacing L1s doing things like using TIA's modular blockchain to give ETH Solana's transation speed and other infrastructure shit or just make efferium less shit overall. Gaming became normoids don't care about infrastructure and just want to buy easy thing that go up or play with things. Web3 gaming could be huge and is different than the last cycle play to earn. This will be AAA titles on chain that normoids can play and purchase/sell NFT game items. Also the new alpha in 2024 is staking for airdrops. It allows you to gain early pre exchange listing token for cents on the dollar. The days of free airdrops are gone due to jeet wallet spam. Now to get early tokens you have to stake a coin in a reasonable amount that other tokens will be using. It's the ponzinomics that will fan the flames of the next bullrun. Use the TIA example but others will follow
>Steak TIA for the airdrops
>TIA demand explodes
>TIA price go up bigly
>airdrops bring more TIA havers
>TIA havers attract more airdrops
>more airdrops bring more TIA demand
>TIA price go up even more bigly
>2025 cycle top
>everything shits

>> No.57405995

Alternatively go watch the virtual bacon and ellio trades 2024 portfolio breakdowns. One is an ETHfag and the the other a SOLsol but their portfolios are very similar.

>> No.57406000

Yeah, OP can get a 4x if he's patient at waits 10 years.