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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 545 KB, 720x919, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57396849 No.57396849 [Reply] [Original]

Heard your little crypto thing didn't work out, champ.

That's ok, the army has its own "coins" you can collect right after you sign this contract

>> No.57396940


>> No.57396966

>die for israel goy!

>> No.57396980

Not getting blown up for those lizards

>> No.57397056


>> No.57397080

Ok, team! We're shipping out to Israel first thing Monday morning

>> No.57397089

I'd sooner shove dildos up my ass on cam for $10 a day and live on the streets than join the US army thanks

>> No.57397114

The fact that service members are allowed to wear their pajama combat uniforms in non-warzone areas working 9-5 desk jobs is such a joke

>> No.57397267
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>> No.57397317

I'm 29 so way too old, I'm thinking FBI or CIA so I can have sex with cute informants

>> No.57397335

I think it's kinda cool.

>> No.57397339

Nonsense, thats still young enough to sign up.
We'll even have you go through a "fat camp" if you are really out of shape

>> No.57397350
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I ain't afraid of no glows.

>> No.57397356

4 years in the military with a job that gets you a security clearance is a better use of time than 4 years at college

>any government contracting job I want
>100k starting with government benefits and pension
>basically impossible to be fired as long as you do the bare minimum and don’t rape anyone

>> No.57397617

Maybe If can can do it working from home

>> No.57397798

I did 3 years in the Army and get free paid college and get 80% disability payment every month ($2000) and never deployed just stay state side. I'm only 25 as well living a decent life.

>> No.57397851

Same except they fucked up my lungs making us clean some old chemical shit from 50y ago and the va is useless and denied my disability.

>> No.57397858
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>> No.57397921

I got stoned and partied for 8 years in college and now I wfh making $100k.

>> No.57398138
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No thnx

>> No.57398186

yeah but don't expect mindbroken poltards to comprehend that

>> No.57398192

>I'm 29 so way too old
Age limits
Air Force: 17 - 39.
Army: 17 - 35.
Coast Guard: 17 - 31.
Marine Corps: 17 - 28.

you're only too old for the marines corps. go get em champ

>> No.57398207

> Yes goy, come to avdeevka, we have extremely bullish coins there.. yes yes, right in that trench over there ser

>> No.57398242

Same except I do 3 days on site and 2 WFH as a network engineer.

>> No.57398277

>denied my disability
appeal, appeal, appeal! at some point they're just gonna give it you. just keep fighting it.

>> No.57398312

You have to keep fighting them, hire a lawyer if you have to. It's fucking dumb, but worth it. Youre trying to get essentially free money from them for life so they are going to be greedy kikes about it

>> No.57398349


>> No.57398354
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The one thing that's good about getting old is that they wouldn't want my grandpa ass on the front lines. All the troops are gonna be Gen Z or Alpha and saying things like, "on god, requesting reinforcements, frfr no cap."

>> No.57398369

With a dad bod and still got no bitches

>> No.57398386
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While the army boys take erryone and yo mama to pound town and living off disability for the rest of their lives.

>> No.57398471

>the military is so bad they have to recruit on 4chan to find people retarded enough to join

>> No.57398519

This, my 100k defense job is comfy desu and I get to be around cool shit. Very fulfilling and a good backup if my shitcoins don’t make me make it

>> No.57398522
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I got 1 year left and lately been shitcoining on solana with moderate success

>> No.57398548

How you have a phone in there? How do you trade when deployed?

>> No.57398651

"ON MA MOMMA Request immediate extraction position compromised TYPE SHIIE"

>> No.57398655

Haven't deployed and hopefully never will. From what I've heard internet in the middle east is like $100/mo

>> No.57398680

Army or AirForce?

>> No.57398691

>and don’t rape anyone
damn there's always a catch

>> No.57398786
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Zoomers don't make good soldiers unfortunately.
They complain about everything, and get traumatized easily.

>> No.57398899

Imagine putting on your gay little uniform to sit in a chair, because some zogbot 3-star nepohire thinks it projects power.

>> No.57398909

I honestly think zoomers are alright. There were tons of retarded millenials, and tons of retarded X'ers. Unless you are a military professional that has experience, you probably are just a boomer complainty-pants.

>> No.57398912


>> No.57398939
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The GI Bill and VA home loan make joining the military worth it for poor anons. Just choose something other than combat arms like infantry

>> No.57398940

Oh, believe me, I have first hand experience...
You think they are "alright" because you probably only deal with them briefly while you mod a discord server, trying having them as co-workers!

>> No.57398954

Combat Arms is the only point of signing up, being a POG is a huge waste of time.

>> No.57399019

>don't have to deal with bad back and fucked up legs
how can you say that the POG life is a huge waste of time when grunts deal with the green weenie on a constant 24/7 basis.

>> No.57399031
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Dying for Israel or Lockheed is dumb. Get an mos that'll get you a job or security clearance.

>> No.57399090


No one cares. Armyfags are the worst with their false sense of entitlement. You niggers are always begging for attention when you're nothing more than a glorified welfare queen. Keep fighting for ZOG

>> No.57399104

All support MOS work is mostly handled by civilian contractors, so you are essentially doing pointless busy work half the time because your command doesn't trust you to not fuck up and the jobs
Grunts wind up going into those jobs after their contract ends anyway.

>> No.57399125

I'm 36 and not even sure I could pass a physical screening. Might as well just nuke me outright.

>> No.57399153

>Grunts wind up going into those jobs after their contract ends anyway
Grunts literally learn nothing that transfers to the real world kek. They don't get anything past a secret clearance either
>All support MOS work is mostly handled by civilian contractors
Lmao you're not worth replying to

>> No.57399247

>All support MOS work is mostly handled by civilian contractors
no. worked in the airwing and we pull 10+ hours pretty much daily. there is like 3-5 contractors per squadron or some shit so not common. possibly more in reserve components. you're full of shit.

>> No.57399277

lol someone is butt hurt

>> No.57399333

I would have joined the military if I had anything to be proud of in this country.

enjoy being a glorified spic wrangler

>> No.57399353

>Grunts literally learn nothing that transfers to the real world kek.
They have the GI Bill, and will go on to get degrees to work those same jobs POGs go to after their contract ends
>They don't get anything past a secret clearance either
All soldiers have a security clearance

>> No.57399404

Cool story glowie, consider this though

-The "benefits" point you make are bullshit. Most government jobs in 2024 have very shitty benefits. Its why job hopping between places like Lockheed Martin, Caci, Leidos, Carahsoft, etc is so common now. If you truly want to be in public sector so badly, you're better off doing a startup

-salary caps around $150k, no one in government ever makes more than that, not even managerial positions after decades of experience.

-money is only really good during wartime

-once you've gotten clearence, you're a prisoner to the USA forever, not being allowed to travel to plenty of countries, and having to report everyone you ever date/fuck, especially if they're eastern euro

-Extreme lack of remote work opportunities, since everything important and worth getting paid good for is done in SCIFs


-Cliche, and may not matter to plenty of you, especially these days where the job markets in the toilet and you have to take what you can get, but you're making money off directly fucking over innocent sand niggers, whilst also being a little bitch for Israel, homosexuality, satanism, and everything else this government stands for

I know i know, you dont care. Just thought id add to this perspective

>> No.57399442

Can someone explain to me why people sign up for jobs where you get shot at and killed for $35,000 (before taxes) per year when you can pick any random factory and make $42,000 per year?
Police, military...

>> No.57399535

Your request, our action! It's exciting that DiVIC returns with a bang!
To kick off 2024, we present dynamic sessions tailored for you.
This week, join us with Firdosh Drife, Founder & CEO of Drife

25th of Jan, 1 pm UTC

>> No.57399546

When I tried to join as an officer they told me they already had enough COs but maybe I'd want to try being an NCO and sleeping in the bunks at fort bragg. I declined.

>> No.57399554

It was 32 before, they must have changed it.

>> No.57399589

>-salary caps around $150k, no one in government ever makes more than that, not even managerial positions after decades of experience.
where did you get that from? i just check to see what a pilot makes on usajobs and they make around 100k+. here is one that makes 186k starting.

>> No.57399621

Lmao gi bill doesn't get you years of experience. Grunts literally waste tears of their lives doing something that has zero application.
>All soldiers have a security clearance
Retard. You missed the point too kek

>> No.57399633

>-once you've gotten clearence, you're a prisoner to the USA forever, not being allowed to travel to plenty of countries, and having to report everyone you ever date/fuck, especially if they're eastern euro
None of this is true kek. Imagine typing all this up about something you know nothing about

>> No.57399663

Why should any young person want to die for a country they will never be able to afford a house in that is also under relentless foreign invasion? Pro tip: THEY DON’T. Soon we will see our government institute mandatory military service for youth similar to South Korea.

>> No.57399680

Based glowie honeypotting crapto NEETs. We need more bodies to defend Israel, our greatest ally. USA USA USA

>> No.57399714

its hillarious, tom and jerry niggas

>> No.57401200

>VA Home loan
Nigger, its easier to get an fixed FHA 30 year loan these days. VA loans are obsolete when even illegals are getting 100% financing.

>> No.57401281

>.....wait where did all the white men go? HELP! STOP BEING RACIST AND JOIN THE MILITARY, YOU FUCKING BIGOTS!

libtard is a mentally illness

>> No.57401455

>implying one is better than the other

>> No.57401535

Imagine dying for a country while they promote blacks and beans to management positions because of DEI

>> No.57401550

Military must be incredibly desperate to be advertising here

>> No.57401680
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All of you will serve in a war, if they want you to. They will freeze your bank accounts if you try to escape to Mexico or something. Stocks, bonds, etc. Just like Trudeau did to the convoy of protestors. The financial system is an extension of the government. If a draft comes, the first thing you should do is all in on XMR, and get used to your money fluctuating all the time. Don't hesitate either, because the longer you wait the more it will pump. Don't use exchanges. You should already be owning crypto, physical gold bars, etc. If you really plan to flee and survive somewhere else for a few years. Problem is, everything has already pumped. Americans who invested already in bullets and land and community will be fine to stand their ground. You likely won't.

>> No.57403317

Tomorrow I join! Fuck you faggots I'm enlisting! I'll send you all pics of me ravaging Iranian pussy!

>> No.57403606
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I was in the military for four years and never learned what these "coins" or "challenge coins" were about. I occasionally heard things but was thankfully too autistic to participate in any social gatherings. Can someone explain them to me?

>> No.57403860

My little bag of crypto in XTP, DOT, LTC and CRO did work. So, sorry, not sorry about the army.

>> No.57403872 [DELETED] 

Can’t hurt to get a small bag here — liquidity just got locked for a year https://birdeye.so/token/9H5bSR9kaUiXJ9HqzmU5gwPuDXvQMPmnmyeZxEStVDSq?chain=solana&tab=recentTrades

>> No.57403916

No, thanks. I see how the VA is run.

>> No.57403948
File: 933 KB, 720x919, Army FAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm white....I don't want to take opportunity's from People Of Color and Trans Folks.

>> No.57404029

Or if you have an IQ over 100, you can:

>Go to a public university for 4 years basically for free if you are in a STEM field.
>Get a comfy job in an industry starting at $75-95k/year in a low CoL area.
>Have essentially unlimited earnings potential if you have a continuous personal growth and networking mindset.
>Not be a physically and mentally broken literal cuck by the time you are 40.

I don't blame people for going into the military if they don't have another option, but if you have another option, you should definitely take it. Don't go $100k in debt, but don't fall for the "STEM is a meme" meme.

>> No.57404124

Lmao imagine being desperate enough to join ZOG

>> No.57404144
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This kek
Imagine the smell

>> No.57404904

lol cope have fun with your crippling Jew school debt

>inb4 I'll have it paid off
yeah maybe in 30 years lol along with your mortgage
meanwhile I get so much benefits on so much shit just for being a veteran and get a big guberment check from taxpayer money which is YOUR money lol keep working wage cuck

>> No.57404924

Genuinely no difference between a nigger she-whale welfare queen and a vet both always screeching for gibs it’s funny

>> No.57404937

>taxpayer money
The Fed funds the treasury. Taxes are only to control inflation.
Also not serving the great satan. Sage

>> No.57404939

>implying I have bankike account with more than $1000 in it
>implying I have stocks/bonds

I already have all my money in crypto. As soon as that paycheck comes it goes straight to my Wallet. I stake USDT right now for a sweet 14% APY and no do I not pay taxes on my crypto gains.

>> No.57404988

>die for Israel
No thanks, I make six figures in my day job, I'm poor, not destitute.

And what does an army fag make? 20k per year? Lol that's third world tier wages.

>> No.57405038
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Every job has a risk of dying, suppose you work in construction, you fall off , you're dead. You're an electrician? Every time you do a job the chances you may get electrocuted to death increase exponentially. You can't beat mr Grim Reaper; also some jobs may not outright kill you but take a severe toll in your body. Something as stupid as working in a printer may leave your lungs totally destroyed by 45 or so. You may die in that random factory too. At least being a cop let's you kill some niggers and spics.

>> No.57405064

This is delusion. Military guys are stereotyped as being cheated on and they arent in better shape than an average /fit/ user

>> No.57405163

Construction workers and Electricians get paid 75k
A soldier in the army gets paid 27k.

>> No.57405394

Well it's not like soldiers are in war all the time, it makes no sense to pay some armed grunt to essentially be available in case something happens. Only risk of dying most of the time is overdosing on heroin. Construction workers instead have to work literally all the time

>> No.57406013

>I am fighting for no free health care, for children to get shot and schools, and for Israel.