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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57396581 No.57396581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

THREAD #4 GENTLEMEN *tink* *tink*

>> No.57396598

I just remembered UFO.
This thing had a downtrend for about a month after first peak before suddenly going parabolic to 1bil+ mc.

>> No.57396610

First one in sir VIP seating.

>> No.57396611
File: 54 KB, 1024x674, 1605059233389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have QUADRUPLE bottomed

>> No.57396614

Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
Fuck niggers
Fuck jeets
Fuck bugs
And fuck me for fomoing into this piece of shit

>> No.57396621

What we thinking the weekend stats will look like?

>> No.57396622

Starting to sound desperate desu. Are you worried biz will stop talking about your bag for a few minutes? What happens then?

>> No.57396623

Dead Pump and dump operation lmao

>> No.57396633

Slow bleed into oblivion just to be pnd a few years down the line.
I should've known better but im fucking stupid to fall for yet another one.

>> No.57396637

PND with wallets increasing bloody benchod fud.

>> No.57396640


This breakout is going to melt faces. American wages go home soon get ready.

>> No.57396660

just relax jesus.

>> No.57396661
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Did you buy the top anon?

>> No.57396666

ITT we post with our fellow street shitters

good morning!

>> No.57396668
File: 75 KB, 600x327, Untitled-design-600x327-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not an expert at TA, and I have a 5 bil LINU stack, but isn't this trend called a descending triangle pattern? It could be bullish, but at the same time it could be bearish.

>> No.57396679
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Good morning, and checked.

>> No.57396681

Based thread they dont get it

>> No.57396686


TA barely works on blue-chip companies.

>> No.57396687


Newfag here wondering the same thing

>> No.57396743

Where is the buying pressure going to come from? A lot of biz is still up multiples right now and the rest are underwater bag holders. That’s all potential sell pressure. Where’s the buy pressure? Who tf is going to come in with size and buy this right now? Nobody. Wake tf up to the market anon

>> No.57396767


Twitter & Reddit who think they are smart money, then eventually normies who want to get rich from the funny dog coin.

>> No.57396776

>wallets increasing
>each worth $5-$20
Yep, I’m sure it’s all legit

>> No.57396783

Bought a tiny 10 billion stack just because this token makes jeets seethe a lot, that's bullish.

>> No.57396785

if dubs i buy more

>> No.57396787

Yeah, about that, is it getting any traction at all there?

>> No.57396794

Shib had wallets like that where $20 turned into hundreds of thousands.

>> No.57396803

>It could be bullish, but at the same time it could be bearish
I agree. There’s a good chance it could go up, but also an equal chance that it could go down.

>> No.57396804

Would you buy that chart anon? Imagine you are Reddit and Twitter. That look like something you want to throw your money at? Up 20x from a week ago… violently dumped. Some of you deserve to lose money.

>> No.57396806

I saw like 0 posts when I first bought, saw several more today with a couple hundred views. Looks promising

>> No.57396808

is reddit even on this right now? I tried posting it in the shib army sub but those people are so paranoid of being "scammed" they all cry SCAM without even bothering to look into it. say what you will about GME and doge and shib, but during that time normies were just having fun during a down period of their lives in the height of the pandemic, now everyone is too skeptical of being ripped off they can't be bothered to throw like 20 dollars into a coin to try to jeet the system. even biz can all get on the same page about a coin to do what shib did in 2021. and maybe that was the goal to suppress people getting rich off this stuff, create derision so no one makes it. SAD

>> No.57396817

another -70% from here, homie

>> No.57396840

I’m feeling pretty good homiesisters. Fud is ineffective.

>> No.57396850
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>Up 20x from a week ago… violently dumped.
You mean like this? I wonder what happened shortly after

>> No.57396853

Rolling for you
Excellent Post! You will be happy when we moon tho

>> No.57396854

>3t just got dumped

>> No.57396864

Damn look at that pump and dump. Nothing good could come from that coin.

>> No.57396874
File: 128 KB, 1916x930, lunainuscam_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is dead
We have been telling you Luna Inu faggots for weeks that this was going to happen. This is an artificial pump by a group of coordinated and organized shills who bought in much earlier than you
The plan was non stop shlling on biz. Biz retards bought in with the muh next hot meme coin promo and fake artificial community
The people who warned you were ignored with the cope "legit criticism is actually bullish, gives me early link vibes, next shib, always do the opposite of what biz says"
You got scammed. The scammers are not your friends
This project has been long since abandoned by the original group of shills, they haven't tweeted since last April >>/biz/thread/57376630#p57377831
btw being charitable with the chart, this shit is going to zero
Good luck being continually dumped on you retarded brain dead faggots, hope you learn your lesson, probably won't LMAO

>> No.57396888
File: 225 KB, 1024x1024, F_5uy4kXAAA5mRW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy back the bottom and we can beat the jeets and fudsisters.
this guy comes into every thread to spam this ignore him

>> No.57396894
File: 117 KB, 1145x493, Shib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nothing good could come from that coin.

>> No.57396896

So the pump and dumpers are out now. That is bullish.

>> No.57396905

nice copypasta, still not selling

>> No.57396922
File: 7 KB, 210x240, bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I just want to remind you luna inu faggots the future that awaits you. I will continue to do so as a reminder in all your threads
No amount of cope will prevent you losers from living to see it
You made the wrong decision going anywhere near this long since abandoned project of the 10,000th copypasta dog shitcoin because of scammer shills
All of you deserve to lose all your money. I kind of have to give the scammers their due, ripping off biztards shouldn't be this easy but yet continues to be
All these newfags are littering biz right now desperate to spot the next hot meme coin and you served them this shit, congrats lol

>> No.57396924

It didn’t happen shortly after. Shib was dumped and left for dead. It was pumped by big funds about half a year later. This isn’t shib though. Even if you want to compare it to shib, expect it to dump until it’s forgotten about again. Absolutely no reason to buy now. Come back in 6 months and I’ll throw beer money at it again

>> No.57396925

>crabs for 6 months

>> No.57396933

this is also his copy pasta he made for when he gets called out.

>> No.57396953

so what came after was YET another PnD?

>> No.57396975

Also during the crabbing period after the first PnD shiba was pulling around 300M daily volume, this shit is tanking in volume too, and if it werent for the bots it would be completely dead

>> No.57396988

oh look these copy pasta again

>> No.57396999
File: 207 KB, 1040x449, 1000002374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you posted to explain...this? Perhaps you post to tell me why my cute doggy coin is dumping?

>> No.57397004

Gonna slowly turn my stacklet into 1T

>> No.57397005

>we have been telling you
So what you’re saying is that you ARE part of a group of paid fudders

>> No.57397023

yeah, Raj and his village need you to go all in on the latest trump coin, stop looking at linu.

>> No.57397025

I’m so sorry, I have 700b+ and I’m just not gonna sell, riding it to 0 or the moon

>> No.57397033

This died back in 2022/early 2023 though. Wouldn’t now be the “shib” moment, if there were to be one?

>> No.57397050

No need to compare it with SHIB
There have been shitload of memecoins that went to high 100s of millions of marketcap

>> No.57397052

LINU is the best asymmetric bet in crypto right now, and no one can prove otherwise.

Riding my 500 billy bag like the degenerate gambler I am.

>> No.57397079
File: 45 KB, 637x354, IMG_1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m right fucking with you LINU homie. I bought 520 billion for under 500 dollars and I’m not selling a single fucking LINU until its make it worthy. The meme magic is alive and if it dies my wallet will gladly die with it.

>> No.57397118

Shiieeettt why didn't I buy last week. I wanted to but forgot. I feel like a stacklet with 250b. I still got 5.5b Shib... I promised myself to stop swapping Shib after that first Linu buy

>> No.57397149

I saw… something. But I won’t talk in order to preserve better chances of happening.
Loaded another 100B, just in case.

>> No.57397151

It's over lmao

Enjoy being baggies of generic shitcoin #54576864

>> No.57397177

Notice how the fud ramps up as we test the bottom? If you sell, they win.

>> No.57397182

Don't doubt those small wallets, I bought and sold my $50 dollar shib wallet for $1.1million, if only I threw in $500 and I would of made it made it.

>> No.57397181

>7 year cycles
So we have 3 more years left? The world isn’t going to be around that long. It’s fuckin over

>> No.57397183

Raj… I swear I hate that fucking dick head.

>> No.57397228

Report him to HR

>> No.57397236


This. It’s the only thing that makes sense. What kind of fucking loser spends all day fudding a coin with a 4m mc that they have ZERO interest in. Makes you think.

>> No.57397282
File: 15 KB, 430x291, image0-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just not going to sell ez as that

>> No.57397312

I know I ain't gonna make money like this from my LINU holdings.
But still anywhere from 50k-200k from my initial would be appreciated

>> No.57397411
File: 33 KB, 800x450, cover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exactly like picrel

>> No.57397453

I think people just have fun stunting on people who are possibly distressed.
Prbly because they were neglected as children

>> No.57397522
File: 41 KB, 1164x422, 1706120717616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, shlomo.

>> No.57397542

Did anyone put their life's savings into this? No? Then shut the fuck up and let's ride this rollercoaster with our arms up. Quit replying to the coordinated fudders and make memes or something. Life's too short for this bullshit.

>> No.57397543

> bought 520 billion for under 500 dollars
Lucky you, I’m just a big risk taker and I’m not attached to the 3k or so I threw into this coin, but like half of that was from swapping eth/link.

>> No.57397566

eh we gotta keep entertained somehow for the next 3 days till the charts resolve

>> No.57397572
File: 1.15 MB, 683x1024, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many LINU to get a crumb of this linussy

>> No.57397575

If I lose my gamble, I lose. But if it goes the other way and pulls a x500-x1000 I'm going to make some nice pocket change.

>> No.57397586

Kek, wtf is this

>> No.57397600
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>> No.57397602

this isn't LINK

>> No.57397610
File: 262 KB, 1024x1024, _62d8b942-3fbf-4b11-9bbc-f3c7ce36a3d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57397669

Comfy pics

>> No.57397689
File: 751 KB, 1080x1962, 1706121789064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me why the old twitter handle is still active

>> No.57397691


>> No.57397697

Anon they dont get it. LINU homies have always been in it for the fun time. They hate it though, because we arent buying their shit. Yeah maybe LINU turns out to be shit as well but its our shit. And all I need is my homies enjoying the ride with me

>> No.57397744
File: 325 KB, 1024x1024, _71072e9b-7953-4f20-8fe5-6922abbd6f23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57397760

>Did anyone put their life's savings into this? No?

>> No.57397785

Sorry to ruin your bagholder group therapy session but not enough poorfags to send this thing, no international exposure, no social media accounts, no professional team, just crusty biz anons talking about the community, how well did that work out for the original dog with bat coin on biz, oh yeah it disappeared and got copied by Solana, vc's and a professional team sent it, think of the original pepe, no one gives a fuck, got replaced by big institutional pepe, basically this is going no where and all of you are fooling yourself that this is the next big meme, no amount of hopium will alter this path, you might get listed on some third rate exchange but that's it, nothing special about this tryhard forced meme, bearish as fuck

>> No.57397786


>> No.57397796
File: 34 KB, 1130x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come onn, do something funny to my 500

>> No.57397813

one big sell right now would send this below its bottom and probably tank this shit...
should I?
>t. 1.4t stack

>> No.57397819

Thanks. Maybe after the 10th time you post it I’ll read it

>> No.57397839

Yes, please

>> No.57397842

I have 3t bag from 2021. Should I dump it now?

>> No.57397847

if 5 do it
nobody on twitter is biting it anymore

>> No.57397849

Idk bro you do you bro

>> No.57397852

Yes, if you don’t mind

>> No.57397854

Im gonna dump soon so if you dont wanna lose out you you probably should

>> No.57397863

What a kind anon. Losing money on behalf of their bros.

>> No.57397864

That doesn’t work on pajeet scams

>> No.57397873

I cant dump til i'm home anyway and itll probably tank regardless of what I do, but if any anons want out now is the time to do it.

>> No.57397874

>announcing your dumps
Yes yes great fud guys, good job.

>> No.57397876

Rather make less money huh?

>> No.57397890

I double dare you to post the transaction.

>> No.57397895

Then it should work just fine with LINU

>> No.57397910

Oh damn are people actually buying again?

>> No.57397920

ill post it itt or the next thread whenever i do it

>> No.57397925

This is the TG mod btw, its fucking over holy shit

>> No.57397935
File: 281 KB, 1024x1024, _2c60d023-acfe-4099-ac06-1fd961390a8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57397962

Woah omg its serious guys damn its so over oh woah omg I actually came here to tell you

>> No.57397965

Lol incredible fud, proof?

>> No.57397971


>> No.57397974

>>announcing your dumps
i want an AI anime girl who does this.

>> No.57397981

Keep up the art homie

>> No.57397983

The fud here is insane Lel.
Yeah, added to the list of stuff that won’t happen :^)

>> No.57398017


Hes at work, just like the mod
He has mentioned the exact amount of 1.4T, guess how many the mod has? He was dumb enough to doxx his wallet.
Has been suspiciously quiet in the last few hours

Im sorry anons.

>> No.57398022

This teamless shitcoin has served its purpose. Lets call it a wrap, saars.

>> No.57398023


Nah, just joking
Still holding, homies
Fuck fudders

>> No.57398029

Give us a time that you are gonna sell at.

>> No.57398030

oops lol

>> No.57398039

Sorry fudjeets but i'm still not selling.

>> No.57398045

Whenever i'm home. Weather has been pretty bad lately and my office is nice and comfy. Maybe sometime around 5-6pm EST

>> No.57398056

Yeah, real smart to dump at the local bottom.
That's like what, a 0.5% price impact? Lmao

>> No.57398060

Whoa bro fr fr no cap whoa?


>> No.57398065

Fudders tongue my anus.

>> No.57398067

I made 10k off of LINU. Would’ve made more but I think it’s honestly time to pack up guys. It’s over. The price is bouncing downward more and more.
See you all next meme coin. Remember to always take your profits and don’t rely on the coin going 100x when it already went 10x

>> No.57398071

No, seriously. Holy shit. I never saw this amount of coordinated fud. Ever. And I’ve been on this Laotian fishermen board for years. Way too many. What are you dickheads up to? What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.57398094

I don't mean to fud but i'm not gonna be holding my bag for much longer. >>57398017 is just a highly autistic noticer.
Hope i'm wrong though and it pumps hard after i sell and you all make it

>> No.57398103

Guys. It is clear as the sky what’s going on here. I’m logging off. Godspeed.

>> No.57398105

or they could just hold and pump it to $5b mkt cap
no other memecoin that's been there has anything special this doesnt
in fact, the arguments surrounding distribution, liquidity, and renouncement gives this memecoin an edge against nearly all others
it only requires patience and resolve

>> No.57398108

Whoa bro fr? Damn

>> No.57398123

>Market Cap in the 3s now

>> No.57398146

If I place 500$ into a memecoin why shouldn't I risk with a possible x100+???

>> No.57398155

Fine and many other tokens have the same thing. In fact, fine is shilled constantly and even had some big names behind it. Wallet distribution is a little bit more skewed, but nothing that would fuck up any major run up. I don’t know what causes these things to moon, but I just don’t see it happening anytime soon, on any of them.

>> No.57398159

For the slow anons.
This token has potential. It has a godtier distribution. Great narrative. 100/100 contract.
Meaning, they want to play with the chart and win BIG. Of course, they can’t do that with a 10M mcap coin since they’re amateurs. So they spend their days to dump the price so that they can take control of the project. And then dump on your heads. Hold your position. Do not gift them your bags.
I’m not making this shit up. Who would spend their days fudding out a 4M mcap token? Fuck. The anon here above announcing its imminent dumpage? For fucks sake guys.

Do not fall for this shit.

>> No.57398171

No anon theyre clearly just well meaning friends who want to warn us lmaaaoo

>> No.57398176
File: 474 KB, 985x715, hope enjoyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry fudders, but the thing is.. I'm just not selling is all.. HAHA

>> No.57398181

Fine has a dev team which gave tokens to scammy exchanges like MEXC which proceeded to dump.

>> No.57398194
File: 202 KB, 1024x1024, 1706056767073714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead. The top 10 wallets are +2t since yesterday.
Top 25: +500b
top 50: +2.7t
top 100: +2.6t
top 150: +2.5t
top 100: +1.99t
Dump. Give up some for new buyers. Post sell, please.

>> No.57398208

oops. Top 200*

>> No.57398217


I’ve never seen anyone give a date and time for their dump. Why would that be? Wouldn’t you rather the price be higher?

>> No.57398245

This. Do not let go of your bags. There is zero reason to fud this.

>> No.57398252

Because its gonna dump regardless and i'm not heavily invested compared to the rest of my portfolio. /biz/raelis aren't gonna listen anyway and will keep buying

>> No.57398255

>I don't mean to fud
Proceeds to fud

>> No.57398257

lol. Speaks volume. Wonder who’s buying this bags.

>> No.57398267

Honestly what complest the fuddies to go through such lengths to fud? Just ignore the coin if you dont care about it. Or sell it if you dont like it.

>> No.57398275

What’s your wallet address? Let’s see it. Surely you have it saved on your phone since you like shitposting on 4chan so much. And there aren’t a billion of wallets with 1.3T, so just go ahead and tell us anon.

>> No.57398281

If you only put 100-500 in and are okay with that, then sure go ahead and hold. But if you put 1,000 in and it 10x just take the profit imo.

>> No.57398291

Someone ITT already figured out which one is me

>> No.57398294

There are six. Tell us so we can check if you’re heavily invested or not. But since I know that you’re a fucking capper, you’ll just pick up a random wallet and pretend it’s yours.

>> No.57398329

this guy is correct.

>> No.57398330

There is no dev or team though. It was renounced the first weeks of launching. All the exchanges came later.

>> No.57398336

>pls sirs, no bully

>> No.57398338
File: 916 KB, 768x1024, linugirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm euphoric right now. "People" wasting their time fudding something that is mostly owned by a bunch of random /biz/ wallets.

>> No.57398345

There was definitely a team associated with Lord Kek, they just hid the funds in multiple wallets.

>> No.57398357


>> No.57398372

Don’t get me wrong, lord Kek and his Arab friends are scammers, but the contract is renounced was the point I’m making. It’s a “community” token like linu. No one is running it. These guys are on twitter all day and sadly, it’s not doing much.

>> No.57398389

Doesn't mean they didn't keep a bunch of tokens to dump. The distribution on Linu is completely different.

>> No.57398414

>homies are haerin enjoyers
Ok, sorry for ever doubting linu
This coin is blessed

>> No.57398421

Yo dicks, radio silence? I think that everyone that wanted out are out now. Idk how much you can milk away now.

>> No.57398426

Oh please bully if you feel like it bro, not gonna work on me. Just bewildered desu. Oh btw I am most likely whiter than you.

>> No.57398428
File: 202 KB, 700x885, 1 2lW-J7nT_LR3dPZYU65Erg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I swap 250m Shib for this? Last time I will touch my Shib

>> No.57398447

its hitting a pretty good range. 5000 bucks will get you a trillion

>> No.57398457

So anons what should I invest the 2eth I made with LINU in?
Preferably something I can swap on uniswap with the mentioned eth so I dont have to convert into any other shit

>> No.57398470


>> No.57398473

Post transaction.

>> No.57398490

The browns don’t trade on ETH anymore. LINU was a white biz coin. Some of us just heard the music stop earlier than you.

>> No.57398510

I have never once felt the urge to go back into the threads of a coin I sold just to fud or dunk on people. Really makes you think.

>> No.57398529

I usually don’t either, but you all are posting like 10 generals a day full of baggie cope. Kinda asking for it desu

>> No.57398543

10 generals a day full of baggie cope make the market sway up to fudders bum

>> No.57398571
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>> No.57398583
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>> No.57398593

I’m almost certain they dumped massive amounts. The early TG was full of Arabs with deep accents that all sounded the same as kek. Definitely not a coincidence. That apu token that Kek was shilling later on had dozens of top wallets all with the same amount of tokens early in its launch. I even took an early screenshot of it before the amounts all changed after I posted it. I’m 100% sure the same thing happened with fine. There’s no way of telling who owns what wallets, but the things being shilled on linu can apply to other tokens is all I’m saying. Most of the top wallets outside of exchanges own .9% or less. Fine is just 1 example. I don’t know what it will take to get linu to standout from among the other similar tokens but it needs something for it to get attention beside the renounced contract and token distribution.