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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57394385 No.57394385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I still believe

>> No.57394389

Triple bottom is in. Pump is due.

>> No.57394445
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>> No.57394454


>> No.57394462

I will sell the very moment we reach 10m mc again just to rebuy at the 6m mc bounce

>> No.57394502


>> No.57394510

Great thread OP. Comfy 100bn stack here and uhm... haha you know.. basically Im just.. NOT gonna sell hahah

>> No.57394516

can someone help me to remember how to embed a video onto 4chan?

google is supressing all searches that include 4chan.

also what search are you using that isnt google?

>> No.57394517
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>> No.57394521

Same. Anyone who bought in before last Friday is still holding on to astronomical profits, and once the general crypto market starts recovering this will definitely take off again.

>> No.57394564

I don't like the phrasing of "still"
like dude its been two weeks max, like 3 days for most of us. Still believe? Maybe if it was 6 months from now but damn daniel

>> No.57394566


>> No.57394568

Same. Just chill for a bit bros

>> No.57394591

Brave search on brave browser

>> No.57394594

I mean it only to emphasize my unwavering believe that this will be rad

>> No.57394599

What’s the point of being bullish on holder count increasing when they’re only buying $7 and $15 at a time?

>> No.57394600


>> No.57394611

It’s a troll, retard. The spacing alone should’ve given it away

>> No.57394647
File: 488 KB, 1251x1272, 1705957567090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder:

>We're just now hitting twitter
>we are just now hitting plebbit
>it's been LESS THAN A WEEK

>> No.57394664

>What’s the point of being bullish on holder count
One of the biggest requirements for hitting CEXs is number of holders. LINU meets all the requirements as it's a 1to1 SHIB clone, it just need adoption and it's golden.
>The reason/biz/chose this memecoin

>> No.57394706

Daily reminder LINU trash homie
Hot garbage

>> No.57394721

>been over a year

>> No.57394741


Are you retarded?

>> No.57394752

The screenshot you put all your faith into instructed you to shill this coin on social media, not here like retards.

>> No.57394763

LINU shill posts have at most 40 likes on twitter. Searching luna inu on twitter/reddit and liking every post takes little effort and would help greatly if we all did this

>> No.57394814

>LINU will never go over $5M screencap this homie
>1000% trash homie LINU over
> LINU trash homie Forever Screen cap this
> Doo doo dead homie LINU trash U getting dumped on
You are here
>LINU gonna rug u homie dum dum
>$50M dump on u homie watch n wait

>> No.57394857

On it my man

>> No.57394880
File: 60 KB, 675x499, 1705909910250691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point retard.
>instructed you to shill this coin on social media, not here like retards.
That's what we've just started doing homie.
>what is base of operations

>> No.57394897

>LINU shill posts have at most 40 likes on twitter. Searching luna inu on twitter/reddit and liking every post takes little effort and would help greatly if we all did this

/Biz/ is unique on 4chins, as most here have full time jobs. When the weekend hits that's were the magic begins.

>> No.57394904

You also have to not make /biz/ your base, it's easily searchable, something you shills refuse to do.

>> No.57394921

I scan twitter twice a day for posts to boost. Like, comment, repost. Even though it reposts to my dead twitter page, I still do it.

>> No.57394924

LINU is literally the coin of /biz/. Maybe it’s you that doesn’t belong here homie

>> No.57394925

if I'm around to bake next time im replacing "I still believe" with "I see so that other may believe"

>> No.57394959

That's what I'm doing each day. It would add up with a bunch of anons doing this daily

>> No.57394976

REMINDER that we are making this happen.
You are early and that means we are at a stage where you have to do work.
The potential is real but not locked in... that happens at 100M marketcap. Then what and individual does matters little.

We stand before a lever that can move the earth
Sow seeds now and you will see sprouts by this weekend

>> No.57395043

This is a thread to discuss a token with legitimate potential, if you can’t see that then go to another thread. There’s plenty of them. You can even start your own. Now we both know you won’t do that, because you’re obviously here to FUD up the place. And we also know why you’re doing that. Sorry about your scam coins not getting attention. Maybe you can go find another website to shill them?

>> No.57395067
File: 122 KB, 1920x923, luna_inu_scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is dead
We have been telling you Luna Inu faggots for weeks that this was going to happen. This was an artificial pump by a group of coordinated and organized shills who bought in much earlier than you
The plan was non stop shlling on biz. Biz retards bought in with the muh next hot meme coin promo and fake artificial community
The people who warned you were ignored with the the usual cope "actual legit criticism is actually bullish, gives me early link feels, next shib, always do the opposite of what biz says"
Pathetic bagholder cope, you got scammed. The scammers are not your friends
btw being charitable with the chart, this shit is going to zero
Good luck being continually dumped on you retarded brain dead faggots, hope you learn your lesson, probably won't LMAO

>> No.57395069

LINU dead
Screen cap this

>> No.57395083

>for weeks

>It's been less than one week since this started.
Nice pasta.

>> No.57395113

It is a pasta. Its been posted in 4 threads now

>> No.57395129
File: 7 KB, 210x240, bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I just want remind you luna inu faggots the future that awaits you. I will continue to do so as a reminder in all your threads
No amount of cope will prevent you losers from living to see it
You made the wrong decision going anywhere near this long since abandoned project of the 10,000th copypasta dog shitcoin because of scammer shills
All of you deserve to lose all your money. I kind of have to give the scammers their due, ripping off biztards shouldn't be this easy but yet continues to be
All these newfags are littering biz right now desperate to spot the next hot meme coin and you served them this shit, congrats lol

>> No.57395145

only one thread up that slowly fills over a few hours. that’s it, that’s what is left, a few shills trying to pump their bags on biz. hahahahaha good one broskies, you done played yourselves.

>> No.57395157

Anon I took out my initial though?

>> No.57395160

>spends his entire day monitoring a coin he is not invested in
>calling other people losers
You can’t make this shit up

>> No.57395188

its hilarious to watch. Id say wasting your free time fudding some strangers is way more of a loss than losing a few dollars on a meme coin

>> No.57395189

Based thread we early

>> No.57395206

Check them 8s.

>> No.57395225

Also nice pasta. Seen this in the last 4 threads now.

LINU is looking more and more bullish.

>> No.57395233

Someone is searching Luna inu right now, and the search took them to this thread, and they see your posts. Now not buying. Stay on telegram or you will secure perma bag holder status

>> No.57395236
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Meme magic anons.

>> No.57395237

Honestly so sad

>> No.57395242

>everyone is up astronomically
>this will take off

>> No.57395281

I genuinely don’t get it. These guys in the 100+ threads constantly fudding. For a week now. Nonstop. The same fucking guys… either they’re being paid to do it or they’re baggies themselves who didn’t become trillionaires overnight so now they’re angry babies. Because there’s no reason to fud this shit old dog coin at all. Literally no reason. It’s become a clique community coin for us.

>> No.57395307

It’s over homie
LINU dead
Watch out tommorow
Final dump
Screen cap this

>> No.57395346
File: 222 KB, 1200x997, IMG_8793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got that screen cap for you

>> No.57395392

Few understand.

I genuinely thought biz would 'get' it. I'm wondering why so many fud what could honestly be the greatest meme coin of all time. There will likely never be another coin where all of the stars have aligned for us.

in short: IM NOT FUCKING SELLING (until 10 billion)

>> No.57395417

I've missed out and missunderstood countless value propositions but I've never fudded so I can't understand. But I can speculate.
Maybe its an ego thing? Like you make an assessment and it has to be true and you need validation of it?

>> No.57395418

>volume down a million
This can't be a good sign right?

>> No.57395421

Good call. I don't need to be reminded that people still believe. I need to explain to others who don't believe why they have misunderstood the situation

>> No.57395438

>salty spiteful cowardly anons
>jeets who want their shitcoin rugs to >have the attention of biz instead of linu
anons fudding their own bags
pick anyone of these, the worst of all has to be the last one. imagine fudding your own bags and accidentally killing it by accident because you fudded too well.

>> No.57395445

it's not, volume yesterday was around 1.5m and its 1.7m now.

>> No.57395452

Dubs and I’m loading another 100B

>> No.57395466


>> No.57395467


Basically I'm just not gonna shill it (the coin!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not shilling it is all!!!!


>> No.57395468

Rolling for you brother. But if I get trips youll have to get a trilly

>> No.57395528

Congrats. Another $200k added to your bank account

>> No.57395546
File: 434 KB, 1023x1340, 1705944042643066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the situation were hopeless, their fud would be unnecessary. All you have to do is hold and you win.

>> No.57395561

Poor anon here just trying to make it I just bought 100 billion will I make it this year

>> No.57395567

bought yesterday...when are expecting it to run? I need a 1,000x to quit waging

>> No.57395592

Linu bros… last night I dreamt I was a wagie slave at Amazon again. God it was horrible.

Also 0.75T chad checking in, moon or nothing

>> No.57395640

We vibin. This is for the patient homies

>> No.57395643

After every pump the momentum chasers will slowly exit and be replaced with new holders.
>net +107 wallets yesterday
>-132 who dumped their bags
+>239 who bought their bags.
>Top 26 wallets added 5T+
I'm thinking we're gonna make it.

>> No.57395650


>> No.57395669

this is like a 3 month plan
that isn't patience. LINK is patience

>> No.57395670

I wish I knew. My average is 5.5m and I’m losing hope. The pumps have been less sustainable day after day. It seems like most are racing for the exits on every run up. Sadly, it’s the swingies who are controlling the charts.

>> No.57395695

Remember niggers

Last week this thing crabbed all week and then blew up in a span of 48 hours just fucking be patient. Niggers expecting only green dildos.

>> No.57395698

Remember Q predicted this. Q created Luna Inu to defeat the deep state. Trump WILL win the 2024 election because of Linu and the elite satanic worshipers and swamp creatures will be brought to justice and the kids will be taken out of the DUMB’s and returned. Invest in Linu protect our Kids, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND DEFEAT THE ANTI CHRIST. WWG1WGA


>> No.57395701

The moment you lose hope and sell we pump lol. Might as well get it over with and take one for the team

>> No.57395752

Give it 6 months to a year

>> No.57395777

I’m down around $2k. Either I break even or become an eternal bagholder.

>> No.57395798

for a dead coin it sure is lively. Love seeing it. im a pretty bitter person in life but this coin brings me joy

>> No.57395839

Was it crabbing or flatlined? A dead coin isn't considered crabbing

>> No.57395866

it has to be dead

otherwise there is no reason to put money into SOL rugs because my objective metrics LINU is the best risk/reward

>> No.57395877
File: 121 KB, 1200x1200, CEA50361-226D-4FAC-907F-B86C4E2E09D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought some more LINU. How are you guys doing today?

>> No.57395878
File: 63 KB, 750x510, IMG_1855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will it continue seeing lower lows, lower highs? Has anything that’s done this ever recovered?

>> No.57395898

What Is a Triple Bottom?

A triple bottom is a bullish chart pattern used in technical analysis that's characterized by three equal lows followed by a breakout above the resistance level

fingers crossed anon

>> No.57395924

equal lows. That's more of a simmetrical pennant which usually breaks along with the trend so to the downside in this case.

>> No.57395934

I’m seeing 4 bottoms, but I guess another one won’t hurt. It’s also night time in new delhi so now is the best time for a run back up

>> No.57395945

Why do pajeets have to ruin everything
I'll never forgive them for that first ultta dump

>> No.57395948

Yea, not quite lower lows I guess. More like higher lows even

>> No.57395951

;lol lower lows?
zoom out like 5 days

>> No.57395970

Too much focus on a minute to minute price.

Stop staring at charts and think of ways for normies to buy this

>> No.57395974

because to them $15 is a week of food and eating out. they live very cheap. so they dont need to make alot of money so they cash out a 0.01eth investment for 0.025 eth because they get enough for the week to live on. now since india has millions in crypto its why you see so many india overrun tokens constantly dump because jeets dont care about anyone but themselves and will tank a coin to zero as long as they get theirs.

>> No.57395993
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>> No.57396027

Doing well anon hbu? Comfy 100bn stack and not selling :)

>> No.57396061

5510 holders and growing

>> No.57396085


500 B reporting in!

Just killing time at my do-nothing laptop job until we make.

>> No.57396107


make it*

Check these doubles (then double your bags)

>> No.57396116

2 green 4 hour candles

>> No.57396161

is luna not showing anymore on Metamask?

>> No.57396162

LINUtics. I’m ready to stay being a NEET for a loooong time.

>> No.57396172

On your portfolio? it disappeared from mine too, but I still see it on uniswap.

>> No.57396210

I just tried to sell my LINU and there was nothing there. WE CAN’T SELL I HAVE TO GET OUT BIZ BROS WE ARE DUMPING HELP MEEEEEE.

>> No.57396221

A CEX exchange listing would do wonders. Exchanges jerk off to high volume, I'm hoping we keep enough momentum for them to take notice.

>> No.57396236

Nice fud rankeesh. It's past your bedtime.

>> No.57396238


Friend having the same issue, what the hell? All fine on CB wallet.

>> No.57396242
File: 1.51 MB, 1012x1008, Linu Homies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my homies love Linu, homie

>> No.57396243

What do you guys think the weekend will look like regarding linu?

>> No.57396244
File: 10 KB, 907x283, image_2024-01-24_163327871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can swap it, but it does not show