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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57394164 No.57394164 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57394169

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57394233

Hahahaha where did the linkies go? Linkies where are youuu

>> No.57394240

all of u hold link

>> No.57394850


lol no

Not everyone else is severely retarded

>> No.57394864
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>Bitcoin Superconference comenses and it's Sergey's time to come on stage. "And now we welcome Sergey Nazarov to talk about smart contracts beyond tokenization". A minute comes by and nothing happens. Eventually 10 men start slowing walking from the backstage holding an extremely bulky water tank, one would think be reserved for a large water animal. They place it on the ground and after few seconds the lights in the water tank turn on to reveal 2000 kg Sergey Nazarov, who appears to be levitating in the water tank.

>He is so large it seems that the surrounding fish have created a symbiotic ecosystem around his body and he cannot leave without dying. Rory quickly runs on stage and throws a big mac into the water tank while Sergey's body absorves the big mac and consumes it, still soaked in water and fish shit. Few minutes pass with absolute silence in the room until Sergey finally speaks couple words with an extremely slow, deep and tiring voice: "Hyperledger use chainlink, Microsoft use chainlink, Facebook use chainlink, ethereum use chainlink, mainnet now".

>Everyone in the room starts clapping, cheering and throwing shit at each other and chainlink immidiately skyrockets to $1,000,000 and achieves price singularity. /biz/ then goes on to make 50 additional chainlink threads per day, mostly filled with pictures of the first chainlink city on Mars and private islands of LINK owners, while all the nolinkies proceed to kill themselves at the same time. Sergey receives a noble prize for the most innovative invention of the past 1000 years, President Trump outlaws any other oracle providers beside ChainLink and within years the entire world economy is powered by LINK, which now keeps steady at $1,000,000,000 as the only usable cryptocurrency.

>> No.57394981

>went from rank 500 to solidifying a place in the top 10 non stables for eternity
>most of them got richer than they ever would have been otherwise in the process
>the biggest pumps are still yet to come
>gosh they must be so mad, let me make another post about it!

>> No.57395021

are the fudsisters mentally disabled
while there was a wild rollercoaster in the price of most things with most alts dumping their recent gains link was one of the few to maintain its new higher range from sept
somehow this is bearish, how exactly

>> No.57395707

>checks the pool
looks like it's still closed
chop chop fuddie, you have 6+ more hours of spamming this kind of crap today!

>> No.57396252
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anyone with two braincells saw it coming. i was way too optimistic picturing it hitting $20 so hopefully some linkies would get their closure and finally stop spamming the board but no, no dice. my fantasy of making more with blocklords than i ever did with link remains.

>> No.57396258

i ain't readin' allat

>> No.57396269

It's not hard really. Shib netted me around 30k thousand dollars. I don't even wanna mention how much I made when I fell down the Chainlink recruitment pipeline but it was way, way, way less than 30k lmao.

Literally worse than swinging shitcoins.

>> No.57396274

who was "smug" about this. all link bots have been turned off and now discussion is nearly dead kek

>> No.57396277

Just sell before you go down to 10 dollars a shitlink token. Please anon. Please.

>> No.57396295
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you guys still have this gay turf war going on? why? you two are losers. none of you even have a mere bag of metis in your poorfolios i bet.

>> No.57396303

Taking a vacation, Sergey and his team of 60 diversity hires are cooking some new narratives to sell to smuchks in this board and on Twitter.

>> No.57396311

that scamcoin really got fucked, i hope it didn't get too many people on board

>> No.57396324

Quite the opposite, the shill ended when that jeetcoin was screwed

>> No.57396348
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nice prediction, anom

>> No.57396404

This isn't a surprise, we all knew this was coming

>> No.57396421

I did hold a couple of link but sold for a 1.4x profit, not great not terrible

>> No.57397322

thats an awful lot of care you display for someone else finances there anon

>> No.57397354

It's going to $120 in 2025.

>> No.57397385
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pool. is. still. closed.

>> No.57397433
File: 2.30 MB, 1200x1545, IMG_8955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the future.
We are Chainlink.
We are Truth.
We are Chainlink.
We are Blockchain.
We are trust.
We are Sergey.
We are gods.

>> No.57397561
File: 71 KB, 968x906, Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-07 um 19.06.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be fast now anon, now is your chance

>> No.57399024
File: 884 KB, 1280x1280, Untitled110_20230330165630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are the future.
>We are Chainlink.
>We are Truth.
>We are Chainlink.
>We are Blockchain.
>We are trust.
>We are Sergey.
>We are gods.

>> No.57399518

>my fantasy of making more with blocklords than i ever did with link remains.
Lmao man I worked with Blocklords about a year ago, the shit I could say about that fucking smelly curry factory would curl your hair. It's a fucking scam, they never develop and spend all their energy trying to sell shitty token IOUs to VC fags.