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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57391458 No.57391458 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57391490 [DELETED] 

Don't worry you'll be replaced by AI soon

>> No.57391503

I thought this was a good job. How the fuck do I land a job where I don't either break my back and become a wage slave or wanna kms out of boredom? While also being a wage slave?

>> No.57391582

It’s a job for literal retards who have no ambition.
>Debits plus credits = zero
Congratulations, you now know everything there is to know about accounting.

>> No.57391596
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>Chemical engineer

>> No.57391603

Literally me

>> No.57391612

Same. I hate it so much bro. Anyone thinking of taking engineering should reconsider.

>> No.57391618

is it really that bad? I used to read a message board about 10 years ago and chemical engineer was one of the most commonly mentioned careers to go for. It's scary to think how quickly these recommendations change.

>> No.57391630

Should I go back and get a masters in accounting? I feel like I want more corruption in my line of work. Being a nurse and mistreating certain patients ain't doing it for me. A little embezzlement wouldn't hurt, right?

>> No.57391634

CPA is comfy

>> No.57391637

The pay is fine.
>8 years experience
>115k with bonuses
It’s the job itself that sucks. It is very boring. Depending on what you get stuck doing, it’s a lot of Excel work. Whatever you think you’ll be doing, scale it back a lot. You, an individual, will not be designing an entire plant by yourself.

>> No.57391642

Look at how many w*men are in accounting and ask yourself if it’s a real job

>> No.57391672

nigger idgaf if the job is real or not, I just wanna not work hard so I have enough energy to pursue my own goals and hobbies while banging a cute wife and raising 2 kids

>> No.57391709

>literally me
28 hr a wk sales job. Niche consumer base. 140k. I’m amazed I make more than the engineers here with less experience, less schooling, less hours worked and more likely much less stress, could I make more? Probably. But I’m not putting in the effort for that.

>> No.57391712

That's slightly higher than what I started making as a brand-new pharmacist. Now I'm just below $200k 8.5 years later.

>> No.57391719

>28 hr a wk sales job. Niche consumer base. 140k.
Anon what path in life led you to this? I must know. I would settle for a cool 70k desu.

>> No.57391727
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>> No.57391749
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>inventory management

>> No.57391752

Accounting is literally as bad as it sounds, times ten. You should have realized that when you had a fucking distinct class on cost amortization.

Smartest engineer, probably.

This is genuinely a good strategy.

What do pharmacists make? Like what's your range? It seems like it's much much more cucked than anything MD. I hear anywhere from 140 to 220 but rarely higher than that.

>> No.57391759

Also, does a pharmacist career ever go anywhere or after 8 years, it's pretty much just that. Like what are pharmacist career options. Realistic ones.

>> No.57391802

>What do pharmacists make? Like what's your range? It seems like it's much much more cucked than anything MD. I hear anywhere from 140 to 220 but rarely higher than that.
It's definitely not as prestigious as MD but it's very comfy and flexible on hours. I basically sit and browse reddit while my technicians do all the grunt work around me. They're even doing vaccines now. When I finally make it ($3-5 mil NW), I plan to keep on working but only in 12-20 hours per week.
Depends on the setting. But once you go higher up in rank, it becomes less clinical and more business-focused. Salary could go up to $300k+ for a VP at a retail pharmacy or hospital system.

>> No.57391821

Do you feel rich? Like do you feel like you are upper middle class?

Any idea how much dentists make? Is it more than you?

Pharmacy is surreal somehow. It's this weird "stably good" but also cucked job. Then you are sort of smart, but not really. Not even talking shit, it's just always in its weird category on its own.

>> No.57391837

How much does a tech make? I can see myself doing that, but can they pull 60-70k or is it a wagie tier gig?

>> No.57391844

>Pharmacy is surreal somehow. It's this weird "stably good" but also cucked job. Then you are sort of smart, but not really. Not even talking shit, it's just always in its weird category on its own.
Stfu retard

>> No.57391862

Wagie tier. You will be better off doing lab work with your biology degree. It's like 35-50k. Techs can make up to 70k with overtime, etc if you do something stupid like sperm DNA.

lol, no need to be mad. Go study for the pharmacy tech exam instead. It has moles on it. A lot of moles.

>> No.57391869

>Then you are sort of smart, but not really.
That's all of us in healthcare honestly, even doctors. I work a side gig at a hospital and we get consult requests from doctors/nurses constantly. There's knowledge gaps everywhere that leads to friction and wasted time but we all know a shitton more than the general public so shit gets done.
I don't feel rich. But I have a nice house and car, can afford anything I want and still save/invest $8000 per month.
Definitely wagie tier. Techs at my company start at $13.50 an hour. I'm nice and usually start new hires at $15. My most senior tech is at $21.

>> No.57391871
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My wife is a CPA and its pretty comfy. She's WFH but is able to be a stay at home mom(make breakfast and dinner for everyone). She home when the kids get back from school too, although I go with them to the bus stop. It works out to be nice and she makes a little over 100k

>> No.57391880


> choosing a job that can be replaced by a calculator

what the fuck man

>> No.57391884

> But I have a nice house and car, can afford anything I want and still save/invest $8000 per month.
U wut m8. Your take home is less than 10k a month. Way less if you put anything into your 401k / Roth / whatever.

>> No.57391888

>Techs at my company start at $13.50 an hour. I'm nice and usually start new hires at $15. My most senior tech is at $21.
I can make more than that driving a bus part time. Shits fucked breh

>> No.57391919
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This is the breakdown of my monthly income and expenses for 2023. Nothing has changed until now except I buy LINK instead of ETH.

>> No.57392008
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hmm, maybe I can't math ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.57392045

semi-monthly = half of the month
Multiply all that by 2 lol. And $200k is just my income from waging. I have some side hustles that pushed my total income a little bit higher than that last year.

>> No.57392059
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>> No.57392063
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>Senior software engineer

>> No.57392087
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>Principal SCRUM master
Well well well these Indian bucks sho' ain't been hitting their points quota this sprint. Seems like little old massa here's going to have to need to make some changes in this here stand up.
I make 7 figures btw.

>> No.57392093

>oh no!!!! I had no major life struggles in young adulthood and now I'm stuck with a high paying white collar career! It can't get any worse than being me!!
I know it's just memes but I still fucking hate you guys.

>> No.57392140

this is like saying if x is true then output y. there you know everything about coding. if you had to actually close a company's books for the month you'd shit yourself. don't say stupid shit.

>> No.57392225


>> No.57392255

>80 hour work weeks

>> No.57392283
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>> No.57392295

>tfw former accountant who took the NEETpill
The boomers and mid twenties women were the worst part. If I ever need to go back in the cagie, I'll stick to easy part time work and finish at 1pm
Neither will wagie

>> No.57392302
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>mechanical engineer

>> No.57392317
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>Overpaid consultant

>> No.57392368

I had an offer for 130k plus bonuses but I don’t want more responsibility. I want less.

>> No.57392487

What software did you use to make this graph?

>> No.57392505


>> No.57394097

My wife is an accountant and I'm a little worried AI will put her out of a job in the next few years. You think the worries are valid? She's only doing it since 2 years.

>> No.57394907

>low level gov employee