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57391337 No.57391337 [Reply] [Original]

its been seven fucking years. when is this fat ass going to bring value back to the token? all he has to do is release ccip for general access, thats it. whats pissing me off more then anything is how twitter fags are posting like the project is have some kinda of success when the main part of the protocol(staking) is constantly being pushed back

>> No.57391347


>> No.57391408

He’s hiring people to gaslight and be “advocates” look at their Twitter

>> No.57391532

youre too low IQ to realize how badly you got scammed. chainlink has been one of the worst performers of the last two bullruns. yes it went up, but everything else went way more up. dumbfuck.

>> No.57391537


>> No.57391567

a fucking erc20 token anon, thats all it is, thats all there's it to it

>> No.57391629

i dont think these people are getting paid

>> No.57391853

I’m going to spoonfeed you only because I was once a loser that lucked into ethereum kinda early but not with enough money to make it. I was in midwit hell until someone taught me the ropes and tipped me off about chainlink’s plans.

You know how bitcoin whales picked ethereum as their 2nd cycle moonshot?

And then ethereum whales picked chainlink as their 3rd cycle moonshot?

Well now chainlink whales have picked fideum as the 4th cycle moonshot.

Don’t believe me? Just check the wallets and you’ll find 70% of fi holders are linkies.

Check what’s a market maker, research DWF labs, Andrei Grachev and why they invested in blockbank (now Fideum). Check who fideum’s CEO is and what 1000x project she’s a founding member of.

Check the parallels between what that 1000x project did (rebrand etc) and what fideum is doing and you’ll find she’s doing the same exact same thing as she did last cycle that resulted in a huge price explosion.

Want a juicy crumb? While all the retarded FI maxis focus on trying to force a “coinbase of Europe” approach, the team is getting ready to soon, very soon, launch and market in the US, making them a direct and superior competitor to both celcius and coinbase, backed by the support of Mastercard no less. Fideum group acquired genblock financial, wonder why?…

“US Market” 8 letters… 8 letters… 8 letters…

I’m a proud FIncel. I have charged the sigil EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for the past month by jerking off to Instagram pics of mommy Anastasija (and Kelghe to a lesser degree even if I don’t like it). This has resulted in FI’s price action holding up while everything else gets rekt (continuous buybacks courtesy of Fideum group also help).

With jews you win and ashkenazi mommy Anastasija will make me rich.

Fideum is unironically and unequivocally this cycle’s chainlink.

Fuck niggers and thank you for coming to my 4chan talk.

>> No.57392021

fucking delet this

>> No.57392025

Took me like 10m of research to chase everything down and realize you are a paid shill/scammer.

Here are the details for other anons:

>fideum, formerly blockbank, relaunched their token mainly because the token price shit itself and now they want a “fresh start”
>the token is an erc-20 that literally does nothing. It is not required to use their platform but if you have it you get increased APY on shitcoins.. so basically forced tokenomics

And thats the whole thing. To compare this to ETH or even LINK is at best ill informed but most likely disingenuous and intentionally manipulative.

>> No.57392050

Hey bro, nice fud. Btw, send a discord invite here?

>> No.57392174

Don’t worry, this thread will probably die soon and only like 10 people will see my post. Biz fucking died and became shit after chainlink mooned.

Assblaster predicted this. He said normies would rush into the place that shilled chainlink early for alpha and he was right.

I’m only posting because I know there’s a couple of fellow incel stray marines that couldn’t make it last cycle and I’m trying to give back to them like I was once given. Trying to boost my karma y’know?

Maybe we can all help each other when October 2046 comes, we don’t have to die when we can thrive.

Btw, another piece of alpha. Fideum’s institutional arm Genblock finance is aiming to be the new Celsius without the scammy shit, while retail’s arm blockbank will be a direct competitor to Coinbase.

Dwf is pumping a shitload of bitcoin into market making this project, that’s why you’ll see FI’s dominance against BTC has remained stable and even gone up. Even though the $ price looks good you should always focus on sats.

>> No.57392241

>fideum, formerly blockbank, relaunched their token mainly because the token price shit itself and now they want a “fresh start”
They relaunched because an exchange called gate.io was fucking with their token and shorting it. Like what nexo was doing to chainlink basically.

They relaunched the token with a 1:10 parity and gate.io got fucked because they couldn’t complete the institutional KYC because they’re scammy niggers. So yeah, what Sergey should’ve done with Nexo but didn’t, mommy Anastasia ruthlessly did.

To deter other companies messing with the price they got dwf labs on board last year:

“blockbank Secures 7-digit, Long-Term Financial support from DWF Labs to Propel its Vision of Redefining Banking in the Digital Age”

You can disregard the “7 digit” investment support. The real support comes in the form of market making the token and giving it good price action.

You know what project relaunched its token and mooned fucking hard? A little project originally known as ETHlend, you might know it as AAVE.

You know who was an original member of ETHlend? Anastasija Plotnikova, CEO of Fideum group.

>forced tokenomics
Lol. Lmao, even. Cro, Celsius, nexo, bnb. All mooned with basically no utility and forced tokenomics.

This is crypto dumb nigger, of course it’s all forced tokenomics. Even chainlink which is the most legit project out there after bitcoin and ethereum is forced tokenomics.

When was the last time you used chainlink to pay for oracle calls or anything related to the chainlink network? Never.

>> No.57392261

>the token is an erc-20 that literally does nothing. It is not required to use their platform but if you have it you get increased APY on shitcoins.. so basically forced tokenomics

>token not needed

Hmmm… I see a pattern here. Looking into fideum right now.

>> No.57392273

What are the sui/make it stacks?

>> No.57392367




>> No.57392393

Hard to say, but let’s do some math:

>Coinbase shares mkt cap top: ~$89 billion
>Crypto.com mkt cap top: ~$23 billion
>Celcius mkt cap top: ~$3.4 billion
>Nexo mkt cap top: ~$2.2 billion

Fideum with genblock finance already swallowed Celsius’ and Nexo’s customers because they’re fully regulated, so that’s a minimum of $5.6 billion in market cap.

As for the retail side, my estimate is for them to get AT LEAST 5% of the buy pressure from coinbase and 10% of Cro’s, so that’s $6.7 billion.

All in all, that’s a $12.3 billion market cap, which would translate to $3 as all 4 billion tokens are already in circulation.

So $3 per token next run is my realistic estimate.

If Fideum can keep growing at an accelerated rate who knows, but my bullish target would be 15% of coinbase’s buy pressure/mkt cap + 50% of crypto.com’s + all of nexo/celcius’. That’s $30.45 billion in market cap and a price of $7.61.

If Fideum can only get the market cap of Celsius and nexo that’s still a price of $1.4, which is my bearish scenario.

>bearish: $1.4 per token
>realistic: $3.07 per token
>bullish: $7.61 per token

I think sui stack would be 100k FI tokens, make it stack would be 1 million FInkies.

>> No.57392404

The problem isn’t chainlink it’s crypto. Still almost no real world use cases for it. Chainlink will never moon until it has irl uses

>> No.57392428
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All 'utility' tokens are shitcoins, if you have a valuable service you can just -- wait for it -- wait for it -- sell that service! For, you know, money! Crazy I know, but just crazy enough to work!

>> No.57392517



>> No.57392613

It got downgraded to an ERC-10 toke by the Ethereum Council again, anon. You didn't get the memo?

>> No.57392620

Why would you ever buy a fucking "perks/rewards" token vs. a protocol level token? Comparing this shitcoin to AAVE is almost comical because it proves the exact point... AAVE bubbled up at the start then deflated and will never return to ATH, it's a sub 50 rank shitcoin.

This thing bubbled up and deflated and it's making a desperate play to pump the token again through a rebrand. They literally state a core reason as

>Fresh Trading Chart: The reset of BBANK’s trading history, aligning with our new brand Fideum, brings a fresh start and renewed confidence among our investors.

Another set of red flags is how centered their FAQ is on purchasing the token. Despite the token not being needed to use their services, their core need to address is how to buy it? That's either bc (1) this is the business model, shilling tokens or (2) this is where the majority of their inquiries come from signaling that most of their "users" are just crypto moonbois and they haven't found any product market fit.

The token clearly was launched to fund the team and VC interests and for no other reason. You can't genuinely say all crypto uses forced tokenomics. That's simply not factual. But for this shitcoin, it is.

>> No.57392760

You sound like you hold fideum and are fudding your bags kek

>> No.57393011

>Muh frumpy choompy oogly protocol is better than your fruity loopy peepeepoopoo token.

Why would you buy shit when you can buy crap? Stop being retarded. You reek of 2020 buyer newfag.

All it matters is speculation and probabilities.

>muh VCs
>muh they care too much about the token price

I feel pity for you because I was once in midwit hell like you are right now. Although not as deep into it as you currently are.

The bank giving you a loan? They’re BETTING you’ll pay it.

Your mom marrying your dad? Speculating he won’t beat the shit out of her.

Warren Buffet buying stocks? BETTING on the CEO not going crazy out of nowhere and fucking off to Thailand to fuck traps.

Your “fundamentally sound” protocols don’t mean shit. It’s all speculation and people on power supporting eachother. These protocols don't even need a token.

Same with chainlink, you think they had an ICO to “honor decentralization”?

>they had to let you in! Even though it’s a banker coin!

Stupid nigger, assblaster was literally a paid shill/community manager at one point. You can easily find his identity if you look hard enough.

98% of projects that have a token don’t require one. The other 1% that do require one like Monero have a massively inflated market cap due to huge fiat liquidity injections in tradfi that end up in crypto.

The reason Kaspa made millionaires is the same reason Fideum will make multimillionaires.

If you think Kaspa and Fideum have nothing in common because the tech is so vastly different then you’re retarded and can’t be saved.

>> No.57393130

You shitcoin shills are so fucking weird trying to attach yourself to chainlink, this is like the 50th or so attempt I’ve seen since 2019. Also what a coincidence there’s suddenly shill threads for your shitcoin in the catalogue as well.

At least it’s not as bad as the statera spam that was the worst.

>> No.57393156

hahah trully and EPIC post millionaire mindset hahaha :D didnt read, what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.57393158

But it is true that like 90% of FI holders are also chainlink holders. Even the OG jeet palatine of facts is shilling fideum https://x.com/palatineoffacts/status/1749110136243957844

How can you explain this? OG small time link maxi accounts are shilling fideum. Does that mean they got paid to shill?

>> No.57393171

And why is fideum not dumping? All of my crypto port including link is financially and utterly raped except for fi

>> No.57393191

Answer me homosexual NIGGER.


>> No.57393194

imagine getting married to your bags

>> No.57393261

Nigga the fact there are anons giving a fuck and fussing it while it being still under the radar should be telling enough

>> No.57393297
File: 117 KB, 501x577, serves him right Sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its been seven fucking years. when is this fat ass going to bring value back to the token?
this desu

>> No.57393307

>bring value back to the token
This is crypto, it's literally all speculation. Nothing brings inherent value.

>> No.57393839

Fine, just bought $1000 worth of Fideum. If anything goes wrong it’s gonna be your fault.

>Maybe we can all help each other when October 2046 comes, we don’t have to die when we can thrive.
W-what happens October 2046?

>> No.57394094

>70% of fi holders are linkies.
This is bearish information.

70% of DMG holders were linkies. 100% of LPL holders were linkies. Same thing with Bancor and especially Everest ID. Majority of holders being linkies in 2024 is not good

>> No.57394222

Bancor went from 20 cents at halving to $9 dollars last run and Everest 15 cents to $1.80. Are you trying to reverse shill?

Lpl and dmg were obvious scams but source on them being majority held by linkers?

>> No.57394266

>Bancor went from 20 cents at halving to $9 dollars
And linkies largely came in near the top.
>Everest 15 cents to $1.80
And linkies came in AT the actual top. Quite literally, Chainlink Tonight started shilling Everest heavily at the literal top above a dollar and kept shilling it to 5 damn cents until he deleted his entire channel. Same with threads on /biz/, you can only see Everest threads when a local top is formed.
>Lpl and dmg were obvious scams but source on them being majority held by linkers?
Are you baiting? You need source that LINKPOOL was held by linkers? lmao. As for DMG just check the archives with same threads like this "all whale linkies hold this shit bro!", it all started with DMM using Chainlink services heavily https://medium.com/@Javier_Keough/defi-money-markets-collaboration-with-chainlink-to-secure-staking-within-its-nft-ecosystem-916de143134b

>> No.57394275

you’re a new fag and it shows. thanks for derailing the thread about a shitcoin.

>> No.57394316

Very organic discussion

>> No.57394367

>And linkies largely came in near the top.
>And linkies came in AT the actual top.

Wouldn’t that have been solved by buying early?…

>new fag
>Newfag tries to pass as an oldfag

Stfu faggot, no one cares about chainlink anymore kek. I’m doing you a favor by pumping this dead thread so there’s some discussion on why the fatass ain’t delivering and link won’t break $30 again. You should be grateful.

>> No.57394392

>chainlink whales have picked fideum as the 4th cycle moonshot. 70% of fi holders are linkies
>no one cares about chainlink
Make up your mind.

You're only proving the fact that linkies being the majority holders is extremely bearish.

>> No.57394406

no ur trying to shill your piece of shit. whixh you got from squatcj crypto you already dumped on you. you know these guys have a discord group right? finrekt and the likes are all in it dumping you your stupid head

>> No.57394467

>finrekt and the likes are all in it dumping you your stupid head
Maybe, i don’t give a shit. Sergey dumped 25% of the supply in 2021 and that didn’t stop chainlink from mooning. Why should I care? Fideum is the only coin that has stayed green after bitcoin shit the bed. If that’s a shitcoin then shit, im in love with a shitcoin! At least my net worth keeps going up.

Rent free nigga.

>> No.57394680

This is the same shit people said when I warned them about Safemoon, funny.

Fact is this is a shitcoin down 99.99% that then inflated the token supply by 10x and rebranded the token so they could try to dump more on people since volume died completely on the original, dead coin. Anyone shilling this shitcoin wants to dump a worthless token on you to please their VC masters or to try to get out of a trade that cost them the entirety of their investment with ANY scraps left over.

>> No.57394734

you’re braindead and will lose your money.

>> No.57394796

>anon cares about everyone else’s financial well-being

Hey So basically I'm just not gonna sell a single FI under $1 I Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm not gonna sell under $1 it is all HAHAHAHAHRHAHAHA HARAHARHARH

>> No.57394900

>This is the same shit people said when I warned them about Safemoon, funny.

>the warnooooor


>> No.57394965

>helping people is terrible
>everyone should just scam people like me!

I did 10 minutes of research. If I save even one kind soul from financial anguish it was more than worth it to me. Watching you squirm and suffer from it doesn’t hurt either. Take your extremely heavy shitcoin bags somewhere else, clown.

>> No.57395148

>inflated the token supply by 10x
Why I was able to get 10 fideum for every blockbank I owned then? And why are you trying to convince me VCs that want to make money annd are incentivized to pump their bags are bad for a project? Why is one of the biggest companies that supplies liquidity to projects like tron algorand beam and iota supporting fideum?

More importantly, if token bad why price up?????????

Huh…???? So many questions? Money good???? Why you say project bad if number go up??????????

Pls explain???

Tell me what you are holding so I can compare your tokens’ performance to Fideum. Like, right now!


>> No.57395343

Post your portfolio coward

>> No.57395754

>this thread is just fudcucks replying to themselves + some pajeet from a discord trying to get attention for his shitcoin by posting about link in a link fud thread
aaaand the pool's still closed
i wonder how many hundreds of threads have disappeared into the archives like this one will with like 1-2 organic interactions from their actual target audience (who never sold or unstaked as a result of all this work anyway)
its a sad thing to imagine desu

>> No.57395766

Because it’s a low cap shitcoin and there is an inorganic shill campaign going on here now to pump and dump it on retards who just buy shit shilled on biz. Remember everest id? Remember solidly? Etc etc it’s always the same talking points, zero fundamentals because the goal isn’t to convince biz autists, it’s to convince tourists who don’t understand crypto yet, think link was a golden ticket, but want the next link for faster gains.

>> No.57395928

I highly doubt there are any tourists here judging by the posts volume. And solidly is up 6x from last month.

Are you guys unironically fudding fideum or what’s going on here?

>> No.57397540

Say what you want unintelligible sneeds and kekfuddies. The ‘banks’ of last cycle are cleared out and rekt. Now is the time for a REAL, REGULATED, DEFI/CEFI solution. Fideum is this solution. Don’t cry to me when it 100x’s minimum.

LINK is absolutely bigger in scope. But people still need BANKS. What happens when Europe bans self custody and there’s only one solution?

>> No.57398102

Checked. Be patient. Flipping the entire global financial system doesn’t happen overnight.

>> No.57398109

Samefag >>57391853

>> No.57398115

I sold all my link for bitcoin cash

>> No.57398150

What kind of idiot would believe this obvious shill?

>> No.57398495

your IQ just reeks of being low with this comment. KEK

>> No.57398849
File: 98 KB, 256x350, 1706128186904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jan 24 2021 Link: $18
>Jan 24 2024 Link: $14 (not adjusted for inflation)

>> No.57399640

Your request, our action! It's exciting that DiVIC returns with a bang!
To kick off 2024, we present dynamic sessions tailored for you.
This week, join us with Firdosh Drife, Founder & CEO of Drife

25th of Jan, 1 pm UTC

>> No.57399662

Kill yourself

>> No.57399862

> all he has to do is release ccip for general access, thats it.

Anon, people have to build protocols that have it integrated. You can already get main net access by contacting Chainlink right now.

No, general access will not automatically sky rocket the price. When a bunch of apps kick off a bull run have it integrated, that is when link will take off.

>> No.57399913

>Lpl and dmg were obvious scams
kek wills it based LPL chuddie kiddo you are definitely not accumulating LPL in secret!

>> No.57399931

> Even the OG jeet palatine of facts is shilling fideum https://x.com/palatineoffacts/status/1749110136243957844

> How can you explain this?

Dude is a retard. He couldn’t figure out where CCIP’s revenue is coming from and he can’t figure out the answer to “BUILD rewards wen ;~;”

Not my problem the FUD got to him

>> No.57399932

Very glad to see someone else remembers DMG. A lot of linkies are just shithead grifters, happy to shill pnds, same as the rest of the space.

>> No.57399945
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this is actually very comfy
these threads are almost a carbon copy of the threads we were having close to the price feed release years ago
dozens of jeets crying about the "lack of community engagement" or the "delays" while the serious boys were gigabullish because of the crumbs and the news

i am unironically getting incredibly bullish vibes from all this dejavu
$1000 EOY may be back on the menu

>> No.57399954


>> No.57400008

Chainlinkgod and his glow nigger buddies did exactly what they were trained to do you delusional no LPL pooler unwashed chad


>> No.57400177


>> No.57400612

based LPLers.

>> No.57400828

you cant get mainet access. i want to bridge my shitcoins right now with ccip and its not possible

>> No.57400834

you’re a bot

>> No.57402359

You’ll all see. See you at the 2025 Monaco party FIncels.


>> No.57402490
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Your intelligence is severely lacking if you can't grasp the extent of your scamming. Chainlink has been a dismal performer in the past two bull runs. Act swiftly. QNT, SHIB, and MATIC are on a mission, but XTP tops my list. I'm capitalizing on the zero fees offered on their app

>> No.57403274

But crypto is still getting bags filled.

>> No.57403311

Oh yeah, crypto is paying off reason why my I'm getting my bags ready for the listing of FAT on Uniswap.

>> No.57404031

Did you contact Chainlink on their discord so they can whitelist your ERC20 shitcoin?

>> No.57404202

shithead. as a user you can not get whitelisted. why the fuck do you idiots recommend this, only protocols can get white listed. yes i’ve tried. and why the fuck doni need to contact anyone in order to use something thats on mainnet?

>> No.57404805

>only protocols can get white listed.

I see your issue; you want to use it to replace the typical bridges when that's not quite what Chainlink wants at the moment. They want you to write contracts that bridge X shitcoin AND then do something programmatically. The whole point of CCIP is to abstract away the micromanagement of moving stuff between different blockchains so your dapps work seamlessly no matter which chain you're working on. So right now, they're monitoring and selecting for teams who will design protocols that showcase the potential of CCIP with features that can't be replicated on other cross chain interoperability tech.

inb4 "I said this already you illiterate retard!"

Yeah, I thought you were a developer and had your own developed ERC-20 tokens you wanted to bridge. In any case, what you're asking for, it still won't be available when CCIP is fully accessible. You'll have to wait on a CCIP integrated protocol that lets you do that base minimum request.

>> No.57404814

Why would value flow into the token? You can pay with any token. It swaps into LINK and swaps back to USD in the same transaction. The only value is flowing into some small swap fees for Uniswap

>> No.57405105

I'm big on KIMBER as the Ambassador Program offers more than just rewards. $1,750 monthly pool + exclusive perks is just the climax rn.

>> No.57405213
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>> No.57405601
File: 1.56 MB, 1024x1024, Pasted image 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slothbucks chad with a huge cock reporting in
you've never heard of slothbucks before because you weren't one of the elite chads in the private telegram now it's time for you to get in at the ground floor like we did
all the best memes and memesters are buying slothbucks
if you don't buy slothbucks and instead waste your money of bullshit like link you're really going to wish you had
we are going to the moon when we get there all the hottest chicks will want to bang us and you'll be in your cuckshed all alone

>> No.57405769

I rather become a paid shill than holding this good for nothing token

>> No.57405822

He already has your money. Why would he do anything? Lol, lmao.

>> No.57407344


>> No.57407348

We sold and bought ICP