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57386736 No.57386736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need a thread to make me bullish on Silver because i'm thinking of buying a lot of it this quarter after I come into some significant money (like 200-250k).
Help me out here /biz/ i'm already balls deep but this is kind of a retarded play but maybe my grandkids will thank me i dont know.

>> No.57386745

female butt good

>> No.57386775
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>> No.57386777


>> No.57386795

Don’t be retarded 5% of 250k is 12,500. That’s what you can earn just on your cash right now. Buying silver it will just stay at the value it’s at losing to inflation. No one got rich buying silver

>> No.57386797
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ffs somebody post one of those Silver chart things.

>> No.57386808
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>> No.57386813

What are your alternatives? The stock market and real estate are sitting on a debt bubble that is bound to pop. Crypto is just a casino where you don't even get free drinks. Stuff it in your mattress?

>> No.57386848

women crave bbc

>> No.57386873

This is my point yeah. >>57386795 that 5% annual is taxed, and it comes with having to own something equally as fucked as the dollar today, which is a dollar tomorrow... and honestly i'm not really trying to get the price of silver to go 'up', i'm trying to cash out because i don't need the income, i really do need to sleep better at night though because the stock market is definitely in a bubble with interest rates at 5%... and honestly why would them printing money and trying to buy bonds make people bullish on future dollars (bonds)??? like you can flip bonds for a quick buck for sure but that's what Wall St just did when Ackman closed his short, i'm pretty sure they QE and the long bonds shit themselves.
Idk anons anybody here have a better idea.

I was thinking about buying real estate in a more balanced economy, but the only ones that came to mind were like Austria or Russia, but they have real estate bubbles to and a lot of people work for American companies or are generally 'in the bubble' and i feel like those incomes will be disrupted.

You could argue mining or other commodity stocks but I already have a decent amount of those, and buying this much metal would give me a seriously big stack. Like 10,000 ounces.

>> No.57386885

no, just you

>> No.57386899

that's a good thigh gap, you can tell

>> No.57386939


>> No.57386975

Sounds like your mind is made up. You have no optimism for the future which I can’t hold against you, but if you’re afraid to touch any financial vehicle because you expect a crash is coming and the only store of value you think will weather that is silver than there’s no convincing you otherwise.
I believe that we will make it through any and all economic turmoil without collapse so I buy stocks bond and hold interest bearing cash. If you believe the economy will collapse and silver will survive then that’s your move. But one of us is going to be out money. Either my investments and cash will be gone cause the market is gone, and your silver will still have value, or the markets will continue. I’ll retire off of the growth and the silver value will have eroded from inflation over the years. I’m not saying I’m right and you’re wrong. We just have different perspectives on the future

>> No.57386981
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>> No.57387032

>There's no convincing you otherwise
that's not true brother I already own some I just want to lay out the basic fact which is that the Fed has to 'solve' a pretty big fucking problem which is going to be done by printing money and buying bonds.
I'm not clairvoyant they just told us they would do that.
The silver has no risk to me. It's physical metal that has industrial demand.
If you're right and we print a bunch of money and interest rates go back to zero for another 12 years and we somehow 'don't have inflation again' even though we've had massive fucking inflation since 2008, then silver will still hold value as you said.
I could be convinced to do something different but not by somebody that thinks everything is fine and we're just 30 trillion away from printing our way out of poverty... we need to acknowledge the debt and our solution to it, otherwise obviously i'm not going to like a solution that involves ignoring that problem lol.
5 years ago okay, but now even CNBC is openly tlaking about how fucked everyone is unless interest rates go back to zero.

>> No.57387049

you trying to make me coom sir?

>> No.57387056
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Buy silver

>> No.57387069
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op buy land instead

>> No.57387083
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>> No.57387092

yeah but where, because honestly it's not enough money to compete with the fucking ultra high net worth JP Morgan clients who have tens of millions in lines of credit and have bid everything up to the stratosphere.
Obviously land is coming down a little bit as the rates have gone up but where that land is matters.
It can't be in Caribbean however.

>> No.57387100
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>> No.57387120
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>> No.57387128

left is my gf i like to have sex with her when i get home from trading stocks on wall street

>> No.57387129
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