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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57385506 No.57385506 [Reply] [Original]

The charges officer?

>> No.57385589


>> No.57385610

Is the point he reported it as nothing since the USD is worthless? What the fuck is this retarded faggot trying to say? Why do you post the most retarded twitter bullshit on here?

>> No.57385616

Apparently, gave his employees minted gold coins, labelled $50 on them by the Federal Reserve. The weight gold however was worth around $2,000 a coin. Therefore paying less in taxes.

>> No.57385629

Ah well that makes sense.

>> No.57385638

Welcome to America. Where if you cheat the Jew out of his shekels you get to do hard time.

Land of the free.

>> No.57385643

>Prosecutors at the Kahre trial showed that defendants selectively assigned a value of their coin income — switching between face value and market value — depending on whether they were trying to lower their tax liability, or qualify for a home or car loan.

>> No.57385650

>its nothing

oh then of course you dont mind giving me millions of this nothing

>ehhh yeah its nothign!!! but I stilll wanna keep it and make alot of it

what a dumb retard lmao he deserves those 300 years

>> No.57385653

standard tax evasion lmao, brother got shrekt

>> No.57385656

Based. If you don't want people using their face value then why mint them in the first place?

>> No.57385765

I hope everyone on here has reported their crypto gains accurately (+tip). Otherwise 15 years of supermax isolation cell for you chuds as well.

>> No.57385800

>I hope everyone on here has reported their crypto gains accurately (+tip). Otherwise 15 years of supermax isolation cell for you chuds as well.
How do I get my consolidated 1099 form from metamask?

>> No.57385823

if you used leverage or made a lot of money you had to report it quarterly

>> No.57385858

>Robert Kahre maintained an office at 6270 Kimberly Avenue in Las Vegas where he claimed to pay employees in gold or silver coins, but which were actually immediately exchanged for pre-determined envelopes of cash. The face amount of the coins was one-eighth the amount of pay that the employee actually earned and received in the cash envelope. The defendants told the employees that the income was either not taxable or that they should falsely report their income to the IRS at the face amount of the gold and silver coins.
>During the course of the scheme, cash wage payments of at least $25 million were paid to Robert Kahre's employees and cash payments of approximately $95 million were paid to the employees of the other contractors. No federal tax withholdings were made from the paychecks, and the wages were not reported to the IRS. The defendants told the employees not to discuss the scheme with any outside agencies. The defendants also took steps to prevent the dissemination of information that might reflect the correct amount of income paid to the employees, such as using false invoices, keeping two sets of books, using false names on payroll records, making false statements on mortgage applications, and using nominees to conceal assets.
hmm. yea, I don't know. can't really tell who was in the wrong here.

>> No.57385951

lol... I think he could have dodged jail time if he wasn't so blatantly fraudulent about it. Like the argument is that it isn't really specified that compensation in legal tender should follow rules around in-kind compensation if the intrinsic value of the asset is greater than its face value.

Guy was probably a dumb ass who kept a bunch of incriminating emails telling people to commit fraud. If you did this legit, the employees would have to declare the cash they got as capital gains. So you're really only dodging payroll taxes if you did this legit.

He went to jail for normal fraud and not cleverly taking advantage of an ambiguity.

>> No.57385967


But minting a 1trillion coin is perfectly ok

>> No.57386040

ok but then you'd be paying employees well below minimum value based on a face value of 1/20'th or so the market value

Theres obviously lots of fraud going on in this set up

>> No.57386064

How many times does it need to be said: don’t fuck with the IRS

>> No.57386136

Its not fraud to hire someone who could be making $2k for $50. And it could have been ambiguous how to report paying $50 in legal tender if the instrument used is worth $2k. What is fraud is then buying back the $50 for $2000 and telling them not to report that.

>> No.57386172
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I'm sure he gave a guy making $1,000 per week 20 ounces of gold each week then, right?

>> No.57386176

since when does /biz/ not blindly trust the story of some twatter about government keeping the little guy down
did /pol/ finally go back?

>> No.57386181

>Guy was probably a dumb ass who kept a bunch of incriminating emails telling people to commit fraud.
he probably was retarded and had lots of incriminating emails.
but even if he didn't, his employees would've ratted him out lol.
the IRS pays at minimum 15% of the tax dodge, upto 30%.
which for this case would've been around $15 million lol.
pretty sure anyone on min wage would love to rat out their boss for $15 MILLION.

>> No.57386189

but it does turn into fraud when that employee takes that '50$' and instantly turns it into 2k, then spends that 2k on traceable stuff

and thats how you want your whole business to operate

>> No.57386239

or you purchase 1 million dollars worth of materials with 50,000$ of gold according to your books

>> No.57386253

Its not fraud to sell something you paid $50 for $2k. But you have to report it has $1950 in capital gains. The problem is this guy was telling them not to report that gain.

>> No.57386297

rules for thee but not for me, slave

>> No.57386448

>Kahre devised the independent contractor agreements to reflect that the IRS was a foreign agent for the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In Kahre's view, by collecting taxes for the IRS, employers illegally served as foreign agents for the World Bank and IMF. Kahre relied on several federal statutes, regulations, and “Presidential Documents” in the process of developing his payroll system to avoid the collection of taxes on behalf of foreign agents.
If 4chan was a man

>> No.57386459

so basically they got outplayed and said "fuck the rules, your ass is grass"

>> No.57386489

Shit like this scares the fuck out of me bros. I made like 430k last year and have already made 82k this month. I have never reported any of my crypto in my taxes. I don't even know how to. I use multiple exchanges, multiple wallets and trade futures and margin.

>> No.57386591

It does seem that way, if he was smarter about it he might've won but he did end up down the rabbit hole of just straight up skipping taxes because he disagreed with them. Something that works 0% of the time.
The court agreed that the law said metals are legal tender and wages are taxed in the face value of the metal, but also agreed that a precedent existed to tax them at the fair market value. The big problem here is he just didn't report most of this, his employees didn't get forms or anything, so the argument of taxation at face value is irrelevant when the taxes paid are zero

>> No.57386609

Big jej when this catches up to you and they tax it with $0 cost basis plus interest.

>> No.57386610

If only he didn't fuck up that last part

>> No.57386654

The government is always in the wrong when it comes to taking citizens wealth. However, Robert Kahre was in the wrong for going to jail rather than lying in wait with an ar15 for the fed cocksuckers to show up.

>> No.57386726
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>> No.57386773

have you noticed that posts in this board suddenly got a lot more sensible about many topics?
it's like the new captcha changes things for good or something by filtering bots and low IQ fucks... at least temporarily

>> No.57386786

couldn't you leave the country or something?
or maybe talk to a lawyer...

>> No.57386890

What's the greatest tax evasion heist?

>> No.57386947

Do you use any KYC exchanges? Because if you do it's actually over

>> No.57387066

What's the appeal of buying US Mint coins if they're still subject to capital gains tax? Isn't the lack of capital gains the whole reason to buy legal tender PMs?

>> No.57387105

You can easily transfer them cross-border by declaring them at face value (I have done this). This and gold jewelry are how some people transport wealth.

>> No.57387118

Some guy hoarding a bunch of gold coins and pretending an ounce of gold is $50 to avoid paying his bills sounds jewish to me

>> No.57387140

No he gave a guy $10 per week, which is ~1000USD in gold value, but has a face value of $10.

>> No.57387185

So, as the thread shows, he committed tax evasion.

Why the fuck is the charge for tax evasion 296 years in prison? Did I miss something here? Can't you just pay back your taxes, or even declare bankruptcy?

>> No.57387220

They need to make an example out of bad goys

>> No.57387287


>> No.57387320

Not paying tax is what great white men fought a war over, pajeet. You wouldn't get it.

>> No.57387335

Kikes get extraordinarily angry when yoj try their tricks against them. That’s why this guy got 300 years.

>> No.57387396

They would have just suicided him if things kept going anyway.

>> No.57387685

then he should be jailed for violating minimum wage laws

>> No.57389698

Land of the free they say

>> No.57389986

The charge is probably like 5-10 years for each count of tax exvasion and they charged him separately for every single employee.

>t. Not a lawyer

>> No.57390042

all we need to do is buy all the damn silver.

>> No.57390051

So he was evading taxes and thats why he's in jail. OK let's move on from whatever libertarians "think" the government should work vs how it actually works.

>> No.57392180

How about we move on from the fucked up system we have to one that actually serves us

>> No.57392237

I just PM'd you my forms
you're now the responsible for the legal documentation of everyone in this thread
you should have ended your post with "not legal advice", but because you didn't now you're everyone's lawyer

see you in the senate hearings

>> No.57392248

it's ok, you have a permit

>> No.57392267

He broke laws underpaying his employees below minimum wage. Should be 100 years

>> No.57392298

you seem to be mistaking the difference between a mutual contract between two parties and cohesion, you're not mad at the person who took money from you your mad at the guy who told that guy he didn't want to be robbed

>> No.57392300

the lemming doesn't lash at at those who rule him but rather those who try to break free from that rule

>> No.57392312


>> No.57392321

You can pay back taxes if you used kyc

>> No.57393476

What coins liar? Post folio or fake

>> No.57393485
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Nah fuck this bitc