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57384685 No.57384685 [Reply] [Original]

>it's annoying ass tax season again

Eliminate income taxes, on both individuals and businesses. Enough with this monstrous, anti-productivity system. Enough with the annoyance and assholery on an annual basis having to figure out "what we owe." Sales taxes, excise taxes/tariffs, property taxes, gas taxes, whatever, those are all paid as we go, but enough with this atrocious income tax system. Just an insufferably, deliberately convoluted way for rich people and welfare queens to skirt by, while the working class gets fucked.

>> No.57384697

shitskins need food and houses too you racist!
How dare you!

>> No.57384718
File: 410 KB, 1080x972, Screenshot_20211229-113815_Adobe Acrobat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the "mandatory" spending its just gibs to buy votes.

>> No.57384725
File: 109 KB, 1003x837, budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's pretty much slavery. Even Social Security is a thinly veiled ponzi scheme wealth redistribution vehicle.

>sorry goys, we're pushing the age of retirement back to right before you die. LOL

>> No.57384765

Are you people retarded? Capitalism is such a vicious and bloody system that without the welfare state there would be a massive revolution in the streets and all you bourgeois fucks would literally be roped. Welfare exists to pay off the working classes from rising up and establishing socialism.

>> No.57384783

Taxes exist to fuck the working class (the ones who actually pay taxes, rich people don't pay shit) for the benefit of shitskins you fucking nigger

>> No.57384805


We are the literal proletariat you fucking roach. We work. We support this entire system. We'd crush you like a termite. We're talking about 70% of society vs. the other 30% of mega rich and poors.

The only reason it ever got this bad was because women are allowed to vote and tolerate insane shit like "work taxes".

>> No.57384806

and capitalism isn't a "system" you fucking reddit subhumans

>> No.57384863

>working paycheck to paycheck
>can't afford houses

I know commies are retarded but at least pretend to know US history, the LBJ's Great Society in the 60s and FDR's New Deal in the 30s were campaigns to get lifelong Democrat voters.

>> No.57384883
File: 170 KB, 666x1299, 60s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LBJ and the 60's did untold damage to American society

>> No.57384901

Yes the 1965 immigration act set the country on a path of demographic collapse, all to make sure immigrants always vote blue.

>> No.57384925
File: 146 KB, 618x564, 1692069631454301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never gonna happen as long as property owning white males are being outvoted 3 to 1 by niggers and women.
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