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57384316 No.57384316 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, who gonna pay for all the spinsters? I don’t think the current tax revenues can handle it and we might have homeless women out on the streets in large numbers…

>> No.57384324
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I thought they were independent and strong and shit, what happened to that?

>> No.57384337


>> No.57384392

No pussy, no work.
No pussy, no taxes.
Simple as.

>> No.57384418

It doesn’t say that they’re jobless

>> No.57384439

UBI for vaccine compliance and forfeiture of private property rights.

>> No.57384472

There will always be enough onions faggots with no dad to provide for useless women with nothing to offer and raise Tyrone’s baby

>> No.57384483

Men being forever alone:
>Ultimately blame themselves
>No real "call to action"

Women being forever alone:
>Feminist marches
>Will wage war against young women who are desirable
>Will try to increase the age of consent to 25+ in a vain attempt to even the playing field
>Government gibs since they have no male provider
>Government issued boyfriends

>> No.57384496


Collective narcissism really

>> No.57384511

Not my problem

>> No.57384513


>> No.57384550
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Women are the highest risk groups for homelessness single women perform economically less than their married counterparts.

>> No.57384790
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I don't think I'm the only one whose every woman he meets seems to only wait for a man to give them money as if they were his daddy, to the point that they make my TOGE bag look more profitable in the long run lmfao

>> No.57385087

thanos was right

>> No.57385095

>Will try to increase the age of consent to 25+
this actually sounds like something they would do, they would probably justify it with some bs science article

>> No.57385114

>wants to have kids

>> No.57385118
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>> No.57385134


I could see them coming for porn first. Either banning it or forcing enough rigid regulations that make it too annoying to bother with. Then the age of consent would rise too. We are an amazingly two-faced, woman-serving society.

>> No.57385163

sometimes I joke about sexist shit so much that I forget that we're both people, and one acts like a fucking child

>> No.57385180

why do you think the sniffer in chief has been scaling up the irs

>> No.57385181

>I could see them coming for porn first. Either banning it or forcing enough rigid regulations that make it too annoying to bother with.
I see this coming to the big name sites but not the shady ad ridden ones, this kind of stuff is impossible to enforce (like pirating movies)

>> No.57385200

They'd have to ban AI too then as it's already trivial to generate your own photorealistic porn at home

>> No.57385205

>>Government issued boyfriends
nah, they don't want to regulate this market, they enjoy this shit

>> No.57385235

I wonder if normie retards (including much of 4chan) will realize that no sex before marriage, no masturbation, and marriage itself is a trap designed by women to trick young men into following their dick into an eternal bad deal contract.

>> No.57385255

most of /biz/ thinks that contract is "based and trad" lmao

>> No.57385283

Every woman I meet just wants a baby. My wife scammed me into getting her pregnant but it is what it is.

>> No.57386790

6'1, wide shoulders, symmetric face, sharp nose, my own place paid off, very healthy, $100k/yr.

Never hitting on women. Never getting a gf. Never marrying. Never having sex.

>> No.57386846

it’s a deal invented by men to keep society stable. the other side of the coin is that women are expected to be loyal virgins who stick with their man, or else.

>> No.57386853

>Per recent projection

More like per recent rejection amirite

>> No.57386860

It is. Hedonists will never know

>> No.57386902

>Wants to get married - 20 points
>Wants to have kids - 20 points
>Controls reactions - 5 points
>Doesn't hide things - 5 points
>Lives within 50 miles - 5 points
The desperation

>> No.57386930

There will be a massive generation of spinster, as this is the first time since the sexual revolution men are starting to reject marrying women based on their past and current laws.

Think about it. The internet opened pandoras box and put on full display the female strategy "sleep around while young, settle down when old" that now every man with two eyes has witnessed.

Men, seeing this, and now having access to endless porn, fleshlights, and depending on your location, escorts, just will not accept what men just ten, twenty years were willing to accept.

>> No.57386949

They can't keep importing h1b-jeets and illegal immigrants to fill the gaps anymore. The native population needs to have kids again. They'll ban porn and stop the push for lgbt with the excuse that they want to protect vulnerable people, but really it's all about boosting birth rates.

>> No.57386953

that is during their 20s when they can have fun on the Chad cock carousel. When Chad stops giving them attention then women start going into panic mode and try and find a man to settle with

>> No.57386994

>Then the age of consent would rise too

will not rise but instead you won't be able to date 5 years younger then your age and no less then 18. This way older women won't have to compete with younger women for the same men

>> No.57387002


The death of religiosity plays a big part too. It used to be religiously, culturally expected. Now no one really cares to that end. There's basically no appeal at all for men.

>> No.57387015

Immigrants, anon. Immigrants.

>> No.57387034

>They can't keep importing h1b-jeets and illegal immigrants to fill the gaps anymore.
yeah im sure it will stop soon lmao retard

>> No.57387053
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>> No.57387087

>Government issued boyfriends
Government issued Chads

>> No.57387106

how can I profit from lonely hags? what goods and services can be marketed to them?

>> No.57387116

The death pods were made for them. A fitting end considering how many children these whores have aborted.

>> No.57387165
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>> No.57387169

cosmetics, "spiritual" hogwash and self-help, SSRIs, shitty snack food like halo top, etc

>> No.57387192

You think the kikes would allow anyone to come after porn for even a second? That movement would be shut down faster than you could ever imagine.

>> No.57387196

System will go broke.
Good luck forcing men that cant get a date to pay for this shit. They've basically guarenteed their own demise.

>> No.57388102

Dios Mio. I’m more than half of her list and wouldn’t touch her with a pol.

>> No.57388133

Because most men are simps by nature. Funny how despite men being physically and mentally stronger than women, women control most men and only respect men who disrespect them.

>> No.57388200

Conservative states are already banning porn sites. People say this is "based" but without legal prostitution this only gives women more power. Men are forced to be slaves in conservative states and men are forced to be simps in liberal states. Same shit, different colored-hair crazy bitches with the power.

>> No.57388756

How. The fuck. Every woman i meet is infertile or hates children.

>> No.57388898

The funniest thing is how the woman’s standards and requirements for the man she wants actually goes higher the older she gets

Its unironically easier to get a 20 year old girlfriend than it is to get a 30 or 40 year old girlfriend as a average guy because the 30-40 year old woman has expectations that you’ll give her a house and pay for all her shit, the 20 year doesn’t have any of those expectations, it’s not even on their mind, yet.

>> No.57389201

how old are you and how are you filling the void

>> No.57389247

but not virgins

>> No.57389262

Married men are happier and live longer.

>> No.57389288

Now adjust for how happy divorced men are and the 40+% chance you end up with them.

>> No.57389615

I have a very easy solution for women or at least it should be easy: be more likeable. Every fucking woman running around out there right now is so unlikeable as a human being. Not only would you not be friends with these women if they were guys, but if you were at a party with them, they'd be the guy getting their fucking asses knocked out. They have such an arrogance and entitlement it's insane. It's insane because you constantly hear these women saying "heh...heh...men aren't entitled to sex!!!" Fair enough, then you aren't entitled to marriage bitch.

I have dated a lot of women and I would have loved to marry them or have kids with them if they would have actually been the sort of people I'd like to partner up with for the rest of my life, but here's the thing...If you're turning into a fat pig now, what are you going to be like after marriage? If you're a fuck up now, what are you going to be like when you have a kid or two to be responsible for? No guy with any brain in his head is going to marry the majority of these women because any guy with a brain in his head knows most of these women are functionally children themselves. Possibly even worse quite frankly.

The only thing sparing any of these women at all is the fact that if any of us who actually can manage to date them consistently told them the truth, it would be so unimaginably brutal that I don't think most women could handle it. They'd brand us an incel even if they literally just fucked us the night before and they'd find a simp to help spot them while they do their mental gymnastics to escape the reality that just got dumped on their head. That reality is really simple: you aren't fucking likeable and no quality guy is going to commit to you long term if he doesn't like you and if he does, it will only be on impulse or out of guilt and he'll be in a constant state of misery BECAUSE OF YOU.

It's incredible women don't get it. This shit >>57384324 doesn't happen by accident.

>> No.57389649

this is why i dont date women my own age. its not the age thats the problem, is that millenial cunts are the most jew brainwashed muh independence cunts in existence.

i love zoomer girls and will probably love gen alpha girls even more.

>> No.57389741
File: 127 KB, 720x1362, om3c29bv7sv51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I´m 27 and still single, what are the chances of me finding a legit decent woman at this stage? I know I fucked up by not bagging one in college. Should I just take the mail order bride pill?

I've never been intimate with a woman btw.

>> No.57389775

hit 7 figs, be at least 5'9, and hit the weights regularly, youll get whatever you want.

>> No.57389785

27 is still very young retard what do you mean too late?
Go outside and socialize

>> No.57389793

Gonna prob try and Vegeta my coworker. She said she liked my long hair and showed a tiktok she found funny which was about 2 chicks mocking being holocaust prisoners.

I dunno, shes not a 10 but has cute eyes and looks like she can fart like no other.

>> No.57389822

>They can't keep importing h1b-jeets and illegal immigrants to fill the gaps
That’s where you’re wrong, goyim

>> No.57389908

I have all of those things except for 7 figs. I'm 6ft, and have abs, but I still only rake in like 30k a year, kek. I have a shit ton in crypto though. Been DCAing since ~2019. My target is between 500k and 1mil this coming cycle.

Do you actually get younger women? Where do you meet them?

You're either a boomer or not American. It's hard to explain to people like you just how badly social avenues for meeting people have been completely eroded here. It's incredibly difficult to meet people after college here. I've tried dating apps but most are crapshoots. I'm not a truecel or anything, (at least I don't think I am), but right now I think my biggest hurdle is social logistics.

And 27 isn't young.

>> No.57389935

no they fucking wont you complete retard. is this your first year being smart enough to see through the bullshit ?

>> No.57389952

I'm european so yeah I guess that's probably true there, 27 is young though

>> No.57390003

27 is young in the grand scheme of life expectancy but it's very old for dating/first time marriage.

>> No.57390171

THIS is exactly why age gaps are so demonized now. fear of competition

>> No.57390336

This is merely because men are driven by the need for reproduction. Women abuse this mechanic to elevate themselves in status (nothing new). The social systems are build around "supply+demand" and women have higher "demand" due to being birthing and pleasure factories.

In the new world all of this stuff no longer matters though. There's so much porn and fun activities that it's not worth it to even bother.

>> No.57390337
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No pussy, no draft. Those are the rules.

>> No.57390352

not trying to be a dick but they aren't serious are they? surely they know?

>> No.57390596


>> No.57391870
File: 274 KB, 2048x1365, gettyimages-78230642-2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll also try to ban Latina women age 18-24 from entering the US.

>> No.57391925

Taxes. The state has taken over the role of the provider from the men.

Kind of endearing how autistic she is about it.

>> No.57391935

>the most hyper-sexualized internet/IRL culture of all time
>the least amount of people having sex IRL of all time
My theory is everyone is having a massive virtual reality orgy in cyber space via the synthetic telepathic hivemind and I'm not invited.

>> No.57391973

roastie requirements
>36 must haves
>lose 10 points unless you offer to pay
dude requirements
>have hole
>be not ugly

>> No.57391986

Bravo anon! That's essentially been my opinion for years as well. Hell, it's been what I've told the ladies in my life when they wanted something out of me, but are frustrated that I'm not giving it to them: well, be likeable.

Or even, hey, be loveable. Ladies: you want love? Be loveable. Simple. Ain't that amazing how that works?

Anyways, again...bravo! Absolutely spot-on.

>> No.57392006

Also, likewise! I got my girl when she was 19 and I was 28. Wayyy better experience, hitting six years next month.

>> No.57392061

45% of women are ugly and/or unbearable. Sounds about right.

>> No.57392097

>no pussy no peace

>> No.57392164

>homeless women

>> No.57392166

>6'1, wide shoulders, symmetric face, sharp nose
superficial traits, none of which were earned or worked for. Genetic lottery stuff only vapid whores boast about.
>Never getting a gf. Never marrying. Never having sex.
Then you're a weak minded boy who's allowed himself to be demoralized by propaganda and is avoiding the ultimate responsibility that demands selflessness and sacrifice. This is steeped in insecurity, not empowerment.
>my own place paid off, very healthy, $100k/yr.
only means something if you're supporting a family. An irrelevant boast born of pure narcissism otherwise. No real man gives a fuck if it's not used to build a legacy that transcends generations.

Right now you're not a man, you're effectively just an OF tier roasty. Nut up and raise a family.
Everything you are now will fade to nothing with no legacy to define you making your very existence and every action you take entirely irrelevant.

>> No.57392178

>not empowerment.
Who cares about empowerment?

>> No.57392182

>27 is young in the grand scheme of life expectancy but it's very old for dating/first time marriage.
Do you live in smalltown Oklahoma or something?

>> No.57392191

>you must that responsability because YOU JUST HAVE TO OR ELSE THE FUN YOU'RE HAVING IS IRRELEVANT!!!
another embarassing tradcuck take
the absolute state of biz

>> No.57392422 [DELETED] 

I read the thread, then this list. I gotta tell you, she's right. You act like she should have zero standards, in fact her standards are quite good, they're not even that high, and not higher than they should be. The thing about standards is, if you don't have them then what you'll end up with is something you can't stand and you'd rather be alone. Standards aren't preventing her from succeeding. They're preventing her from failing. In fact, she's gonna succeed, because she has a list, and standards, and you do not. She has a marketing plan, and a point system and you do not. In fact, you could learn a lot from this 42yo roastie...

>> No.57392551

goyslave mentality
>No real man
you're a roastie aren't you?

>> No.57392564

but will they be virgins or carriers?

>> No.57392580

>bagging one in college
at least 50% chance for them to divorce and take your shit. You probably lucked out, but don't think you're getting one without retained semen.

>> No.57392609

Better start sucking dick how God designed it

>> No.57393066

The funniest thing about this is that women's frail, comical bodies succumb to all sorts of meme diseases like fibromyalgia and osteoporosis that makes it difficult for them to even do desk jobs. A lot of these spinsters envision golden years of them traveling the world, maybe alone but living a life of luxury and glamor. In reality many of them will break down, lose their careers, and live in abject squalor, if they're able to keep a roof over their head at all. No man will touch them because they will be decades past the wall and the toxic ideology will have sunk in to the bone and they won't be able to change it at that point.
Expect suicide rates for millennials and zoomers to set all time records in the coming decades. There is nothing waiting for these "empowered" people but poverty and despair.

>> No.57393576

I will gladly sacrifice all my instincts for company and reproduction just to 100% make sure that not a single woman feels happiness.

Seethe cope and dilate.

>> No.57393606

Lol manlet cope.

>> No.57394125

You are age 21-26
The guy you're replying to is probably 26-30ish.

>> No.57394615

I like how /pol/ glowies creep into /biz/ by making these threads. Truly missing the days of a bullrun bizraelis... i will never forget the Betty Boop thread (which ended the bullrun). Just remember, in the next bullrun when you see a Betty Boop or other absolutely absurd topic, just know that it's the end of the bullrun.

SAGEing because /pol/ has no reason to be on /biz/ and stop ruining our board