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File: 1.98 MB, 1647x916, wfhsetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57383449 No.57383449 [Reply] [Original]

How are you wfhchads holding up?
Is anyone still doing this?

>> No.57383519
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I am, and still comfy. I posted in Nov saying my boss wanted be in the cage. I quit and got a better job with more seniority and money. 100% WFH as ive been doing for 4 years now.

>> No.57383562
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Still wfh and doing well. I don't really even mind going into the office, the main benefit for me is that I can go to the gym when it's not completely packed

>> No.57383570

Yes. I reckon 50% of tech is still wfh.

>> No.57383576

Been wfh for 10 years. Definitely much better than working in an office, but I hate it. I don’t want to work for other people anymore, but I’m comfortable enough that I can’t seem to motivate myself to make better things happen. High paying WFH job is like wearing a pair of golden handcuffs

>> No.57383606

fuck the retards who want us back into the office

>> No.57383614

Been wfh for 4 years now since covid started

I hate driving/commuting and am very happy I do not have to do that, it just seems crazy to me now. Huge risk of significant financial or physical injury, dealing with retards, huge time sink etc.

I'm extremely anti-social and don't like being around people so I'm much more stable when I can wfh, going around people all day is just super exhausting but to be honest I've only worked crappier jobs in person. Since I've gotten a decent job i've been 100% wfh so maybe that's more of a factor.

>> No.57383653

I am but only because its a small company and non of the employees wants to go back so company's forced to keep it
not sure how many software chuds are still fully WFH

>> No.57383662
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>Work from home
>Part of an engineering consultancy firm
>Literally only do 2hrs of work a day which is just doing reviews of designs and commenting on client feedback
>Join meetings where I just play vidya whilst contractors and PM argue with each other
>Rest of the day is spent playing vidya
Covid has been the best thing ever where previously I had to go to the office for meaningless shit now I only go 1/2 days a week and productivity in our company has increased by leaps and bounds

>> No.57383676

I save thousands of dollars on vehicle depreciation and gas by wfh. I eat better. I sleep better. The only thing is the lack of in person interaction, but I make sure to go outside on the weekends and talk with people. Making 2.4x the median income for my state.

>> No.57383940

Yep, going great. I'm never going back. The coof actually solved a problem for my company as we are stuck in our building for a few more years at least and we wanted to hire more people but the building was too small. I don't even have a cube to go back to if I wanted.

>> No.57384024

What do you guys actually do for WFH? Blue collar here and I'm tired of wrecking my body

>> No.57384069
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Ive made my own gym in my basement. WFH has helped me workout twice a day during competitons and everyday including public holidays etc. New management was foolish to call me back in office when i was so crucial. They tried to retain me but it was too late for them.

>> No.57384095

I WFH Mon, half of Thurs and Fri. My commute is 10-15 min so I don't mind going in.

>> No.57384099

Write software. The same thing I did in the office only faster because now I don't have to pretend I'm working for 8 hours every day I just need to get done what needs to get done on time.

>> No.57384728

Anyone else WFH full time and actually looking to pivot into a 1-2 day a week hybrid role?

I love the flexibility of WFH but the inability to effectively collaborate on hard-group projects has been grinding me down. Individually I am undoubtedly more productive WFH, but as I get more and more senior I have so many more projects with others (even cross timezones now), and I find them brutal to work on virtually (find problem with Europe's code, have to wait for them to come online a full day before getting an answer, etc.). The only problem is I make more WFH in this role than most hybrid tech jobs in my city would pay.

>> No.57384786

Nah, we have enough meetings that I know what my team is doing. We also have teamviewer software that allows me to do remote pair programming with the jr engineers. Stick 'em in a video call on the corporate network laptop and teamviewer on the dev machine and we're good to go, same as sitting in their cube. I don't work with Europeans though.

>> No.57384793

most of the faggots bragging on here in 2020 through 2022 got either laid off or sent back to office. fucking kek you smug fucks

>> No.57384831
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WFH anon here. My entire department got outsourced and my last day of work is next month.

Does anyone have any advice? The same company I work for is offering to rehire me but as an on-site field work wagey. What can I do to get another comfy WFH job

>> No.57384842

My job is crypto

>> No.57384850

spam your resume on linkedin and indeed

>> No.57384851

>fully remote
>got promoted to manager
>still fully remote

>> No.57384858

The last time I did that I got non-stop spam calls by bots

>> No.57384872
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Would love to have a home gym, but I purposefully bought my condo in an area that's a 3 min walk from my gym, but also walking (running) distance to my beloved lakefront trail.

5-7mi every day. Even in the winter

>> No.57384897

>I purposefully bought my condo

>> No.57384899

Reason I made my own gym is because my gym which was a 3 min walk from me cucked out to the gubmint and i lost a few months of membership. Same reason we stock up on food and other stuff during lockdowns, why not have your own gym? Disease X or whatever is brewing and gym owners dont have the balls to stand up against tyranny.

>> No.57384930

Oh my gym never closed. Too many cops work out there to enforce. kek

>> No.57385152

Still WFH, come into the office 2 days per month. They're trying to encourage people back, but tough titties.

>> No.57385350

How do you find that so far? I've heard it's very hard to get promoted to a manager role when fully remote (unless the entire company is remote).

>> No.57385438

i work in accounting and manage accounting processes at a huge corporation, so not a people manager (yet.) it's not a big deal. at every accounting job i've ever had, i've always worked with teams around the country or around the world. if someone isn't pulling their weight then you push it up the chain until they get shitcanned.

>> No.57385517


Explain why your company doesn’t just fire your ass for a Pajeet worker who will do the same thing that you do but from India and for 1/4 the pay

>> No.57385540
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My company is having layoffs and the comfiness is going down.

>> No.57385543

I'm a fed adjacent. They literally can't hire third worlders. Security clearance and all that. The drawback is i could probably make $25-$30k more in a different industry, and I'm working with knuckle dragging boomers. I'm at $175k a year now in a lcol state.

>> No.57385545

>have comfy remote job, but shit salary
>trying to break into tech roles via CS degree
>SWE job market falling apart
Idk what to do bros. My job is easy but I'm approaching 30 and can never afford a family with this salary.
It seems like it's impossible to get a SWE job without internships, but I can't really afford to quit my full time role for an internship. I feel very stuck despite being comfy and fully remote

>> No.57385550
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Maybe you should ask Boeing why that's a bad idea.

>> No.57385567

Also I am legitimately busy everyday. I wfh but cant fuck around that much. My old company I would leave and go to the gun range and just monitor teams on my phone, kek. Took more work for more money though

>> No.57385574


I got to wework on Fridays just to get out of my dungeon but I would never go back to mandatory officecucking.

>> No.57385586

Been wfh since 2017 doing motion design. Really can't complain. I'm a freelancer with two stable clients that make me 6 figs. I can take any day I want off which tends to amount to about 1-2 months a year.

When you work for multiple companies you can maintain an illusion of being "booked" when you're actually just not working. It actually makes you more desirable.

The down side to this is multiple clients often have a bunch of shit going on at the same time so you end up with fuckfests of weeks here and there. Im the last one in the production line so no matter how late everyone else in the team was on their shit im the one who has to deliver on time. worth it tho

>> No.57385590


the same reason they don't build cars in India. they are a subhuman race

>> No.57385617

time zones and nuanced discussions of direction in English. I have wondered the same thing for the past 7 years but it hasnt caught up to me yet.

>> No.57385675


>> No.57385818

>why don't we just replace White people with brown people to do our complex jobs
Said every kike ever before being removed from their host country for the 110th time

>> No.57386052

Easier to avoid catching any of those diseases when working out at home, one less thing for you to worry about

>> No.57386081


Because we aren't assembly line workers, we're maintainers. We're basically "on call" even if we aren't working. Sure there's always feature work and things to do but generally speaking they pay us to understand the code base well, communicate with management well, have high standards, fix things, fight fires.

Companies do actually commonly hire pajeets on a contractual basis to do assembly line tier mass coding work. But they prefer well educated/experienced Americans for general maintenance and "stewardship" of their very valuable code bases and applications.

>> No.57386322

Do you actively use your clearance or is it just to get you in the door and have on your profile at the company? I used to have to go into secure areas thereby negating its use in WFH jobs.

>> No.57386359

Same as other posters, dod contractor, no pajeets allowed.

>> No.57386388

On extremely rare occasions I have to go in to work in our secure area, which is basically a large closet with a fancy door full of extremely loud servers. It sucks and I hate it but it's like a week of work every 3 years or so. My project doesn't require using my clearance often thankfully.

>> No.57386389

ppl say shit like this and then ask why all the new software is so buggy and slow
you get what you pay for

>> No.57386716
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The only regret I have about wfh is not being able to stare at the office milf's ass anymore

>> No.57386856

that's a man

>> No.57386906
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Just lost mine. Gotta go in the office the next two months. Kept fucking up I guess. Fun while it lasted. Waiting to get fired to be forced to find something better.

>> No.57386990 [DELETED] 

jfc is this semen demon really at your company?

Bah gawd that is amazing

>> No.57387334

Yes I just never came back. Unfortunately there still is a campus that I have to go to once a month so I can't job maxxx, but I'm comfy so whatever

>> No.57387348

The old people would hang up if they heard pajeet vishnu pick up the phone when they call

>> No.57387680

Good stuff king

>> No.57387696

Software development

>> No.57387712


Says who you fucking hater

>> No.57387759

I'm unlayoffable. Been there over a decade, I have ancient esoteric knowledge of the code base now and a cool milly of company stock.

>> No.57387771

Same I go once a week to the office - don't have many irl friend and the neets that go on Wednesday are fun to chat with

>> No.57387787

They paid me enough to come back into the office. I’m earning about 4x what I was pre Covid so I’m pretty comfy. I quite like it after 3 years of wfh desü.

>> No.57387892

I am still WFH 4 years on. So been WFH way longer than my time at the office. They've closed 2 of our 3 floors so no way were heading back now.

I like not having to wagecuck in the office. But at the same time being a rentcuck and having to work from my bedroom all the time is also not good for me. I barely do any work, my sleep schedules fucked and I only make €48k

I miss flirting with the office milfs too. I'd take a hybrid job ahead of this if it paid even slightly better in a heartbeat as long as the office wasn't too out of the way.

>> No.57388009

Auditing and compliance. I get sent files, review them, then send them back either clean or marked discrepancies.

>> No.57388116

It sucked at first when I was balancing three monitors on a folding table using a chair from the dining room but now I have turned a room of my house into a pretty nice office. A milf lives in my house and now that I work remote sometimes I fuck her in the middle of the day when the kids are napping.

>> No.57388162

>having to work from my bedroom all the time is also not good for me.
WFH became way better for me when I moved from an apartment to a house and actually had a dedicated office space, room to walk around indoors, exercise, etc. WFH in an apartment sucked dick and I would never go back to that.

>> No.57388189

I go in once a week for clearance work. The rest is WFH, and I literally can't get replaced by a third worlder. I am the only one in my office who supports my specific tool, and with the proper clearance. I hold all the cards. Feels good mang.

>> No.57388199

I hate it but I hate going to the office. Actually I just hate working.

Well I found I like going to a cafe and working on personal projects, guess I'm losing my introvertedness

>> No.57388422

Take your phone number off of the pdf and use a new email address.
Use an updated resume & Linkedin and reach out to managers and recruiters. You can use a tool called LinkedIn X-ray to search and identify people without hitting you search cap within LN.
I’m sorry anon but you will get through this.

The day of the flush will come soon enough.

>> No.57388612

just graduated from uni last may with an econ and cs/ math degree. any tips on landing a comfy wfh job right now. the job market is shit for new grads

>> No.57388669

Having English as your first language is very important when navigating customer complaints and solving their problems. It sounds racist and it is but that doesn't negate why my coworker Nahome isn't in a better position than me even though he has coding and programming experience. That's why the corporate IT world has office politics and why pushing for soft skills and management is their main prerogative. Unironically white people have it easier than most BIPOC and there is major gatekeeping within IT.

>> No.57388925

grind and wait for interest rates to go down I guess, I have 2 yoe and that's basically my plan as well, t. bs math

>> No.57389012

I'm also doing great but I'm working for myself.
I have a blog that generates a good amount of revenue, and recently I monetized it via Hydro online which helped me to increase the revenue by 2x

>> No.57389086

Yep, I go in one day a week max. It's by far my least productive day.
I spend so much time with my babby daughter, and actually have energy to play the odd vidya. I've never gotten to leverage nepotism, but an estranged family member reconnected with me recently and wants me to work with them, so might go that route. Would be about the same, majority work from home with the odd flight or conference.
Living the dream.
Banking, every time they outsource, which they're trying heavily, they find it at least doubles time to delivery. Which is a problem when all our high priority projects are regulatory compliance. And Indians just disappear all the time, because they're incredibly low paid contractors. Or because they died, no one checks, they just get another one and accept the loss of 2 months getting the next retard up to speed.
Yeah I'm busy about half the time. There are quiet days, and it's when some other team has ground to a halt because of staffing issues or having screwed up a system upgrade. Then I just watch YouTube for a day until I can get everything moving again.

>> No.57389095
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Good luck offshoring your sales team

>> No.57389166

Oh fuck, so this is why they've been having all those flight issues recently.

>> No.57389183

been working from home for more than a decade
it's comfy
i will never do something else

>> No.57389192

holy based and samepilled

>> No.57389215

my wife looks like this in her work clothes, are people looking at her ass?

>> No.57389242

I've been seeing that Hydro almost everywhere recently, I guess I'll take a look at it

>> No.57389268


nah, of course not. i bet all the blokes she bumps into on the daily are all the self respecting types and definitely not a bunch of grimy dogs, with the highest of esteems.

>> No.57389332

>I love the flexibility of WFH but the inability to effectively collaborate on hard-group projects has been grinding me down. Individually I am undoubtedly more productive WFH, but as I get more and more senior I have so many more projects with others (even cross timezones now), and I find them brutal to work on virtually (find problem with Europe's code, have to wait for them to come online a full day before getting an answer, etc.). The only problem is I make more WFH in this role than most hybrid tech jobs in my city would pay.
Yes, driving to an office and sitting at your desk will totally help with those jackholes coding badly in Europe 12 timezones away....

>> No.57390131

Product manager. Former business analyst.

>> No.57390860

Business analyst seeking BIE

>> No.57390877

That would be illegal anon.

>> No.57390980
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I'm about to start a new clearance job that's all wfh for a company and couldn't be happier. After after working remote full time at my last job, I saved so much in gas, wear and tear on my car, money that would go to eating at a office and just better sleep in general.

Security clearance is a pain to get though. The wait during the background check phase can can be brutal if you're unemployed since it can take from 3-7 months or even a year. But once you have it, it's worth its weight in diamonds for getting similar big gov contractor remote jobs easier since they're so hard to get.

>> No.57391790

as a wfh tech recruiter in the govcon space, I can attest to this anon's perspective. I have wfh since 2017 before it was "coolf" ... I can't ever see myself going back to an office.

>> No.57391807

only incels like working from home

>> No.57391833

Yes. I have gotten a blowjob from my wife during lunch almost every single day since March of 2020. I'd say I've received roughly 1300 blowjobs. She has sucked pretty much all the color out of my cock by now and its skin has become smoother than glass.

>> No.57392056

>all these larpers with their clearance jobs
In reality you can’t access classified material from your house. You need to be on a closed computer system in a secured facility

>> No.57392377

wdym by grind? keep sending applications in hope one sticks? job market is shit rn, so been working on side projects with other unemployed ppl from my graduating class

>> No.57392379
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I’m in insurance sales and work 20 hours a week, raising my baby and working is cash allows me to shill LINU.

>> No.57392397

This thread just reminded my to clock off. Good looking fellas.

>> No.57392606
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For those who can live where they want, what cities do you recommend? Preferably places that are warm in the winter.

Currently renting in Phoenix but it's expensive here.

>> No.57392639

thats wrong you fucking retard

i have a fedramp job and its remote

>> No.57392784

Really jealous of CS chuds.
Doing engineering fucked my life.
All these guys making $200k fully wfh and I'm a fucking EE making like $65k and have to work in a shitty factory for 12 hours a day.

>> No.57392838

I would gladly go to the office if it took me 20 minutes or less getting there. I really prefer working in the office.
However, they are located 2 hours away so Im not gonna fucking waste a total of 4 daily hours just getting to/from work.

>> No.57392915

>be me
>graduated in industrial engineering
>have job as QC guy/general engineering assistant in aerospace
>work is 20 minutes away
>all my coworkers are cool as shit
>sometimes get to travel
>mostly chill but some weeks/projects are ass
>complicated as fuck things to learn
>no work from home unless you are at the end of the rope
>have to actually work a bunch, no bullshit job
>plenty of manual labor
>not great money out of college (65k)
>feel like a clueless fucking retard 100% of the time

I like what I do but I feel underpaid and really dumb all the time. How do I escape this rut eventually and get a hybrid/remote job with better pay? Don't know if my skills will translate to the digital world so well, even if I know most of the basics.

>> No.57393148

Not that anon, but I'd say work the shitty bottom of the barrel job in your field, so when interest rates go down you'll have some experience too. I graduated with a bachelors in cyber security right as the economy shit the bed. I'm stuck doing remote help desk work for the time being. It's pretty comfy at least.

>> No.57393352

Legitimately yes. If you’re flying make sure the plane was built a while ago.

>> No.57393372

Wonder what this stack is? I can see table salt probs for electrolytes and B12

>> No.57393387

Sounds like you're on the right path. Getting in the door is the hardest part, it'll be easier to get a comfy WFH job with some experience under your belt.

>> No.57394128

The trick is to get the fuck out of industrial engineering and into a field with a higher barrier to entry. I did an internship in industrial engineering but quickly moved into systems engineering. I know someone who took an even more lucrative path and got into explosive ordnance engineering, but that's a really tough field to break into.

>> No.57394156

It's worth it anon, i think..
Had a research job that required clearance many moons ago.
It was really nice.
I spent most of my days doing nothing but hardcore non-incremental theoretical research while avoiding the politics and other tendencies of academia.
Pure quality of life doing meaningful work in a low stress environment was amazing.
Eventually left when i got offered more money but still work in the same field, more or less.

>> No.57395376 [DELETED] 
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My latest hold is Supra.

>> No.57395414

Crypto is my job and I'm holding SUPRA and BONK.

>> No.57395432

What should I hold?

>> No.57395490

Even if a part of your collab was waving hands around in front of your coworker to explain a mindboggling 4D chess move curve graph matrix vector tensor neutrino flux capacitor, it achieves exactly zero extra effect above what is possible via screenshare, and it lacks one critical feature. It cannot be easily and discretely screen-recorded so that the mediocre employee (90% of workers are those) can REWATCH the fucking crash course in whatever the fuck you are working on.

>> No.57395510

I have an epilepsy diagnosis that gives me permanent WFH status
Have someone help you get one

>> No.57395525


This fucker had to show up uh? Go suck your boss's cock.

>> No.57396035

Anon I was pretty much in the exact same position as you a few years ago (mech eng degree, aerospace manufacturing, mediocre salary)
I saved a bunch of money and jumped ship for a random ass IT job. I don't make incredible money but I'm fully remote and exposed to a lot more remote opportunities. I also don't have to argue with rednecks all day over specs/redlines anymore
I thought clearance jobs were the least remote ones? How does someone find these types of job, and how difficult are they to get? (compared to FAGMAN interviews, for example)
I don't have anything in my background that would get in the way of clearance

>> No.57396521

Bout to go in. Hope I don't fired/reamed too hard.

>> No.57396918

They did that and I was the white man the hired to clean up the mess lmao

>> No.57396955

Did you also call the factory safety shutdown in renton today lmfao

>> No.57397028

I‘m a legal counsel. My company pays me for my expertise, not for waging in the office. I wfh 4 days a week and make more than I would as a lawyer. Had good grades in uni so I guess that helps.

>> No.57397121
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WFH Chads, i kneel and join your ranks.

I got a sweet data engineering job, fully remote.

Any tips/tricks/general advice? First fully WFH gig.

>> No.57397200

GIS technician (now)
I just started WFH after 7 years working grocery
I couldn't be happier

>> No.57397222

learn how to do your job, be available when needed, don't fuck up

>> No.57397233

Go for a walk every morning make sure you get some sun or your circadian rhythm will go crazy

Have a pretty specific morning routine, like walk or reading or something. A lunch routine is nice as well. WFH you can easily fit in little things you are trying to learn/practice or whatever you like. I have periods for
>Practicing japanese
>Practicing guitar
>ear training
Can also incorporate some excercise throughout the day
I have a pullup bar and some kettlebells right next to my desk. Is easy to just do a little when I get up/go to the bathroom and it can have a surprisingly significant impact just doing pullups throughout the day.

cook and clean while working : )

i have my PC set up with 2 monitors and my work laptop and another monitor so I can do my own stuff without them seeing it, i have a mouse/keyboard switcher to go between them easily.

Make sure your communicate well and go out of your way to message people, it's much easier to neglect that wfh.

>> No.57397507

They don't give you WFH jobs until they can trust that you will complete the work independently.

>> No.57397517

Join a gym so that you have social interaction and don't get fat

>> No.57397690

they could, they'd just get 1/20th the results. real work in technology is not writing hello world programs, which is the extend of what cheap labor in india can do. if your entire job is adding lines that say Log(log.message, level.debug) yeah you better watch out. for most people in tech we get real problems that require a midwit or higher IQ. no threat there.

also, AI will be a real problem for these jobs, it's just going to take 10 to 20 years. hope you plan to retire by then

>> No.57397782

I'm hybrid can I participate?

>> No.57397802

just curious, doing the exact same thing but in EU for the crypto industry

what is your pay like?

>> No.57397824
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Got it.
Awesome advice, will have to start a morning walk routine... now that i have time :)
I do weights, swimming, and yoga weekly. On it.

>> No.57398173

I‘m also from the EU. Base salary is around 90k. If you add corporate benefits it‘s around 95-100k.

>> No.57398305

netting half that but i'm quite junior

what's your experience like, is it a lot?

>> No.57398395

I started in another department of the company a few years ago at like 60k. Wfh was already established before covid but got progressively better during the pandemic.

For me personally it got easier when I switched to the legal department from my entry level job. I used to have around 400 files before and now I work in contract law and do like 1-2 contracts per week.

>> No.57398419

meant to reply to you.

>> No.57399259

Get your bags ready for a catch, FAT will be listed tomorrow on uniswap and smart investors are all set to slurp massively. Don't miss it anon.

>> No.57399271

Come on, Let's discuss transparency and fairness on web3 field. I think that AdLunamInc has pretty great topics to discuss. Explore what Nadja Bester and Adlunam say. Nadja has some podcasts as I know and Adlunam is a launchpad for Web3

>> No.57399299

>I got a sweet data engineering job, fully remote.
Welcome to the club brother.
How did you get into data engineering? I'm in IT and it's retarded, I want to get into something like data engineering

>> No.57399488

>goes from penniless trades wagie in backbreaking, sun-scorched hellhole to comfy wfh VC chad through sheer will and intelligence
I made it out before the gate came down

I hate Indians so fucking much

>> No.57399517

Because they like me.
They think im a swell guy.

>> No.57399522

Been doing wfh since before covid and still doing it long after. Its a great way to live. Crypto makes it an attainable goal for almost anybody who's tech literate and not stupid.

>> No.57399533

it would be quite difficult to resist giving that ass a good smack if I had to work with her.

>> No.57399557
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How can I apply to one? Im from Mexico and I dont know where to look at

>> No.57399604

Learn crypto and immerse yourself in new projects in a branch of the ecosystem you like. You'll find a job eventually if you're smart enough to make people take notice. Whatever you lack in qualifications won't matter as long as you are clearly smart enough for whatever role it is.

>> No.57399712

Im wfh 4 days out of 5. Ppl still feel the need to virtue signal about how working from office is somehow "better" tho

>> No.57399782
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Based clearance chads. This is my first one, so I'm new to the whole fed world, but it sounds like it's a good industry to have your foot in the door at least.


It really depends on the job and type of clearance. The Government proper is just about the only people who will hire you at entry level and give you a clearance either MIL or CIV. The fastest route to a TS/SCI is to join one of the reserve or national guard components (doesn't matter which branch) and pick an Intelligence MOS/job. Or Join DoD as a civilian for your clearance, then go contractor or IC. You can also find a company that also happens to be a government contractor for the US as part of their portfolio that will sponsor you for a security clearance, but they usually don't make it public, so you have to be lucky or do your own research.

A good place to start monitoring USAjobs regularly for postings. There's also Clearedcareers and the usual places like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Dice (Though that place has been pretty useless as it's full of head hunting contractor job recruiters). Also keep in mind, the IC does hire recent grads but is pretty picky and the process is long. Most contractors wont hire and wait around unless you're 1) a current clearance holder or 2) a computer whiz.

>> No.57399850

Cucks who feel the need to mention during meetings that they are in office disgust me

>> No.57399872


A lot of that is major cope, but there are some people who view their job as their life and actually believe that working at the office makes them better then you. It's quite sad really.

>> No.57399921

I work the same from home as from the office. I dont make any special efforts or more hours for free and neither do I work less or do laundry etc like so many.

Bcs i just feel like its a normal thing. So many ppl have major emotional issues with it

>> No.57400602
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Annnd I survived. on WFH probation for 60 days. Hopefully I get it back.

>> No.57400632

because it's been done a billion times and the result is always the same - you get what you fucking pay for, and you always end up paying the onshore staff to fix their fuck-ups

>> No.57400691

The manglers want people back in the wage cage. They just need to control you when you are working. Nobody bothers though because fuck working from the shithole office.

>> No.57400797
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>he thinks we're coding
oh no no no eurobros.... do NOT tell him.... he will explode if he finds out.......

>> No.57400869
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>Changing from WFH to hybrid

>> No.57400881


>> No.57400896

>wfh accounting
how can I get a job like this? have an accounting degree already just no experience in the field

>> No.57400935

As someone pointed out, outsourcing to India is extremely time consuming and inefficient. I was once in a three hour meeting when they were trying to determine how copy and paste a folder from one directory to another.

Another reason I’m fine is because my work requires several degrees, multiple certifications, and government clearance. You have to be the top of your field or you won’t make it.

Contrary to what boomers say, I accomplish more than I ever did in an office and have far more time available for my family. It’s win/win.

>> No.57400938

only realised i can dual wield jobs which what ive been doing lately

>> No.57400971

how'd you fuck it up?

>> No.57401048

not to sound like a doomer but even the shitty bottom of the barrel/ entry level jobs are hard to get now. I only know one 2023 grad who has a job rn but that's cus he knows somebody at the company, otherwise he wouldn't have shit cus he never bothered to gain any type of experience/ part time job in college. you a 2023 grad as well?

>> No.57402638

Jeets are so bad that we use Romanians instead, and even then they usually do the boring and tedious parts. They have low productivity/work ethic, they have weird holidays every now and then, and time zone difference is an obstacle.. Seething brainlets like you who never had to deal with Indians will never understand why westerners rule the world. Keep fighting traffic every day for the next 50 years, I'm sure you love it.

>> No.57402679
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Still WFH just got a substantial raise.
Today I ate an entire quiche a box of scorched almonds and a bag of chips. Just went swimming as I live in the beach. Now in my robe watching Road House.

>> No.57402771

Crypto is my job and I'm steadfastly holding onto DUA and INJ.

>> No.57404240

wfh is still going on for my company, which is a majorly slow and large one. We've technically been called back to the office but it seems to be ignored and there isn't enough room anyway. I've been in the office twice in a year.

It's supremely comfy. The past year of my life has been the highest paid and lowest workload I've ever had. My manager doesn't know or care what I do and neither do the people in my team. Once it ends, I'll probably never have it so good again.

I live with my parents instead of renting, which I'd have to do if I had to live near the office. I save such an insane amount of money. Rent and travel in London costs £1,650+ per month, and then there's all the higher costs of living.

I go for a one hour walk every lunchtime. I browse 4chan with my feet up. I don't have to pretend to be enthusiastic about my job. Everything could collapse at work and I'd just laugh.

I was helping a family member with various things in the past few weeks and it came to mind how expensive all the tasks would be if she had to pay for someone to do them (although for a lot of it, she'd just be struggling). The labour, if bought, would cost well over £200 a week.

My job is fucking slow and in a disorganised and dead end division. If they call me back to the office I will apply elsewhere, even if I have to stay in the office. If I have to go in, it should be for something that'll give me upward mobility.