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File: 95 KB, 301x302, 2222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57380389 No.57380389 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>57364888

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.57380420

Good job anon. :)

>> No.57380532

Made it to 2222. XRP $2222 overnight.

>> No.57380534

Thread challenge: no faggotry

>> No.57380559

how big is your dick, stud?

>> No.57380648

Because you are going to accuse me of being a liberal, let me start off by saying I despise liberals.
I hate social justice and feminism.
I hate communisms and socialism.
Biden is a mentally ill puppet, that does whatever he is told,
by our true rulers.
Those rulers rigged stole the 2020 election from Trump,
in the most blatant way possible.
And then publicly punished the January 6th protesters in a raw display of corrupt power.
They were normal, unarmed, non-violent people protesting a stolen election.
The Capital police opened the gates, and let them in.
It was a guided tour.
And for that, they had the entire 'legal' system thrown at them.
They are being treated as insurrectionists.
They just repeat the lie over and over, until enough people believe it.

Trump could have pardoned all of the January 6th protesters, while he was still president.
Instead, he did nothing.
He abandoned the people that fought for him the hardest.
Those people are rotting in jail as political prisoners.
It was a betrayal of the highest order.

While he was president, Trump signed executive orders creating Red Flag Laws, & banning bump stocks.
If a Democrat president had done that, there would have been a huge response from the right against these.
But because it was Trump that did it, the response was largely muted.
While he was in office, a high ranking government official in the EPA bragged about ignoring Trumps orders.
Generals also said they ignore Trumps orders.
How did Trump respond?
By complaining on Twitter.
Candidate Trump was incredibly bold and powerful.
President Trump was impotent and nearly powerless.
Trump is controlled opposition.
His purpose is to diffuse all of the anger and frustration that people feel,
while accomplishing nothing good, and accomplishing evil at a slower rate.

continued in next post.

>> No.57380662

If our true rulers decide that he will be the President again,
don't expect him to do any of the things he said he will.
Trump will most likely allow the creation of CBDCs.
In fact, it will be easier for it to happen under him.
In the same way as with bump stocks, the opposition will be muted, because it will be Trump instituting it.
But CBDCs won't happen until the general public is softened up first.
There will be an economic depression far worse than the Great Depression.
Once people are starving to death and homeless, then they will introduce Universal Basic income, social credit scores, and CBDCs.
People will be so desperate and hopeless, that they will welcome UBI, Social Credit Scores, and CBDCs as something that saves them.

These are my interpretations and predictions.
But you know what, they are just guesses.
I cold be wrong, and I don't think people need to agree with me.
They are free to disagree.
And I'm not going to insult them and call them names, just because they have a different opinion.

>> No.57380765
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>> No.57380839

Gemini’s big XRP reveal was perpetual futures trading
$589 EOD

>> No.57380864

Trump threw that out knewing his own judge would overturn it and then declined to appeal the ruling. Go back to crying about muh airfield.

>> No.57380867


>> No.57381024

good morning everyone

>> No.57381038

How are you all holding up?

>> No.57381052

>Once people are starving to death and homeless, then they will introduce Universal Basic income, social credit scores, and CBDCs.
People will be so desperate and hopeless, that they will welcome UBI, Social Credit Scores, and CBDCs as something that saves them.
That's when XRP moons, if it's before then I'll be surprised.
Also well said anon.

>> No.57381061

Thanks to all keeping previous bake online for so long, and no it wasn't me (I saw some people saying that). A lot of toxicity though, if only we could have over 300 replies but it's all positivity

>> No.57381067

I am currently bearish on my entire portfolio: (Ticker: XRP)

>> No.57381097

I don’t care

>> No.57381108
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Do you think this chart is bullish? We might have bottomed out now and wont go below half a dollar

>> No.57381127

I was just making a general statement not focused on any particular person, place, or thing
I simply don’t care

>> No.57381136

>i’ve become so numb

>> No.57381147

>But in the end it doesn't even matter

>> No.57381157

Short term price action doesn’t even matter, because in the end, our preferred token will be roughly 589 dollars

>> No.57381162

>Told you everything loud and clear, but nobody is listening

>> No.57381173

>deutschland den deutschen
>ausländer raus

>> No.57381175

please keep the nazi stuff out of here

>> No.57381191

>DJI made a new ATH at $38000

wow I forgot to check stocks for a while, the fuck is happening

>> No.57381326


>> No.57381341


>> No.57381357
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Nothingburger as expected

>> No.57381396

>Exchanges start doing riddles

as if it couldn't get bearish enough

>> No.57381406
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>> No.57381413

I'm gonna go on a run, fuck this shit

>> No.57381435

Enjoy your weekly 10k run

>> No.57381589

Thats not a Gemini.

>> No.57381606

>Thats not a Gemini.
Yeah, sorry, that's Extravod

>> No.57381619

my fellow xrp holders, i have 1.1k XRP when will I become rich?
Thank you for your help

>> No.57381633

Hello Sanity here, just stopping by again after lurking for awhile to remind the real ones that anything our resident namefag posts only serves to label, divide and contain all counterpoints to it's chosen official narrative. The words shift with the sand but the message stays the same. Tread carefully. Here be dragons.

>> No.57381634

How does February 6th sound?

>> No.57381637

10k is literally programmed (but it was 5k)

>> No.57381643

>Bitfuck can't even hold $39k

it's over

XRP sub $0.50 coming

This is the last time you can buy 2 XRP for 1 dollar (for real this time)

>> No.57381670

>Down jones double tops at $38000 creating a new all time high

this is it guys

the great collapse®

Of course we weren't gonna have a bullrun

a soft landing Never Ever happened

>> No.57381682
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You guys took my sincere advice from yesterday to open your XRP SHORT right?

I am sp happy to finally be making money with XRP. How much longer before you take riddlefaggot cock out of your mouth and start growing as a person?

Ripple can't help themselves... they will use EVERY green and EVERY dip to MASK A market unload.. there is no other way to fund operations... unless they start getting payment from actual clients.

This is not FUD, this is verified fact, the sooner we start shorting ans stop buying dips, the faster the XRP Army credit card is cut off and the faster they will be forced to actually execute on this hype train. If there is an unlimited source of funds from holders, there is zero incentive to execute.

I actually believe in the potential of this asset, that's partially why I want to force their hand.

I will blindly and obediently baghold no more, sold 75% of XRP and the market will refill my bag by shorting this all the way down.

>> No.57381687

>Bitfuck can't even hold $39k
Nigga, when BTC price was 25K, XRP was 0.48. BTC is almost doubled since. BTC is alright, it's just XRP is utter fucking trash. coin.

>> No.57381693

fuck off baggie

>> No.57381705

Yes, i'm top <0.2% baggie of this fucking shitcoin called XRP.

>> No.57381721

Literally bagholding SHIT for 4 years straight. My shoulders getting weaker every fucking day. I may listen to this guy >>57381682 and start shorting this shitcoin.

>> No.57381724

wow very organic samefag fudsters

yes short is just before the lawsuit is concluded and miss the moon to $100 or $1000

>> No.57381733

>wow very organic samefag fudsters
I hold this SHIT for so long and I have right to express my feelings here. Go look for FUD in your trousers, faggot.

>> No.57381752

okay I gotta be honest i'm slightly sad about current dump but then again they need people out before the switch gets flipped

>> No.57381777

Just bought a 1000 more XLM because of elon musk rumors

what am I in for

>> No.57381783

>current dump
Current dump would mean nothing if XRP would sit above one or two dollars, but this SHITCOIN just bleeds and bleeds and bleeds, thanks to Ripple imbeciles DUMPING record levels on the market, because they can't sell OTC anymore and they will DUMP, DUMP and DUMP until the case is over, and the case will not be over anytime soon, because Brad McFaggot aka TRANNYLORD wants to go to supreme fucking court.

>> No.57381799

>Ripple dumps as much as they can anyway they can for as long as they can
wait, you are realising this only now? After 4 years of holding? LMAO, how retarded can you be?

>> No.57381800

Same as me. I've bought a fair bit this week.

>> No.57381813

Ripple sells dont move the price more than 1% i heard

I almost got 20k XLM

>> No.57381822

I'm aiming for 111k

>> No.57381823

kek, and what does move the market, retail? And you cripple faggots wonder why the whole internet laughs at you.

>> No.57381839

They were dumping "small" amounts of XRP on the OPEN MARKET; the rest was going OTC, which had no effect on the price because buyers can't dump for a certain amount of time under the contract. Now, after the ruling, they're dumping HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS on the OPEN MARKET NON STOP.
>LMAO, how retarded can you be?
Not quite as you

>> No.57381854

>Ripple dumps billions over the years
>Every single project or partner of theirs dumps their XRP the moment they get it
>no effect on the price
>everybody else is retarded just not me
Stop please, I am going to piss myself laughing

>> No.57381856

its still just spammy talking to spammy

>> No.57381863

This post was made by me

>> No.57381866

>Every single project or partner of theirs dumps their XRP the moment they get it
Post proofs, nigglet.
>everybody else is retarded just not me
I never called anyone retarded.

>> No.57381868
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>20000 XLM
>15800 XRP

>> No.57381886

kek, the cope is strong with this one.
>what is circulating supply?
Not as retarded, eh?

>> No.57381892

>15941 XRP

holy shit I need 59more XRP to get to an even 16000 but i'm literally all out of fiat

that's it

my dumb ass just spend the rest of his money that was sitting on an exchange to buy the dip to buy more XRP and XLM

it's over

if we keep on dipping now i'm gonna grow depressed

>> No.57381903

>what is circulating supply?
Coins held in private wallets are considered part of the circulating supply

>> No.57381922

You fags better tell me you have been buying.

People literally eating each other up and are capitulating left and right. These are the best time to buy

>> No.57381933
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>it keeps dipping

>tfw im a sunk cost fallacy retard

>> No.57381951
File: 220 KB, 568x479, greenwojk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooooo we are slightly maybe itty bitty back right now and i managed to slurp another bottom of a microdumpy wick

>> No.57381957

holy based 111k xlm then how much xrp you got my friend

>> No.57381973


is he right? Any oldfags remember the days before the last btc halving? Was it like this too?

>> No.57381992

Buying when there is blood on the streets is easy

Selling when euphoric, now that is actually hard.

>> No.57382105

Based dip buyer

>> No.57382180
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>> No.57382185
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>> No.57382196
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>> No.57382208
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>> No.57382215
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>> No.57382219
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>> No.57382229
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>> No.57382236
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>> No.57382242
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>> No.57382266

Almost Feb 2024 and about to be in the 40 cent range again.... And people were talking about full adoption in 2025 5 years ago lol. We've been scammed

>> No.57382289
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while this does little to indicate future performance, there is no denying how much shit we ate on opportunity cost

>> No.57382313

Worst investment in my life, not only money wise, the amount of time i sunk into this SHIT.. Unbelievable.

>> No.57382366

This is so retarted
>muh price
Niggers our world is changing and there is no guarantee that any of you will survive

>> No.57382404

Positivity breeds negativity, and vice-versa. Its the same in real life. You go skipping down a sidewalk in a good mood and people will want to tear you down, talk shit on your outfit, give you dirty looks.
Sit there sulking in your despair and people will try to cheer you up. I think its just a fact of life, there will always be some form of balance. I tried to bring positivity to the last thread and it was met with negativity. I wish it could ve different. I blame the matrix.

>> No.57382413

jezus christ spammy is getting unhinged

>> No.57382430

I don't live in SHITAMERIKKKA or SHITWEST, literally not my problem, I hope you all die there, tho. Good luck

>> No.57382446

Ignore negativity and just be extra positive

Because of my impulsive buys?

>> No.57382478

Cut all negative influences from your life
Let them be negative on their own. Let all those stupid negative fucking people be all by themselves.

>> No.57382509

Maybe this is the final shake out before super ultra mega moon

>> No.57382510


stop typing tp yourself spammy we know its you

>> No.57382522

I haven't samefagged in this thread, I haven't samefagged for fucking months. I'm nice now remember

>> No.57382538

You wanna know the real reason? Sometimes Ill just be in a bad mood so others can be in a good mood.
You know people will drive slow in the fast lane? And it makes you crazy to the point you wish you had a gun so you could start shooting at the car. And you pull all these maneuvers and finally get around the shithead. And as youre driving away, looking at the rearview mirror, watching the line of cars get further away.. Thinking to yourself, "hahah! Now those other guys have to deal with that piece of shit." only for the piece of shit to immediately move over and let the line of cars through. I could get mad, or I could realize that we live in a matrix, and that matrix is constantly doing things to get a reaction out of us. Constantly putting people in my life that will get a negative reaction from me. Im getting really tired of negative influences in my life. But you always just kick them out and move on. I figure this world has to work a lot harder to bring me down than I have to work to ignore it.

>> No.57382543
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positivity can be destructive, just as negativity can be constructive

>> No.57382549

Yeah the only person you can really trust is yourself

>> No.57382556

I really believe it is this time.

I have to work today but Im gonna do my best to bump this thread gash dernit

>> No.57382557

stfu spammy KYS

>> No.57382566

Fuck off chainshitter. Go get your own containment thread, this one is ours.

>> No.57382569
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>> No.57382572

its just you spammy

>> No.57382598

Lmao you wish

>> No.57382603
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>fifty one cent

>> No.57382785
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>> No.57382925

Man am i bad at math

>> No.57382959

Yes! Please! We NEED .15 XRP!

>> No.57383086

>We NEED .15 XRP!
Don't speak for others, poorboi

>> No.57383104

>doesn't like free money

>> No.57383210

I just transfered 5k ready to buy shit. Thanks to the Aussie government and the bank it will take 24hs before I can buy. But I understand this is for my own safety, I might be getting scammed.

>> No.57383216

33,333.33 + a couple of thousand to see when it goes up a bit.

>> No.57383275

I bought another hundred XRP
When will this shit fuckin pump

>> No.57383446

XRP Army is holding 50c in the trenches.

>> No.57383456

This kind of shit reminds me of VGX Heroes...grim.

>> No.57383494

this is me

>> No.57383561
File: 634 KB, 672x576, Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 16.06.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like free money
NIGGER I LOST 60000 EUR since December

>> No.57383566

This hold isnt comfy at al…

>> No.57383603


>> No.57383615


>> No.57383623


>> No.57383635

You haven't lost if you haven't sold. This cycle has only just begun. Dumb raycis.

>> No.57383645

Good, good. Keep selling. We NEED .15 XRP.

>> No.57383671

>You haven't lost if you haven't sold.
I'm still in green, obviously, I just don't like seeing these kind of loses on unrealised gains. Especially when Ripple is dumping and dumping and dumping, this constant BLEED makes me insane. Obviously, if I was holding 10000XRP I wouldn't care, but I was collecting this bag for almost 4 years, almost 60% from EVERY FUCKING SALARY EVERY MONTH NON STOP.

>> No.57383687


>> No.57383895

Remember when this was $1.20?
Fucking hell.

>> No.57383947
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We're the xrpmarines and we're never sel--ACK

>> No.57384002

>back above $0.50 again


>> No.57384078

This. As much as I hate crapo I hope he is right. The Phoenix needs to rise from something.

>> No.57384098
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>> No.57384135

Yeah, I’m thinking we’re back

>> No.57384151

This was the bottom of 2024 and the last time anyone could ever buy 2XRP for a single dollar

>> No.57384259
File: 372 KB, 479x799, XRPToilet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm glad it's over, i was sweating there for a minute ngl pham

>> No.57384273

These are obvious to anyone who is not a midwit.

>> No.57384278

Yes its only up from here (not financial advice)

>> No.57384300
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yes. this is exactly what will happen
>coming from the same retards who said Gary Gensler would be great for crypto

>> No.57384311
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$0.51 waiting room

>> No.57384376

Stop making threads encouraging biztards to buy xrp, faggot

>> No.57384424
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dead cat bounce

>> No.57384448


didnt I tell you?

We are absolutely mooning

>> No.57384564
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50c support is strong

>> No.57384612

Yeah, sounds brutal. Is XRP your only investment?

>> No.57384710

I dont know about him but I also hold XLM

>> No.57384895

>Is XRP your only investment?
Pretty much, I hold an XLM bag, but it's nowhere near what I have in XRP. I made approximately 80000 XRP on shitcoin casino and Sologenic, but never cashed out a single cent. Since I finished my bag, I promised myself not to spend a single cent on XRP anymore and started investing in an online business. So, these kinds of dips are extremely painful since I know that I won't be buying any.

>> No.57384912

>made 80k XRP

what you mean you made like $40k dollars with crypto and are complaining

>> No.57384986

>what you mean you made like $40k dollars with crypto and are complaining
I'm down 60,000 EUR since December. It's not that I'm complaining about current market trends; they're good. I'm complaining about Ripple dumping record levels of XRP on our heads since the ruling, and this doesn't seem to stop anytime soon. Brad boasts on the stage about how he wants to beat the SEC in the Supreme Court. Yeah, cool, but while they will be beating the SEC, they will be dumping billions on the open market, non-stop.

>> No.57385065

You seem very rich sir it is my dream to also make $40k with crypto

>> No.57385150

What happens if .50 support is broken

>> No.57385178

it wicked already slightly below

>> No.57385444


>> No.57385450

How much XRP y'all have ?

I almost have 16000

>> No.57385458

>data farming

>> No.57385475

I don't why people think XRP will make them rich anytime soon.
Until the whole financial system collapses it's going do the same old XRP thing. The 15k bag who shorts has the right idea, make money shorting until it happens.

>> No.57385478

Also lets say what state we are from and if we already have done our taxes haha.

Do you guys also have other income?

>> No.57385484

>shorting after it just made the generational bottom

yeah that's risky

>> No.57385495

I'm too dumb to do it myself. But a lot of people use XRP as a fairly stable short. I'm sure there's good and bad times to do it.

>> No.57385507

Less than 1% of all leverage traders are profitable in the long term

I also had days I made hundreds of dollars (before ftx)

but lately i always get stopped out and its not really worth it anymore, i think exchanges stop hunt you

>> No.57385554

Yeah true. I forget that people lie about their winnings on the internet sometimes. As I said I'm too dumb to do it, but smart enough to know I would be broke in a week or 2.

>> No.57385572

if it was easy everyone would be doing it

leverage trading is a scam or a trap even to seperate you from your crypto

>> No.57385686

I'm not saying it's easy, but XRP is a stable coin. When it pumps there is a good chance it's about to dump shortly after. I wouldn't risk my xrps though as if I did it would the only time it didn't.

>> No.57385699

alright im gonna swing $20 to test this theory

>> No.57385710

Next time we have a pump. But I have no idea on the prices, times, percentages and shit. But if you understood that I think you would have a good chance.

>> No.57385712

its pumping wtf you tricked me

>> No.57385719

I was actually really good at swinging btc before the ftx collapse, made like $1000 in a day. But then afterwards it just went wrong and wrong. Took a break tried again and went wrong again.

idk, seems like a scam, would have been better off just to buy and hold because 99% of leverage traders get rekt anyway and only 1% survives, those are some shitty odds

>> No.57385723

how much xrp do you need in total to do this? 10,000 xrp and above?

>> No.57385732

Yes 10k xrp and make sure to set the slider that says 'leverage' to 100x also

>> No.57385743

I think you need to know stuff (connections) to be good at it. There's always fishy scam wicks going on. I would be part of the 99% if I tried it.

>> No.57385744

(im kidding, dont)

>> No.57385749

SBF kept btc predictable or some shit was my theory, because i suddenly started sucking ass by the time ftx went bankrupt.

>> No.57385767

Seems plausible, I'm sure there was a pattern that you found. It was very manipulated when he was around.

>> No.57385782

either that or failing to see that was the bottom and my bias was more bearish than bullish which also could have been the tipping point

>> No.57385794

come to think of it this is probably much more likely cause i was making great money shorting from June all the way to November when it collapsed and then I was one of those we go below $10k bobo's so I kept shorting and getting rekt

>> No.57385816

Kek. Got a little too greedy.

>> No.57385826
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Its moving, 3 more votes since yesterday? unbelievable

>> No.57385833

I dont think it is really being greedy, i kept leverage at around 20x. I think I was just too biassed towards the downside.

Basicly if you got the general direction right it's much more easy

>> No.57385842

What are they voting for? Got a link i'll fill one out I got some spare time i'm sure we can get 3 other anons to vote if we try hard enough

>> No.57385851

>What are they voting for?
Joe Biden

>> No.57386014

>invests heavily into XRP
>lives in xsg
>doesn't know what AMM is

>> No.57386027


>> No.57386029

how much xrp do you need in total to do this? 10,000 xrp and above? seems like an easy thing to do to be honest and I might ride the train to .30c thanks

>> No.57386037

XRP is never gonna go below $0.50 ever again

>> No.57386530

What you all thinking about?

>> No.57386606
File: 151 KB, 2364x1466, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im wondering if this will count as support or something

>> No.57386709
File: 82 KB, 597x373, DavidShekels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David is angry. He must have turned up the dump bots in his anger.

>> No.57386721

why the fuck does he spend his time being a fucking internet forum moderator isnt this guy a multi billionaire

>> No.57386762
File: 808 B, 66x79, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57386817

Wicks are irrelevant

>> No.57386824

tell that to your exchange next time you get stopped out

>> No.57386841

Lmfao the jew doesnt realize the mess he's gotten himself into by playing with peoples money
>many such cases

>> No.57386925

Felt like there was a lot more momentum a few years ago with all of the news. Now it's just a massive nothing-burger. Ripple failed what they set out to do. XRP is pretty much done I think.

>> No.57387035
File: 46 KB, 933x751, 1704636088584998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I short? All I have is a Coinbase...

>> No.57387052

Hellish post.

>> No.57387096

Why hold two similar coins as your only investments? Do you have no interest in opportunity in the rest of the space? Just curious.

>> No.57387104

XRP for banks XLM for retail

>> No.57387176

until this shit general dies we won't see any action whatsoever for XRP, only and when only, people even know what XRP is, not even remembering what Ripple is, then it will break 10$. so the best bet is to short the fuck out of it like >>57381682 has been doing for months now

>> No.57387332

We are mooning my friends. .51 accepted.

>> No.57387554

based quads thread
secretly i have been wondering if the Happening will Happen once we get to /xsg/ number 2222

>> No.57387555

So we’re really just going to irony-moon post all the down to 10 cents, huh?

>> No.57387565

Real ones know it’s not happening until thread #37,500

>> No.57387575

2019 called it wants its memes back, Gemini! sheesh who do they have running their Social Media accounts, Donald Duck? quack quack...more like Wack! Wack!

>> No.57387601

i'm not sure it works that way. but its something to think about i guess

maybe so, friend. maybe so.

>> No.57387619



>> No.57387633

lol. comedy and tragedy- the /xsg/ story

>> No.57387638

WTF do not listen to this man... his advice will zero your account or wake up a millionaire in a single yeet lol

>> No.57387654

I don't know, got that id filtered kek

>> No.57387668

he's been on this free speech / moderation kick for years because he is looking to a future where money and value is connected to reputation and governance/social participation

>> No.57387682


>> No.57387689

I don't watch the national geographic channel anon

>> No.57387776
File: 7 KB, 168x299, zeroa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start off with a deposit of beer money only, like 1000 USDT. Make small shorts using 10, leverage and a stop loss. If you blow tue entire grand and zero out your account, retire... if you double the account increase leverage to 20x and continue... expect to be learning for months, choose only one asset as learn its behavior well.

>> No.57387809

thank you, I shall do this with XRP

>> No.57387856
File: 3.11 MB, 480x320, 1703442934933207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidentally, LUNC is also good for shorting because its always fuckin dumping too

>> No.57387882

yeah, thing is, if Ripple and Co. are getting rich while draining our wallets, might as well do the same. karmic debt be dammed, I never consented to that in the first place.

>> No.57387886

Payments finna use xlm nnnn shiiieeet Elon and Jed sleeping in the same space shuttle n shiiiii

>> No.57387926
File: 115 KB, 1200x800, Screen_Shot_2022_02_09_at_1.40.25_PM.0.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And full disclosure, I also Hold XRP, XLM and LUNC.. yes, I short my own bags... why not?

>> No.57388172

Please stop spamming

>> No.57388798

we are absolutely mooning 51 and a half cents accepted

>> No.57389395
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, liminal space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57390519

>he is looking to a future where money and value is connected to reputation and governance/social participation
How fucking disgusting, just like the rest.

>> No.57392113

zoom out nigger, if you don't look at the charts in the 1d timeframe minimum you are not gonna make it. you will only stress yourself with the day to day noise

>> No.57392431

David/galgitron uses bans to boost his self esteem

>> No.57392529


>> No.57392548

Hope you all have an amazing day XRP is at what guys $0.51 cents you can't make any of this up right

>> No.57392624

Anyone else really not sure what's about to happen?

Was this the bottom?

Mega black swan incoming (soft landing never happened) and bitfuck goes to $20k again?

What is gonna happen to the XRP price then?

>> No.57392627

>same pictures every thread
>same posts every thread

>> No.57392637

nice pasta

>> No.57392645


>> No.57392697
File: 248 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-10-24T162234.450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. der erwige consoomer

>> No.57392701


>> No.57392707

>same tranny ai slop every thread

>> No.57392722
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, oig568821734 (85).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one was never posted before

>> No.57392730

Are you a tranny? Not looking into being mean or anything but it does seem kinda like you are. No normal healthy straight male would be so obsessed with ai generated tranny porn

>> No.57392733
File: 972 KB, 1557x1692, !extravod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extravod goes full /pol/tard

>> No.57392748

btw I didnt mean to sound harsh, I just never understood the whole anime obsession

>> No.57392785

>Extravod says we are gonna get a huge recession and Mickle says the recession isn't gonna happen

guys which youtube slob should I take serious?

>> No.57392788
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.Yw_dWXcF86N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mainly because the bing image creator regularly messes up the details on photorealistic gens

>> No.57392790

Okay but you do it because you really like it and think others also like it or do you do it to troll?

>> No.57392796
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-10-30T191733.570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57392801

>Youtube grifters give me mixed signals

I want to be bullish because I need it but i'm also wondering where the fuck the recession is and how the fuck it is possible to do a soft landing

>> No.57392805

Ok very interesting person, guess i'll never find out.

We all have our reasons to post like we do I guess

>> No.57392808 [DELETED] 


>> No.57392820

Was that really you the other day? Did they honestly task you with me again? You must really hate me lmao.

Just remember.
I am on your side if you join mine against your masters thereby saving your soul in the process.

I told you I'd infect myself with your designated proclivities to help destroy the populace (they were my ideas, remember? I gave them to you) in order to benefit myself. I did the equivalent of letting you heal after a minor defeat, then giving you your best shot at winning.....

And you still couldn't win.
Now now matter what angle you attack me from, I have a base, either path of "redemption" attracts the other, both......
And game over.
Now you're starting to see what I meant by real power?
Funny huh, you sacrifice kids for power only to have to kill your brother and smuggle yourself out of jail, a great move I will add, but your once great power you flaunted turned out to be fleeting, didn't it?
Just. Like. I. Told. You.

I sacrifice parts of soul in order to aid God and the fabric of reality, I shall be rewarded 100x fold in this life and the next, and only if I will it so.

Maybe you guys have actually thought that I forgot, that your little show was going on.
Nope. It's crazy, I know. How can that be?

I will not be your moschiach
And when you guys tried to get me to take on the role
I am not the second coming.
And, as I told you (you guys really need to start listening)
I. Am. Not. The. Only. One.
And they, are greater.

It's over. Another wave of betrayal among the honorless thieves, traitors, God has said.

On your marks, get set, GO!

>> No.57392823

>not autistic

pick one retard

>> No.57392826
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-10-30T185144.371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's probably accurate

>> No.57392831 [DELETED] 

One guy posts his imaginary girlfriend, the other talks to his imaginary friend

>> No.57392849
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-12-01T220121.557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imaginary girlfriend
one of many

>> No.57392884

Imagine being such a pussy you post insults only to quickly delete them later

>> No.57392897
File: 180 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barron, I get the feeling that we're going to be working together in the future.

>> No.57392901

and me

>> No.57392906
File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, OIG - 2023-12-19T182151.857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately, i think you are going to self-destruct by overindulging in creature comforts

>> No.57392977
File: 194 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.9Bcg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish that wasn't the case because you have a tenacious spirit that could be harnessed into something positive
but i still think you're ngmi

>> No.57393020

what's your day-to-day like, Barron?

>> No.57393031

>how is a soft landing possible
the fed mandate to lower unemployment and inflation is a scam, both unemployment numbers and inflation numbers are thoroughly cooked. same with the stock market.
at this point the "real world" is subordinate to the constructed world they have conjured using control over the information battlefield.

>> No.57393038


>> No.57393040

thank you friend, I agree

i don't know how i feel about Jed McCaleb putting the first private/commercial space station in orbit

>> No.57393050

Some of the biggest names in the space industry are billionaires: Elon Musk. Jeff Bezos. Richard Branson. The newest person to join this small cadre, at least by personal net worth, is Jed McCaleb. His space station company, Vast, is partnering with SpaceX to be the first private company to launch and operate a fully commercial station in orbit.

The average American is likely unfamiliar with McCaleb, a software developer who was one of the creators of the now-infamous Mt. Gox Bitcoin exchange and a founder of the crypto protocol Ripple. According to some estimates, his fortune is estimated to be worth around $2.5 billion. When Vast emerged from stealth in the fall of 2022, it was greeted with more than a little skepticism. The company said it was launching with a mission to build the world’s first artificial gravity space station — and provided few other details.

“I don’t fault people for being skeptical,” McCaleb said in a recent interview. “I’ve clearly never done anything in aerospace before, so it is a leap.”

The public’s doubts about McCaleb are likely fading fast today, with news that the company is aiming to put the first commercial space station in orbit as soon as August 2025. It’s an aggressive timeline, one that outpaces other station developers — and it’s all being funded by McCaleb himself.

It’s something that makes Vast stand out from its competitors, Vast President Max Haot said. The unique aspect of the company is “Jed and his commitment, and the fact that we not only have a single founder that is our single investor, but that he has the resources and the commitment to see us through this whole flight — both the crew flight and Haven-1 launch — without [needing] any single outside investor.”

>> No.57393097

This utter crap bounces and recovers so poorly too, absolutely useless. This is the worst hold in crypto and it's not even close. Anyone who thinks anything is going to happen within the next year is mentally ill. 2025 looks to be a fucking nothingburger too. Sick of the Twitter xrp community hyping stuff and coming out with utter nonsense too. Should of been a red flag from beginning, never seen such a large amount of retards and schizophrenic morons amassed in one place. It's never gonna take off seeing as none of the people in the community are ever right.

>> No.57393109

Dude this isn't some get rich quick scheme, wait for utility to roll out

>> No.57393275

I think people are aware of that after holding for 7 years, would expect it to be higher than 50 fucking cents that is was in 2017 though. It's pathetic. The truth is what are ripple even doing? Zero evidence of any utility any time soon. Some no name shit hole country with 10,000 people doesn't count or some bank in the back end of the third world who nobody has ever heard of.

>> No.57393413

Yes this kills me, I didn't have to buy all those years ago.
How are we still only at 50 fucking cents, and not at least a few dollars?
It's been years of just crabbing, and it makes no fucking sense.

>> No.57393439

Gotta get out all the moonboys and non believers.

Only people will high intelligence deserve to make it with XRP's riches.

Imagine how big of a trouble the world would be in if suddenly people less intelligent than us were gonna be millionaires or billionaires when the switch is flipped

>> No.57393558

>tfw too smart to make it with regular crypto such as bitcoin and everything other than xrp

>> No.57393593
File: 278 KB, 497x586, xsg uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG baker from 2020 here
cant believe these threads still going to #2222

>> No.57393737
File: 1.10 MB, 3104x1559, !xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts about XRP meme triangle?

>> No.57393880
File: 973 KB, 3104x3326, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57394059 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 1196x660, Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 13.42.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57394095

They would lose it all pretty quick. Think of the bong garbage man who won the lottery twice and lost it all both times. There's a reason some people are poor.

>> No.57394626

The fucking case against SEC will never be resolved right?

That's the plot, keep fudding Ripple with lawsuits to suppress the price until it becomes irrelevant.

>> No.57394662

>XRP baggies funding Jed's space station

>> No.57395030

Yeah probably. I'm sure both parties would plan to spend a fuck load of money just to rip off 0.005% of the population.

>> No.57395063

>Makes no sense
There's 50B hold by Ripple which they slowly sell off. What doesn't make sense? If they sell 1B XRP at 0.5, they dump it to 0.25. Buy back the 1B XRP and keep the profit. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.57395156

I personally funded that by buying Jed's bags.

>> No.57395259

Guys any news?

>> No.57395270

He should call it tacostand

>> No.57395272

If you funded that you must have a shit load of XRP.

>> No.57395374

>the government (SEC this time) spending money to rip off people
They would never!

>> No.57395544

litteral peanuts

>> No.57396154 [DELETED] 
File: 791 KB, 634x810, IMG_4047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would already work with him if he would just tell me where to do to sign up and get an assignment.

>> No.57396229
File: 146 KB, 625x621, IMG_4241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’ll break downwards as Ripple continues to offload its XRP into the market to fund itself, Ouraboros style.

>> No.57396451

Maybe, probably
I'm just a nobody, it's perfect, I'm a ghost compared to the fame I should have
It's better this way
All glory to God!

Why did you ask?

>> No.57396484
File: 32 KB, 882x496, Screenshot 2024-01-24 at 18.54.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 vote, bros, 6 left

>> No.57396599

new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.57396616

just curious desu

Jed's Floating Tacostand lol
has a good ring to it

so does this mean the XRP Army claims the Vast Haven-1 space station as our rightful clay? Will XSG coins guarantee our spot in techno-Elysium as our stepping stone to the stars and vast wealth from orbital asteroid mining? watch this space

>> No.57396639

looks like in a month or so something might Happen

the real /xsg/ make-it outfit is a psych ward turtle suit or tailored raw linen suit with Marcos Valle-style tropical cocktail, nothing in between

>> No.57397217

I just lost my job, my brothers in Christ
are we close to moon yet?