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File: 21 KB, 600x381, craig_wright_bitcoin_lawsuit_satoshi_nakamoto-5bfc31fe46e0fb00511ad9ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57377153 No.57377153 [Reply] [Original]

so did craig wright have ANYTHING to do with the creation of bitcoin?

>> No.57377182


>> No.57377217

Then why is he doing all this?

>> No.57377224

He's a grifter trying to make money.

>> No.57377255

or maybe he has some undirect link to satoshi

>> No.57377262


>> No.57377264

mental illness and he's trying to scam money because he's greedy and soulless.

>> No.57377270

Yes, he was in extremely early and has extremely deep knowledge about bitcoin. If he's not part of the satoshi group himself, he has very close ties to them OR went autistically all in on bitcoin very early

>> No.57377275

He had everything to do with it. Retards here refuse to do even the most basic research. Fall down the Bitcoin and Craig Wright rabbit hole and you'll go all in on BSV

>> No.57377276

Then why you keep making these spam posts?

>> No.57377282
File: 68 KB, 730x360, red socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was satoshi I would go full psycho villain against retards

>> No.57377293

>ignores craig wright chasing satoshi's dick on usenet
every fucking time with your craigqueers

>> No.57377299

Whether we like it or not, Craig Wright is a historical figure in the Bitcoin story.

>> No.57377301 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 419x419, 163829513847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO. he indeed a faketoshi lil faggot. Better make him face as a meme and upload it in twitter or beoble, lmao.

>> No.57377309


>> No.57377348

He’s a historical meme figure in the bitcoin story. That’s right. he’s face all over the internet like x, quora, beoble, reddit etc.

>no one believe in him
>u dumbass

>> No.57377370

the fact you are seething is a proof
show me your portfolio
I'm in BTC by the way I don't hold chill coins but Craig wright is an OG you can't hide behind your fingers

>> No.57377371

Proof it

>> No.57377376
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 1705962265536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wife I pineapple
Craig is such a retard.

>> No.57377380
File: 9 KB, 419x419, 163829513847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he is indeed a faketoshi lil faggot. Better make his face a meme and upload it on twitter or beoble. lol.

>> No.57377382

(((They))) want to stop the truth from coming out so they do narrative control

>> No.57377437

Just Look up the bitcoin doco, It's a 2014 video of Craig talking about Bitcoin the global ledger for the world, massive scale truth ledger. His knowledge is 15 years ahead or more than everyone else.

>> No.57377456


>> No.57377472

I think you won't be laughing if you were in BTC in 2014 retard

>> No.57377516

Exactly. Bullshit posts.

>> No.57377528

like you deserve other than bullshit posts kek

>> No.57377531

an English Judge is about to declare exactly how Satoshi creg is. JUST like he always wanted. Be careful what you wish for, as a wise man once said.

>> No.57377549

You laugh here is the video from filmed July 10 2014 at Melbourne's first bitcoin conference.

Stop believing the propaganda about Craig being a fraud, this video was filmed when he was still trying to remain private unti they outed him in 2015.

>> No.57377559

मेरी गेंदों को चूसो तुम बदबूदार बहन कमीने

>> No.57377592

Check the price. KEK

>> No.57377596

price of what ?

>> No.57377609

I'm not holding anything other than BTC retard

>> No.57377620

GFY moron. BitFuck going to ZERO.

>> No.57377637

I don't care I'm already rich as fuck
I trade medium and long term
I don't hold blindly and waiting for my bags to pump

>> No.57377661

Part 2 of Craigs 2014 interview


His autism is really visible in parts doesn't make him wrong

>> No.57377811

Bsv is the most scalable blockchain currently, Unbounded scaling. fixed Protocol, what not to like

>> No.57377884

calvin ayre thought it was a good plan

>> No.57377890

>or maybe

>> No.57377926
File: 53 KB, 627x480, always do opposite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cope and seethe corecucks

>> No.57378005

btc is a coin owned and controlled by the criminal elite. look at the origins of blockstream. Bitcoin was designed to have a fixed protocol just like the internet, they changed it.

>> No.57378088
File: 369 KB, 1009x2397, 1667150456160995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just going to post it again

>> No.57378120
File: 518 KB, 2384x1732, jeffrey-epstein-mar-lago-club-florida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was jeffrey epstein involved in btc development?

>> No.57378238
File: 42 KB, 172x181, 70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did bozo the clown found the USA?

>> No.57378306
File: 227 KB, 774x798, byebye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insanity would, unironically, be his best option now

>> No.57378475

Craig could have proved it years ago, including in a court of law — just sign a single transaction using Satoshi’s private key
Oh wait, he can’t because he doesn’t have it because he isn’t satoshi?

lol lmao

>> No.57378543

Yes, he created it.

>> No.57378628
File: 8 KB, 699x69, Daddy_gets_tough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*if* he created it, creg would then have access to $40b+.. and if he had that? - he'd doubtless have better things to do than suck Calvincock 24/7/365 for spare change. An unavoidable fact which was always the fatal logic flaw in this rigmarole.

>> No.57378801

He is bitcoin

>> No.57378949

i heard that fruit ninjas stole his keys

>> No.57379071

He demonstrably is ignorant of multiple fundamentals.

>> No.57379078

>Literally the largest robbery in history.
No police report.
Fucking kek

>> No.57379113
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, 5675367356735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Jeffrey Epstein’s potential involvement in both funding CBDCs as well as his possible role in changing the underlying purpose of Bitcoin, rendering it unusable as a cash alternative for day-to-day transactions.

>The DCI supported prominent Bitcoin core developers like Wladimir van der Laan and Cory Fields, who played critical roles in updating and refining Bitcoin’s codebase, including the implementation of Segregated Witness (SegWit). I won’t go into detail about SegWit in this article, but will just say briefly that SegWit was a technical change that was critical in transforming Bitcoin from a medium of exchange (digital cash) to a store of value (digital gold).

>I intend to further investigate the specific area of Epstein’s potential funding of Project Hamilton (which replaces cash) as well as SegWit (which transformed Bitcoin from digital cash to digital gold). Just as Bitcoin was gaining in adoption as an alternative to the dollar, it was throttled. Shortly thereafter, a project was launched to create a government-controlled CBDC alternative. Certainly topics worthy of more investigation.



Jeffrey Epstein interviewed - “Billionaire financier weighs in on the future of Bitcoin”, October 10, 2017

>> No.57379148

does Jeffery Epstein have the keys then?
does Brian Epstein? Ringo Starr? Big Bird? Bagpuss?
>because creg saf doesn't

>> No.57379158

post nose

>> No.57379177

use keys
>or STFU

>> No.57379344

Lmao, that judge will do no such thing.

>> No.57379515
File: 64 KB, 796x505, Gnight_creg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, yes, but of course he wont
Judges just love lying vexatious arseholes obviously abusing legal processes. Particularly dumb mouthy ones under the delusion they are smart.

>> No.57379584

ah sorry, mistook you for a BSVtard there, my apologies. I'm saying, this Judge IS going to rule on EXACTLY how much Satoshi creg is, finally. About 0% would be my guess on his ruling, judging by how hes handled it so far (Judge the one started adding in the highlighted bits - 'is creg an outright fraudulent cunt?' etc - in above).
tldr, hes fucking toast. finally.

>> No.57380168

sers, I need some Vishnu clarity: Will BSV go to 5 or 1200?

>> No.57381578

If I was satoshi, I'd just move some old bitcoin around before announcing on twitter I would. If I wanted publicity.

>> No.57381586

I still don't understand how the anglosphere is so hospitable to grifters of all kinds. Is it because of christcuckery? Are first world people just more naive? Or is it because anglosphere is saturated by shitskin ESLs?

>> No.57381601

alcoholic patent trolls only create scams

>> No.57381908
File: 779 KB, 1978x1866, exposed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

craig is the smartest in the room and has been dropping redpills on bitcoin forever
this interview was even a year BEFORE wired and gizmodo exposed him as satoshi with pic related

>> No.57381956
File: 184 KB, 1127x1316, micropayments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57381960

Gongo is an idiot

>> No.57382341

First $6000 then $2000 then $200000

>> No.57382359
File: 430 KB, 1118x2223, craigliar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creg is a liar and a fraud.>>57378088

i saved the other one.

>> No.57382405
File: 44 KB, 680x723, 3q4r3qr43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine remembering every little thing you said from 15 years ago and having some retard literal who call you out on it if you dont say the right term

>> No.57382463

Mental illness.

>> No.57382513

wdym "the right term"
It's a very basic question about BTC and the answer wouldn't suddenly change in 15 years.

>> No.57382893

No it would change gradually. Like if Zuck was explaining facebook to someone he might have said it was like myspace 20 years ago. Now it is nothing like myspace and if someone asked him if it was he'd say no it's nothing like it. The idea stands on its own and doesn't need to be compared to something like b money. Corecuck brains are so stunted.

>> No.57382985

>we need to be le friendly to the regulators!!!
Satoshi was based, not (((compliant))) with the WEF.

>> No.57383002

>muh traceability
someone post the screen cap of Satoshi speaking about implement ring signatures and other Monero features.

>> No.57383047

I saw an Albanian Craig Wright at duchess yesterday. Was pretty funny desu

>> No.57383194

Not many people know this but "BTC" stands for "Big Time Craig"

>> No.57383340

creg openly calls out the WEF. Go fud LINK as hard as you fud BSV if you're legitimately anti WEF. Though we no you're just a corecuck shill in damage control probably getting paid via epsteins mossad bucks

>> No.57383384

creg is a fucking joke with his legal battles. he doesn't want to have an open permissoinless freedom money. he just wants to be the leader of the bitcoin company.

>> No.57383486

I'm a based monerochad. SV is a joke.

>Discover how Bitcoin SV (BSV) has delivered Satoshi’s vision of One Global Bitcoin blockchain. It’s fast, scalable, transformative, efficient, and ((((regulation-friendly)))) (thus stable), setting many records along the way. BSV is a truly powerful blockchain.
>satoshi's vission
Top kek.

>> No.57383528

Wifi pineapple stole the keys, CIA controls satoshi wallets now.

>> No.57383664
File: 240 KB, 603x548, a_fooken_pineapple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what - after creg weighted all that time on his bondage courier slice delivery service tracking him down across three continents? b-but how did this nefarious citrus get past creg's 3 (three, count 'em) seperate security camera systems? Surely I would have heard no end of this daring $40b heist in News Reports? And the paper wallets - are they safe, or was this pineapple ninja equipped with laser-scanner eyes?
>question, questions