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57371170 No.57371170 [Reply] [Original]

How do you effectively network in the modern workplace, especially with the prevalence of social media?

>> No.57371172

With social media

>> No.57371181
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>modern workplace
>social media

>> No.57371352

Just add every face you recognize on LinkedIn. By doing that you give the illusion to recruiters(female ones especially) that you are somewhat a social person in their eyes if you have 200-300 contacts. Then you just larp as a normie during the interview to get the job that you want. Keep doing that until you hit the magical 500 number so you can get access to high-end jobs

>> No.57371376

kek they have no clue how amusing they are
when I feel down, i go read some /pol/ and laugh my ass off until I feel better
works every time

they have a couple of smart cookies steering a herd of double digit iq tards. it is fun to watch and makes you feel like a genius
pol is an anti-depressant if you know how to read it

>> No.57371449

The fuck is that woman's problem?

>> No.57371460

So the trick is to just add everyone in your organization who is on LinkedIn, even if you don't work with them directly?

>> No.57371462

she's gen x

>> No.57371464

She wanted his young D

>> No.57371475

she got a lesson in humility after it went viral in 2014

>> No.57371495

Inherited boomer traits, big nose, wealthy (probably inherited) and doesn't know what it's like to be a common pleb, never worked a hard day in her life.

>> No.57371524

She's a woman
Yes, start by adding your closest coworkers, then your department and then HR since they tend to have the biggest networks that spans across multiple corporations which you will then have indirect access to

>> No.57371704

As soon as you had a meeting with them present in person or online, or you spoke to them in the parking lot or at the coffee machine add them. If your name
Pops up on shared teams group chat add them.
Add all the people in your highschool and uni.
When you go at parties and conferences and talk to people and they have an interesting job in an interesting field add them on LinkedIn.
I’m at 1000+ connections at 28 as a process engineer in pharma. I get like 150 profile views a week which ain’t much but every new quarter I get recruiters reaching out to me to ask me if I’m interested in a new job.
Furthermore, just message big boss directors and stroke their ego a bit. This works if you’re still you g and you have a decent LinkedIn profile. You can message them and ask them for an informal coffee chat asking them how they got that far in their career. 1 times out of 10
You get through on a slow day and they’d be happy to help.

>> No.57371913

How do I get over my autism for this? I'm terrified of putting my professional persona online
>anon follows an incel page, fire him!
>everyone posts well crafted projects and blog articles
I guess I'll just start small, commenting and liking things. Maybe block out some time for it and treat it like work.

>> No.57372041

Out of curiosity, and if you don't mind saying, how well are you compensated as a process engy in pharma, across salary, bonus, and other 'perks'? Also presumably you studied chemical engineering, right?

>> No.57372937

>every new quarter I get recruiters reaching out
arent most of these really shitty offers that the recruiters need warm bodies to apply for or they dont get paid so the game theory dynamics makes them go for the people most likely to apply, not actually getting a job for you in the end

>> No.57373153

>exclude all new recruits
>become irrelevant in hiring
genius plan

>> No.57373195

Just ignore all with Indian names and roastes under the age of 35.

>> No.57373288

> networking
Only really matters at the higher levels of management. You can coast by for most of your career like a hermit as long as you get the job done.

>> No.57374728

>With social media
>How do I get over my autism for this? I'm terrified of putting my professional persona online