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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57359426 No.57359426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The only reason I have a million dollars at 30 is because I wanted to impress women. If I was asexual I’d probably be broke rn

>> No.57359433


>> No.57359452

With how young men are now good luck to this woman and her expectations

>> No.57359457

I have all of those except the money, which basically means she would never look in my direction without vomiting.

>> No.57359468

I wish I had the financial ambitions of a method head minus the meth addiction.

>> No.57359469

Can we go back to the good old days when every guy would beat their wife before going to bed after getting off work at 7:30?

>> No.57359494

My dream gf
>$12.50 total net worth
>cute and funny
>blue eyes
>loves bwc
>loves me a LOT

>> No.57359495

I got rich because I couldn't stand living around niggers. Money is the only way to completely insulate yourself from the dregs of society. When you're young you think "oh poor people are normal people just like you and me" but then you get a little bit older and try to be productive and they get this attitude like "oh you think your better than me"?

>> No.57359524

I grew up around poor people and any time someone talks to me about them with any form of pity of empathy I lose all respect for them. Poor people are not good people pretty much ever. They’re scumbags, liars, cheats, and thieves. They do horrible things.

>> No.57359531


>> No.57359578

>Money is the only way to completely insulate yourself from the dregs of society
not sure how you reached that conclusion. the bums and degenerates are critical mass in desirable areas.

>> No.57359675
File: 191 KB, 632x640, pepe-laugh-pepe-lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown eyes

>> No.57359734

cooper coping lmao
>loves nyc
it's rare for jews to go above 5'6''
she is crazy

>> No.57359740

She getting roasted over the comments. That literally like the .00001% of men and she just a pretty girl.

Not even a virgin, men of that caliber get thots begging to stay with them.

>> No.57359747

this lol

>> No.57360031

Women like darker features on men because northern countries are economic zones where most guys are forced to work in an office behind a screen doing pointless shit, so they're bad at sex and the rest are too poor for reproduction.

Brown eyes just like nappy hair and shit skin let you blend in better within the new world society.

>> No.57360036

>another day on /biz/ another thinly veiled demoralization thread

At this point I don’t even want to participate another and just be self sustaining on a plot of land or fuck off to Alaska and hunt or crab fish. It’s all so tiresome bros.

>> No.57360249

well she does say its her "dream bf". Of course the problem is she likely can't distinguish reality from fiction and actually believes she will find this unicorn of a man

>> No.57360719

>very ambitious & driven
>rlly kind & has a moral system
Name two more opposing traits

>> No.57360743


>> No.57360860

>They’re scumbags, liars, cheats, and thieves. They do horrible things.
whats funny is rich people can be described the same way ahhaha

>> No.57360867

now post this on twatter

>> No.57360874

your thinking is flawed on several levels
1, money gives you optionality you don't have to live in "desirable areas"
2, it's not actually true degens are critical mass in desirable areas. i bet you're an ameriburger who views everything through the lens of san francisco or new york city. places nobody sane would live save for making money or because they suffer from ameribrain
go to monaco and tell me about the hordes of bums there

>> No.57360932
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Anyone with Twitter sleuthing skills here?
This smells like a fake account. An American woman on social media with 0 pics of herself????? Something doesn't smell right

>> No.57360938

good list ngl

>> No.57360939

Brown eye bros...we're back

>> No.57360941

I dont there exist a man who can check all of these off. Only if she removes self-made, then it might be possible like 1/10.000.000
But yeah, good luck dumb whore

>> No.57360955

All that said, then she will get knocked up by some random nigger.
What women say and what women do are two entirely different things.
Never listen to women.

>> No.57360965

here listen to this:

e michael jones: https://rumble.com/v480pv9-fearless-with-jason-whitlock-emj-on-how-sexual-freedom-created-political-pr.html

>> No.57360973

Wonder what she will compromise with first to make her dream more accessible?
I guarantee it is the soft ones "rlly funny.." and "rlly kind..".

The eye colour is also strange, apart from a height requirement then it is the only thing she mention about her "dream guy"s physical appearance.
Is it a proxy for racial preference? since it only excludes white guys; and by doing it "by proxy" she avoids a lot of mean spirited responses.

>> No.57360985


>> No.57360987

>self made

>> No.57360990

Whoever thought foids the term "total comp" needs to be publicly flayed

>> No.57361283


>> No.57361323

Got to love how the dollar has been made so useless that "6 figures" or 100k is no longer enough, now women demand 3-500k.

>> No.57361508

The eye color thing is virtue signaling to exclude blue and green eyed white Goys.

>> No.57361572

can relate
got the practice girlfriend pregnant
stopped caring about woman
its taking some time but my value system is reshifting
I do really love this girl (i just didn't want kids for another decade so i was planning on having fun going through another few girls but shit happens...)
anyways now the value structure for money is providing a good life for my daughter on the way.
and to be able to pay for as many kids as it takes till i have 2 sons minimum

shes clearly a 9/10, they are reasonable (depending on how attractive she wants him to be)

>> No.57361628

>having unprotected sex with a practice gf 10 years before you wanted to have kids
What the fuck

>> No.57361654
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