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57356274 No.57356274 [Reply] [Original]

My brother in law died at 50, he spent his entire adult life wage slaving and drinking to numb the pain, he was saving up a lot of money to "make it" he never made it.

>> No.57356282

thats my fate

>> No.57356288

Take his money and use it to make it.

>> No.57356289

This is why you should lead a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.57356297

Wagies have no chance of ever making it. May as well play the lottery if you're a slave to the system.

>> No.57356300

Saving is the normie midwit trap. you'll simply never saver save enough for it to really matter and it takes forever. Investing is pretty much the only way out for most people

>> No.57356301

That sucks, but I really don't want to be that old person who still has to work, pushing a cleaning cart around the shopping centre. Also I don't like the things normies spend money on.

>> No.57356302

I'm so sorry anon.
This. To anyone reading this who can related to op's brother in law, I know it's hard given the circumstances of wage slaving, but work out, eat well, and for gods sake stop drinking so much.

>> No.57356304


>Just stop trying because you can die at any point


>> No.57356305

yeah take all his money and spin the wheel of shitcoin roulette, it will be like a movie so put on a cool face when you bet it all

>> No.57356309
File: 82 KB, 1112x835, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There was a rich man who had much money. He said, 'I shall put my money to use so that I may sow, reap, plant, and fill my storehouse with produce, with the result that I shall lack nothing.' Such were his intentions, but that same night he died. Let him who has ears hear."

>> No.57356318

More like just stop trying because the jews have built a system to enslave you and playing by their rules will never set you free.

>> No.57356326

>>”Take the dead wagie’s money and use it to lift yourself up.”
>Just give up
>Calling others retarded
Hi pot, it’s me, kettle

>> No.57356331


>> No.57356353

Same story. My dad worked for a fortune 500 company. He spent his last five years learning to sail real well. He got his Gold Rolex at his retirement party and has purchased a boat and planned to sell his house in St. Barts.
Went in for a check and he had external lung cancer from the chemicals used in the factory he started at in the 60s.

Long story short he died 3 months after retirement.

>> No.57356362

yeah definitely, he was still pretty young looking and everything, just his kidneys got totally fucked from unchecked high blood pressure (years of drinking). Saw the guy a few days before Christmas and told him he looked good, Christmas day he was hospitalized then yesterday I was looking at him dead on a hospital bed. The guy worked hard for years, for nothing really. Literally a life of wage slaving then die.

>> No.57356372

This is some of the gayest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.57356375


>> No.57356376

damn RIP. I know of another guy that waged multiple jobs and then retired, saved all this money and died in a house fire like a week after he retired.

>> No.57356403
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, OIG. (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57356420

and yet your sister was swallowing his cum every night

>> No.57356439

Life’s short, gotta take some risks if you want anyone to care you’re gone

>> No.57356441

I mean that's her husband so...probably? what's your point?

>> No.57356453

looks like Negan

>> No.57357169
File: 59 KB, 698x695, IMG_4167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Banks love this story. No paying out the pension, 401k, IRA, Social Security etc. Work whole life, pay taxes, consume, then die. Hey, I wonder what all those Covid shots were for since they didn’t prevent you from catching Covid or prevent you from spreading it? Maybe they lower life expectancy to retirement age?

My Father-in-Law had the same story: retired for a year or two and then the hospitals let a prostate cancer diagnosis with a 98% cure rate kill him in months with/from Chemo. And, when he got the diagnosis, I told my wife that was exactly what the Medical System would do to him to prevent decades of pension and retirement payments. They still don’t listen to me though. I let everyone sleep in the bed they make for themselves now.

>> No.57357376

Many such cases. Also important to know lung cancer can be diet related. I know a shit load of boomers with “le mystery disease X” and say it was caused by some chemical they worked with when in most cases it’s clearly diet related.