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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 800x800, Minetest_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57355696 No.57355696 [Reply] [Original]

I found that someone ported the popular Minecraft clone Minetest to WASM.

This seems like a /perfect/ use case for ICP. I know that cubetopia exists, but comparing this to cubetopia is like comparing gold to shit.

I'm imagining fully on-chain multiplayer Minetest servers


>> No.57355708
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>> No.57355720

Oh, shut up. We're discussing software development here.

>> No.57355749

>but comparing this to cubetopia is like comparing gold to shit.

yeah cubetopia sucks balls

>> No.57355804

Indeed it does.

Minetest is completely open-source, and the port to WASM seems to be running well.

I think an experienced codefag could get this done pretty easily.

>> No.57355824

What the fuck? You're a fucking grifter Zeng lmao

>> No.57355856
File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a board about business not software development. Now here's another pepe

>> No.57355866

The hardest part, to me anyway, would be the server portion. It would need to be reworked and separated from the UI so that a server can be run in a canister. I'm not sure how much programming work that would entail as I am not familiar with whether the Minetest codebase properly separates server and front-end to begin with.

>> No.57355869
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Dalle3 is funny what's the problem?

>> No.57355874

You know how big this would be for the ICP chain?

The ability to run a minecraft server in a canister would be ICP's killer application.

Absolutely relevant.

>> No.57355903

is mine test a beta version of Minecraft? doss it not have all features of modern Minecraft? could it be built and expanded to include web 3 features like NFTs?

>> No.57355926

That's the big problem with web3 developers. They're hyperfocused on NFT shit. I don't give a flying fuck about NFTs. This is bigger than that. There's no reason for NFT shit to clog this project up.

Minetest is an open source Minecraft clone. It's licensed under the GNU general public license.

>> No.57355946

If someone really needs to fund their canister, they can charge for membership or sell in-game items like any normal Minecraft server does. No need for ShitFTs.

>> No.57355953
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Not for a VC scam seems like a waste of time

>> No.57355959

Paid fudster

>> No.57356009
File: 163 KB, 600x863, 1691239601243896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies do your fucking job.
>Jannies do your fucking job.
Jannies do your fucking job.
>Jannies do your fucking job.
Jannies do your fucking job.
>Jannies do your fucking job.
Jannies do your fucking job.
>Jannies do your fucking job.
Jannies do your fucking job.
>Jannies do your fucking job.
Jannies do your fucking job.
>Jannies do your fucking job.

>> No.57356020

op you should ask for assistance in dfinity forum or /g/ instead here on /biz/

>> No.57356023

u know where to /g/o

>> No.57356027

This isn't advertising, fag.

I have no financial interest in this and I am not "managing" this project.

>> No.57356035
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is tried of the ICP spam on this board. Dalle 3 will show you the error of your ways. Also this is a business board and your discussion is off topic.

>> No.57356059

Note that this isn't a "project" that exists. I am not a "manager" for this "project" or anything like that. I am not interested in being any such thing, either. At most I want to play the game when it exists.

I just think it's a cool idea and am throwing it out there to see if anyone picks it up and does something with it.

>> No.57356087

It's just a port of Minetest to ICP. Open source.

Literally just a template for a canister that anyone can spin up.

I know people are used to shitty NFT scams, but that's not what I'm envisioning here.

I know, open-source software. A novel concept for cryptofags.

>> No.57356104

Anyway I reposted on /g/

Fudsters and people accusing me of advertising BTFO. I literally just want this to exist. Absolutely no financial interest. No, I don't have a chat link to shill you.


>> No.57356140

>Everyone is tried
You mean tired, like I'm tired of you disingenuous, dalit tier, jeet faggots shitting up my board like it's the streets of Mumbai

>> No.57356256
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>> No.57356283

Leave me alone nigger

>> No.57356317

Why don't you deploy it anon? It does sound cool. I would for sure play it if it did exist on the ic

>> No.57356323

I don't know code

>> No.57356356

Anybody can learn. There is a web development course on udemy that will teach you 90% of what you need to know in order to deploy this

>> No.57356365
File: 232 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'll always haunt you by talking about the ICP spam chart.

>> No.57356370

How much will you pay me to do it?

>> No.57356374

I have tried before, I don't have the mind for it.

If it's really that easy, then someone here can do it instead of the fudniggers that are currently spamming this thread.

>> No.57356381

I am not going to make any profit from this, so I'm not going to spend any money on it.

Haven't you fags heard of the term "OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE" before?

>> No.57356388

Are you retarded? I'm not doing shit for free just to advertise your bags.

>> No.57356407

Are you retarded?

I'm not giving you money for something that will net me zero profit.

Good god, crypto niggers have no idea how the real world works.

>> No.57356415

>no idea how the real world works
>just write code for me for free bro
Reported for begging

>> No.57356435

I'm not begging.

If you weren't a tranny who doesn't understand FLOSS sofware, you would understand that.

>> No.57356444

BTW, announcing that you reported someone is also against the rules.

>> No.57356447
File: 59 KB, 906x281, foss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand it better than you shitskin.

>> No.57356456

Shut the fuck up subhuman scum.

>> No.57356462


>> No.57356473

Unironically kys you would be doing a service to mankind

BTW i'm retarded and CAN'T CODE.

>> No.57356474
File: 347 KB, 1024x1024, sady-fofana-sady-fofana-thumb10-png-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you do manage to get this running on ICP please add some mods to it, the base version of minetest is bare bones.

>> No.57356491

Free as in freedom, not gratis
Also, install gentoo

>> No.57356495

I understand the concept just fine, subhuman.

Get out of my fucking thread.

>> No.57356497

just build more defi and nft stuff on avax or eth

>> No.57356502

OMG this is why crypto will never succeed.

Crypto faggots THINK like crypto faggots.

You have to design for the normies, not for other crypto faggots.


An open source project has no business selling NFTs

>> No.57356503

What init system do you use then?

>> No.57356510

Go. Away.

Send your complaints to Lennart, not me.

>> No.57356525

>I understand the concept just fine
>doesn't even know what init system he uses
>probably just a Windows or macOS fag
Narrator: "He didn't understand the concept at all"

>> No.57356671

I just came here for the /g/ thread where OP ragequit after being asked about how this would be better that regular minecraft

Reading this thread I can now understand why OP would think this is a good idea. You people think in terms of "how this application would help ICP" rather than "how this application would be useful". The former is a stupid approach that would at best give you a glorified tech demo that it useless for all practical purposes.

>> No.57358455

Lennart is the name of systemd's developer.


>> No.57358482

Listen up. You have questions and concerns, and I am here to answer them.

Firstly, I didn't "rage quit". I have a job. I had to go to work.


Okay, so I've been thinking about this. Minetest is under the GPL license. But it's not under the AFFERO GPL. Meaning that you can run a modified version on your server / canister without having to share the source code. This gives you the opportunity to make money.

You could mint "servers" as NFTs that people can buy to own their very own Minetest server. You could sell these servers at high prices.

Additionally, Dfinity has a grant program. That's right, Dfinity will literally *pay you* to develop on ICP.


>> No.57358539

Hopefully I have cleared up any misconceptions. Sorry if I was rude. I just hate to see this absolutely wonderful idea run into the ground by weaboo incel neets.

>> No.57358550

You know nobody puts it in there because ICP is a scam right? Retard

>> No.57358555

ICP is not a scam. It is a wonderful technology. A scam would never present actual proven results the way that the Dfinity team has.

>> No.57358583

It's not a wonderful idea, its absolutely terrible. "Dude it's Minecraft but on a blockchain" has been done a dozen times already to zero effect. There is no reason for a game server to be decentralised, you decentralise things when you have a big censorship problem or need a ton of redundancy, which doesn't matter for something as low stakes as a Minecraft fork server no one will ever use.

>> No.57358592

There is always a reason to decentralize. Decentralized is inherently better.

>> No.57358595

And I see that you're back from the dead.

I solved your problem on how you're gonna get paid. Did you read that?

I actually /did/ tell you what init system I use. I use systemd because I'm not an incel. Did you read that?

>> No.57358609

No it isn't, in 99% of situations its worse. Centralisation is fast, cheap, efficient, decision-making is way less complex. Its only really needed for things like neutral, trustless money that can't be inflated (Bitcoin) or to get around web censorship (Tor, I2P)

>> No.57358610

Additionally, have you ever heard of 2b2t? There are neo-nazis proselyting in the 2b chat 24/7. Sounds like censorship resistance to me.

>> No.57358621

Look, I already gave you a good idea and two different ways to make money with that idea.

If you don't like it, I get that, but you just sound like a bought and paid for fudster to me at this point.

>> No.57358633

>I solved your problem on how you're gonna get paid
By being a turbo Jew with the licencing, and then spending a ton on marketing to somehow get a massive audience that'll pay for a slow as shit WASM version of a fork of something they already play at home. There is zero reason anyone would want this except to advertise their piss bags. Massively multiplayer WASM is stupid when you could just write a game in a language actually meant for it.

>> No.57358647

Yes, normal Minecraft doesn't have a censorship problem, because there's a ton of servers that anyone can host anywhere for cheap, which is decentralised enough. Making zero point in begging someone to put it on a blockchain for you.

>> No.57358648

Did you play it? Select "mineclone2" as your game...


I have a slow as shit computer and it runs just fine. Minetest is very efficient.

>> No.57358660

That shit is running in browser, you're not hosting large multiplayer worlds from your laptop. You'd need a dedicated machine, where WASM would be a bog resource waste since its not running in client anyways.

>> No.57358661

Look, I'm a broke ass right now, but if I happen to come across a shit ton of money in the future, I will personally fund the development of a Minetest port to ICP. Okay?

>> No.57358670

There, good, that's all you had to say.

>> No.57358673

Do you know how ICP works?

The server runs on-chain. Everything is done on-chain.

>> No.57358693

You have VMs on a bunch of servers, amazing. Now why wouldn't anyone just prefer to have their own Minecraft server on a cheap vps or their home machine without the ICP middleware?

>> No.57358699

I'm pretty sure ICP is cheaper.

>> No.57358712

That is literally impossible. Minecraft on AWS will always be cheaper than Minecraft on ICP on AWS because of the extra overhead UNLESS ICP is using their bagholders to subsidise costs, at which point its not cheaper, just someone else is paying for it.

>> No.57358715

ICP isn't hosted on AWS.

>> No.57358725

Its an example, its running on hardware somewhere that could be rented directly.

>> No.57358729


You talk like you have enough skill to realize this pretty easily, but won't because you don't like ICP.

Which is frustrating, but whatever.

>> No.57358738

Just out of curiousity, what would be your price range to make this port a real thing?

>> No.57358744
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Also pic related

>> No.57358747

AWS isn't used for on-chain stuff

>> No.57358754

Also I never had any interest in doing this for any amount of money. Wasting your time berating you was reward enough.

>> No.57358756

Whatever. You're probably a cheeto-dust caked incel.

Go play with your avax bags

>> No.57358761

I hold Bitcoin

>> No.57358764

Oh so you're happy with possibly getting a 2x in maybe three years.

Says a lot

>> No.57358780
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>> No.57358792

$1000 is fud

>> No.57358809


I may be interested in paying for someone to do this in the future. I'm broke right now, but if I make it I will personally fund this project out of pocket because that's how cool I think it is.

If you have a quote for me, that would be great. Please post it.

Note that we are talking months to years in the future.

>> No.57358877

I'm not asking for free labor.

What part of "I HAVE NO FINANCIAL INTEREST" don't you understand?

Do you think the Minetest devs get paid? Because they don't. That not how this sort of shit works.

Of course, since I am posting on a web site that is populated by 99% alt-right, I'm sure you wouldn't understand.

>> No.57358934

Anyway, standard 4chan rules apply. Learned this in /pol/.... whatever 4chan's consensus is, that's the OPPOSITE of the truth.

So you're basically telling me that I have a great idea.

>> No.57358960

This case is a securities fraud class action against defendants Dfinity USA Research LLC; Dfinity Foundation; and individual defendant Dominic Williams, the CEO of Dfinity USA and founder of Dfinity Foundation. Dkt. No. 45 ¶¶ 15-16, 18-19. The operative complaint alleges that defendants did not register Dfinity's cryptocurrency “ICP tokens” as a security with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and “reaped billions of dollars in profits” by unlawfully “selling and promoting these unregistered security tokens to investors, and by transacting in them while in possession of material, non-public information.”

Have a reply you desperate shill, .1 ICP has been deposited into your wallet.

>> No.57358963

What, certified fascists like the SEC now?


>> No.57358972

Who is a certified fascist? I left /pol/ for /biz/ back in 2016 and I love lox and bagels.

>> No.57359160

>What part of "I HAVE NO FINANCIAL INTEREST" don't you understand?
You hold icp no? So you have a financial interest in finding people to pump your bags. Given how many threads get spammed here you all seem desperate

>> No.57359165

I'm not the only person in the world who holds ICP.

If another ICP holder did this, it would pump their bags just as much as it pumped mine. And I assume that anyone willing to put effort into this would of course be a fellow ICP holder.

Fudsters out hard tonight

>> No.57359168
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>here you all seem desperate

>> No.57359183

Note for people saying that I'm "begging" because I hold ICP.

Anyone willing to port an application to ICP is obviously going to be an ICP holder themselves. This would benefit themselves and the whole ICP holding community, not just me.

So it's not begging because it benefits the whole entire ICP community.

>> No.57359209

He's the easiest punching bag on /biz/ rn

>> No.57359211

There's a special place in hell for people like you

>> No.57359271


>> No.57359312


>> No.57359348

Ok, well I guess the public has spoken.

I won't be able to play Minetest in my browser on the ICP chain any time soon.

Nice chatting with you all.

>> No.57359369

But mark my words, Minecraft on ICP is coming one day.

And it won't be that stupid Cubetopia shit.

>> No.57359483

attention all, i'm going to bed.

no, I won't post about this again, don't worry, you're rid of me.

thread's closed due to AIDS

>> No.57359929

This thread is solid gold even though the "Blockchain" it's shilling is a dumpster
Bump, fuck you OP, let some others have a laugh at your expense

>> No.57360180

What benefits does web.3.0 give gaming then? Isn’t NFTs the only thing it can do that web.2.0 can’t?

>> No.57360890

Your thread was so pathetic and your posts were so cringe I decided to screencap them.
You don't deserve to make it.

>> No.57360937
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We aren't getting anywhere, are we?!

>> No.57360961
