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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57352957 No.57352957 [Reply] [Original]

>I want to 'make it'
>And by making it I mean I want to buy into a useless crypto ponzi when it's cheap, only to dump it all and sell it to the bigger fool that comes after me

Why don't you guys see how immoral this is?

>> No.57352960

And even IF you do succeed in this. What are you actually on planning to do with your profits to make this world a better place? Because as far as I can tell most of you are just lazy and want to stop working so you can sit on your butt and play video games all day.

>> No.57352965

Its just a digital MMOPVP game. Better wins. Get over it, chud

>> No.57352967

>Why don't you guys see how immoral this is?
are you typing this on the phone/laptop made by children using components mined by pregnant women?

>> No.57352969

Here's a (You).

>> No.57352970

Not my problem.

>> No.57352974

no arrow you look like the woahjack man with glasses

>> No.57352977

Chad, I want to congratulate you. You have understood how all business works in all sectors, and markets, globally.

>> No.57352978

My goal is to have a lot of real estate (half way there), have a beautiful young qt wife, raise children, go on epic adventures, beautiful houses, which I already kinda of do, minus the children. So yea, I just want to enjoy the life to its fullest extent and whoever has anything against this way of life is just seething chud. Oh and btw, I do not have a job and its by far the biggest flex on normies, I have to admit. When ever I describe to them how I live you can just see how the house of cards crumbles in their eyes. Its literally the best feeling ever and I want to maintain this status as long as I can. I just fucking love my life desu.

>> No.57352982

No I use a macbook and I actually only eat organic food, but nice try.

>> No.57352986

And by doing so you make someone else poorer. Could you really enjoy life knowing what you did?

>> No.57352990

>No I use a macbook
>he doesnt know about the suicide nets

>> No.57352997
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>the world a better place
Slow down reddit, too much netflix for today.

>> No.57353009

Not my fault the game is rigged.

I would be perfectly fine having a decent 9-5 job, with decent stability, being able to use it to afford a reasonable home, etc.

But that's not possible anymore. So you have to play the game...

>> No.57353018

The stock market is literally the same thing desu
>b-b-but stocks are based on the actual value and productivity of the company, that makes them totally different!
Unless they're paying you dividends or give you significant voting power over the company, then its literally just a speculative token that you're just hoping to cash out and sell to a greater fool.
Face it, crypto is just as legitimate of an investment as the stock market. People are investing in the future potential and value of the technology/network instead of a company

>> No.57353025

Except stocks have actual goods and companies behind them

>> No.57353037

Don't know bout you anon kun but these things are inherit drivers for men,
There's no such thing as doing something to make the world a better place these are false words used by narcissistic to justify their moral high ground.
Most honest hard working people don't go to work because it's the right thing to do not because they are making the world a better place, only big say things like we're making the world a better place

Let me guess, are you are tranny or women by any change ?!

>> No.57353039

Wow it's almost like I addressed that already in my post lmao
Stocks don't have shit behind them. They're purely speculative and based on the hypothetical, unsustainable idea that a company will continue to grow indefinitely

>> No.57353043

I'm phone posting so please ignore the typo and horrible spacing

>> No.57353044

>sell to a greater fool

Not necessarily the greater fool. There are also mergers and acquisitions, where a company wants to buy another company because it makes sense for their business - not to just resell it later.

E.g. Musk paying $54 per share to all Twitter holders to take it private.

>> No.57353047

That just makes Musk the greater fool in this scenario. Institutions might buy our BTC too, how is that any different?

>> No.57353058

Greater fool Theory and Keynesian economics has done more harm than good, Value investing chads always win in the endmg

>> No.57353065

Because BTC doesn't do anything (other than selling to greater fools). Other companies do. Why did Microsoft buy Activision Blizzard? Why did Adobe want to buy Figma? Why did Facebook buy Oculus? Why did Qualcomm buy NUVIA? etc. It was not just to resell them later - it was because those companies actually do useful things that the buyer company wants. Bitcoin doesn't.

>> No.57353067

Btw this is similar to real estate too. There are plenty of speculators and flippers, but at the end of the day, someone actually wants to live in that house.

>> No.57353071

This!! You my kind sir have hit the nail on the head. This is exactly why I think bitcoins numbers are numbered. Soon more people will realize this and when that happens you do not want to be in this scheme.

>> No.57353077

You're making silly assumptions. Everyone who buys, is buying with their own analysis and long or short term goals in mind. While everyone's goal is to make money, not everyone is buying and selling at the same times for the same reasons. Someone might be selling today to buy a token they think is better. Someone might be selling to go buy something real or pay a bill. Someone might be buying to put it into a crypto IRA, someone buying might be an institutional buyer or even someone far richer already than yourself. Not only that, you have no assurances of being correct. Everyone who invests does so with their own earnings, by their own logic, for their own reasons, at their own time, and in fully comprehension of the possibility of loss. If you are unwilling to accept the terms of the game, do not play. It is that simple.

>> No.57353084

>make the world a better place
The more might a person has, the more potential for good or evil they possess. Wealth is a form of might. Worry about your own virtue and quit presuming to be the most righteous person around.

>> No.57353090

Wage financial war with the kikes and preserve the white race. It's not much but it's honest work.

>> No.57353094

>honest work
Intellectually dishonest and child-like work, more like.

>> No.57353095

>Because BTC doesn't do anything (other than selling to greater fools). Other companies do.
Bitcoin solves the double spend problem and provides a trustless, immutable, decentralized ledger that's backed by incredibly robust proof of work security. There is inherent value to that. There is absolutely no inherent value to stocks. Stocks can be arbitrarily diluted, they usually don't pay dividends, they don't give you any voting power. They are purely speculative and based on the idea that the company will continue to grow and you'll be able to leverage the name recognition of the company to sell your useless meme token to a greater fools stocks serve NO purpose whatsoever except to sell to someone else at a higher price

>> No.57353102

What is it about /pol/ keks that makes them resent so much that wagmi on /biz/? Shouldn't they be happy?

>> No.57353111

underrated, also op is a faggot but that goes without saying

>> No.57353115

Already exposed a chosenite for free. See I'm doing God's work.

>> No.57353122


>> No.57353128
File: 156 KB, 717x750, Plebit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to hear SHIT about morality from anyone who's ok with paying uncle sam taxes or wants to succeed in modern western society. I'm done playing your games.

>> No.57353130

>crypto ponzi

More communist psychological projection. The only ponzi scheme is is your precious welfare state which needs a continual stream of new entrants (infinity immigrants) to keep the racket going.

>> No.57353135
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>Why don't you guys see how immoral this is?
why should we care ?
investment is about cold hard money
not gay emotions

>> No.57353136

>I actually only eat organic food
Unless you grow your own food, you’re eating the same shit as everyone else. The “organic” market is a known scam

>> No.57353153

>There is inherent value to that.
But you're not buying the technology. The technology is free and many clone coins exist. Anyone buying BTC is buying it purely for the network of other buyers and future buyers.

>> No.57353166

Don't you see what a little cuck bitch jogger lover you are?

>> No.57353167

> What are you actually on planning to do with your profits
hookers and blow
> to make this world a better place
finance extremist right wing parties

>> No.57353180

> no I use a macbook
you vile vile monster, you know that cobalt is directly mined by starving congolese children in underground tunnels where they don't live to see the age of 18, do you?

>> No.57353183

Kek no adult plays video games especially in 2024. That’s a childish phase you grow out of by 12 the latest

>> No.57353188

kek ok this is a plebbit baiter and we all fell for it

>> No.57353195
File: 88 KB, 412x242, url.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This!! You my kind sir have hit the nail on the head. This is exactly why I think bitcoins numbers are numbered. Soon more people will realize this and when that happens you do not want to be in this scheme.
Updooted for excitement!

>> No.57353213

You buy tesla at 10b mcap, sell it at 1T. No difference from a dogcoin, all value is based on pure speculation.

>> No.57353261

>make the world a better place

Not my problem. Today's npcs are complete hopeless retards. If i wanted to male the world a better place I would start by banning social media.

>> No.57353333

You have no idea how often I get accused of being Jewish. You Nazi-larpers are paranoid.

>> No.57353347

>green ID
It's official.

>> No.57353353 [DELETED] 

>let me hoard all this nice shit and a fertile woman
>minus the children, the niggers can make those
Even boomers have more value than you.

>> No.57353432
File: 110 KB, 828x844, qrk91n34dj6b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't you guys see how immoral this is?
picrel is immoral
if i make it i can start contributing something positive to the world instead of making mr shekelstein richer

>> No.57353461

Nice bait

You should be happy you didn't live in 1800s.

You had to work 6 days a week for 60 hours and only had Sundays off to go the church. There wasnt even any clean water or television. Yeah im sure those people living there didnt want to trade places with you.

>> No.57353772

that's what this board is all about. Well atleast for crypto

>> No.57353784

Great bait thread, had a good laugh anon

>> No.57354033

By any chance, are you that christian anon that made the thread calling people to God the previous day?

>> No.57354034

That right. You will understand when you try to help someone you know and like to buy in early multiple times and they don't, only doing so when the normienigger hivemind is blasting it at them at the top. I have a perfectly clear conscience. It's not a matter of being unaware and taken advantage of at this point. They are all the same retarded cattle.

>> No.57354040


>> No.57354063

We only have to go back 20 years faggot. Hell, even 10 years ago was better. Clown world didn't really begin in force until Ferguson and King nigger's second term.

>> No.57354085

Hi /pol/ !

>> No.57354097

All of 4chan belongs to /pol/ and always will.

>> No.57354161

To be content is virtue and not everyone has such luxury, despite living in 21st cent, especially for people who work 60h, 6 days a week.

>> No.57354204
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Never selling my stinky linkies

>> No.57354210

Sorry anon but I said "to a greater fool" and "for a higher price"

>> No.57354220


It's just a glorified casino. Casinos aren't moral, unfortunately.

>> No.57354290
File: 17 KB, 400x300, Tuld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are selling to willing buyers at the current fair market price!

>> No.57354337

And you will never sell anything to any of them again after this

>> No.57354342

you're very outspoken and funny my friend I like that

>> No.57354345

>make this world a better place
Shut the fuck up third worldist

>> No.57354348

haha true but someone found the way to profit

>> No.57354357
File: 77 KB, 520x515, WhatsApp Image 2024-01-18 at 15.16.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of finding coins to make yourself feel foolish and then pass them on to an even bigger fool it would be better if you chose cheap coins that could rise in value.

>> No.57354368

that's so hard to do though

>> No.57354392
File: 92 KB, 525x527, WhatsApp Image 2024-01-18 at 15.17.30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h ard but not impossible check out https://twitter.com/larryllamatoken @larryllamatoken you’ll understand what I mean

>> No.57354404

wow interesting look sweet :)

>> No.57354415

you should take a closer look bro ;;)

>> No.57355502

PEAS is the way.

>> No.57355527

Stop shilling with yourself jesus christ it's not even subtle each time you do this in a thread

>> No.57355799

it's a dog eat dog world, working hard gets you nowhere. if you don't like it then blame the jews responsible

>> No.57355820

>Just blame an innocent minority bro

>> No.57356648

>Reddit spacing. Shut up nigger

>> No.57356715

Yep, just look at what happened to Netflix the moment the market stopped pricing it as a growth stock early 2022. Anyone denying what you’re saying doesn’t actually get how fugazi finance really is.

>> No.57357091

You created the system, the scam, and now you blame people for using it. Typical

>> No.57357159

Bro, we live in a world where companies sell life destroying substances and trojan horse products like tractors (Fuck you John Deer). Selling crypto makes one a saint in comparison.

>> No.57357178

... It's just number go up, nothing else. We're in it for lifestyle, not purpose. Join a monastery.

>> No.57357183

Nobody believes in magic internet money. They just want to get real money to buy things and not work. Nothing wrong with that in my book. Problem I have is lying to other people to make them buy something you know is useless and preying on their stupidity.

>> No.57357197

Also, most of the time you’re not selling to a greater fool, just back to the scammer who was trying to steal your money to begin with

>> No.57357457

Crypto has unironically become more legitimate since pure memecoins appeared and removed all the pretense and gobbledegook.

>> No.57357506

I wanted to make it so I can get a few hundred K and do research at the university in Mechanical Engineering, I wanted to research Engineering mathematics and possibly assembly language and start businesses as a mechanical contractor. I thought the last bull run that went up would be enough to float I had around 300K but that was not shit once Bidenflation hit

>> No.57357535
File: 96 KB, 1179x1266, ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my kind sir

>> No.57357676

I literally do that when I'm working from home

>> No.57357715

“sit on arse and play vidya”’ should just say “experience fun and joy and health and happiness”

>> No.57357734

>Nobody believes in magic internet money.
>They just want to get real money to buy things and not work.
These two things aren't mutually exclusive. Study the /biz/ archive from 2018 for two years before posting. Goodbye.

>> No.57357745
File: 31 KB, 698x400, 572819129483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg OP you stupid dummy how dare you REEEEE

>> No.57357761


>> No.57358640

>double sevens
>quad 3s
>green ID
I'm GMI.

>> No.57359752

Why waste your time and money for shit and useless coins that won't pump when you can bag some FAT and wait for the IDO on Kommunitas Spores and Gagarin to kickstart.

>> No.57359767

Memecoins is really making sense lately, especially Solana Memecoin. I'm sticking out for RIPCHM, it's already showing early signs of BONK and PEPE.

>> No.57359814

Come on anon! Funarcade, a Web3 casino with probably fair games offering interesting games like Money Mountain, Baccarat, Crash, etc is melting faces.

>> No.57359862


>> No.57359872
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x2250, -1x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek best thread on /biz/ right now

>> No.57359938

It’s my money, I decide what I spend it on cuck. Go back to >>>/r/Communism

>> No.57360272

Lame shitpost or just living under a rock. 2 guys from my circle have a woman, a stable job and a kid with their woman and we play vidya together regularly. It's a way of keeping up communication with friends from way back, from school times.

>> No.57360527

Yep, dabbling in the Solana and Injective meme coin chaos for the short term thrill, and then anchoring my degen portfolio with blockchain-based gems like QANX, SEI, and TRIAS for the long haul. Balance in chaos, that's the degen mantra.

>> No.57360541

Cause you won't get rich without being an immoral cunt. There is no rich person today that got rich from being nice.

>> No.57360797
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Ah but here's the thing. With Bitcoin and to a larger extent with alts I am mainly dumping on people who are dumber than me, have poorer impulse control than me and have more disposable wealth than me - that is to say, wealth that will be disposed of whether or not I'm involved. Therefore it is a net good that money flows out of their undeserving hands into a place where it will be used wisely and on the whole with greater positive effect - my hands. I am always grateful for people who buy my bags thus completing a peaceful and consensual transfer of wealth up the chain of creation away from disorder and towards the divine.

Thank you for inquiring as to the state of my conscience. It is clear. Good day sir.

>> No.57360974

>innocent minority

Hahahahahaha. Man, make the bait less obvious next time. Your Redditor larp was semi-believable until this

>> No.57360979

>But enough about the modern economy and business structures

>> No.57361167

i just want to pay my college debt faggot

>> No.57361871

Ok retard most of us have a realistic make it amount.

What that means is we hit that much money, we sell and we made it. Lot of faggots like to keep telling you it's not enough, it's not enough.

But the majority of us know the secret amount we personally need to be happy.

>> No.57362247

Why do I care?

>> No.57362985

That's not immortal. This is gambling and those are the rules of gambling. Gambling is a transfer of wealth. Fools need to get good if they want to win.

>> No.57363055

>openly say doing bad things is fine
>turn around and say it's ackshually the jews fault anyway
Occams razor says doing bad things makes bad things happen

>> No.57363231


>> No.57363284

I think every man in his early 20s has that period when he's still inexperienced and he thinks he has stumbled onto something unique that nobody has ever thought of before. The truth is that any shit we do has been done billions of times over.

>> No.57363589

It is a pleasure to enslave such faggots like you. So yeah I enjoy it. Stupid people have to be put where they belong. It's natural order tranny vegan faggot.

>> No.57363637

Bitcoin values is the network underneath it. It is the same as VISA because VISA provides a payment network and get's a small portion as a fee. That fee is going to the miners of the BTC network i.e. the "BTC employees". The more trust and the more payments are conducted the higher the value of the "company" BTC is i.e. the market cap. How fucking new are you? Please fuck off this board newfag

>> No.57363657

The only people I am making poorer are big corporations and normies. I sincerely couldn't ask for much more even if I wanted to. Thats literally a double win. So yea, its a cherry on top.

>> No.57363702

>innocent minority
Fucking faggot, seriously.

>> No.57364125
