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57350736 No.57350736 [Reply] [Original]

2 more weeks unironically

>> No.57351518

to flatten the curve?

>> No.57352026

to lose in court and get laughed out of the court room and crypto?

>> No.57352040

>2 more weeks unironically
calvin be buying bsv anytime now ironically

>> No.57352042


>> No.57352316
File: 531 KB, 576x707, faketoshi clown costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPA and seethe corecucks

>> No.57353812
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they FORGED cregtoshis blogposts as he LAY DYING from an unfortunate incident with an SAS knoife. His suffering must be avenged, His name(s) cleared of All Blemish

>> No.57353949

i had a dream that he lost in court and me and craig were having a burger inside a fudruckers. i started to doubt he was satoshi and i remember being inside my car very disappointed realizing he wasnt satoshi

>> No.57354447

I've got 215 BSV as insurance against my BTC
Either way I win

>> No.57354498

and how many btc do you have?

>> No.57354511


>> No.57354521

Well 9 and 41k in ARKB

>> No.57354607

I'm 0 BTC
4950 BSV

Let's fucking go

>> No.57354681

Damn you got balls my friend. I'm not that brave to go all in.

>> No.57354696

GRT is the only coin pumping right now. Not worth holding anything else.

>> No.57354716

Not brave. Just been doing big data my entire career, it's painfully obvious what the original design was, and it's the only design that can scale. No reason to bet on the horses with 3 legs. Only one horse will survive the race or none, and it will be the one with 4 legs (utxo model and unbounded block size)

>> No.57354734

>it's painfully obvious what the original design was, and it's the only design that can scale.
I 100% agree but I also know that the good guy doesn't always win. The best of people have been destroyed all throughout history and no good deeds goes unpunished.
I hope you are correct actually and I hope you become a billionaire off of your bravery.

>> No.57354818

Thanks, I'm less concerned about Craig. It's certainly a fast track to adoption and people waking up, but a loss is probably only a speed bump. In the end nobody cares if Zuck stole Facebook, or if Edison actually invented things or stole them from Tesla. We use things because they are useful, not because we like the person who invented them.

>> No.57354899

Knock on wood, I hope you are right and I am wrong.
The ability to pay with BSV everywhere around the planet would truly be world changing.

Trustless Peer-to-Peer Digital Cash should have changed everything but it was highjacked by trad-fi right away with the segwit fork.
We should have been buying coffee directly from Colombians with BSV and them instantly paying the supply chain for shipment..

You know all this but I don't see how the world can't just understand the simplicity of it all. I guess that is why I am jaded enough to not go all in. I think anyone that doesn't at least hedge their BTC though is a fool.

>> No.57354916

>I'm less concerned about Craig
'From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him..'
- John 6:66

>> No.57354935

wow thats a lot.

>> No.57354942
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>Just been doing big data my entire career
>utxo model and unbounded block size

>> No.57354970

Had 21 but sold some and lost ALOT to scammy midcaps and gone to zero cryptos over the years.
Lost 4.5 on SKY and 4.5 on CHBT. Lost the password on 57 ETH that I bought for $2 each.
Lose some win some...

>> No.57355056
File: 181 KB, 597x717, Colin-Talks-Crypto-🪙-on-X-After-years-of-asking-myself-why-BTC-was-systemically-incapable-of-evolving-in-a-positive-way-and-observing-the-evidence-the-most-likely-answer-I-came-up-with-is…-this-will-be-a-hard-pill-to-swallow-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post today here

"After years of asking myself why BTC was systemically incapable of evolving in a positive way, and observing the evidence, the most likely answer I came up with is… (this will be a hard pill to swallow)… that Bitcoin was co-opted by banks to be slow, expensive, not scale and made to not compete with fiat.

In fact, there is quite a bit of evidence to support this claim when one follows the money."

>> No.57355063
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Better pic of the pic.. err.. yeah lol

>> No.57355582

Faketoshi Fagamoto

>> No.57355638

Watch your step there now, Son
For Many have been sued for Much Less

>> No.57356082
File: 3.15 MB, 2915x1939, Screenshot 2024-01-07 050341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will be all over soon, the rats are exiting

>> No.57356144
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>it will be all over soon

>> No.57356575


>> No.57356720

Fakerino Fagautismo
>IDC Craig, tounge my butthole

>> No.57357493
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>> No.57357509

thats the Spirit anon
No Surrender to vexatious legal process abusers
besides, hes prob. got enough cases on his plate for the foreseeable already