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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57349384 No.57349384 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck, how are wagies fucking it up so hard.

>> No.57349405

Let me guess
>Drive shitbox
>Love within means
>Become millionaire
Now judging by the art on the cover this ismprobably a product of the 80s when the economy allowed such actions to result in being a millionaire instead of scraping check to check whilst everyone around them accumulates hundreds of thousands of debt in today's economy.

>> No.57349428

Message still applies, you have people today who make $500k yet are poor or living paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.57349439

I'm an older millennial. All of my peers who lived that life style and had good jobs are doing leagues better than me. If they got into investing, or got lucky with crypto, they're doing even better.
As much as biz likes to see the, the fact remains that being frugal, making good money, and not trying to time or beat the market will allow you to win 90% of the time.

>> No.57349480

>be boomer
>get handed a high paying job out of college with little effort
>buy house
>piss away every paycheck on useless shit
>30 years pass
>house value appreciates
>now a millionaire
So is everyone else now though, so you need at least 10M to make it.

>> No.57349501

I'm a millennial. Had less than 500 dollars to my name until I hit 30 and got an engineer job (was in college). Started with like a ~56k a year salary and over 5 years moved up to ~85k salary. I've lived frugal during that time, driving a car that is now 24 years old the same car I had in high school.

I currently have:
>1 BTC
>20 ETH
>10,500 LINK (8,500 staked)
>3300 FIL

If you add all that up I have close to 300k net worth + my cash in a savings account. I wouldn't say I'm doing great but I'm not doing terrible either. I should be a millionaire after this coming bull run given the substantial crypto portfolio that I have. Hopefully this occurs by the end of the year.

>> No.57349502

They would be eating into their equity though. There are some smart boomers who literally get paid a wagie salary every year from divdends and annual rebalancing.

>> No.57349549

Considering inflation is multiplied dollar availability by 3.7x I doubt the same strategy would make becoming a millionaire harder now than in the 80s. $1m now is only $270k in 1980.

>> No.57350016
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I am 32, did precisely this, and became a millionaire
it is literally no different today