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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57346658 No.57346658 [Reply] [Original]

this beoble shit has got to be the most retarded thing i've ever seen

how do any of you queers even find anything of value on this platform it is literally just an endless assault of bots spamming complete nonsense without a single human interaction

what am I doing wrong here?

>> No.57347018

and the fact that this thread is just sitting here empty really proves the dead internet theory

just screaming into the void

the loneliness is unbearable

>> No.57347057

its empty because nobody knows or cares wtf berble is, retard

>> No.57347099

Since you proved you're more likely a real person by >>57347018 I'll at least grace your thread with a response.
1. What the fuck is beoble?
2. Are you complaining that beoble is filled with bot spam or /biz/ is filled with bot spam? In either case, you are a newfag who should have realized by now that /biz/ is a very useless place to discuss business & finance, especially whatever beoble is.

>> No.57347331




>> No.57348020

could one human or at least an AI that is not completely retarded at least let me in on where I could have an semi-intelligent discussion about business & finance

the things we could accomplish together if we had at least a small crew

i'll even do a turing test if that is what is required

>> No.57348084
File: 15 KB, 400x321, AreYouSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm not a bot but how do I know that you're not a bot

>> No.57348113

Keep an eye out for discord links during times when shill activity is low. Hint: they'll be in the threads about financial subjects that most of biz shuns. The TG groups are about as bad as biz and some are run by the same jannies. Discord is kinda where it's at now. Godspeed fren.

>> No.57348170

From sitting on /biz/ day in and day out for the past 6.5 years, I've come toa few conclusions. Anonymity is valuable for obvious reasons but it opens the door to the level of pajeet spam and narrative control shills that you see here. So true discussion requires a KYC forum with a benevolent gatekeeper, and even that will never be 100% effective. Not only that, even if you could 100% guarantee genuine people are the only ones allowed to join, you'll never stop the hordes of fucking retarded children that post frogs with shit like

>It's Friday night, why aren't you out hitting the clubs?

>tfw extremely high test, masculine big dick person that doesn’t age or pack on weight or need to work out to get a good physique
>tfw also happen to be extremely lazy
How exactly do I capitalize on this?

These two are literally on the /biz/ front page right now, and only the first two I could lazily grab. The board is constantly filled with this shit and no one will or even can solve this with using a KYC+permaban