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57340032 No.57340032 [Reply] [Original]

We never really recovered from 2008, did we.

>> No.57340047

No. It blew up in 2008. Everything after has been the rich fucks praying to God people don't figure it out and decide to fucking kill them all. They've just been mutualizing the losses on everyone.. this works ok.. if everyone has assets, but most people don't. So they majority of people are just getting exponentially poorer. The cost of most household goods has gone up 50% in 2 years. It's gonna get worse. Take care of yourself, anon.
First comes beans and bullets, then comes gold silver and btc (assuming the internet is still working) and then comes fiat or cbdc and then we start the entire 80 year cycle over again. I wonder how many wars they'll try to start this year.

>> No.57340053
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The truth is the world was hijacked and our souls placed into a dark timeline in 2001.
That’s when shit really hit the fan

>> No.57340060
File: 409 KB, 395x416, Bush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I believe it.

>> No.57340061

or rather.
the CEOs and the bankers did.
the rest of us didnt. it was used as an excuse to stagnate everyones growth indefinitely.

>> No.57340064

I think you can point to many moments in this slow decline

>> No.57340099
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>> No.57340104
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haha yeah we never recovered

>> No.57340110

We did retard
look at the stock market

>> No.57340118

Do you have any of that money? Is your quality of life 7x better?

>> No.57340131

without "quantitative" easing (money printing) there would have never been a recovery and everything would have completely crashed.

You know every dollar they create devalues the dollars you own right? Additionally the majority of people aren't even in the stock market, nor do most people own homes or have any cryptocurrency, so most people are just getting exponentially poorer.

The government is over 100 debt to GDP, companies are leveraged up, households are nearly maxed out and people are 'doom' spending and going bankrupt... when is it safe to say it's over? The moment people realize it and stop showing up to their jobs to make worthless dollars that won't allow them to purchase anything, unfortunately it has to get to that point for people to realize, there is no way out of this.

Stock up now, we all saw what happened when covid hit, people were buying 6 years of god damned toilet paper.

>> No.57340158

Unfortunately I didn't start investing until 2014, but I caught a lot of that move, yes. I wouldn't say my quality of life is 7x better, but I always lived frugally and I'm well on my way to retiring early (where I can then escape the US pussy prison)

>> No.57340166
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Nope. Enjoy.

>> No.57340167

Not if you are european.

>> No.57340172

2 more weeks

>> No.57340179

Europe is doing far better than america dude
t. american

>> No.57340188

yeah, sure.

>> No.57340195
File: 44 KB, 1054x559, fd44ec9e99e1a9912c63ec5ea62d3759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to pop your bubbles, but the American stock market has not grown what-so-ever, the growth you think you're seeing is just debasement of the U.S dollar, pic related, the U.S stock market in real value peaked before 2000, and hasn't ever gone above the 2008 peak.

>> No.57340204

It already happened in 2008. We're in the crash. It's ongoing. That's why your 'money' is being devalued at 20% true inflation rate per year. If you have 100k in cash one year from now it will have the purchasing power of 80k. How long can this go on? As long as people allow it, so 2 weeks, 2 years, 2 decades... meh, it's only a matter of time.

>> No.57340207
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No one cares about Europe

>> No.57340210

We should, we could learn a thing or two from them

>> No.57340245

sorry jew, if people feel the economy is bad then its bad
thats how it works

>> No.57340261

Europe is even more jewed pilled than us
What are we going to learn from them more secret societies based around pedo and homo shit? Or more ancient religions based on pagan worship. There’s a reason our ancestors left the old world and it’s because it’s full of demons

>> No.57340264

SPY goes up due to money printing, simple as, if you divide it's value by the number of dollars in the economy, it's been crabbing for 20 years, that's why you can't see any prosperity around you. Does people not being able to afford houses, credit usage at all time high, full time jobs dropping and part time jobs rocketing, and life expectancy dropping every year seem like prosperity and a 'good economy' to you?

>> No.57340302
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New homes don’t have fireplaces. That’s when I knew it was the end.

>> No.57340429


>> No.57340539

I wish I could go back to that era. Live it all over, get a redo. I hooked up with a girl that looked just like that. Life was so easy for me back then. 2001 kind of traumatized a few million people, but I would prefer to relive that than watch the global economy slowly bleed out.

>> No.57340646

no and all the same people are still in charge

>> No.57340649

Either I didn't really recover from whatever biological weapon they attacked me with, or they keep re-upping it.

>> No.57340651
File: 37 KB, 306x306, Hard-boiled Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However early you think it started, go back farther.

>> No.57340677

2008 was just people getting the memo about Helene's 2007 mortgage fraud.

>> No.57340694

Everything after that has just been one big game of musical chairs. The game was rigged from the start.

>> No.57340697


>> No.57341678
File: 1.02 MB, 1125x1352, IMG_2542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 90’s was the last real decade
Everything has been bullshit since

>> No.57341698


>> No.57341746

since 71 the common wagie gets more and more screwed while the CEOs grow fatter, greed and money printing

>> No.57341759

a trend of company profits and share valuations being valued more than their workers

>> No.57341780

tfw born into the bullshit, molded by it

>> No.57341825
File: 31 KB, 711x507, wagie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ig
inflation pumps assets which fucks over common workers through
A. reducing purchasing-power of their hard-earned money
B. wages not keeping up with inflation during periods of high inflation, a trend which gets worse over time - you never see wages higher than inflation

>> No.57341855

damn, farther than Satan rebelling against God the good Creator?

>> No.57341867

It's just a rapidly mutating biological weapon so you can't build lasting immunity to. It will depopulate 50% of the world over the next 30 years and there's nothing to do about it except make some money investing in "vaccine" stocks (the next one will work for sure!) and selling the pumps.

>> No.57343799

Nope, still holding my 90% down bags, never DCAd. Bought new ones, hopium kicked in.
Still grinding to generate some revenue from my shitty website

>> No.57343822


It says 2008 you stupid fuck. Not your shitty crypto crash

>> No.57343829

No - it's all been fake and gay, ever since.

>> No.57343892

I love this chart, everyone should get a hard look at it en.macromicro.me/charts/24033/wilshire5000-to-us-m2

>> No.57343949
File: 93 KB, 551x962, 1677450060349270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without "quantitative" easing (money printing) there would have never been a recovery and everything would have completely crashed.

Explain Japan, they did it harder starting in the 90s and never recovered or crashed and just stagnated for decades

>> No.57344058

try hydro
or not. ads don't really help me much

>> No.57344249

idk what this photo is from but this might not be 2001, or the 90s. she is sitting in front of an arctic monkeys poster, album art is from 2013.

>> No.57344291

The government has been artifically propping up the US markets (stocks and real estate) in order to keep the chinese from printing money to buy them up in the event of an american credit squeeze.

They cant just let the free market happen because the chinese will intervene and buy up american assets.

i used to think it would be nice if boomers were forced to sell me their failed housing investments via the free market, until i realized that china would play dirty and beat me to it.

take the Blue pill and keep moving.

>> No.57344327

Let me ask you a question, because some off you are old enough to also remember. Did we have the same problem with mass homelessness prior to 2008?

>> No.57344382

i think we did after the vietnam war and then some of the cities like new york had a renaissance where they cleaned up during the early 90s.