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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57331421 No.57331421 [Reply] [Original]

This is the year of Chainlink. It has already turned into a massive decentralized computing platform critical for all of defi from a small decentralized oracle network. Next step is bringing tradfi on board and rwa tokenization which it has been building for years. It will start this year, I just know it.

Not to mention pyth network just crashed yesterday and layerzero is using chainlink as their oracle. I don't want to be that "two more weeks" anon but just looking at the price history of link it always has surged to new ATHs and doing a 3-5x in just a month. I have no idea what I'll do with my millions but fuck if I won't take a break from this place afterwards. /biz/ is just shit nowadays, happy to see some good conversation during the last few days tho.

>> No.57331426

good shit in that thread.

>> No.57331427

tl;dr 2 more weeks

>> No.57331430
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not reading that kys never selling never staking

>> No.57331436



Zero users. Users not needed lmao

>> No.57331441

KEKARO you cant sell your staked stack tho

>> No.57331447

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57331453

no it'll take longer than that
icp and link can coexist you know

>> No.57331454
File: 720 KB, 1362x768, Heisensbergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next couple of years are gonna be crazy. life will be very different by the end of 2025

>> No.57331457
File: 107 KB, 955x1024, CB6970A3-9B94-473D-AD1D-45A3FCC5E536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero users
>users not needed

>> No.57331470

>icp and link can coexist you know
Stop making sense we are supposed to fight

>> No.57331478

Another area that is going to be big is how transaction sequencing is a big concern for L2s. A number of Layers 2s participate in shared sequencing and other 3rd party tools. Fair Service Sequencing has the potential to take marketshare in this problem. Arbitrum pretty much dropping their partnership with Chainlink is a shame but there are other L2s and more will continue to come. FSS demand will come when [it's first available and] people see how it offers way higher savings thanks to MEV protection versus transacting on chains that let you get raped by MEVbots.

>> No.57331578

>hand sequencing from one centralized handpicked set of nodes to a different centralized handpicked set of nodes
game changing

>> No.57331587

Is FSS even a thing any more? I thought PROF had replaced it.

>> No.57331949
File: 165 KB, 590x530, bbca-for-killing-mev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the BBcA Chain fill fix that

>> No.57332023

If it's cheaper and more secure, what's the problem?


Still a thing, they had a demo for it back in 2022 at Smartcon. But the main focus is on CCIP right now. When Cybercode 2.0 comes out, I can imagine they would want to start promoting FSS to go along with it. BBcA chains still needs sequencer to order transactions, though I need to read over the article as last I checked it's just a faster more efficient chain.

>> No.57332255

FSS is ongoing but development has been going at a snail's pace. Don't expect it for at least 2 more years. If you compare Ari's 2022 (? maybe 2021) presentation on FSS to his 2023 presentation you can see he didn't make much progress on it. And if he's still doing research, then that means that engineering (aka turning it into an actual product) is even further!
I think they're going to release DECO first since it's further along.

>> No.57332300


>> No.57332320
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>> No.57332513


I'll also add that pure honest 100% decentralization is really really difficult but incremental steps to reaching a practical level of decentralization is fine.

But Chainlink needs to hurry up and make the network permissionless.

>> No.57332664

he's too busy writing fantasy novels, can't be bothered with trivial things like releasing a working product

>> No.57333133

>Town Crier
>BBC Chain
>Superlinear staking
>AI Functions

God damn these people are clever, keep making shit up big Serg

>> No.57333161

>God damn these people are clever, keep making shit up big Serg
indeed, I'm not even sure why I still hold. I guess 7 years of this shit makes you numb.

>> No.57333184

You were fooled by professionals. Most of these products get announced and then never mentioned again. People who kick the can down the road this long are smart cons. I didn't even mention CCIP mainnet, real staking that supports more than a single price feed, or reputation nodes.

>> No.57333194

im not sure your 2 more weeks will be enough for your 20link

>> No.57333216

>You were fooled by professionals
true, at least I'm financially free thanks to them but I thought I'd get proper FU money by now but I guess that was never in the cards.

>> No.57333234

>no it'll take longer than that
das rite. Its gonna be 2 more years till we break 20$. And even that is optimistic if nothing blobal happens. Like somebody loses his shit and starts a war or a new pandemic or something. If that ruins the bull to 20$ im gonna be really sad about it

>> No.57333291

>This is the year of Chainlink.
I'm so tired of this bullshit.

>> No.57334376
File: 533 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20240118-114250_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not click

>> No.57334444

I did and received 20 LINK via my metamask wallet.

>> No.57334473

Holy fuck link to $20 tonight.

>> No.57334530

Don't you mean...4444?

>> No.57334622

Still in the cards, anon. Green ID is a poor stacklet, and he needs as much time as he can get. He hopes by playing degenerate chutes and ladders in the shitcoin casino can get him the comfort of a sizeable LINK stack that he didn't commit to sub $1. Sad life these fags have, but I don't care, I'm rich lmao

>> No.57334722

Not disagreeing with you, OP, but I'm still not buying OpportunityCostlink. There's endless fortunes to be made on other coins instead of growing old waiting for LINK to pump.

>> No.57334773

yes yes. but all of the tokens are not needed.

>> No.57334996

meaningless buzzword babble

Chainlink is a funding token used to enrich owners while they feed you infographics

>> No.57335551

no one will use FSS even if they ever complete it as it takes the money printer away from the L2 labs.

this is why ed felten betrayed sergey by using chainlink as a publicity stepping stone. they bait and switched after they confirmed the seed round by investors who missed chainlink token sales and chainlink labs investment rounds (last i looked there had been 3 rounds in chainlink labs)

no one will ever willingly give up they biggest source of incoming and will do everything to protect it (see MEV mafia)