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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57329920 No.57329920 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you farming airdrops? The AltLayer airdrop was announced today and will likely be available to anyone who staked at least 1 Eigen or Celestia token. $TIA is going to have a whole lot more airdrops in the next few months too, which is great since i've got 30 staked.

>> No.57331115
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>Why aren't you farming airdrops?

b/c biz is literally full of poor poojeets and american mutts who dont' know what air drop farming is. even midwit retarded faggots on redd*t know how to airdrop farm

>> No.57331299

It surprises me no one here talks about it very often since it's low cost to enter with pretty lopsided rewards. I guess it's a step harder than "buy dogfuckercumtatecoin, wen moon"

>> No.57331313

because we all bought mountains of link 6 years ago and are fully staked awaiting 70+ build shitcoins. Sorry you were still in middle school when we all bought.

>> No.57331545

Every thread I made about airdrop farming gets deleted so I gave up tbqh. Currently farming zks base and scroll semi manually and a bunch of projects on Solana. Think injective ecosystem will be the next big thing in drops but I'm waiting on the dump to load up and stake

>> No.57331709

Yeah i'm doing ZkSync as well, along with Base and Linea when i'm doing my swaps. Not doing Layerzero? They've confirmed their airdrop for the first half of this year and I highly doubt the snapshot has been taken yet.
I might get into Solana but I kind of want to keep stacking up TIA and see how far that takes me.

>> No.57331719

Where do you get news about upcoming airdrops?

>> No.57331802

its only those worthless poor types that "farm" in the first place. spending all your time digital begging is beneath anyone with even a moderate net worth.

>he didn't sell the 2020 top
oh no
>he staked
oh no no no

>> No.57331811

>1 Eigen token

>> No.57331916

>locks assets for 21 days
>receives pajeetcoin worth $0.0001
>why don't you farm airdrops anon?