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57329562 No.57329562 [Reply] [Original]

Is 100k a possibility by end of year?

Post yours

>> No.57329585

you are fucking crazy but you will know better by the time you're 24

>> No.57329596
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It's like you've decided to follow every biz meme possible

>> No.57329608
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There is one coin in your portfolio that is gonna moon. That same coin will also get you perma banned if you mention it. I'll let you brainlets guess what it is.

>> No.57329613
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>> No.57329616

>he boldly says this while proudly being Sergey's toilet

>> No.57329619

>being condescending with this literal dogshit

>> No.57329628
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I have another $100 in various shitcoins

>> No.57329632
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I did my own research though

>> No.57329639
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I’m 30

I played with stables awhile, turned $600 into $1800 but took way too long and realized I’ll never have big bags unless I gamble with shitcoins. I moved everything around in December and now I’m up 30%, fucking solid is the one thing red in my portfolio but I think it will eventually take off.

Is that the same LINU ?

>> No.57329640
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>> No.57329654

Based Linu holder

>> No.57329679

Better than what OP is doing.

>> No.57329691

Bruh I’m up 30% in less than a month and link has been flirting with $15 for 30 days

Slow gains are fine but poors like us wont make it off slow gains

>> No.57329713

Anon don't bother replying to him he's a Link tard. You're doing well for yourself with this strategy just be careful to not get over ahead of yourself and get drunk off of the altcoin craze

>> No.57329730

BNB made 30% gains in the last month, you're just gambling on random shitcoins. With your low capital you need to go all in on one or two.

>> No.57329731

Thanks, I respect LINK I just think it’s better for those with much more capital. My plan from here is to DCA into TET/TRIAS. Maybe large sums into ETH.

>> No.57329742

BNB is good but it probably won’t get higher than a 2-3x this year, do you imagine it being 4 digits a coin?

Like I said tho I like link I just don’t have enough capital to make real money

>> No.57329763

I'm saying that overextending on 8 coins has only given you the same gains as 1 coin (BNB), you could've gotten like 50% with AVI in the last month and SOLID was 430% in the past month

>> No.57329801

I bought solid late, so that’s actually my only token down. And correct my profit ratio would potentially but much higher, however for me it’s less risky to have multiple decent bags, say KNS/AVI, either one, take off then I’m way in the green and 50k+ would be something amazing for me. Say they don’t, I have meme bags scattered for gambles that if any of them pops then boom I have 5-10k I can use.
Now if solid/tet/moz gain then I can fall back on those. I split my coins between stupid and legit because I always see the most stupid shit make money and miss out, and also buying into legit projects at early stages long term usually pays off.

All of this is a gamble and I realize that, I wouldn’t have put in the 6k if I couldn’t afford to lose it all. If this doesn’t work this year I’ll likely just dca into something like link or avax and settle for 1-5x gains a year.

>> No.57329830

As long as it's fun for you. For me I usually day trade gamble on smallcap listed companies via my bank and they fluctuate 50% in a day and the losses are tax deductible (capital losses).

Back to crypto, I'm looking at SUI and maybe SC they look good and SUI has been shilled slightly.

>> No.57329837

SUI is a good play I was looking at them too

>> No.57329913
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round ~60k

>> No.57330014

KNS, based. That will be your best performer this year.

>> No.57330128

You have some good coins in there, unironically given your port size you should go harder on a select few and not diversify so much. I would recommend going hard into 4-5 max. You want the ones to moon to eclipse your bae portfolio size and a lot of these have a good chance to do so.

I wager he’ll have better returns than you. What are you doing holding link, bnb and btc with a 10k portfolio. Get it through your head 10k this cycle is more than enough to make it but you have to do more research on smaller cap coins. Unless a 30-50k is life changing money for you

>> No.57330242
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Which ones you think I should dump?

I actually make decent money just have hard time putting cash into crypto lately as I’m looking to buy a home here soon.

>AVI about to flip my KNS stack
Bros I love furries

>> No.57330271

Nigga just WORK, youre wasting your Time
Wrong mindset but you might realize AFTER the run

>> No.57330373

I bought SUI awhile and it absolutely made zero impact in my wallet. It seems pretty dead in the water

>> No.57330387
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It’s up 130% in a month ?

>> No.57330394

Huh, would you look at that. I forgot how much I was holding lemme check...

Okay not that much. I fucked up bigger by selling my Celestia at $3

>> No.57330396
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Got student loan to pay for student loans

>> No.57330405

Buy some FKPEPE

>> No.57330413

Moz is a good project that gives you ai exposure, mochi is a legit good meme play due to base roll out. Linu just in case shib schizo shit happens again. I’m not familiar with your other holds, isn’t avi complete trash? Would pick either solidly or kns for last one, but I don’t research those two. If you feel like dyor I suggest you look into fideum formerly bbank.

>> No.57330449

Solidly is the weakest, and AVI has huge potential but it’s also still very ground level. I gambled on that one hard. KNS looks very promising I’ve been following the project and looked into the team.

So solidly might have to go but I’m down near half what I put in I’d rather wait a bit before exiting that. My plan moving forward is to dump any excess funds I have for crypto into more stable stuff like eth/btc/avax but I’ll definitely check your project out thanks for the tip

>> No.57330484
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lol might get to 9k while I sleep, avi has flipped my hard kenis

>> No.57330609
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Can't screenshot because I have coins on lots of different wallets but:

> $3,000 Bitcoin
> $1,900 Fuse
> $1,000 Cardano
> $500 Loopring
> $300 LTO Network
> $200 Litecoin

Am I Gmi bros?

>> No.57330668
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>> No.57330722

Try out something else