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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 1417x665, ebay_logo_gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57328403 No.57328403 [Reply] [Original]

>Buyer uses freight forwarder to reship item from delaware to eastern europe.
>Claims it arrived damaged, and starts return.
>This is against eBay policy.
>eBay CS refuses to close case until I call in on exactly the right day after their 3 day bullshit "make it right" period has been met.
>If buyer clicks contact CS before I call in on that day, I will likely lose case, and have to appeal after they return it...

What the fuck? They used to close this shit out when I called in, how do I get these pajeet reps to do their fucking job?
Have any of you dealt with this recently?

>> No.57328423
File: 37 KB, 677x374, gfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck yourself

>> No.57328798


>> No.57328853

Hey bro I’m thinking about starting an eBay business what sort of things do you sell or know of other people selling? Is it even a good idea?

>> No.57328875

When you start en eBay business you should include the logistics of the shipping process

>> No.57328891

Stop using feebay. Fuck those kikes they abuse sellers and the fees are high not worth the trouble

>> No.57328914

Who’s better?

>> No.57328922


>> No.57328930


I had a guy on ebay scam me. I have his full name, address and phone number as well as his employer information on linkedin.

How should I go about plotting revenge?

>> No.57329106

report to feds, and contact employer

>> No.57329564

Elon is explicitly not involved with egay anymore, but op is retarded anyway because Ebay sucks ass for sellers.

>> No.57330196

feelz man, out of hundreds of sales someone finally started a return on me, i gave the guy a partial refund but was kinda the final nail in the coffin as im pretty over ebay now

>> No.57330335

Go to his house and kick him in the balls

>> No.57330352
File: 99 KB, 554x554, 1705561375878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start accepting crypto payments instead, make everything final, no refunds and no returns. No taxes too kek.

>> No.57330920

eBay LMAO sometimes i forget i even have shit for sale on there