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57324998 No.57324998 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57325008

its ok if you have a wife and kids. (aka a reason to wage)

>> No.57325029

there were literal slaves not even 300 years ago and they were probably more sane than us

>> No.57325044

Not true, the worst enslavement was in some ways 150 years ago with extreme work and poverty and in some ways now with all this modern bullshit but in the mid ages the people were more free, could freely hunt, freely lives their lives and had not work too much

>> No.57325134

Depends on the job. I manage residential properties and I love my job, and since I’m disabled (born with deformed leg and foot bones so I walk with crutches) people generally leave me alone, and there’s a type of chick that’s attracted to disabled people. Thankfully everything else works fine (don’t let your wives drink and smoke when they’re pregnant).

>> No.57325157
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I don’t know

>> No.57325173
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why does pepperino have oranges on his head?

>> No.57325223


>> No.57325254


>> No.57325279

This. Having something to go home to in the evenings helps ground you mentally. It constantly reminds you that work is just a means to an end (Supporting your family), it isn't the end-all be-all reason for your existence.

>> No.57325517

Waging makes me want to blow my brains out.

>> No.57325800

my dads brother has waged for 40 years (almost retired) he does not have a wife or kids and waging is his entire life. he loves waging. I don't understand him.

>> No.57326115

Does he have any hobbies?

>> No.57326204

In the past yes but now no. He just wages and then every weekend he comes and visit my dad to complain about his neighbors, people at the cage that don't wage as hard as him and about the stock market ( he lost ) . I told him to buy Bitcoin in 2017 but he said it's a scam. He bought stocks. Now he lost a lot of money kek.

>> No.57326267

who said people are not insane?
you know many sane people?

>> No.57326564


>> No.57326703

he's weird. all the time talking. weird af

>> No.57326707

it means being a man and not a pussy

>> No.57326945
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what do you mean

>> No.57327123

Why do i keep finding these wagie “women” who still live with their single mom and thats what they go home to

>> No.57327201

I’m at my breaking point. I can’t fucking take this shit much longer. Every job I’ve had my coworkers have been super invested in their work. They talk about what they did at work last week, what kind of work they are doing today, and what kind of work they plan on doing in the future. From the moment the day starts to the moment it ends they are invested and doing something to keep busy. I’ve never been able to keep up. The moment I start working I think about going home or doing something completely different. It’s hell.

>> No.57327219

Theyre getting blowjobs from female coworkers or being fucked in the ass by male coworkers.

>> No.57327238

not a cope post but as a former neet, wageslaving is saner.

at least you have a goal you're looking towards instead of having the illusion of freedom but chaining yourself in a cage in the nihilistic pursuit of fun. people don't create without suffering. not anything good

>> No.57327258

>wageslaving is saner

Oy vey

>> No.57327270

you can't refute it. and the only thing better than slaving is owning slaves. People who do nothing at all are the most miserable out of anyone

>> No.57327274

>People who do nothing at all are the most miserable out of anyone

Agreed. Wageslaving with reasonable hours on a good salary is tolerable

>> No.57327280

better than going home to some empty appartment paying a jew rent.

>> No.57327501

it means being a good goy and not a bad goy

>> No.57327943

Being free to do nothing at all opens your mind to more fruitful pursuits. You aren't creative when you are wagelogging thousands of hours in a mundane job. The only creativity you will see is a survival response of what you can do to get out.

If I had more resources my wageslaving would just take a different form. More creative and with less bitch work and more freedom. Basically what any billionaire does.

>> No.57329385

For me it's married women who dump their baggage on me like I'm their husband.

>> No.57329873

I think they do go insane. Boomers are always like overly emotional children.

>> No.57329899

This. Back in the day if you were a bachelor you could do cool shit like become a pirate or colonize the new world

>> No.57329905

The average black slave had a higher caloric intake and longer lifespan than the average white wagie in the north

>> No.57329927

Getting married to a fat bitch in their 20's, buying stupid shit like a jeep, and generally coping about the state of their lives by pretending they're a huge success and everyone envies them and thinks they're cool because of the aforementioned bad decisions.