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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57322905 No.57322905 [Reply] [Original]

500k is life chaning money

>> No.57322932
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No its not, I have $5MM and I still can't get laid.
Due to inflation you need $50MM for it to be life changing money.

>> No.57322947

as a brazilian, 200k is top 0.1% and 10x more than my father made his entire life

>> No.57322966
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>> No.57322969
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Yeah. It wouldn't let me retire immediately but it would grant me a comfy coasting-FIRE setup.

>> No.57323017

I Just Need to make 50k in this bull for make it

>> No.57323655

How the fuck is 500K life changing money? Explain.

>> No.57323678

Explain how you can absorb $500k into your finances and not have it change your life lmao.

>> No.57323721

$500k can’t even buy you a shot box in a flyover anymore unless you want to live near dangerous minorities or in the middle of nowhere far from services and decent schools.

>> No.57323754

lol, because not every life is the same?
To a pooh in india, youd become a king.
To a wagie in any country its a nice chunk of change that would, clear your mortgage, get you a nice car and change the trajectory of your decision making.
Only to some already wealthy people will it mean nearly nothing.

Also like I said first, not every life is the same.
Also not everyone's metric for "change" is the same either, let me guess your life is only changed if you make $50 mil from $3 invested in some shit coin.

>> No.57323791

>1 year average wage slave salary will change your life
I mean, you could take a year off I suppose.

>> No.57323795

500k is like $2,000 a month in passive income at 5% interest rates pre tax. So thats about $19,000 a year in post tax income. I don't see how that is life changing money unless you find a cheap house and pay cash for it. You still have to keep your day job.

>> No.57323812

It might after boomers start dying in droves. But not any sooner. Can't have real estate go down when Biden imports 8 million illegal migrants every year. And all those third worlders are shitting out anchor babies by the millions. So don't expect real estate to go down any time soon. More hispanic babies than white and black babies combined are born in the US every year since 2021

>> No.57323835

>Immediately retiring is the only way for money to change your life.

>> No.57323901

It's called taking out a mortgage. No one actually buys their house with cash.

>> No.57323925

Gonna go down to a three day work week when I hit 150k in savings. Then I have the cash I need for anything I might need. My rent is so fucking favorable, never moving out.

>> No.57323986

maybe if you make min wage

A nice 3b/2b somewhere safe starts at 800k and is more like 1.2 to 1.5 in most bigger cities.

this is the correct way to view it. 500k is 300k after taxes. 500k moves up my retirement date 3-5 years, 300k is 2-4 i'll certainly take 500k but the next 15 years of my life isn't going to be any different, im still working.

is /biz/ actually the poors?

>> No.57326291
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it's enough for me to consider stopping working for a few months, honestly so much money would be good to rest my fucking brain, or use it in TOGE, deciding between rest or a future is always hard

>> No.57326327

Why should i stop working just because i have money? that way you never have anything

>> No.57326687

I live in a medium sized city and you can buy homes from $125-150k easily. Check zillow, tard

>> No.57326705

just do less hours and that's it, you don't necessarily need to drop everything.

>> No.57326730

The average suburban 3,000 square foot brick front home built 20 years ago on an acre costs 1 million dollars where I live. So. No 500,000 is not a lot of money to change my life. Maybe make a down payment on a house, but thats about it.

>> No.57326829

It is in cheaper part of Europe
Not everybody is fucking burger that need $5m is assets to consider retirement

>> No.57326845

you move to thailand and live like a king til end of days.

>> No.57326855

Burgers became this way because we allowed ourselves to be sold out to the highest bidder, and our financial system was hijacked by jews and they printed more money in 3 years than was ever printed in the history of the united states. Now our children will be slaves and permanent renters. We are only at the beginning of this reset.

>> No.57326894

True that
If I was a burger with $500k in cash/crypto I would migrate to SEA or cheap but ok European country anytime Romania, Czech Republic or Poland fuck the kike monetary system

>> No.57326914

$500k is indeed life changing money in my shithole country
It means $36k per year due to APY on a savings account.
Enough to bang as many whores as i can and eat healthy for the rest of my life

>> No.57326960
File: 336 KB, 1644x2506, $1k life changing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even $1k is life changing money

>> No.57327712

> muh racism
never change, 4chan

>> No.57327744

If you had 500k liquid it would unironically be a lot of money. Most people only have 'money' wrapped up in shit like their house. Most 40yos have a networth of about 200k (which is, again, mostly their house). Same for 50yos, who have an average NW of 500k. Gen X is purely House Wealth.

If you were, say, between the ages of 18-39 and just lucked into 500k on a random crypto gamble you would be not only better off than all the faggots your age, you'd also be better off than hoomers who have it all locked up in illiquid assets. Just think about that. It would be "quit your job and have sex with prostitutes in Roppongi for a few months" kind of weeaboo new money.

>> No.57327752

The best part is you know he's broke.

>buying a house cash in a bubble propped up by people overbidding on shitshacks in flyover states

>> No.57327763

500k is a damn good start. You should pick 10 coins and go hard. Best of luck anon

>> No.57327789

I don't think it's life changing but you mentally calculate "I'm a retarded wagie making a living off of tips and I just made 1k in a day on one random order". Like if someone walks up to me and hands me 1k I'll be fine with that, give me 1k yeah.

>> No.57327945

>beyond life changing
LMAOOOOOOO, it'll be gone the next day and then back to normal

>> No.57329431

>get 500k
>put in bank at 5% interest
>move to Bali
>live in luxury
depends on how you want your life to change I guess

>> No.57329476

A lot of poorfags in this thread. Or maybe I've lost perspective over the years after having success in my career and crypto.

>> No.57329579

thinking about faggy rap-listening zoomers miserable at their shitty job makes me laugh
why don't you just put your "earbud" in and listen to juicy j?