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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57322589 No.57322589 [Reply] [Original]

How's your small business or entrepreneurship endeavor going?

>> No.57322787

Name someone more bitter than a jealous incel chud

>> No.57322798

Im a married man expecting a daughter and I will try to topple a woman whenever I fucking can, they deserve nothing.

>> No.57323053
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>> No.57323070

>borrow money from bank
>use money to make money and also pay off loan in a timely manner
>this is somehow illegal
>another goyim snitches on you to the bank
Holy fuck get me OUT of the USA

>> No.57323089
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How are people smart enough to do that and yet dumb enough to advertise it on social media?

>> No.57323104

I was thinking the exact same thing lol

>> No.57323107
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Surely this will end well.

>> No.57323138


>> No.57323166

>Alex Cohen
I give up

>> No.57323184

Dumb bitches are fucking up the housing market. Your take is a melanin saturated one.

>> No.57323193

They are narcissists, basically telling everyone look at how smart I am compared to you when in reality they are dumb criminals.

>> No.57324678

>just let millions more criminals into your country, goy

>> No.57324848

You know, every time I consider doing something that even borders on being slightly shady to make money, I jump immediately to the conclusion that I would be caught. There's always some little thing that would give you away. Some bit of paperwork that could expose the entire thing if it was examined carefully enough. Some mathematical trick that would reveal your sleight of hand. Some stipulation in a regulation somewhere that would turn something slightly questionable into a serious crime if a prosecutor were to take a look at it. So I've always stayed away from doing any such thing. Then I look at what actual criminals in the real world have done and brazenly gotten away with and it astounds me.

To answer your question, I won't know how business is going until sometime in the spring at the soonest, but I do have high hopes.

>> No.57324872

It's fake for clout if your on biz you should know better by now every trader posts fake pnl

>> No.57324889

I'm "self employed" as an IT contractor and make about $230k per year.

I want to start a real business like a SaaS product but desu what I'm doing now is easy money. Not sure if I should even bother any more with a business or just keep my current income and investing in crypto.

>> No.57324914

Good point. Everything is fake now. The distraction/attention economy means all attention is good attention on steroids.
It sounds like you're comfy as is. You'd probably be better off investing that money than starting a business. More immediate reward for much less headache.
>I'm "self employed" as an IT contractor and make about $230k per year
How do I get into this? What do you actually do? What skills do you need?

>> No.57324968

There is 0 percent chance she is profiting 2k a month from a 150k airbnb right?

My rental is valued at over 400k and I rent it for 2300. If I had a 400k loan on it at current interest rates I would lose money each month (but pay down principal).

Is airbnb really that good or did they just make some realistic projections on how much airbnb income they would generate?

>> No.57324980

someone that spends time on the internet defending a criminal just because it's a woman or a minority

>> No.57324987

You doing multiple jobs?

>> No.57324999

These schemes are hatched and shared by the tribe. It filters it's way down to the common criminals after they find something else to hoard and share this old alpha with them

>> No.57325026

its usually made up. "follow me for more tips" twitter account. the supposed woman receiving this coaching probably doesn't even fucking exist; its just a random tiktok video this advice scammer downloaded.
advice scammer gets you to subscribe to their newsletter or pay for their class, then you go commit fraud thinking you're about to earn the cost of the information back in the first month

>> No.57325030

I work on projects for organisations that dint have the skills to develop software themselves, think government agencies and banks etc. I design the web applications, APIs, cloud infrastructure, deal with security, etc.

I started as a software engineer wagie at a SaaS company then changed to doing these kind of contracts.

>> No.57325038

Yeah I know what you mean. I knew a guy that bought a Crown Victoria, put blue and red lights in the grill and somehow got a police uniform with a fake badge and everything. He would pull over people with Rolex watches, handcuff them, take their watches, and then leave them cuffed without a phone. He never got caught but he got killed at a gambling den a few years back. Knew another guy that would just cut bicycle locks, take the bike and then walk around yelling “20 bucks gets you the bike!” And he would do the same thing with rims by jacking up cars in the middle of the night and taking the whole tire off and then would just drop the car on its rotors.

I found a wallet at the laundromat once and took it to the guy’s house. I just can’t do bad shit. Funny how some can.

>> No.57325069

>smart enough to do that
You don't need to be smart to do it. Maybe to come up with it. But they didn't, they just read the instructions it on pinterest or some shit. Then made a video because women cannot help but tell everyone everything about themselves 24/7 oh god lord do I hate women or what

>> No.57325087

So basically you're a highly skilled full stack dev working independently? How long have you been at it?
>I started as a software engineer wagie at a SaaS company
Would it be possible to get one's foot in the door without this?

>> No.57325167

Basically yea, except I don't actually write code, they hire software dev wagies for that

>Would it be possible to get one's foot in the door without this?
Unlikely. Best to start with a permanent job before moving to contracting

>> No.57325198
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>I don't actually write code
So what do you do? Project management?

>> No.57325208

There's literally nothing illegal about using your own personal credit card to spend on your own business.

>> No.57325222

No just the technical design

My job is called solutions architect, look it up

>> No.57325227

Real state is iliquid trash. You don't know the real value until you sell it. Dump that shit and live off dividends in a jurisdiction where you pay lower taxes. Oh way burgers are tied to IRS for life.

>> No.57325244

Isn't that deceptively easy?

>> No.57325257

>business women
it's all explained in her username

>> No.57325274

Yes it is

I don't actually do much real work, but you need a lot of technical knowledge and be able to talk in simple terms with non technical people

>> No.57325277

It's pretty smart, you're letting your emotions blind you

>> No.57325301

Its smart if you came up with it. Not if you are just following a guide from pinterest like these cunts were doing.

>> No.57325323

I'm not a big fan of being a landlord or real estate investing. It was my first house, I upgraded to a nicer house and instead of selling I'm using renters warehouse on the first house. Mostly have it as a diversification to my portfolio plus I have sentimental attachments to the house and would like to leave it to my first born.

Have a friend with a few different properties in his 30s and there is something comfy about the idea that after 30 years all of your properties are paid off and you can live off the rental income when you retire in your 60s.

>> No.57325327

ALOT of stores in my area will let you steal a fuckton of stuff and will just ban you from the store. They won't even be at you up.

>> No.57325336

I would already be doing that if the tech industry wasn't so aggressively competitive at the entry-level and didn't make you jump through a million tranny hoops

>> No.57325348

Sometimes it's hard to understand what makes people tick.

There was someone I knew who worked for nonprofits for a very long time. I always suspected her of embezzlement. Frankly it was incredibly obvious, I never "knew" and could never prove it, but I knew. She always floated from one organization or layer of administration to another, and she always seemed to be moving away from positions where stricter auditing was about to start happening (wonder why) and into positions overseeing funds with much murkier auditing and oversight.

I always wondered just how in the fuck this person got away with this shit for literal decades.

>> No.57325356

Best to just get an entry level software engineer job in tech, that's where you learn the most

>> No.57325369

The payoff is not quite the same if you're not a burger, and I'm honestly not very hardworking. But thanks for responding anyway.

>> No.57325372

self-employed motion graphics designer with mostly tech clients. started in 2017 and only made like 35k for the first few years. In 2020 business got way better and climbed every year until last year i made 110k.

i have very little overhead and can take off as much time as i want, up to a point. usually take about 2 months off throughout the year and that's not including all the padded hours when I'm "working".

i thought i was replaceable but literally surprise-quit both of my main clients at one point because i was sick of them and they begged me to come back and paid me more. everyone else they try to hire is fucking retarded so I'm not worried about job security.

the beauty of freelancing is you dont even have to sound lazy taking a day or a week off. you just say "i'm booked" during that time and they think youre just a high demand hard working wagie cunt

>> No.57325535

Same the non zero chance of legal action rape stops me dead in my tracks

>> No.57326177

banks do this exact thing with your tax money the govt gives them. they trade debt numbers with each other and call it income on their balance sheet. and nobody beats an eye. when will npcs denounce the talmud?

>> No.57326340

>Benford’s Law. It states that in many naturally occurring collections of numbers, the leading digit is likely to be small. Specifically, the law predicts that the first digit is a 1 about 30% of the time, and it gets progressively less likely for higher numbers. The frequency decreases logarithmically, meaning the first digit is more likely to be 1 than 2, more likely 2 than 3, and so on.

>This law applies to a wide range of data sets, including electricity bills, street addresses, stock prices, population numbers, death rates, lengths of rivers, physical and mathematical constants. However, it's important to note that not all sets of data follow Benford's Law. It is most accurately applied to data that spans several orders of magnitude.

>The law is often used in forensic accounting and auditing as a test for anomalies in sets of financial data, as fraudulent data is less likely to conform to Benford's Law.

>> No.57326376

I knew a guy who used his company truck to drive around and look for copper gutters on nice homes, rip them off the walls, throw them in the truck and sell for scrap value at the recyclers.

>> No.57326509

Oy vey! shut it down .

>> No.57326514

Remember the guy printing fake postage labels like 2 million worth it took them like 6 years to catch the guy. like wtf?

>> No.57326527

Bidens votes in questionable districts failed the Benfords law if anyone wants to know

>> No.57326591
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this doesn't even account for the statistically impossible voter turnout numbers either

>> No.57326615

I tried at a business I failed I’m demoralized

>> No.57326776

Try again at a business, succeed, moralize.

>> No.57326830

>can do something
>"no!!! You can't do that!!!"
Peak red tape.

>> No.57326832

>10k credit card debt
>140k bank debt
>I'll just rent the house on air bnb to service the debt
>people still do that in this bidenomy r-right?
What's the plan here? Yolo into debt and get hope you don't get rekt?

>> No.57326964

The rules are enforced fairly and equally

>> No.57327015

a tranny that is bitter and jealous about never being a woman. YWNBAW

>> No.57327038
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>force white men to jump through hoops and say the day of the cracker is over
>seethe when they merely report you to the bank

>> No.57327044

Everyone on 4chan is wfh 2 hours a week for google, didn't you know?

>> No.57327073

>every time

>> No.57327100

Normies would 100x into random Pajeet Shitcoins without a second thought if they knew who to use Binance.

Being a Degen using obscene leverage for fanciful financial speculations is the norm for humans, not the exception.

>> No.57327116

Every time someone posts a financial hack on TikTok it’s just wire fraud lmao

>> No.57327152
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oh course the vile shlomos can spot tomfoolery from a mile away, they invented it

>> No.57327230

its called air b and bust for a reason. drives prices to insane levels, economy hiccups even slightly and bookings fall and then foreclosures start, taking down probably between 5 and 10 trillion dollars in residential RE value with it. 5 to 10 trillion in losses are the conservative bubble estimates.

>> No.57328497

cohen knows wassup

>> No.57328519

yep come to easter europe brah
we got income inequality all fixed
junior dev for large corpo takes home 10-20% more than lidl cashier

>> No.57329392
File: 87 KB, 728x745, 1693856642569769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You thank that's bad, Occupancy Fraud probably became rampant over the past five years. I know a few people that some how have 30 year fixed rate FHA mortgages on rental properties. When I do kind of ask leading questions it turns out they didn't read anything they signed. I never dig because I don't really care.

>> No.57329429
File: 282 KB, 1044x1197, 20240117_132943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the govt is defacto holding the bag on a lot of these shit property deals too. better import a few million more immigrants and print some more funny money to subsidize their rent

>> No.57329447

Deal with satan requires the crimes to be made public.

>> No.57329452

You need connections with other criminals.

>> No.57329490
File: 143 KB, 1208x996, Mortgage Occupancy Fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah a lot of them will never get caught because is mostly people owning one or two rentals.

>> No.57329507
File: 9 KB, 259x194, lasagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five hundred years ago this woman would have been the founding matriarchy of a dynasty of powerful multinational bankers and industrialists who would go on to intermarry with nobility, contribute to high culture, and pull the strings in the eternal ballet of international politics.

Today she is screwed by midwits on twitter before her destiny even unfolds. Sad!

>the sobering lesson here is not to broadcast your business activities to the general public unless there's a strategic purpose for doing so.

>> No.57329533
File: 232 KB, 378x378, suj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Five hundred years ago this woman would have been the founding matriarchy of a dynasty

>> No.57329545

>Five hundred years
Five hundred years ago she would have been pushing her sixth baby in some farm house.

>> No.57329566

Mayer Amschel was born in the ghetto too, anon.

>> No.57329605

>Being a Degen using obscene leverage for fanciful financial speculations is the norm for humans, not the exception.
I'm financially responsible and organize my life with a simple "expenses < income" formula, which must mean I have cuck genes that will die out with me then.

>> No.57329618

Sounds like you made the wrong choice, friend

>> No.57329723

>IT contractor
So you go around typing ctrl alt delete and resetting passwords?

>> No.57329739

>Five hundred years ago this woman would have been the founding matriarchy of a dynasty of powerful multinational bankers and industrialists who would go on to intermarry with nobility, contribute to high culture, and pull the strings in the eternal ballet of international politics

You are a gay retarded nerd

>> No.57329740

She's a brown monkey with an IQ of 80 abusing policies made by Jewish people. The kikes had and have a cognitive elite. KYS

>> No.57330214

7th year in business making 145k a year. Not tech-related, just e-commerce. Can't complain although I will probably max out at 200k unless I hire an employee which I don't want to cuz the point of this was always to just be able to work when I feel like and not have to work for someone/manage someone

>> No.57330329

>he got killed at a gambling den a few years back
This is what I always imagine should happen. I'm baffled by low value, brazen crime like that because I always imagine I would just want to kill the guy if he did it to me. Are people aware of "anarcho tyranny" or are they just too pussy?

But yeah those criminals are clearly nigger brains that don't realise they're rolling the dice over and over for like $50. They would be weeded out so quickly in a sane society.

>> No.57330829

>I always wondered just how in the fuck this person got away with this shit for literal decades.
Because you didn't snitch, and you should have if she worked for a non-profit.

>> No.57332482

Bump de dump

>> No.57332581

Snitching has a way of getting the snitch into as much or more trouble than the person being snitched on, and it has nothing to do with snitches get stitches.

>> No.57332586

Literally all human activity and descion making is now based around its social media impact

>> No.57332616

About 15 years ago the government really tried to crack down on npo theft by limiting salaries to a percentage of funds raised and denying certain things as operation expenses. It's only seemed to curb it somewhat. People still get rich off npos.

I know a guy who ran a 5013c and found out his top fundraiser was stealing. He went to the feds. He had to wear a wire and confront his partner. He's banned from operating another non profit for life and the thief went to jail.

What's funny is that the thief made very good money in software sales at his day job and had no real reason to rip off the npo. He started by just using funds to pay for Starbucks and meals for himself, then vacations for his family, then he was buying jet skis and shit lol. He might never have been caught if his partner wasn't an honest guy.

>> No.57333546

>operate a nonprofit
>realize your partner is doing something dishonest
>immediately turn them in to the authorities
>face legal consequences yourself in the form of being banned from nonprofit operation

Funny how cops and lawyers never understand why everyone who's not a cop or a lawyer hate them.

>> No.57333801

Super lucky I registered my shoe business website with Hydro online. Because I've been earning passive revenue from users who visit the website.

>> No.57333809

i'm a father with a daughter and i am teaching her to hate feminism and to respect her future husband. i explained it all to her very reasonably and she fully accepted my logic, she's very sharp and rational.

>> No.57333851

Fucking try again dumbass. This time ensure you Monetize your content or business website with Hydro online and earn passively. Thank me later weakling

>> No.57333878

she's lying, simple as. in reality she's renting the apartment, she didnt buy it

>> No.57334500

>five hundred years ago

>> No.57334547

she will hate you and date tyrone in college just to spite you