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57320984 No.57320984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Feels like I died several years ago and now just my body remains like a zombie I walk around and every day it's like a blur, no emotions, no highs, just waiting around to die. Without the prima materia my body has been slowly withering away and I can already feel my organs starting to fail. I also quit all stims and drugs last year and now there is this type of calm that's taken over me like when you know it's over and there is nothing left to say or do because the inevitable draws near.

>> No.57320989

You have depression. You can be healed of it.

>> No.57321031

Nope. Not all problems have solutions. I've wanted to kms for over 10 years and it only gets worse. Even if I make it next bull, I'll probably kms soon after anyways

>> No.57321046

Why do you feel this way? You very likely lack any real meaning to your life. Get a workout plan from /fit/, start working out and get outside first thing in the morning. You will feel a lot better in just a month

>> No.57321056

Long story short god raped me
Lmao I'm the 5'5.5" LL surgery anon. The one that would have broken world records at 5'10". The damage is done. god (lower case g) won.

>> No.57321151

You literally have depression. You've been depressed for so long your brain cant look at life any other way. Ngl, its a bitch to get out of. Only one that can change yourself is you, but if you not a normie then you probably already know that.

>> No.57321159

There is a lot of meaning in your life. Want it or not.

I understand life may currently present challenges, but permit me to share a perspective. Life, akin to a complex game, encompasses various attributes. Height, in this analogy, serves as one such attribute, analogous to a characteristic in a game character's profile. While being vertically challenged may appear as a hindrance, it does not dictate the entirety of your journey. Consider the brevity of existence, anon. The finite nature of life imparts intrinsic value to each moment. View it as an opportunity to engage in a unique and fleeting experience. Much like navigating a game with a set timer, make the most of the time you have. Individuals, including yourself, contend with personal trials. It is the manner in which these challenges are confronted that defines one's character. The most resilient individuals, comparable to notable figures in a game, overcome adversity and emerge stronger.

Do not allow your stature to define your narrative. Embrace what it gives to your character. Life, though ephemeral, is full of possibilities. Anticipate hidden potentials and unforeseen opportunities. They are out there you know. When the burden becomes overwhelming, reach out to your network—be it friends, family, or even fellow anonymous individuals online like you are doing right now. Do it elsewhere too, on discord or whatever you use. You are not navigating this complex game alone. There exists a collective willing to provide support.

Persist, anon. Your journey is in its early stage, and remarkable moments may be concealed within the upcoming chapters. Life's intrinsic lack of permanence accentuates its profound significance. Verification not required.

>> No.57321222


start a business.

seriously start somewhere. get capital from doing surveys or selling your old shit. start somewhere. when you have money invested in something and get a taste for profit. you'll be off to the races.

>> No.57321243

I feel the same way, also quit stimulant drugs a little over a year ago. Also just nothing seems interesting at all (but I also felt that way even before ever getting into drugs, which, I mean aside from the negatives they did help with that).

>> No.57321247

>6'2" anon saying height doesn't matter
It's literally a prereq to being a man. That's me being objective. My genes say "deformed little boy". They say "genetic dead end". On top of that it fucked me up with love (pushed people away), interviews (discrimination over being a deformed midget and being seen as lacking confidence. Also employers don't like youthful looking people either). School (long ass story. Basically an essay if I explained it).

EVERY part of my life got fucked. I used to do shit like 1000 pushups with 45lb on my back, etc. until this god broke my spirit. I'm a little boy and even the LL surgeries can't fix that as it gave me PTSD at this point and on top of that the LL surgeries can't fix my genes either.

>> No.57322103
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Life doesn't matter anymore and it has become very obvious everywhere you go.
You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even normies are blackpilled husks now.
I go to work and basically just do nothing. I don't give a shit if they fire me, it literally doesn't matter at this point. I'm poor if I'm NEETing and poor if I work full time. This society is pointless.
No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the fuck do we even go from here?

>> No.57322222

You guys took the vaccine didn't you?
Your height is literally the global average. Something like half of all men in the world are shorter than you. Even in the West, it isn't uncommon. I even know a 5'3 pajeet with a gf. You sound like a self-obsessed faggot.

>> No.57322295

Oh it’s you again
Fucking drama queen

>> No.57322300

>Even in the West, it isn't uncommon
LMAO I am shorter than 50% of females and 90% of males statistically speaking. I don't care if some third worlder is shorter. This is a midget height

>> No.57322332

watch this or shut up

>> No.57322350

you watch this aswell and stop blaming God for being depressed about stuff only whores care about

>> No.57322351

>d-drama queen!
>would rope if they had my life
Ignorance truly is bliss

>> No.57322359

I’m 5’87” you pathetic faggot

>> No.57322362

god made me short which killed my dream. he predestined my hell. I had no control over this

>> No.57322383


>> No.57322384

LOOOOOL 5'9" and 5'5.5" are two different worlds, you dumb idiot. You are like a small ass increment away from average height. I on the other hand would have to spend FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS to be average height. Again, ignorance is bliss.

>> No.57322426

It was a typo. I’m 5’7”. I tell everyone I’m 5’8” and do it so often I forgot my real height and just mistakenly didn’t delete the 8. My dick is bigger than the difference in our height.

>> No.57322437

My FLACID dick

>> No.57322441

Height is like money
All women love height
Less fish are caught
But the net doesn't lie

>> No.57322485
File: 168 KB, 659x900, 88B1A2D8-6418-49BC-A7DF-0E7D2BB964B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be 5'7" I'd still have to spend like 80k-120k
You're privilidged. Also pic rel further shows your privilidge.
Our exact heights aren't given here, but more or less your advantage is the equivalent to like 100k aka ai'd have to make 100k more than you PER YEAR to be seen as equal. You think ~1.5 inches ain't shit when in actuality every inch has LIFE CHANGING effects. On top of that to further highlight how disgusting being short is seen as, a 5'5" guy has a 13% dating pool (basically 1/10 women would be willing to date such an abomination). Your dating pool is closer to 33%. 1/10 is not the same as 1/3.

>> No.57322506

Life is worth it even if it's just shitposting.

Solving captcha just to type "sneed" is better than death

>> No.57322516

oh no buu-huu your hollywood dream was ruined
now ask any person of the past 5000 years if they want to swap places with you and maybe then you are able to realise the blessings you have
being born in country where you are free to worry about things like this already means you have it better than most other humans

>> No.57322549

>oh no buu-huu your hollywood dream was ruined
nigger take
>now ask any person of the past 5000 years if they want to swap places with you and maybe then you are able to realise the blessings you have
they'd say "we're good, midget". Before you say "they were the same height", that is disingenuous. 5'5" back then would be like 6'5" today.
>being born in country where you are free to worry about things like this already means you have it better than most other humans
another retard take
If you have 2 piles of shit and one is less shit (mine is more shit, but let's pretend it's not), guess what? Shit is still shit. This is like if you're in school and others get a 10% in a class and another gets a 20%. An F is still an F.

>> No.57322561

Find something you love and pursue it. You sound like a fucking woman caring what others think of you this much and crying about opportunities you hypothetically could have in an alternate world where you were someone else. God doesn't create your hell - you create your own.
Also, a woman whose love is conditional based on the inches of your height or the money in your bank account is not worth it and brings no satisfaction in the long run, at least not anything that can't be replaced with an escort. You would just be living a life devoid of authenticity pretending to love someone like that.
>but that's all women
Then maybe all women aren't worth it, and that's a freeing thought too.

>> No.57322583

>Find something you love and pursue it
I already had that and god stole it from me hence why I'm mentally fucked. he killed my dream.
>God doesn't create your hell - you create your own.
last I checked that dumb nigger was the one that made me 5'5.5". Not me
>Then maybe all women aren't worth it, and that's a freeing thought too.
it would be IF bitch god didn't slap in sexual hormones which only act as torture since it leaves me with the feeling of "never being able to get what feels like a need".
Fyi my face is good. I know objectively I can get someone because women have flirted with me before, but this mind fuck doesn't let me. I feel like a little boy in this dogshit body

>> No.57322590

i am not talking about height you obsessed incel
i am talking about the food, the quality of live, the fact that you have a device to shitpost on in the firstplace.

>> No.57322593

>i am talking about the food, the quality of live
you low IQ dumbass nigger. NONE of that matters when you're short because short males are better off dead. Imagine missing the point this hard. IQ fail

>> No.57322604

>the fact that you have a device to shitpost on in the firstplace.
Also, nigger. I LITERALLY just addressed this. Illiterate fuck, holy shit. Shit is still shit. One being less shit doesn't magically mean it's not shit. Can you read?

>> No.57322618

the day you die you will wake up in hell


>> No.57322628

i can read, but you are only writing low IQ comments. Let me drop your ass into africa and lets see how much you care about your height, when you are starving.

>> No.57322655

>I can read
>repeats the same shit
LMFAO you didn't comprehend what I said

>> No.57322663

Duh. I'm going to hell not because I deserve it, but because this god is satan and hates my ass. Tortured me in the world just to torture me even more in the next. What a "loving" god. What a joke

>> No.57322671

*this world

>> No.57322672

if you want to kys, send all your portofolio to me first chud

>> No.57322680

Why the fuck would I do that, jeet? Buy your own shit, nocoiner

>> No.57322701

ok, you are pitiful.
that's whats you want right? pity.
happy now?
oh yes, you have it so bad, nobody would be able to handle your situation. you literally have the hardest life possible.

>> No.57322718

when did /biz/ become a diary?

seriously. grow a pair.

>> No.57322722

Same addicted to coffee and cigs without I'm a comatosed zombie

>> No.57322734

>oh yes, you have it so bad, nobody would be able to handle your situation.
Fact. Even god would have roped
>you literally have the hardest life possible.
I would give it a 9.5 out of 10 in terms of the "hell on earth" meter. 10 being getting skinned alive, chopped in half with a chainsaw, etc.
Anything after 7 being "not worth living". That's the other funny thing. This god makes suicidal hard. Sure, I could swallow eye drops, but I have a primal fear of death. The objective side of me wants to die, but the primal side keeps me here. Satanic programming

>> No.57322743

>says the bitch that can't handle my life

>> No.57322747

its fucking talked about ALL over the internet. even fucking past generations.

>eat better
>get sun light

jesus christ . get to it

>> No.57322765

you have a fear of death because you would be going to hell.
my last comment to you.

>> No.57322768

I have a fear of death because
1. Primal programming
2. Predestined to hell because god hates my ass

>> No.57322777

>last I checked that dumb nigger was the one that made me 5'5.5". Not me
Existence itself is a bonus retard. You're like a negro crying about his handouts.
>short males are better off dead
>basing your self-worth over what roasties think

>> No.57322806

>Existence itself is a bonus retard. You're like a negro crying about his handouts.
LMAO that's like saying if someone is chopping you to bits, you should be happy for even being able to experience it. That's fucking stupid
>short males are better off dead
>basing your self-worth over what roasties think
Incorrect. I use roasties as an add-on to back up my thoughts. Objectively speaking being short is the opposite of masculinity meaning I'm not a real man due to this height which is torture. I live as a walking contradiction. Tortured every second of every day for something I can't even change

>> No.57322858

>this short nigger forgot about napoleon
>this nigger thinks his plight is harder than linkies having a bull run stolen
>t. Anon who has read your angst filled crying on this board for too long and remembers your original thread about surgery

>> No.57322862

you know what else is the opposite of being masculine? being a whiny little bitch on 4chan
but instead of improving where you can and living your best life, you sulk about not being 6'3 gigachad, how pathetic. Your size is not the problem, it is your mindset.

>> No.57322873

people like you would just find something else to blame even if they were 6'5