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57317182 No.57317182 [Reply] [Original]

growing old
well it’s started. i walked past what appeared to be a really short fully grown man and did a double take. after looking at him I realised he was a kid, maybe 12/13. never had that happen before.
how do I profit off this?
t. 26 year old boomer

>> No.57317199

I’m about to turn 30 and am depressed

>> No.57317223
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First just realize you're fucked. Then accept that you are fucked. Finally take the longevity pill. The only reason to make money is not sex. It is not stopping work. It is time. Money means more time to long longevity data.

>> No.57317229

Sell cosmetic surgery and anti aging products to kids

>> No.57317768

that's women talk

>> No.57318822

same here bro. You start noticing old guy shit but you just brush it under the rug. Some old man shit I've noticed lately
>having to shave my nose hairs
>thinking "its too loud in here"
>grunting when I sit / stand, even though im fit as fuck. Its almost psychosomatic
>speaking to younger people, I'm talking like a few years younger, in the dismissive 'thats cute' tone actually old people talk to you in
>discussion topics have been boomer esque lately, credit, taxes, stocks, mortgages, all that adult shit
I used to sell blow and rail party sluts now I just look forward to a glass of wine and a good book at the end of the week. what the fuck man

>> No.57318954

I saw a older teen wearing a short skirt in winter and though she must be cold. That's when I knew I was old.

>> No.57318969

accept it's part of life and enjoy every moment of your life
if you fucked up your youth dont fuck up the next part

>> No.57319891

26 is not that old dude.

>> No.57321226

>thinking "its too loud in here"
>my feet hurt

>> No.57321293
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>cutie smiles at you
>you imagine your life together
>you find out you were 22 when she was born

>> No.57321307

how short are we talking?