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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57312533 No.57312533 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ actually defends this

>> No.57312551

Losers have to exist so there can be winners. please stay a loser so I can keep winning.

>> No.57312557

bubble is about to pop

>> No.57312569


>> No.57312570

this board is called /biz/ not /commie/

>> No.57312573

t. loser

>> No.57312574

it's his choice right?
until everyone is making 5M with nobody working in plumbing there is still time
i mean like 1 or 2 years but there is till time with this clown world

>> No.57312579

It's more like I can't change the system so I refuse to wagie for life when others don't have to. Even without bullshit influencer tiktok shit, ceos siphon money in a scammy way thus I'd still hate being an employee and would aim to be the boss

>> No.57312593

>Thinking an oil rig gig pays $17 an hour

>> No.57312596

as if society wasnt used rule by people who just happened to born into the right family

>> No.57312602

>keeps you lights on
For what reason? If I can't coom then shut them off, I don't care. Left is only needed because the right.

>> No.57312617
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It will happen. Any day now.

>> No.57312640


>> No.57312659

Peak Anglo mentality

>> No.57312675

I mean you probably pay her onlyfans so yeah I defend her she is just harvesting coomers

>> No.57312676

It’s the idiots In left pic that fund the whores in right pic. If incels would stop using apps that give these women attention the problem would solve its self.

>> No.57312782

left is infinitely replaceable by billions of men, their work only directly impacts like what a few thousand people? right has realized attention is the most important commodity in regards to making money as your target market is literally billions of people

this is just the new "teacher makes 30k v football kicker makes millions"

>> No.57312957

Anglos are the ones funding OnlyFans

>> No.57312975

I'm surprised this OF shit and e-girls still works with AI being around honestly

>> No.57312999

im surprised it worked at all. who the fuck pays to see some pics of some whore that will never love him?

>> No.57313206

Cool but how do you support yourself? If it’s by leeching off others, then you’re just as bad as the CEOs.

>> No.57313249

In a way i get it. Some of the girls are just mind blowingly good looking and you wouldn’t have seen women that good looking naked before unless you were some complete giga chad.

>> No.57313337

yea because they're the scum that profits but not enough to be real winners. all you leaches will get what you deserve

>> No.57313380

incel thread

>> No.57313436
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the same people who complain about this also watch porn for 4 hours a day and pay these e-thots as TikTok and PornHub show them ads

>> No.57313525

Left receives no $$$ from advertisers because they aren't exposed to millions, meanwhile right has millions following them, so it allows advertisers to expose themselves to those millions of followers. Influencer gets paid by the advertisers.

Now you understand how money works? It simply switches hands. The one on the left, I think, deserves way more money, but his fatcat boss is hoarding it all for himself while good little wagie gets worked like a slave for scraps.

> Network = net worth

>> No.57313727

The oil faggot makes 40$ an hour to mass produce plastic. He's not a hero you faggot.

>> No.57313744
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Blame the fucking simps man.

The roastie is doing what it was genetically programmed to do. It's the simps who gave her the $5 million.

>> No.57313758
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Simps should be fucking executed in the streets.

>> No.57313761

>actually defends this
I don't like it, but woman on the right is more biologically valuable.
Precreation > lighting
Ass > determination
Scarcity > blue collar

>> No.57313779
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Also this.
Incels have to understand that men were always disposable in society and sent mostly to their deaths in warfare without ever cooming. Only the survivors and leaders would get to reproduce.

The incel phenomenon is attributable to the lack of mass casualty warfare in modern times creating a surplus of worthless, idle men.

If you want to reproduce, become better.

>> No.57313781

Nothing is stopping you from forming a gang of criminals and threatening influencers with violence to give you a percentage of your wealth.

>> No.57313786

>another "I don't understand supply and demand" thread

>> No.57313789

many oil rigs pay 6 figures a year.
its heavily compensated with many benefits.
oil rig floor hand jobs have been around since what, the first industrial revolution?
tiktok money has been around for a few years (<10) and if you stop trending your career is over.
imagine being so demoralized you stop thinking entirely.

>> No.57313852

Why wouldn't you target the simps?
Are you a fucking incel?

>> No.57313864

There has to be some kind of money laundry scheme going on OF,right?

Zoomers have no money and millenials were raised on free internet porn. Even if you account for redditor whales some of this revenues just make no sense. The content is not even on the level of what you get on Xvideos/porhub/red tube and those are free.

Not only that but a lot of those 10/10 OF girls date this suspiciously ugly guys which makes no sense since these girls make their own money.

Unless,the money is actually from the guys. I really think these guys are using these whores to laundry illegal money. Gambling site,drug dealers,scams,etc... all being cleaned by these whores.

>> No.57313870

>men were always disposable in society
>only survivors and leaders would reproduce
>become better
anon says the game has always been rigged then proceeds to tell them to change their stars.
>just become the leader of a country or somehow survive war bro!

>> No.57313910

>if you stop trending you have 5million in the bank and have evaded an entire life of wage slavery
sounds fair.

>> No.57314100
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have you seen the nerdy dweeb belle delphine gets fucked by? like wtf is with the ugly guys they are all with? glad im not the only one noticing that lil detail also

>> No.57314110

thtos deserve the rope

>> No.57314124

>bubble pops
>slut still has money and maybe has some for at least a year or two before whoring back and making 5mil again
>worker gets even more royalty fucked, down to the fucking gutter with him

Many such cases will happen

>> No.57314262

I literally don't even know that this woman exists. You're the retard giving her views so she has a greater reach.

>> No.57314263

>have you seen the nerdy dweeb belle delphine gets fucked by? like wtf is with the ugly guys they are all with? glad im not the only one noticing that lil detail also

Think about it!

>be ugly but smart incel
>Start making money through illegal means(drugs,crypto scams,gambling sites,child porn,etc...)
>Setup a bunch of paypall accounts
>Put a small amount of money each month on each account
>link those accounts to diffent OF user accounts.
>Donate the money to one or more whores who are also part of the scheme
>Whore withdraw the money
>Pays taxes + OF fees
>Money is now cleaner that the whores themselves.

The feds are either sleeping at the wheel or setting this schemes themselves.

>> No.57314305

dude it's always the buys business
they are the pimps, the whores are just the face
happens with belle delphine
happens with amouranth and that chinese guy who manage her
it's always the pimp doing the business

>> No.57314979


>> No.57315064

the market is always right

>> No.57315093

money is flowing to the content producers instead of tv/radio media corps as world took huge digitalized mobile leaps during the past decade

>> No.57315410

cope. 0.00001% of all famous people on tiktok actually have net worths in the 7 figures.
they dont even get it directly from tiktok but you know what i mean. its not a job its not feasible to get money from being famous alone unless you have a bob and vagene and choose to show them.

>> No.57315426
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That’s why I only believe in gambling rn, Dplay will bring me the vindication I so wholeheartedly desire

>> No.57315452

just like the trades, would you rather be in chronic pain by 40 for 100k a year in ur early years? meanwhile a tiktok thot can clear millions and then hire a financial advisor to invest the rest

>> No.57315847

Society will collapse eventually and there will be a return to the natural order. All that's keeping this empty husk standing is Jewish funny money, but even that is rapidly losing its imaginary worth.

>> No.57316769
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>happens with amouranth and that chinese guy who manage her

>Citation needed.

>> No.57316789

From NEET to the boss. Yup, that's how it goes in the real world.

>> No.57316812

>The incel phenomenon is attributable to the lack of mass casualty warfare in modern times creating a surplus of worthless, idle men.

I'm sure the last half century of feminism and cultural marxism has nothing to do with it

>> No.57316906

Nah, this is cope.
We are far more polygamous now than ever beford.
Without technology and complex social control systems (courts, cops, laws)... there would be no way for the 1% man to hold down the bottom 50-80%. They would just revolt and skullfuck him. Today there are no systemic ways to revolt. And women can fuck the top 1% from any point in the world, whereas before they were contained to their locality.