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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 737 B, 32x32, exorde_logo_32x32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57308914 No.57308914 [Reply] [Original]

After KNS being noted, the narrative is shifted to Utility/Infra.

> Exorde is the only decentralized network producing verifiable analytics
> Data is being integrated in various asset managers & trading firms
> Telegram rumor has it that Fidelity Digital Assets & CrunchDAO are implementing it
> Statistical report that Exorde emotional metrics LEAD token prices movement: https://docsend.com/view/6v6x426r4f8tixqn
> https://twitter.com/ExordeAlerts
50% of all Analytics API revenue will go to token buybacks.
The network is resilient, processes 3 millions posts & articles a day, with top notch emotional & NLP AI modules. Scalable as fuck, 100m items per months, 500k+ transactions a DAY (https://explorer.exorde.network)

a $2m market cap under the radar, the market cap will x10 easily to $20m without any speculation, the price was artificially suppressed due to lack of liquidity. Until now.

Available on Uni & MEXC (EXD_USDT)

DYOR, but it's a CLEAR no-brainer. The project is poised to generate millions in real-world B2B data earnings

>> No.57309018
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API is operational

>> No.57309030
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The data literally predicts price movement, for some tokens even more (AVAX, ICP).

>> No.57309118

Lmao we are -60% below launch price, thanks for the links, not a scam for once.
Also looked at their github ExordeLabs, look perfectly fine.
This thread probably going to be taken down by jannies thanks op

>> No.57309141

so what do the nodes do? run ai models and scrape data? I'll throw 1k at MEXC, chart is looking bullish

>> No.57309168
File: 116 KB, 1731x1003, discord_screenshot_data_per_hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they run a node, open source software
> https://docs.exorde.network/
> https://github.com/exorde-labs/exorde-client
It has some intelligence, scrapes data, processes it, pushes it to the Exorde blockchain for aggregation & validation (done by other nodes).
As I understand it, some workers are specialized, like the top 5 of the network is doing Twitter only, etc. They are paid monthly in EXD, like Bitcoin miners but for data
> pic rel from discord today

>> No.57309196
File: 148 KB, 2201x881, exd_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> current mcap: $2.7m
This is now a $0.20 waiting room
Get in faggots, we are pumping

>> No.57309444

BASED EXD CHAD. Buying the ultimate dune analytics of crypto sub 10m MC. We can literally 100x this year if the project plays out, I'm holding 100k EXD

>> No.57309463

trips of truth, fucking checked.
> $0.07387
+5% since this thread was posted anons... Still below $.125 and $0.2 VC price. Do not buy biz, wait for $0.30 kek

>> No.57309474

HAHA I remember this project being shilled hard on 4chan then getting dumped hard after pre-sale

yes I did fell for it, still holding 20k EXD....

>> No.57309506

Yep this fell due to retarded zombie VCs and lack of liquidity (obviously), but this is going to $1

>> No.57309549

I remember seeing like 1 thread but definitely not shilled even a lot. Thanks for the reminder after the dump

>> No.57309657

Just saying biz

>> No.57309721

> $0.077

>> No.57309729
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>> No.57309735

Alright faggot, I'm buying this chart, no other thread alive anyway. I reckon 20k is a good sui

>> No.57309748

> whole team is doxxed and white
> backed by 30 VCs including Outlier Ventures, Protocol Labs, SKALE Labs
don't buy stay poor, don't give a single fuck anon.

>> No.57309785
File: 13 KB, 370x286, donotbuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://etherscan.io/address/0x02de007d412266a2e0fa9287c103474170f06560
Just noticed that the token address starts with x02de (l33t exorde). based nerds

>> No.57309787


Exposed. This is the devs themselves posting here. They did the same thing around presale.

>> No.57309799

> we
> exposed
> muh it's the devs!
lmao just go choke elsewhere, are you dumb or?

>> No.57309818
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Well referring to we is a fair bit dodgy...

>> No.57309823

Kekek anon, made me laugh. biz is so dead it's like even worse than 2018

>> No.57309836

are you new? "wagmi", "we are pumping lads", "we are literally in 2019", "If we get a blow off top in". Literally who is NOT using "we"?

>> No.57309843
File: 115 KB, 1853x937, fagfagfagfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice candle kek, I guess we are going to $0.30 sooner than I thought with that liquidity

>> No.57309960

> $0.08 breached
simple as. Already +14% since thread was posted.

>> No.57309983

> https://docsend.com/view/6v6x426r4f8tixqn
I was reading this faggot thread but this got my attention. This could be unironically huge. If any firm integrates Exorde, it's game over, the market cap will go to $100m as a minimum. It reminds me of Numerai but less shady

>> No.57310066

wtf is that liquidity

>> No.57310102
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>> No.57310105

>mumbo jumbo
>MEXC the scam capitral

uhmmmm eat my hairy balls ?

>> No.57310133

you can also close the thread, faggot?

>> No.57310327

Why are you riding kns? Speak about you coin solely. You're the same anon who shat on kns for being general oracle validation and nothing interesting compared to your shit coin. Now kns is a good ride for you to bring attention to your bag? Kek

>> No.57310794

personally hold both
Oh and:
> $0.083
+18% on $EXD since the thread was posted

>> No.57311298

well I'm already up 20% since thread was posted and we still far from the 5m Market cap. Thanks OP I guess.

>> No.57311313

$0.10 waiting room

>> No.57311444

One last reminder, that there is VIRTUALLY NO SELL PRESSURE BELOW $0.20, because it's literally VC price. Yes you read that correctly.

Tokenomics clearly outlined here:
Supply & token audited by CertiK: https://skynet.certik.com/projects/exorde

Buy either now at low liq, or buy at a x5-x10 in a few weeks. Simple as.

End of spoonfeeding.

>> No.57311606

Bought this back in the spring around 30cents when it was first mentioned here. Sounded really promising back then and I lowered by avg buy price by picking up some at 4cents this summer. Nice to see some signs of life on this coin.

>> No.57311637

Holy set of holy trips. Cool logo, alright lads

>> No.57311788

Lmao very curious, that right when people started buying due to your shill campaign here, many wallets that never bought any EXD started selling. Not suspicious at all.

>> No.57311829

Also more than half a thread is the OP. Kek, lmao even. I guess I'll skip your 20% pump

>> No.57311845



Get out of here with your pump and dump bullshit.

>> No.57311875

how much for a make it stack?? there is not much liquidity

>> No.57311913

the liquidity is worse than a solana shitcoin, you are the exit liquidity

>> No.57311947

lmao you sound like a room temp iq mutt, seething over a literal 2m mc low cap

>> No.57312125

locked and loaded, we're about to take off boys

>> No.57312294

this. Nonsense kek.
Op here, Yes of course it is a shill like Precisely 100% of everything /biz/ (one hundred percent). Fucking tards. Is that bad? Well DYOR, first step is to start using your brain.

Or fuck off from thread back to your caves, not my first rodeo faggots
Yep it's the only concern, you can always add more, or wait for the 10x and appropriate liq. That's a low mc play

>> No.57312303

not pumping your bags ser

>> No.57312325

It's not even locked or burned, which is the case with solana shitcoins

>> No.57313060

kek yeah better pump billion dollar shitcoins ser
what fud is this, most tokens are locked for 5-10 years+, literally visible on etherscan

>> No.57313273
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>> No.57313381

poor fud

>> No.57313825

literally try to name just 2 other projects where tokens are locked in for more than even 5 years?
Protip you can't

Also folks actually around 5% is burned

>> No.57314669

Well, $0.0911
Happy 10 cents waiting room

>> No.57315056

I dont see the team on the website. Provide proof of whiteness and im buying

>> No.57315305

bags loaded, easy money. wagmi

>> No.57315344

> https://exorde.network/team
how could you not find it, anon?

>> No.57315381

10 cents achieved

>> No.57315397

I think providing liq to Uniswap might not be the worst of all ideas

>> No.57315453

> $10m circulating market cap is around 30 cents
15 cents waiting room I guess.

>> No.57315518

Get a bunch of it, 10k exd here
I just check the Twitter API price, and with just few customers they can even make more money than the current MC so for me it's no brainer
Let's wait the 1 dollars

>> No.57316278

12 cents damn