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57308566 No.57308566 [Reply] [Original]

So I have saved 1.4m at 34.
I'm going to do one more year of work for 150k-175k then try early retirement.

What is the best country to retire like a king at 35?

My top choices so far are phillipines, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Romania, Uzbekistan, Russia, Colombia, serbia, Latvia, and the UK (I have citizenship there, so exploring UK might be fun even if I'm working, but not living like a king).

What country can I basically buy 18 year old women to start a harem at a low cost?

>> No.57308573

You simply wont have enough to retire with such amount.
Inflation will eat your savings like you wouldnt believe.

Also lmao moving into a shithole so you get abducted or murdered the very second you're spotted as a rich retard.

>> No.57308621

Just act poor and keep most of your wealth in a safe box at a major bank in switzerland or something and fly out once a year to top up your account.

>> No.57308634

I normally don't share this with people because I want to keep it a secret. But I guess I will let you in on the secret.

Turkmenistan. It's got everything. Beautiful beaches, gorgeous mountains, the sexiest women in the world. And to top it off, you can purchase luxury housing for a fraction of the price of the west.

>> No.57308798

Put all your savings into good investments and grow that into a 10m. Only then can you relax. When you have 8 figures, put most of it into T bills and live like a lower or middle middle class. Go on vacation once or twice a year. Or live like a giga consoomer like you suggested and die poor.

>> No.57308995

delete this

>> No.57309072

>live like a giga consoomer like you suggested and die poor

Why in the fuck would I want to die rich?

>> No.57309088

wtf kind of job is paying that in UK
you must be living life on tutorial mode

>> No.57309098

The kind of job that has 70% income tax.
Bulgaria, latinoland

>> No.57309116

He's talking about retiring in the 3rd/2nd world, not in commiefornia or NYC you brainlets, $1.4 mill is comfortably enough for all those barring the UK

>> No.57309148

it is if you buy a mid home

>> No.57309296

he's also asking for a harem of 18 years olds, not a moderate quiet life. even in romania you're not funding that on ~$60k/y (assuming you make and draw roughly 4% from your 1M5 principal), unless you're an absolute chad and didn't need money anyway

>> No.57309307

how does it feel to be left behind?

>> No.57310513

I'm in USA working as a garbage man

>> No.57312519


>> No.57312635

>its another genetic dead end IT nerd wants to move to southeast asia to bang ugly gooks
You are a completely soulless animal so it doesn’t matter what you do.

>> No.57312637
File: 54 KB, 600x742, 2023-08-02 11.10.04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too crowded, you will be a king there for sure
Not as cheap as it once was (never been there so I'm talking based on what I've been told), it's SEA's party central, if you feel like that suits you at age 34, go ahead
Nicest people out of all of SEA (all of them are nice, but the Vietnamese are one level above) - very chill country, you might get bored, you might love it, idk.
EU is a good choice since when you get bored, you can get a 2hr flight to another EU country and enjoy for a week or two. Romania is a great choice, but ignore the capital. If you don't like smaller cities, like Cluj, maybe you should choose Sofia, Bulgaria instead.
Know people from there, lovely bunch, genuinely recommend you to travel there, maybe even meet with some of their sufi spiritual leaders, but if that's not your thing not sure what you'll even do in this country
these are weird times, I'd personally ignore. Also the good places are not necessarily cheap
Gotta stick to the good neighbourhoods, other than that people swear by it, can't give you any info though
Could be great, especially since it's not EU, but depends on what you need (for some EU is better). It has better "high end" neighbourhoods than the EU countries on the Balkans. But these might require a bit more than $2m.
Loved Estonia, Latvia I assume would be the often ignored little brother. Might be worth a try, unless you really need sunrise and sunset to be at standard times.
Maybe with a non-dom abuse, if your crypto is in a foreign bank? Depends where you lived when you bought it.
>What country can I basically buy 18 year old women to start a harem at a low cost?
Forget about Europe, that's for sure.

>> No.57312647

Also - Usually I'd recommend Malaysia, but it's meant for raising a family, and not degeneracy, so probably not your cup of tea.

>> No.57314141

turk women always have shit legs, no exception. they heavily interbred with mongolias, which to me is basically east asian. east asian ladies might have tight pussies (idk) but they all have SHORT, O-formed shit sticks

>> No.57314403

Romania if you don't want to be amog niggers or shitskins

>> No.57314686

>What country can I basically buy 18 year old women to start a harem at a low cost?
I think Brazil is your best bet unironically. Cost of living is low kind of low, brazilian currency is devalued as hell and there are many flavors of women to choose. There is an island called Florianópolis which I go often and I fucking love it. If you want white-ish women you should consider.

>> No.57314827


>> No.57314963

What about gypsies? They're browns

>> No.57315002

Literally only have to put 10% of the 1.4 mil into Chainlink and you are set for life by 2027

>> No.57315771

Romanians re literally brown

>> No.57316465
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tfw 900k at 29, NGMI am I

>> No.57316691

You could easily find a filipina to take care of every need. I bet she even works while you play vidya and smoke weed.

>> No.57316699

>So I have saved 1.4m at 34.
>I'm going to do one more year of work for 150k-175k then try early retirement.
Are you me?? I just turned 35, make a little a under $200k per year, have $1.8 mil NW and I'm also considering quitting work. My heart says quit now but my brain tells me keep working/investing to build up a bigger cushion.

>> No.57316782

nope you are like me im 28 with around 1.6 million and a 300k/yr job
all my peers are buying 5 million dollar homes and expensive cars and im wasting away in borderline poverty

>> No.57316796

Definitely the Philippines. It's cheap, speaks English, and has decent looking and very easy women. Even the harem LARP would probably be possible there. LatAm can be really rough if you aren't a normie, but if you commit to it, you can probably do well. EE is great if you want to betabux an emotionally distant """girlfriend""" but the girls aren't desperate these days and they know about foreign guys simping for them - was very disappointed with EE. Since the Philippines speaks English, it's better than the other SEA countries. People don't realize how big of a cockblocker a language barrier is.

As far as crime, you'll see none of it in Asia. In LatAm, you'll have to watch where you go every single day. EE is generally fine as far as crime goes, but you can't get away with making a complete ass of yourself. Quite frankly, the corrupt governments there scare me more than the criminals. (RIP Gonzalo)

But there's no need to commit to anything right away. Travel a bit and scout the countries out. But we all know you'll end up in coomer-paradise: the Philippines, where literal burn victims with $500k could spend their days living like a king and sleeping with cuties.

>> No.57317144

>has to move to some third world shithole
you didn't make it

also you have enough to live off dividends in any decent country, and rent a place and not put it on real cuckstate like your average bizretard

>> No.57317350

yeah... i just want like 2-3 more years
i still kind of want to get a multifamily building in ghetto bay area, or ghetto NW and pay 1/2 the mortgage off; then I can always fall back and work 4-5 months and have a place to store my stuff. Working 4-5 months the peak months; seems like a huge benefit for safe withdraw rates; and I can pick the good seasons where I make the most money

>> No.57317677

I'm at a similar age and NW and I plan to NEET with $2m in my dad's basement. Dead serious.

>> No.57318003

I’m in a similar boat, though my plan is to get a shack somewhere in Idaho or Montana