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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 334 KB, 615x603, spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57306443 No.57306443 [Reply] [Original]

How do you balance being frugal and spending money? assuming you're not already ridiculously rich

>> No.57306455

you die worthless without fucking pretty bitches

>> No.57306458

knew it. >>57306210

>> No.57306465

>an art to spending for girls
simp hands typed this

>> No.57306469

Spend money on assets and things that improve your life.
Be frugal by not purchasing consoomer products.

>> No.57306479

not spending shit on women, simp.

>> No.57306513

She can't get shit from me not even a burger

>> No.57306519

Im super frugal so I can spend a few hundred bucks on a chick to show her a great time without breaking a sweat. Frugal people have the ability to be the most generous. Paycheck to paycheck people can’t do that they complain about taking a girl out

>> No.57306530

women will suck and fuck you if you are attractive even if you are flat broke and don't spend shit on them, they will even give you gifts.

on the other side of the equation you can spend money, time, attention on women and if you aren't attractive you will get maybe some boring sex, enough to keep you happy and keep squeezing your wallet. no matter how rich you get you should never spend on a hoe, it's degrading.

>> No.57306542


>> No.57306546

>Frugal people have the ability to be the most generous.
retarded statement of the day

>> No.57306548

If you’re banging a girl and she is a high quality woman it doesn’t hurt to spend a little on her. Don’t be 100% chud incel about it. But obviously don’t spend shit if you’re even close to the friend zone

>> No.57306560

Yea because we have savings that poors and paycheck yolo’ers do not have

>> No.57306567

dont forget to say that charisma is more important then good looks in attraction

>> No.57306785

as a reward for good behaviour yes, if she does what you want consistently it's good to give her things, like you do with a kid.

>> No.57306797
File: 85 KB, 1284x1047, warren buffet zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending for girls
Nah, I'll be spending my money on making more money

>> No.57306804


>> No.57306807
File: 130 KB, 386x446, 1699857138642687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simp shall always be parted with his shekels, he is merely keeping them safe for her until she decides to collect