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57302115 No.57302115 [Reply] [Original]

>50% of luxury goods are sold to the middle and lower class
fucking how?

>> No.57302123


>> No.57302128


>> No.57302151

what is luxury perfume? what is luxury nail polish? what is a loan for a used mercedes? this is the grift. there are zero lower class people buying a 5000 dollar bath robe. they can't get a loan for it and it doesn't come in 100 dollar portions.

>> No.57302174

>50% of luxury goods are sold to the middle and lower class
the middle and lower class make up 95% of the population

>> No.57302175


>> No.57302180

And a 100% of (you)

>> No.57302245

not just women spending, but men spending to attract women

>simp buys car, Iphone, expensive clothes for pussy
>simp buys woman things for pussy
>simp gifts money to woman
>woman spends money on things

>> No.57302269

Actually rich people dont buy that peasant shit.
2000 dollar handbags made in China for 50 dollars isnt luxury, its a way to monetize nigger cattle's need for phony status.

>> No.57302292

It's unironically women. Luxury products make the woman feel she's as well off as all the other bitches she secretly looks up to. A woman would rather spend 8k on the purse and eat only toast for 3 months than feel the inner shame of not being part/having too. Purse was just an example. Everything expensive that other women like draws them like a magnet.
And if no man's around to pay for this shit, the lower class woman goes into debt for it.
Rewarding therself by consuming luxury is a woman's life. Not only in the west.

>> No.57302305

Its absolute cringe. Unless they default on all the debt at which point it is now based.

>> No.57302307


>> No.57302311


>> No.57302336
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I wear jewelry because I like it. It has nothing to do with women.

>> No.57302367

Are you gay?

>> No.57302388


>> No.57302401

Poor people wanting to look rich.

>> No.57302410
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Goyim gonna goy son!

>> No.57302423
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>> No.57302475


Nope. What do you think this means?

>> No.57302481

you will never be a real woman.

>> No.57303231


>> No.57303236

pretty much yeah

>> No.57303263
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Middle and lower class like to pretend, its like getting into beoble and see those fuckers farming Cat points everyday with empty wallets cause they think they'll have other use than buying sticker packs or skins lmao.

>> No.57303274
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you're going to regret not farming it when they release the token

>> No.57303393

"Luxury" was always a meme for poorfags.

>> No.57303741
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I wouldn´t mind if a brothel opened next to my house, I would set up shop selling clothes, perfumes and other stuff they needed, and it would probably drive my house price down which just means less taxes.

>> No.57303758

For many luxury goods, the seller can't make much money by selling a few items to the upper classes. A lot more money can be made by selling relatively inexpensive branded items to the lower and middle classes.

>> No.57303767

Social status is more important than wealth for narcissistic people.
It's the same reason why people with debt have big cars which cost them years of income.

>> No.57303766

I think it's only acceptable to wear the jew larry when you made it and are no longer middle class, otherwise it comes off retarded

>> No.57303978

A middle-class man can look good with a thousand-dollar watch if it's tasteful and complements his appearance.

>> No.57304139

>>50% of luxury goods are sold to the middle and lower class
>fucking how?
To broad of a definition of "luxury good". Lower/Middle class status items should be excluded from the more narrow definition, leaving only true luxury items.

>> No.57304263
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>I wouldn´t mind
>t. naive retard or actual underage b&
I think you would. There is a reason brothels, bars, drug dens, and gambling places are almost always segregated from residential areas in every country:
>guaranteed noise pollution from arguments, people arriving/leaving, man/woman drama, fights
>depending on the quality of the place, drunks showing up and yelling "hey is Pam there? I SAID IS PAM THERE."
>maybe even the occasional OH GOD IM GONNA CUUUUUUUUUUUM shattering the night calm and your sleep
>cops getting called for altercations (if youre lucky)
>handling it "inhouse" (if youre not lucky) and just fighting around your house
>traffic/parking problems
>cigarette butts everywhere
And I need not remind you that sex workers frequently have substance abuse problems, and the fewer drug users you have around you and your property, the better.
Mental health problems also, since selling your body and sucking dick for money is not what any of them put under "Future aspirations" in their high school yearbook (if they graduated). And with lots of women in one place you always have drama, always.

>it would probably drive my house price down which just means less taxes.
How fucking dumb are you, exactly?

>selling clothes, perfumes and other stuff they needed
I think you have the (somewhat retarded) assumption that you'll be next to a "classy" TV-style "escort service" with elegance and class. But it were that nice (it won't be lmao) they wouldn't be buying clothes or perfume from you, they'd go to a boutique.
No, you're not getting a "high-end establishment" with the finest "courtesans and female companions" Europe has to offer for $5k a night... you're getting a whorehouse full of illegal El Salvadoreans and Cambodians who don't speak a lick of English and give $40 rub and tugs. And they will make their problems your problems real quick

You have got to be underage or really sheltered. No offense.

>> No.57304277

But [if]*** it were that nice

>> No.57304410
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To answer OP:
Poors gonna poor. That is WHY many of them are poor. They not only have a lack of money (which can be changed), they have a complete and utter lack of ability to fix the situation because they have the poor impulse control, ability to delay gratification, and financial ignorance that comes from being poor. education/discipline > all

Example: luxury perfumes
>be me (upper-middle class American)
>grew up in a ZIP code that is like #12 for richest with a population over 50,000
>never bought designer clothes, jeans + band tee until I was like 25
>subarus growing up, which we kept until they practically fell apart before trading in
>mom never bought Dior or luxury anything, even though we could afford it.
>if she did, it was whatever smelled best and that was usually like 1/10 Dior's price

compare to:
>be my fiance (lower-working class French)
>super-disciplined financially because she has done her family's books since she was like 16
>before she did this, shit got... very unpleasant
>had to live in the car for a short spell because dad fucked up and spend their rent money selfishly
>mom is hardly better: she has a collection of hundreds of Dior bottles, expects Dior every birthday/Christmas/Mother's day
>parents both buy dumb shit like new cat furniture
>or always want to trade in the car for a new one every 2 years
They're good people but they're just... poor. It's like STOP buying dumb shit.
I don't even think her mom uses the Dior, I think she likes having it more than she likes using it.

Poor people just don't understand delayed gratification.

>> No.57304427

never bought designer clothes, [just] jeans + band tee [all day erry day] until I was like 25

>2 posts that required correction in 2 posts
>HA! HA! Time for bed!

>> No.57304543

This. Poors aren't poor because they "lack money", they lack money because they're low impulse control animals

>> No.57304582

Retards who want to flaunt fake status so they get into giga debt because they think it's free money

>> No.57304939


>> No.57305662

Forgot to mention:
Your mom is gonna be too busy working next door to buy perfume from you or make you tendies, so your dream is stupid.

>> No.57305743

Hahahaha thanks for the good laugh anon. You put so much thought into this imaginary scenario.

>> No.57305856

If you've been around poor people, you would understand. They literally cannot build wealth. They have money and they MUST spend it. A stimmie is a louis, a tax refund is an i-phone. Their idea of personal finance is that it's all completely rigged and that stocks are too complicated to invest in. They have no savings or investment account. When they get money, they have nowhere to put it. Furthermore, they're afraid. Afraid that some expense might come along and ruin their fun-money, or that their spouse will spend it first. So they spend it. They buy that $300 blender. They buy those tools they'll let rust away. They'll buy that FOOD. You have no idea how much poor people waste away on food. I think the fact that you need to eat is what makes it such a trap for them. They can't process the different between a $2 homemade lunch and a $14 one they doordashed. I grew up in one of these families that ate steak on the first day of the month and rice and beans on the last. Food and the other "necessities" were the real killers. The dumb luxury purchases were spaced out enough to not ultimately be consequential, and we could have actually absorbed the cost had we been prudent spenders in everything else.

>> No.57305872
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>> No.57305903

I think all necklaces and chains look gay unless you're a greasy Mediterranean monkey.

Being taken for a 100x ride on that metal rock is never a good look.

>> No.57306717

>heh heh well anon the rich get richer (by stepping on the neck of us poorfags)
I can sympathize, I didn't grow up in a top 15 richest zip code but I grew up upper middle class to an engineer and an accountant in the richest zipcode in my irrelevant Hamlet of a state. I hate the above expression, I had a coworker in my previous position whine about this in 2022 and he bought a 40k show ready 1950s pickup on credit. I saw the same thing over and over again, dumb people always buy shit they can't afford in an attempt to fit in in places they don't really belong. I never had designer jeans, the nicest I have bought was 35 dollar Duluth Trading Co jeans a year ago in my late 20s which are very nice for the money and will last a long time. I drive a hail damaged low mileage Jeep (paid in cash) and before that I drove a low mileage Nissan (paid in cash, put almost 100k miles on it before selling) with a small ding in the door from a parking lot accident and both were less than 10k out the door. What are we to do in a society where wealth inequality is predominantly caused by terrible financial decision making, I get inequality pisses people off but how do we correct terrible behaviors that screw people over when they do it to themselves willingly then bitch about the consequences after?

>> No.57306805

I have Luxury Vinyl Flooring in my house. I couldn’t imagine being a poor and not walking on this luxury every day.

>> No.57306837

>2000 dollar handbags made in China for 50 dollars isnt luxury,
speaking of this, i heard even like 20 years ago, that real luxury goods and the fakes sometimes even experts cant tell the difference. probably same factory type of shit. I remember when dvds were a thing like how the real dvds and the bootleg ones were made in the same province or city or factory or something.

>> No.57306844

You're allowed to have a simple, decent watch but much more than that and yeah, you should be worrying about other things.

>> No.57306854

You don't do anything, you ignore them and do your best to prevent their bad decisions from causing you problems

>> No.57306907

Is this by volume of goods, or by value?>>57302123

>> No.57307352
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>They have no savings or investment account. When they get money, they have nowhere to put it.
I think this is a big part of it along with FOOD of course. women buy so many $5-7 drinks so often and only drink of of it or less. so I guess add DRINK to that list too

>> No.57308061

It is not a 100% gendered issue but spending all you have is a female centered trait, atleast nowadays. When you lack a vision of the long-term future then having money on your ank account is just stupid. For them having a $5 drink on their hands to post on instagram and raise their social points is way more valuable than saving and investing that money.
This strategy holds some weight in poor shitholes like in Africa where resources used to be very perishable and they were too dumb to create good reliable methods to preserve stuff (salt and smoking), so people who spent all their resources in the present got the most bitches.
In modern times though, women are more prone to fall victim to this thinking. Women tended to be very conservative afterall their future was very fragile when they didn't have anti-conceptive methods, abortion and daddy state to give you free money. Advances in technology like the pill and feminism which forced women into the workforce eliminated all long-term thinking aspects of women and all it left is social status boosting.

TL DR: Women belong in the kitchen unironically.

>> No.57308225
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I wear big hoop earrings, as a man. I'm also straight and dating a model.

Explain this.