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57299695 No.57299695 [Reply] [Original]

What does $7 get you in your inflation fucked country?

>> No.57299717

not even a fast food hamburger in iceland.
good thing i live in japan

>> No.57299728

very good deal. damn

>> No.57299743

how tf does a 1st word country like japan have such cheap food?

>> No.57299766

Low wages

>> No.57299798

Whats that, orange peels?

>> No.57299799

inflation isn't fucked at all in my country and in fact is higher than it has been for quite some time

>> No.57299818

What tf is this orange balls?

>> No.57299823

I miss buying half a kilo of salmon roe at Costco Japan for 3500 yen

Here that shit is 20 bucks for 30g

>> No.57299826

Salmon roe

>> No.57299832

>bragging about something you had no hand in

>> No.57299853

It doesn't, most food places in Tokyo aren't that cheap. You need to go to lower-income areas to get cheaper food.

>> No.57299891

What? I've lived in Japan for 15 years, walk down any main street and you'll find cheaper food than eu/USA at a lot higher quality

>> No.57299898

Can get a fast food combo meal.

>> No.57299903

just doused with a bit of radiation and GMO

>> No.57299904
File: 23 KB, 400x400, Frank-Dux-f-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone likes uni.

>> No.57299908
File: 451 KB, 819x893, matsuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was in Tokyo a few years back. Once I discovered Matsuya I ate at one almost every day.
Always one nearby wherever you are in Tokyo, cheap, filling, tasty af for a northen European

>> No.57299909

It's $7 because the Yen got inflated the fuck away.

>> No.57299923

Food is cheaper because minimum wage in japan is fucking dogshit you fucking stupid fuck

>> No.57299925

They're not obsessed with population growth to make le number go up. At least they weren't, apparently that's changing now too

>> No.57299952
File: 115 KB, 480x640, IMG_8921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from isetan for $7.
Can you shut the fuck up if you clearly have no idea what you are talking about? Lol

>> No.57299982
File: 54 KB, 261x400, Biggie_Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the $7 should cover tax + tip

>> No.57299989
File: 20 KB, 500x430, woofie2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying here that Japan is not inflation fucked?

>> No.57300021

I just went skiing for 2 nights and 3 days of skiing in Hakuba for ¥50k, or $300. Tht included gas for a 3hr drive each way and tolls and my hotel stay along with lift tickets

>> No.57300061

Sea urchin or other sea creatures like that

>> No.57300081

what's the toy

>> No.57300089

The good thing is that Japs do not expect you to tip or order drinks. They'll just give you a nice glass of cold water and keep refilling it for free for you.

>> No.57300095
File: 26 KB, 636x633, 1618923566073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah nigger, $7 for a fucking UNI
aint no way you dummy

>> No.57300102

yeah bro because Japan is a comparatively poor country, you are arbitraging your wealth from a richer country lmao

try actually having a job in Japan, or converting all your money to Yens. PewDiePie actually cried when he moved because he converted his money to yens and was getting printed into poverty xD

learn the difference between inflation and being an expat maybe

>> No.57300112

Are you paid in dollars or yen? The yen lost like 50% to the dollar in just the past 3 years. I was in Tokyo in 2016, and shit was expensive. Right now everything is laughably cheap if your wealth/salary is in euros or dollars.

Seems like you don't know how inflation works.

>> No.57300118

I live in Japan and have for years. What are you on about mate.
Its way more affordable here on a Japanese wage compared to somewhere like London or Paris on a local wage there

>> No.57300149

I i know how it works fine. Inflation in Japan has been 1-3% for the past 3 years. Costs have barely gone up despite the depreciation and i have already noticed a lot of it going back down again already in the past months. Japanese consumers and such have not suffered like people in the UK/Europe/US over inflation in the past 4 years.

It might surprise YOU to learn something. The Japanese economy was built to handle the depreciation of the Yen as of late without imploding unlike elsewhere.

>> No.57300218

a giant pizza or 2 full meals
t. ruski

>> No.57300232

Lmao at all the seething mutts ITT
>be mutt
>make a thread about how your house went up 20x
>laugh at all the young people who are "priced out" of owning a home, buying quality food, and living an enjoyable life, as if that's some form of virtue, but at least I got mine
>someone makes thread about a non mutt country where things aren't inflated out of control and people enjoy cheap food/rent/mortgages/etc..

Notice how the mutt wants it both ways? The amerishart wants his bags to inflate, making everything more expensive everywhere, but he also gets lit up with envy at the sight of a low-inflation economy. What a bunch of fags lmao

>> No.57300247

Sea urchin (uni)

>> No.57300263

It is true.
Average income in Tokyo is say, ¥4.5mm.
However you can easily rent a family home 40mins commute out from central for ¥100k a month.

For London? You spend 65% of your salary to share a house with 4-5 strangers, all amenities but just a room of your own for 40mins out lol.

>> No.57300277

2 pounds of brisket

>> No.57300329
File: 55 KB, 873x411, Screenshot from 2024-01-15 14-57-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you on about mate
look up the definition of inflation then look at this graph

if you still don't get it, then just continue on your happy retard way

>> No.57300488

You’re a fucking idiot lol.
Currency devaluation does not automatically = inflation. Jesus christ man.
The yen has fluctuated a lot over past decades and in the past when closer to 130jpy to USD after devaluation from a previous 80jpy to USD the japanese economy was deep in deflation still anyway.

>> No.57300542
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>muh foreign exchange
Now look up real estate inflation adjusted to wages or any metric people give a fuck about and compare it to Japan. The US has 0.5% rental vacancy in most cities, whereas Japan's declining population makes housing much more affordable. I swear, the kikes keep you retarded muttgolem cattle on a leash too easy. Just gotta dangle a chart with a line going up and you think that's a strong economy

>> No.57300553


>> No.57300619
File: 292 KB, 1024x683, IMG_8858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could get 3 a couple years ago, now you can only get 2...

The Jews will pay for this.

>> No.57300648
File: 62 KB, 508x614, girl czech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can eat pretty good in Prague or Bangkok or similar second or third-rate place for money which gets you average food in Japan.

And by pretty good I mean splurging at high-tier restaurants, not street food or similar backpacking memes.

100 or 150 US bucks gets you couple above-average hamburgers in Japan.