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57297729 No.57297729 [Reply] [Original]

you're going to die one day

>> No.57297761
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>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife at 25
>He is sever autist (you can't detect severe autism during pregnacy)
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive and destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

>> No.57297762

if you still haven't made it (7 figures) you've run out of time.

>> No.57297782

Can't wait.

>> No.57297811

i try not to think about it :(

>> No.57297849
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will be today for millions.

>> No.57297870
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My body will.

>> No.57297887

thank god

>> No.57297910
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only my humanoid vehicle

>> No.57297914

I already have infinite times and so have you

>> No.57297933
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and? not my problem

>> No.57297940
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>> No.57297942

And one of those times was during dry sex with a hairless mule. How does that make you feel?

>> No.57298010

maybe you, im immortal nigger

>> No.57298034

chinese antinatalist spam
your country will never have an even gender ratio

>> No.57298206
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>> No.57298222

No, just my body.

>> No.57298260

Shut up, slave.

>> No.57298290

The elephant in the room no one wants to talk is the increasing numbers of disabled kids

No one wants to talk about it because if you told the population you have a 5-10% of having severe disabled kid natality rates will drop even faster.

Even young mothers and fathers are experiencing the increased risk of disabilities in their children so age is clearly not largest culprit if it even is a culprit at all.
No one knows for sure but a lot of much smarter people than us are saying that it is most likely the work of some pollutant that have increased in quantity over the last two decades, micro plastics is one of those pollutants that have been brought up many times as a likely source of this but it's almost blind speculation since no one knows for sure how 90% of the shit our industries pumps out into the biosphere actually affects the human body in the long term, the few who might know are either hiding their know for profit or doesn't care enough to spread awareness of it

chart doesn't really convey the catastrophic extent of the problem - to come out of almost nowhere and accelerate exponentially like that without any sign of slowing and without any serious investigation by health authorities is scary and shocking

The black pill that humanity is becoming unable at exponential rate to have healthy kids is too hard to swallow for the "muh legacy" conservatives.

For their mind is easier ignore the problem and think this will never happen to them that try to find a solution

Overdiagnosis theory doesn't make semse as 40% are non verbal and Nearly 78 percent of children with autism have at least one co-occurring mental health condition (Science Daily, January 2021)


>Air polution
>Weed during teen ages
>Tatto ink
>Paracetamol abuse
>Hair loss drugs

We don't really know

>> No.57298418

>death is le cessation of existence
Peak pseud. You can experience physical death because it is the separation of soul from body, nothing more.

>> No.57298454

nah, if your son was born with a pussy instead he would have just about anything he needed, and im not much into incel faggotry, but this one is true

>> No.57298464

Hopefully within the next 5 years

>> No.57298471
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>tfw dying

>> No.57298528

you forgot


>> No.57298535


>> No.57298755

I tell you every time I see you post this pasta or similar, and I will tell you again.
It's the vaccines.

Biggest taboo and no one will ever be allowed to do a scientific study on non vaxed vs vaxed kids. Vaxed parents also already increases the risk.

>> No.57298829

nice, I'll take notes

>> No.57299715

All i want is the american dream and this is my nightmare. You should be able to put down severely autistic kids. Its like a living hell for everyone involved and costs a ridiculous amount of money.

>> No.57299730


Rejection of the spirit is the only unforgivable sin

>> No.57299751
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It's the single most reassuring thought I have. No matter how awful this world will become, no matter how shitty my life can get, at some point it will all just end. Feels good man.

>> No.57299817

Forced endless existence as an alternative sounds like hell. As long as you can anhero perhaps it would be great.

>> No.57299928

existence is endless as you cannot perceive non existence

>> No.57300020
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>> No.57300028
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this anon gets it

>> No.57300122
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>> No.57300155
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nah, not me

>> No.57300689
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>Year 2024 of the 5th era
>Not being a god

>> No.57300911

And that's a good thing

>> No.57300945

I would kill myself or move out to evade responsibility, this is god insulting you in your face, would not be able to take it.

>> No.57300952

yeah but i know where i am going

>> No.57301000
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Not if I get trips, faggot. I'll live as a legend

>> No.57301169 [DELETED] 


>> No.57301241
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Seek Christ, legend. See you heaven.

>> No.57301476

Mother of God he did it ...

>> No.57301960

two consenting adults who love each other and trust each other fully can get away with whatever they want
i shouldn't need to say more. screening for children happens before you're even engaged

>> No.57302168
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Don't fall for this antinatalist propaganda.