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57292400 No.57292400 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a conversation about housing, starting with a few axioms:

1) Housing is too expensive (defined as taking too large a portion of income to allow for responsible spending and saving for other expenses)

2) The only way to make housing less expensive is to lower housing prices (we have learned that under no circumstances will wage/salary increases be allowed to lower the balance of income spent on housing)

The common wisdom is that housing prices will drop when more supply comes on the market. However, under current circumstances, this is impossible; builders will not voluntarily cut their margins to create MORE work, and current homeowners will not allow new housing to be built at rates that will significantly lower their own housing value. The only building being allowed atm are ADUs (which INCREASE property values), high-margin MFH, and rentals; i.e., onky housing that exacerbates the affordability problem by extracting greater amounts of profit and diverting resources from affordability-focused building.

To put it shortly, prices based on inventory will never go down, because it's not in the interests if any if the parties that are involved.

Younger Gen X, Millennials, and Zoomers thus have to come up with a way to route around the traditional housing markets, or to create circumstances where owners and builders actually desire a decline in their home values.

>> No.57292403

A few examples:

1) Spontaneous mass appearance of mobile/tiny home colonies which authorities could not feasibly evict. Possibly blocking interstates. Must include affluent X/Millennial/Zoomers, by convincing them that amount their housing expenditures are excessive, with the excess better put towards savings or other goods/services; otherwise, they will be used by the establishment to discredit and undermine the movement.

2) Create a network of local organizations whose purpose is to purchase/build MFH units for the use of its members, at-cost. Cut for-profit developers out.

3) Begin harrassing/assassinating individuals who promote the status quo, with the explicit and singular demand being a repeal of policies that keep housing prices artificially high.

>> No.57292452
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Get rich of crypto and trade for a mansion so you don't pay taxes on a crypto to crypto event

>> No.57292466

law that bans people from owning more than 2 homes

and ban company "investments" into residential real estate

basically a set of laws that treat homes as a basic human need and not an investment tool

>> No.57292497
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Kys libtard

>> No.57292561

Axioms are wrong. Homes are not expensive when 3 families agree to share one bedroom. Allows you solve the income ratio problem. Roomates, rentcucks, roomates! Thats the solution you’ll have to accept. Theres nothing else. Goodbye. In a scramble competition, you’re either early or you’re an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.57292580

Yeah because crypto the to house transaction isn't taxed.


>> No.57292618

enjoy your societal collapse and invasion of third worlders that live in slums while your countrymen rent forever without being able to start families

>> No.57292740

Just ban hedge funds and other investment firms from owning single family homes. It’s really that simple, or tax said entities into oblivion for it. Those firms/entities follow the easy money or the highest return, lowest risk money, and it doesn’t really matter what that is. It’s just right now, that’s real estate. And boomers just so happen to benefit off of it, and don’t care to change it. Boomers are the kind of people that will aggressively defend something that only marginally benefits them, regardless of how many other people it hurts, even their own children/grandchildren.

>> No.57292743

An actual person has to be on the deed, and they have to show up, in-person, to sign it in front of a registrar. No joint owners, no trusts, no corporations, any singular unit where someone sleeps and shits.

>> No.57292777

What if someone maimed you and burned all your possessions? If you're offended by this, why would you suggest something equally as heinous befall people like me?

>> No.57292817

It's easy enough to lower residential property values but of course those who have the power to make these changes will never do so unless forcibly removed. How lower prices:
1.No corporate or business ownership of residential property. No hedge funds. Only retail individuals allowed.
2. No foreign property ownership
3. End unskilled immigration
4. Severely curtail skilled immigration

>> No.57292900

curtailing immigration will not work without crashing the economy because the average American is obese and borderline illiterate. We import Ivans and Changs because their 5-18 schools dont suck. Jose jumps the border because we are 300 lbs and cant stand on a roof.
The first thing that must be done is to beat all white men down to 180 lbs and capable of using and building weapons.

>> No.57292974

>He doesn’t know how to do a 1069 exchange

BIG oof

>> No.57292983


>> No.57293071
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>To put it shortly, prices based on inventory will never go down
Prices always go down.
Never in history has the price of an asset continued upward without interruption.
The idea that "this time is different" and "prices will never go down" is the sure sign of a top in the market and a sign of an imminent correction.
It was the same in 2002-2007.
"Prices will never go down" because of X, Y, and Z.
Yet these explainations proved wrong just as the current explainations as to why property will never go down in price will prove wrong.
As to why houses are so expensive and people find it hard to afford accomodation at the moment, one major reason is lack of government subsidies.
After 1945 governments in the West subsidized the cost of accomodation.
America gave grants to developers, builders and homebuyers. President Truman for example capped the price of starter homes which drove the average price in todays money taking into account inflation to about 133,000 dollars.
European governments did the same by building houses and apartments and renting them out to the population or providing cheap morgages for those who didn't qualify for a morgage from a bank.
In the 1990s this all was scrapped and governments stopped building or subsidising accomodation and moved to the public-private partnership model.
Whereas governments objective was to provide accomodation not make a profit, the private sector is only interested in profit not accomodation, so they can build and keep apartments empty while waiting for rents to increase thus increasing homelessness.
One way people will be able to afford housing is to go back to the government model which existed from 1945 to 1992 but that does not seem likely anytime soon.
The second way people will afford housing is through a housing crash which is inevitable and will seen companies and individuals going bust and dumping inventory.
The fact that no one believes this will happen is proof that it is waiting just around the corner.

>> No.57293133
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>current homeowners will not allow new housing to be built at rates that will significantly lower their own housing value.
incorrect and you're just stupid take.

Current owners have no impact on what builders can do. Not reading the rest, re-do your thread from the start and give it a non-shit take.

>> No.57293349

Retard making up bullshit. The United States consistently ranks top in the world in post-secondary education, midwit retard. There is no need to import fucking anyone besides maybe healthcare professionals and important scientists. The US alone graduates several thousand qualified workers *in surplus*, not in total, for any given field. That doesn't include experienced professionals who are unemployed.

No, Americans are not willing to work for less than minimum wage, in unsafe conditions, for longer hours, with no workers' rights. But guess what, a third-world illegal for whom that's the norm won't have a problem living with 9 other people in a shoebox while being abused on a construction site.

People like you are literal crabs in a bucket subhumans promoting this race to the bottom where you're apparently expected to undercut someone who is willing to virtually be exploited like a borderline slave. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.57293356

stopped reading at axioms. dont know what that means. midwit thread

>> No.57293369

Just create housing on the blockchain durr

No. The truth is there is only one solution and that is the obvious solution that occured throughout history multiple times over and over Everytime shit like this occurs. It's called revolution.

Will zoomies and newer generations have the balls to take up revolution? Lmao shiggidity doo dah. But it's the only solution.

>> No.57293390

But that's like student loan forgiveness. Yes it's a broken system that needs a reset but it's not fair to the investors who came late to the party.

>> No.57293406

The only way to make the last 2 workable is to actually invest in minorities. Skilled immigration at its current scale is the result of Americans being unwilling to fix inner-city and rural education.

>> No.57293431

>public-private partnership model.

>> No.57293442

>Current owners have no impact on what builders can do.
incorrect and you're just stupid and don't
know what zoning and municipal review are take.

>> No.57294305

>The United States consistently ranks top in the world in post-secondary education, midwit retard

go to a top US college like Harvard or MIT and count the number of Ivans and Changs compared to Anglo Saxons.
oh wait, you cant and have not because you did not go to college.
also 5-18 school is not post secondary education you illiterate fuck, you made my point.

>you're apparently expected to undercut someone who is willing to virtually be exploited like a borderline slave.
triggered fat mutt detected. how is forcing you to be 180 lbs so you can choose to be a roofer borderline slavery?

you know what-- you are right. you will never compare to the endless source of Ivans and Vlads we can import from Ukraine. Lets make them honorary Anglo-Saxons and call it a century.

>> No.57294350
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Your axioms are false, housing is cheap, you're just poor.

>> No.57294369

>are take
midwit detected.
learn to type coherently.
you are on the right track but clear aren't a land/house owner, and clearly haven't ever built anything of value like a business/home.
the problem you are describing has essentially one root cause: currency devaluation.
Look at real housing prices over the last 100 years.
Then repost this thread with your newly learned information.

>> No.57294391

when will you retards realize that (((They))) are pricing you out of a home, so that they can give it to a dirty illegal immigrant FOR FREE

>> No.57294454

>t. Never sentence diagrammed
The quotation marks are implicit, dingus.
>you are on the right track but clear aren't a land/house owner, and clearly haven't ever built anything of value like a business/home.
You have a conflict of interest and cannot credibly speak on the subject. All you care about is maintaining the value of your crumbling construction and deteriorating land. Currency devaluation is a tool used purposely to hide the increasing indebtedness and insolvency of major institutions, caused by planners' insistence on trying to have their cake and eating it too. Suburbs were a mistake, America's racism and obsessive admiration of European landed gentry ruined its fiscal health (again).

Standby for my ETH wallet address so you can pay me for the education I just gave you.