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57289685 No.57289685 [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm going to kms
Also love of my life is married with kids. I messed up by not reciprocating feelings. Makes waging 100x more intolerable. I tried finding another woman, but I feel nothing for them. I'm in hell.

>> No.57289744

You made your own hell, your the only one who can change it.

Pro tip, posting frogs on biz is not helping.

Change the job you hate (if you really hate it every job is better), work on yourself physical and mental and when your in a good place start looking for someone to share your life with.

>> No.57289748
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Free your mind.

>> No.57289762

I did the same thing, and she is married with kids. The woman I had the most connection with/ shared humor. There's no point in thinking 'what if', just have to move on. Fix your life.

>> No.57289774

did either of you even date these women or did you just become obsessed with them and build up a fantasy around them like a loser, just curious

>> No.57289782

No but I'm pretty sure she had feelings for me, I wasn't really interested in her at the time.

>> No.57289792

ok...ya i was like this when i was 18, i hope youre not 18 anymore. i think every man goes through this but if you date enough youll find someone real to replace this fantasy girl you've never been with.

>> No.57289795

No, I'm an idiot. We were friends and she straight up told me she had feelings and tried to seduce me, but then I isolated myself because I was struggling with suicidal thoughts due to something unrelated (it's worse now) so she moved on and now I'm near 30. This shit is fucking up my head. I blew the only chance at love since the only women left are used up whores and people I can't bond with.

>> No.57289804

Doesn't work like that. Chicks have always flirted with me and the last one gave me her number. We had a lot in common and she was a traditional woman so I thought it could work, but even though she was pretty and basically perfect on paper, I didn't feel anything. Chemistry was lacking in conversations too.

>> No.57290205

>Makes waging 100x more intolerable
yep waging is literally hell when you don't have a wife and family to come home to. that's why i quit my job. then i found a gf that wants to make a family during traveling and not working for 2 years. and now i am considering doing a lil job again.

>> No.57290217

feelings are a scam dude. if you find a good one just take her. damn you are stupid.

>> I didn't "feel" anyhting

>> No.57290257

>People sometimes say that the way things happen in the movies is unreal, but actually, it’s the way things happen to you in life that’s unreal. The movies make emotions look strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it’s like you’re watching television – you don’t feel anything.

>Andy Warhol

>> No.57290284

Wrong. You just think like that because you've never felt a spark before

>> No.57290294

Let me out it this way. When I was around her my heart would beat quickly, my body would heat up, and I would turn red. I've never had that happen ever again

>> No.57290296

He's absolutely right. Limerence is for teenagers and the mentally ill. It doesn't work if you have a mature understanding of how people are. Take his advice, anon.

>> No.57290297

lmao i have felt a spark when i had a teenage girlfriend. grow up lmao. feelings are a scam. its' not real.

also you felt nothing with her because of your own doing. if you were actually happy on your own and full of energy then that is what you have felt. holy fuck bro. grow up. get some knowledge

>> "i didn't feel anythnig"
HAHAHAHAHA holy shit man

T.-Have girlfriend now and have had girlfriends all my life.

>> No.57290303

Quickly run back to the woman with Mohammed’s children and promise to take care of her and the kids.

>> No.57290306

Why bother with someone that I don't even have the urge to fuck? Marriages without passion end in divorce.
"grow up" is a retarded way of justifying settling with some random whore. Low IQ shit gaslighting attempt

>> No.57290307

He’s right you know. Lmao!!!

>> No.57290314

If you're going to samefag, change your writing style, cuck

>> No.57290320
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>"grow up" is a retarded way of justifying settling with some random whore. Low IQ shit gaslighting attempt

ok dude. wait until you "feel" something. get tricked by your emotions. then break up with her later cause you got tricked by thoughts in your mind. you literally want to live in delusion. you said no to a perfect match cause you are delusional.

>> No.57290328

>get tricked by your emotions. then break up with her later cause you got tricked by thoughts in your mind
this has got to be the dumbest take ever. You're literally saying pick any random chick ever. Have fun with your future divorce when you get bored of each other

>> No.57290347

>my 2 options are to feel teenage fuzzies or pick a literal rando
You may in fact be too emotionally underdeveloped for a relationship

>> No.57290355

Your logic is "make a relationship into a cold business proposal" and then continue with more low IQ gaslighting attempts. You actually have no idea what you're talking about. Again, enjoy your future divorce

>> No.57290382

It's not at all a cold business proposal. Romantic feelings are not a passive endeavor. The entire idea of "real" passion being a passive, overwhelming phenomenon is literally a civilization-wide psyop. It makes most people unhappy. Your choice.

>> No.57290383
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You met "the perfect girl" and you didn't take it because you "didn't feel anything" . you got tricked by your emotions and thoughts and when someone tells you this then you lash out like a fucking retard.
Enjoy being a retard. lmao

(forgive me I am not doing any personal attacks dear God, i hope that by calling him a retard maybe he would actually listen and understand)

>> No.57290431

>You met "the perfect girl" and you didn't take it because you "didn't feel anything"
because chemistry is random, retard. For instance we are genetically prone to be attracted by certain types of looks, voices, height, etc. Someone being perfect on paper doesn't magically guarantee I'll feel attraction. The fact that I even felt it for the one I refer to at all already proves it's a real thing. You've just never felt that before. You think you have, but you haven't
>Romantic feelings are not a passive endeavor.
wrong. You can't brute force it. If some person was fat for instance, I wouldn't magically want to fuck them just because they have a pussy and are "somewhat compatible".

>> No.57290452

>because chemistry is random,
then why the fuck did you deny the perfect girl for some thing that pops up randomly lmao. you are the retard.

last post. bye.

>> No.57290473

>then why the fuck did you deny the perfect girl for some thing that pops up randomly lmao.
Do you fucking hear yourself? Actual inbred. I'm saying someone being perfect doesn't magically mean I'll feel physically attracted to them. For instance let's say she was an ogre and looked like shrek. You actually fucking think I'll want to fuck shrek? Now she wasn't shrek. She was pretty, but point still stands. She didn't have traits that made me feel sexual attraction to them. The fact that I have to dumb this down

>> No.57290515

How do you know you and her would have worked out? Have you lived with each other before? Do you understand all of her quirks or just those she let's slip? Have you ever been in an intense argument with her and patched things up? If you answered 'no' to any of these, you're holding onto fantasy of 'what if' because her current husband can say 'yes' to all of these and they're still together.

>> No.57290522

>> I think i'm going to kms
>> I'm in hell
>> I denied the perfect girl
>> My feefees!!
>> My thoughts!!

I actually gave you really good advice but you are too pleb to understand. maybe you are mentally ill. get better soon.

>> No.57290552

>How do you know you and her would have worked out?
that's what kills me. If I had closure and things didn't work out, she'd just be an afterthought. But that said from what I did know of her, we did have chemistry. I feel like we were genetically compatible. I just backed off when things were getting beyond dark in my life. I didn't even say goodbye and basically left her wondering why I disappeared.
>If you answered 'no' to any of these, you're holding onto fantasy of 'what if' because her current husband can say 'yes' to all of these and they're still together.
I agree. My thoughts are based on what ifs and figure whatever flaws she may have would he insignificant as her husband is happily married with her. But that said I do think it would have worked out. I just don't believe anything would have been bad enough to make me lose attraction. Everything about her looked good to me and conversations were natural too.

>> No.57290558

your "advice" is to settle with anything that has a pulse. Your "advice" is erroneous because you're basically saying "you can develop romantic feelings with any female ever". That's not how it works

>> No.57290589
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show me where i said any of these things. you make assumptions and put words in my mouth.


>> No.57290625

Okay then correct me. Where did I lie?

>> No.57290677
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Love of my life left me in 2002 to find herself in California. Fucked a ‘DJ’ and had 2 kids. Now she’s a single mom in her 40s living in rural Colorado. I decided back then that I would never waste another ounce of emotion on a woman ever again. Now I’m worth a few million, have built my own personal empire and live stress free. No one tells me what to do, no one bitches at me, I shit with the door open and fart when ever I feel like it. I eat what I want, go where I want, and all this freedom is possible because some slut decided to leave me for a DJ many years ago.

Trust me bro, relationships are not wort in the current year

>> No.57290696

That's just the thing though, you think they would be insignificant, but in actuality, they may have bugged this shit out of you. Look, I've been through things similar to you, holding on to memories, wondering what if, not allowing others to get close because they "weren't her". I didn't give up on myself, but the idea of love itself. I went out, parties hard and allowed myself to be free and care about only myself. I was 29. I'm now 40, married, 2 kids, own a home and I can't think of anyone else that I would want by myself than my wife. Find freedom, find yourself before you look for someone to spend your life with, because you need to be fair and honest with them about who you are.

I can tell you for certain that all the bullshit in life and relationships that I went through prior to meeting her, I would do it all again if I knew it would lead me to her.

Stop searching for someone or purpose, let it come to you, but don't stop living your life and finding yourself.

>> No.57290705

She was different, trust me. But anyways it's good that you got your W. The thing with me though is if I get another chance next bullrun and actually make it this time, it won't fill the void I have. That and her moral support would have helped me a lot. A lot of the bad shit I went through could have been avoided if I had her as a net. If I had her, I probably would have already made it

>> No.57290771

She may have been what you thought was the love of your life, but to her, you weren't and that's okay. I'm glad you're living your life, but I would advise you to not allow yourself to be loved either. You need to forgive her and yourself and move on with life which you have purpose.

>> No.57290794

No you wouldn't have made it. You go through the course of your life through decisions of your own, take ownership of that. The past is the past, go earn your future and don't hedge your success on what you believe another person would have provided.

t. verification not required

>> No.57290839

>her moral support
Women do moral support? Are we talking about actual women (not your mother), you know these constantly nagging and blaming the world for their own stupidity creatures that we need to create offspring? Women? mMoral support? No wonder you feel like shit, if you expect the weaker sex to support you.

BTW, reddit is another website.

>> No.57290846

>No you wouldn't have made it
It makes more sense if you knew what exactly happened. I also came close last run but went full retard with leverage because of x reason. I won't say what. But point is if I had her, my mind would have been calmed and I never would have acted so irrationally. Let me put it this way. My desperation for x is why did some stupid shit that costed me 7 figs in opportunity cost

>> No.57290871

That's literally the point of a woman. To act as emotional support in your time of need. Vice versa, really. Thick or thin. Relationships are about communication and helping the other overcome hurdles. A companionship, not just some cold business relationship. Genuine care. Unlike most women, she wasn't the superficial fickle type. I can't stress enough how unique she was

>> No.57290904

Imagine knowing what people are up to and not immediately cutting contact once you move on from that stage in your life. Fucking retard

>> No.57290921

That's the gayest shit I've ever read today. You may need to go back

>> No.57290926

I'm mentally ill like that. I did try that for a few years btw. Some urge just brought me back out of curiosity. Actually I remember why I did it. I was thinking maybe she was single so I looked her up online and then I found out she was married with kids.

>> No.57290929

I hope the nigga ropes

>> No.57290940

You're an edgelord that doesn't understand relationships because the west poisoned your mind into thinking all that matters is getting body counts

>> No.57290942

You should never make nor assume personal life/relationships make for solid business decisions. People chase when they mix personal and business. Business is business, just keep it as numbers, no emotions, no chase, just business.

>> No.57290951

another retarded edgelord

>> No.57290963

>personal life/relationships make for solid business decisions.
Wrong. They quite obviously do. I was in a constant fight or flight mode which wouldn't have happened if I had peace of mind. It's that simple
Being in fight or flight mode = you do retarded itrational shit

>> No.57290968

>That's literally the point of a woman
wrong, it is (to some degree) the point of a healthy relationship.
If you break it down the only actual point of women is creating offspring and caring for said offspring. The relationship is (K-selection strategy) there for higher success of the offspring.
>act as emotional support in your time of need
Jesus Christ, you're constantly writing about these emotions, maybe you should do what men are actually better at than women, which is thinking and strength. Leave the overly emotional bullshit to the women and stop thinking like one. Especially on a fucking business board, where logic and thinking should be number 1.
Yeah, sure you do have emotions and you shouldn't throw them to the wayside but you're completely lost in them.

>> No.57290981

>wrong, it is (to some degree) the point of a healthy relationship.
you literally just said "I'm going to say it's wrong just to say it's right anyways"
>If you break it down the only actual point of women is creating offspring and caring for said offspring.
Simplistic edgelord logic. Stopped reading here.

>> No.57291040

no, you overly emotionalize simple facts. that's where your problem lays. just chill out a little more and don't get too emotionally attached to every thought, that ain't healthy. yeah maybe she was the one that could've and should've but shit happened and you can't change the past. keep on moving and try to find out where you went wrong and (most importantly) what you can do to make it better in the future. everything else is just noise.
anyhow, thanks for your blog but this isn't a blogger website, try X or reddit.

>> No.57291403

Holy shit I can't believe what an arrogant asshole OP is. The redarest of gorilla plebs I have ever seen.


>> No.57291724

I understand what you're saying, but you also allowed personal things get in the way of making good decisions. I hate to say it, but if you don't completely remove self from business decisions, you're going to make costly mistakes whether you're with or without someone. Bro, I've been there and done that, at the age of 29-30 I quit life and decided to do it all over again from 0. No matter what you think, no matter how much you make, she's with someone else and that's okay. You have a lot of life left to live and a lot of love left to give. Forgive yourself and move forward and allow yourself to look back one day and say 'that past was wild, but worth it."

>> No.57292288

I agree. I realized this recently when I started deeply caring for a girl I slept with. She has a wonderful personality, etc but she's a literal whore.

I finally followed the advice of "why do you care?", it made me realize my emotions don't line up with reality and I could've become an actual cuck.
The fact I cared so much made me realize I'm just really lonely and I'm projecting this onto women. They're objects in your life not life itself

>> No.57292348

Pathetic getting hung up on one woman, no matter who she is.
Even if you got with her, she would fuck off eventually.
Look at the high status Chad's unable to keep their woman around at the moment.
Drop the fairytale, embrace reality.

>> No.57292368

She was different. That's exactly why I'm hung up on her. I can't get her out of my head because instinctively I know how special she really was compared to the garbage out there. She was basically a too 1% woman. Not like the 99% of shit women out there

>> No.57292401
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kek get over it faggot you are unironically obsessing over some distant memory that was probably alot less special than you remember

>> No.57292503
File: 37 KB, 484x510, 2816D1D4-3C5C-4B1C-B708-E5568566A08F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this bear market did something to my head. If I were to describe it, it's sort of like I was skinned alive and became hyper sensitive. I wasn't like this during the bull market and not even during the last bear market. My brain went full emotional mode when I hit rock bottom. Like it turned the intensity up by 1000.
I'm also wondering if this is temporary and will feel "normal" once the bull market makes me wealthy again or if the bear market did permanent damage and made me this way for good.

>> No.57292555

Hmmmm... let me see actually. I did have mental issues my whole life and did retarded shit.. but in the same time what you see now truly is a more emotional side of me. Or it's a little different. I'm trying to remember my mindset exactly.
Let's see.. I was mentally fucked because of "x", but now I am more so mentally fucked about the woman.. but the way this woman is messing with my head has more intensity than the "x" issue ever did. By multiple folds even. So ya.. this bear market really tore me a new one.

>> No.57292566

Also I legit have actual nightmares about her. Regrets about not making her mine. I am not joking. I have had nightmares about this for the last 2 years.

>> No.57292629

>He has oneitis
Lol, lmao

>> No.57292686

you would too if you saw her. Straight up an 11/10. Combine that with her being a rare top 1% woman personality wise and you'd understand why I was driven mad.

>> No.57292811

what can you learn there? it seems it's mainly schizophrenia

>> No.57292838

i'll break it down to you, in retard :

- you create your own happiness (and feelings)
- a woman outside does not have any effect on your state of being (if it does you are utlrapleb)
- my thoughts! are illusions
- my feelings! are illusions


>> She was so special
no she wasn't lmao. holy shit. no one is special.

>> I am a baby.
the post.

>> No.57292846

This except unironically. She should hold traditional values, want many children, and treat your parents respectfully. Feelings run out after 3 years

>> No.57292849

>have built my own personal empire
what does this look like? glad you found redemption anon, trying to do the same thing. Debating whether I want to just rent and travel a lot once I make it or go the homesteading route away from society. I like having easy access to pussy within the cities though and idk I'd want the family route. I get bored of a single girl anytime we date 6+ months every time

>> No.57292862

>i'll break it down to you, in retard :
stopped reading there. I already broke it down in the very same post, you fucking inbred

>> No.57292870
File: 96 KB, 602x420, VishNuBRahMaShiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the retardest retard I have ever seen posting here. go to /adv or /r9k

>> No.57292877

You have the most inbred takes in this entire thread

>> No.57292885

and vid related is you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8MZBUoQt68

>> No.57292893

Didn't watch. Sorry. Can't take anything you post seriously

>> No.57292901

retard lmao. enjoy the wagecage and cope and seethe. no gf for you, ever. kys.

>> No.57292909

inbred lmao. All you're doing is seething because I got under your skin

>> No.57293075

loser, kys.

>> No.57293090

inbred, kys

>> No.57293107

sorry your boyfriend found a wife. Maybe next time faggot.

>> No.57293113

I'm going toward the same situation but she was a alcoholic whore and there's still a SLIGHT chance she comes back. I don't know why the love of my life is a walking red flag

>> No.57293192

I have a oneitis that I can't get over too OP, except I'm gay. I agree with your post that if we make it this bull run, it won't fill the void. But it's a consolation prize that people like us will have to take, it's better than nothing.

>> No.57293199

>love of my life is married with kids.

How is the love of your life already moved on so fast? Or are you still thinking about your highschool crush or some weird incel shit

>> No.57293241

some girl in the hallways smiled at him when he was 18 once and now he thinks he missed his chance now that he's 25. lmao

>> No.57293443

my oneitis kissed the italian kid that liked sonic hedgehog on the playground when I was in middle school. I was so hurt. now I thank God that happened

>> No.57293514

i expect nothing less from the same type of /biz/ psychos that throw their entire net worth into shitcoins like its nothing.