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57289242 No.57289242 [Reply] [Original]

I made 45k profits on a small cap altcoin in the last few months and the actual bullrun hasnt even started yet, and the altcoin I sold for the 45k profit is still going up......

Anyone who says "bitcoin is all that matters now" is lying to you, there will be millionaires made from altcoins again this bullrun, don't let bitcoin maxi's fud you out of the alt game.

Im not even here to shill anything but I know for a fact if I can make 45k from an altcoin in just a few months before the parabolic phase of the bullrun has even started tells me we're going to get another big alt boom again

>> No.57289286

You arent wrong I bought a coin back in may and it pumped so hard I was able to sell for 1 eth. chump change to what you got but some of these coins are pumping hard. congrats on your success anon.

>> No.57289303

bitcoin is all that matters.
you are making short term gains in an ever depreciating currency called USD. End game is always bitcoin. Check any altcoin chart vs bitcoin.

>> No.57289349


Where do you think the profits go into dummy? Bitcoin of course.

Nobody actually holds alts, are you low IQ or something?

>> No.57289357

"Anyone who says "bitcoin is all that matters now" is lying to you"

"Where do you think the profits go into dummy? Bitcoin of course."

are you fucking acoustic nigger?

>> No.57289364

Bitcoin mattered until last Wednesday, fucktard.
Bitcoin is now a tamed milking cow that works for the US govt. It doesn't matter to you in the slightest. It's done, lmao

>> No.57289385

I bought an alt 3 months ago, it went up and gave me $45k profits from $3k investment.

Those profits are now in Bitcoin.

Im not sure what youre incapable of comprehending, alts are still working just as they should.

>> No.57289388

mentally ill

>> No.57289418

damn this fucking board is full of retars its actually crazy people come here to have discussions. good luck staying poor retards

>> No.57289474

Enjoy buying the top. I'll keep shorting it, lmao.

>> No.57289486

Btc Maxis are fucking idiots. You guys are the most insufferable of all factions

>> No.57289531

any advice? i’m scouring sol shit casino day and night and i keep fuckkng up

>> No.57289624

Winning the sol shit casino is about betting on precious winners.
Sort the charts from most lost over 6h and 24h and go after the ones with the most volume despite the low price.
Give them a little and come back in a week.
>but what if I lose money
A coin at bottom won't go lower. That flattening curve has padded many a wallet here, I assure you.

>> No.57289690

appreciate that anon, is that how you made your profits?

>> No.57289718

Yep. Brand new coins are literally who knows. They could rug to 0 and die. Don't worry about being first.
Just grab popular stuff as cheap as you can get it.

>> No.57289755

NFTREASURE on avax is a def 10x. Dyor on twitter.