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57288949 No.57288949 [Reply] [Original]

How are zoomers so rich?
Every zoomer I meet has his own apartment at <22 years old, an 80k+ stock/crypto portfolio and is cash loaded

I thought zoomers were supposed to be the poor generation?
Meanwhile I'm a millenial who still can't afford a house

>> No.57288956

They jumped right into high wages post covid

>> No.57288976


Your anecdotes don't matter. Learn how statistics work.

>> No.57289113

They're lying because they think it brings them status, but are too young to realize everyone knows they're lying. A group of zoomers I work with only talk about trading after a big pump or a big dump that is being talked about on reddit/twitter. Somehow the day after they claim they bought/sold at the perfect time. Every. Single. Time. It's never about unheard of stocks or coins, always something that's blowing up on social media at that time. It's been like this for at least 3 years now, these guys should be unbelievably wealthy at this point, but they're just larping as the influencers they follow. It's sad really.

>> No.57289272
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Zoomers didn't enter the workforce until the majority of boomers were leaving the workforce and gen x was bringing in more of a European approach to work ethics.

Boomers, Gen, X, Millenials, Zoomers, doesn't matter. It's a majority society of lazy bitter talentless people who would rather build prisons and prance around role playing as cocksuckers to fraternities.

When it comes to the normie populace you can see the fear in their faces when someone with success and skill is within their presence.

They view people who can dance, sing, program computers, cook meals as if they are enemies, not teachers.

To them, everything is about slavery and authority. They know nothing of love and fruitfulness.

>> No.57289301

my mate is one of these and accidentially show me his portfolio which was worth like $500 lmfao
theyre probably telling the truth but the amounts they put in is just so negligible it may as well have been put on red/black to save time

>> No.57289326

True and bleak

>> No.57289492

>can dance, sing, cook meals
That's a teenage girl you're describing not a highly qualified professional

>> No.57289512

They are not. Most of them just larp and the ones who don't, have most "their money" in ponzis with zero liquidity and unrealized gains.

>> No.57289549

you'd be lucky to find a teenage girl that can spell

>> No.57289557

Singing, dancing and cooking are all easier than spelling. Cavemen did that shit

>> No.57289617

TikTok does not equal reality.

>> No.57289619

you are getting brainwashed by tiktok its sad but you are one of those millenials what will never make it

>> No.57289637


most white americans are fucked and good riddance, abomination to the European foundations.

>> No.57289654
File: 53 KB, 750x750, 80_750x750_Front_Color-White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This 100%

Mainstream Social Media is even more effective than what Television was on the boomers.

> it's real, it's all real!

>> No.57289663
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Are you just blindly trusting what a generation of literal retards is telling you about themselves?

>> No.57290020

there it is, I knew you were some bong or eurofag based on that first CRINGE fucking post